944 resultados para thiobarbituric acid reactive substance
Introdução: o óxido nítrico (NO) é um gás inorgânico com uma meia-vida curta e tem um papel crítico na manutenção da homeostase vascular e fluidez sanguínea. O NO é sintetizado a partir do aminoácido L-arginina por uma família de enzimas NO sintases (NOS). Estudos têm mostrado que eritrócitos expressam NOS endotelial (eNOS) funcional, que serve como uma fonte de NO intraluminal. Além disso, eritrócitos participam da defesa antioxidante removendo os radicais livres e prevenindo o dano oxidativo às membranas biológicas e a destruição do NO. Dietas hiperlípidicas estão associadas a um risco aumentado de doença cardiovacular e síndrome metabólica, mas os exatos mecanismos não estão completamente esclarecidos. O objetivo deste estudo foi investigar os efeitos de diferentes dietas hiperlípidicas na via L-arginina-NO e o estresse oxidativo em eritrócitos de camundongos. Metodologia: camundongos machos C57BL/6 de três meses de idade receberam diferentes dietas por 10 semanas: dieta normolipídica ou dieta hiperlipídica contendo banha de porco (HB), óleo de oliva (HO), óleo de girassol (HG) ou óleo de canola (HC). Foram analisados o transporte de L-arginina mediado pelos transportadores catiônicos y+ e y+L, a atividade da NOS, a expressão da eNOS e da NOS induzível (iNOS), a formação de substâncias reativas ao ácido tiobarbitúrico (TBARS) e a atividade das enzimas antioxidantes catalase (CAT) e superóxido dismutase (SOD). Resultados: o transporte total de L-arginina estava aumentado no grupo HO em comparação aos controles e aos outros grupos com dieta hiperlipídica. Quando o transporte foi fracionado, o sistema y+ estava mais ativado no grupo HO em relação aos controles e outros grupos que receberam dieta hiperlipídica. O transporte de L-arginina via sistema y+L estava maior nos grupos HO, HG e HC comparados aos grupos controle e HB. Adicionalmente, a atividade basal da NOS e a expressão de eNOS estavam aumentadas em eritrócitos independente do tipo de dieta hiperlípidica insaturada. Observou-se uma maior expressão da iNOS no grupo HO comparado ao controle. Em contraste, o grupo HB apresentou uma inibição da via L-arginina-NO. A análise da peroxidação lipídica, através da formação de TBARS, e da atividade da enzima antioxidante CAT não revelou diferenças entre os grupos, ao contrário do grupo HO, que induziu uma ativação de outra enzima antioxidante, a SOD. Conclusões: o presente estudo proporciona a primeira evidência de que os sistemas y+ e y+L regulam o transporte aumentado de L-arginina em eritrócitos de camundongos do grupo HO. Além disso, todas as dietas hiperlipídicas insaturadas induzem um aumento da atividade basal da NOS associada a uma expressão elevada da eNOS. É possível que diferentes mudanças na composição lipídica da membrana plasmática induzidas pelas dietas possam afetar transportadores e enzimas nos eritrócitos. Além disso, a inibição da via L-arginina-NO no grupo HB pode contribuir para o desenvolvimento da aterosclerose, enquanto dietas hiperlipídicas insaturadas podem ter um efeito protetor via aumento da geração de NO.
A Pré-eclâmpsia (PE) é uma síndrome hipertensiva específica da gravidez, atualmente compreendida como uma doença sistêmica que cursa com inflamação, distúrbios da coagulação, desordens metabólicas, disfunção endotelial e desequilíbrio entre agentes vasoconstrictores e vasodilatadores. Contudo, a fisiopatologia da PE ainda não foi completamente elucidada. Este estudo investigou, em 51 gestantes, o estresse oxidativo, a via L-arginina-óxido nítrico e agregação plaquetária, na gestação normal (n=27) e na PE (n=24). Amostras de soro e plaquetas de gestantes normotensas e com PE, foram utilizadas para a medida de espécies reativas ao ácido tiobarbitúrico (TBARS), a carbonilação de proteínas, a atividade das enzimas superóxido dismutase (SOD), catalase (CAT) e glutationa peroxidase (GPx), assim como a produção de óxido nítrico (NO) pela formação de nitrito. Nas plaquetas foram avaliados, também, o transporte de L-arginina, a atividade da óxido nítrico sintase (NOS) e a agregação plaquetária. Em amostras de plasma foram realizadas medidas da proteína C reativa ultra-sensível (PCRus) e do aminoácido L-arginina. Estes resultados demonstram que não há diferença nas medidas da proteína C reativa e da L-arginina entre gestantes normotensas e com PE. A formação de nitritos e a atividade das enzimas antioxidantes SOD, CAT e GPx se encontram reduzidas no soro de gestantes com PE, enquanto a medida de TBARS e a carbonilação de proteínas não foi diferente das gestantes normotensas. Em plaquetas, o transporte de L-arginina pelo sistema y+L está diminuído na PE, ao passo que, a atividade da NOS, a formação de nitrito e a agregação plaquetária não modificaram em relação a gestação normal. A carbonilação de proteínas está aumentada em plaquetas na PE e a atividade da CAT está reduzida. Concluiu-se, que a menor formação de nitrito no soro sugere uma menor produção de NO em pacientes com PE. Este dado correlaciona com uma redução da defesa antioxidante observada pela menor atividade das enzimas SOD, CAT, GPx que deve contribuir para uma maior inativação do NO. Apesar dos níveis plasmáticos normais de L-arginina na PE, o sistema de transporte via y+L está reduzido em plaquetas, o que pode estar associado em parte ao estresse oxidativo que contribui para alterações físicas e estruturais da membrana, podendo afetar o influxo do aminoácido. Apesar do transporte de L-arginina reduzido e do aumento do estresse oxidativo em plaquetas na PE, não houve alteração da atividade da NOS, da produção de NO e da agregação plaquetária, indicando que mecanismos compensatórios possam estar contribuindo para a manutenção da produção de NO e de sua função modulatória sobre a agregação
Nosso objetivo foi determinar que tipo de estatina pode atenuar a lesão pulmonar aguda (LPA) induzida por lipopolissacarídeo (LPS) em camundongos da linhagem C57Bl/6. Trinta camundongos machos ( 23 g) foram divididos em 5 grupos (n=6 cada): grupo LPS (10 mg/kg) administrado intraperitonealmente (i.p.), LPS mais atorvastatina (10 mg/kg/dia; grupo LPS+A), LPS mais pravastatina (5 mg/kg/dia; grupo LPS+P) e LPS mais sinvastatina (20 mg/kg/dia; grupo LPS+S). O grupo controle recebeu salina i.p.. Em um grupo separado de camundongos (n=5), a soma das pressões pulmonares resistivas e viscoelásticas (DeltaPtot) e elastância estática (E[st]) foram medidas. Um dia após a administração de LPS os camundongos foram sacrificados (24 h) por deslocamento cervical e logo em seguida foi realizado lavado broncoalveolar (LBA). Os pulmões foram removidos para análise histopatológica e homogeneizados para análises bioquímicas (ELISA, catalase, superóxido dismutase, mieloperoxidase, substâncias reativas ao ácido tiobarbitúrico, carbonilação de proteínas e método de Griess). A quantidade de leucócitos foi menor no grupo LPS+P (p<0,01) e LPS+S (p<0,05) em comparação ao grupo LPS. Os níveis de MCP-1 e IL-6 reduziram no grupo LPS+P (p<0,01), enquanto o grupo LPS + S mostrou redução apenas nos níveis de IL-6 (p<0,05) em comparação ao grupo LPS. Marcadores redox (superóxido dismutase e catalase) foram menores no grupo LPS+A (p<0,01) em comparação ao grupo LPS. A peroxidação lipídica (malondialdeído e hidroperóxidos) diminuiu em todos os grupos tratados (p<0,05) quando comparados ao grupo LPS. A mieloperoxidase foi menor no grupo LPS+P (p<0,01) quando comparado ao grupo LPS. DeltaPtot e E(st) foram, significativamente, maiores no grupo LPS do que nos outros grupos. Nossos resultados sugerem que atorvastatina e pravastatina, mas não a sinvastatina, exibiram ações anti-inflamatórias e antioxidantes na LPA induzida por LPS.
Triglycerides, phospholipids and sarcoplasmic proteins fractions of white pomfret produced considerable amounts of thiobarbituric acid reactive substances (TBRS) on irradiation. Incubation of malonaldehyde with pomfret skin under aseptic conditions developed yellow pigmentation of the skin tissues, similar in spectral characteristics to those produced on irradiation of the skin.
The objective of this study was to evaluate the sub-lethal toxicity of hexabromocyclododecane (HBCDD) in fish. Adult Chinese rare minnows as in vivo models were exposed to waterborne HBCDD from 1 to 500 mu g/l for 14, 28 and 42 days. Hepatic CYP1A1 (ethoxyresorufin-O-deethylase, EROD) and CYP2B1 (pentaoxyresorufin-O-depentylase, PROD) activities were measured. At the same time, molecular biomarkers of oxidative stress were also assayed in the brain, including reactive oxygen species (ROS), lipid peroxidation products (thiobarbituric acid-reactive substances, TBARS), DNA damage and protein carbonyl, as well as superoxide dismutase (SOD) activity and glutathione (GSH) content. DNA damage was evaluated using the Comet assay on erythrocytes. Besides, the content of HBCDD in whole fish was determined after 42 days exposure. The results show that HBCDD could induce EROD and PROD at 500 mu g/l after 28 days exposure, and at 100 to 500 mu g/l after 42 days exposure (P < 0.05), respectively. ROS formation in fish brain was observed to be increased in both time- and dose-dependent manner due to HBCDD exposure. The significant increases in TBARS and protein carbonyl contents occurred in fish brain after 28 and 42 days exposure (P < 0.05). Significant DNA damage in erythrocytes by Comet assay was also found in the 100-500 mu g/l exposure groups (P < 0.05) after 42 days exposure. Moreover, significant depletion in brain GSH content occurred in all treated groups (P < 0.05) and apparent inhibition in SOD activity in brain was observed in the groups of 10-500 mu g/l concentrations during 42 days exposure. The results demonstrate that increasing duration of HBCDD exposure induced EROD and PROD activities, caused excess ROS formation, finally resulted in oxidative damage to lipids, proteins and DNA and decreased antioxidant capacities in fish. Chemical analysis of HBCDD in whole fish showed accumulation up to 654 mu g/g wet weight. (c) 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Microcystins are a kind of cyclic hepatotoxins produced by many cyanobacterial species. Many works have been done concerning, the toxic effects of microcystins on animals and plants. However, the reports about their effects on microbial cells are very limited. In the present paper, Bacillus subtilis (B. subtilis) was used to determine the dose- and time-effect of microcystin-RR, and the results showed that the activity of antioxidant enzymes including superoxide dismutase (SOD) and catalase (CAT) was significantly increased to that of control, when exposed to 5 or 10 mu g/ml microcystin-RR for 1 h. The contents of thiobarbituric acid-reactive sub-stances (TBARS) and glutathione (GSH) as well as glu-tathione reductase (GR) activity were obviously increased only when exposed to 10 mu g/ml microcystin-RR. For the time-effect of microcystin-RR on B. subtilis, the activities of antioxidant enzymes including SOD and CAT as well as GR activity and TBARS, GSH contents in B. subtilis were at first significantly increased, and then subsequently de-creased. These results suggested that microcystin-RR could induce the oxidative stress of B. subtilis for a short period. The antioxidant system protects B. subtilis from oxidative damage.
In the present study, female Chinese rare minnows (Gobiocypris rarus) were used as in vivo models and exposed to nonylphenol (NP) at concentrations of 1 to 200 mu g/L for 21 d under semistatic conditions. Molecular biomarkers of oxidative stress were measured in unfertilized eggs and included reactive oxygen species (ROS), lipid peroxidation products (thiobarbituric acid-reactive substances [TBARS] and protein carbonyl), superoxide dismutase activity, and glutathione. Cathepsin D activity as an indicator of egg viability also was assayed. Nonylphenol induced ROS formation in unfertilized eggs in all exposed groups compared to the controls. The levels of protein carbonyl and TBARS in unfertilized eggs were significantly increased (p < 0.05) at 10 to 200 and 100 to 200 mu g/L, respectively. Good positive correlations were shown between ROS induction and levels of TBARS and protein carbonyl in eggs (R = 0.918, p < 0.05 and R = 0.784, p < 0.05, respectively). Superoxide dismutase activity in eggs was significantly inhibited (p < 0.05) in the 50 to 200 mu g/L exposure groups. Glutathione levels in eggs were significantly depleted (p < 0.05) at 100 to 200 mu g/L concentrations. In addition, ROS induction resulted in oxidative damage to lipid and protein in chorions. Significant reductions (p < 0.05) of the protein and lipid contents in chorions were both found in the 50 to 200 mu g/L exposure groups. A previous study found that NP exposure could lead to chorion thinning in zebra fish. Thus, the reductions in protein and lipid contents in chorion could be the reason for chorion thinning by NP exposure. Meanwhile, cathepsin D activity was significantly inhibited (p < 0.05) in all exposure groups. The results demonstrated that NP-induced oxidative stress could damage the chorion of unfertilized eggs and lead to a decline in gamete quality in female Chinese rare minnow.
Hexachlorobenzene (HCB)-induced oxidative damages have been published in rats while the effects have not yet been reported in fishes. Juvenile common carps (Cyprinus carpio) were exposed to waterborne HCB from 2 to 200 mu g l(-1) for 5, 10 or 20 days. Liver and brain were analyzed for various parameters of oxidative stress. There were no significant changes of glutathione (GSH) content and superoxide dismutase (SOD) activity in liver after 5 or 10 days exposure, whereas obvious drops were observed at higher concentrations after 20 days exposure. Significant decreases of GSH content and SOD activity in brain were found during all the exposure days. In brain, HCB also significantly elevated the contents of reactive oxygen species (ROS), thiobarbituric acid-reactive substances (TBARS, as an indicator of lipid peroxidation products), glutathione disulfide (GSSG), and activities of nitric oxide synthase (NOS), glutathione peroxidase (GPx), and glutathione reductase (GR), and inhibited activities of acetylcholinesterase (AchE) and glutathione S-transferase (GST). The results clearly demonstrated that environmentally possible level of HCB could result in oxidative stress in fish and brain was a sensitive target organ of HCB toxicity. (c) 2006 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Ian M. Scott, Shannon M. Clarke, Jacqueline E. Wood and Luis A.J. Mur (2004). Salicylate accumulation inhibits growth at chilling temperature in Arabidopsis. Plant Physiology, 135(2), 1040-1049. RAE2008
To investigate the role of modified low-density lipoproteins (LDL) in the pathogenesis of diabetic retinopathy, we studied the cytotoxicity of normal and mildly modified human LDL to bovine retinal capillary endothelial cells and pericytes in vitro. Pooled LDL was incubated (in phosphate-buffered saline-EDTA, 3 days, 37 degrees C) under 1) nitrogen with additional chelating agents and 2) air, to prepare normal and minimally oxidized LDL, respectively. Similar conditions, but with the addition of 50 mM D-glucose, were used to prepare glycated and glycoxidized LDL. None of the LDL preparations was recognized by the macrophage scavenger receptor, confirming limited modification. Retinal capillary endothelial cells and pericytes were grown to confluence and then exposed for 2 or 3 days to serum-free medium (1% albumin) supplemented with normal or modified LDL (100 mg/l) or to serum-free medium alone. Cytotoxicity was assessed by cell counting (live and total cells) and by cell protein determination. Compared with normal LDL, modified LDL were cytotoxic to both cell types at both time points, causing highly significant decreases in live and total cell counts (P <0.001) (analysis of variance). Reductions in cell protein also were significant for pericytes at day 3 (P = 0.016) and of borderline significance for endothelial cells at day 2 (P = 0.05) and day 3 (P = 0.063). Cytotoxicity increased as follows: normal <glycated <or = minimally oxidized <glycoxidized LDL. We conclude that, in diabetes, mild modification of LDL resulting from separate or combined processes of glycation and oxidation may contribute to chronic retinal capillary injury and thus to the development of diabetic retinopathy.
The objective was to determine the concentration of total selenium (Se) and the proportion of total Se comprised as selenomethionine (SeMet) and selenocysteine (SeCys) in post mortem tissues of beef cattle offered diets containing graded additions of selenized enriched yeast (SY) [Saccharomyces cerevisae CNCM I-3060]), or sodium selenite (SS). Oxidative stability and tissue glutathione peroxidase (GSH-Px) activity of edible muscle tissue were assessed 10 d post-mortem. Thirty two beef cattle were offered, for a period of 112 d, a total mixed ration which had either been supplemented with SY (0, 0.15 or 0.35 mg Se/kg DM) or SS (0.15 mg Se/kg DM). At enrollment (0 d) and at 28, 56, 84 and 112 d following enrollment, blood samples were taken for Se and Se species determination, as well as whole blood GSH-Px activity. At the end of the study beef cattle were euthanized and samples of heart, liver, kidney, and skeletal muscle (LM and psoas major) were retained for Se and Se species determination. Tissue GSH-Px activity and thiobarbituric acid reactive substances (TBARS) were determined in skeletal muscle tissue (LM only). The incorporation into the diet of ascending concentrations of Se as SY increased whole blood total Se and the proportion of total Se comprised as SeMet, as well as GSH-Px activity. There was also a dose dependant response to the graded addition of SY on total Se and proportion of total Se as SeMet in all tissues and GSH-Px activity in skeletal muscle tissue. Furthermore, total Se concentration of whole blood and tissues was greater in those animals offered SY when compared with those receiving a comparable dose of SS, indicating an improvement in Se availability and tissue Se retention. Likewise, GSH-Px activity in whole blood and LM was greater in those animals offered SY when compared with those receiving a comparable dose of SS. However, these increases in tissue total Se and GSH-Px activity appeared to have little or no effect in meat oxidative stability.
The objective was to determine the concentration of total selenium (Se) and the proportion of total Se comprised as selenomethionine (SeMet) and selenocysteine (SeCys), as well as meat quality in terms of oxidative stability in post mortem tissues of lambs offered diets with an increasing dose rate of selenized enriched yeast (SY), or sodium selenite (SS). Fifty lambs were offered, for a period of 112 d, a total mixed ration which had either been supplemented with SY (0, 0.11, 0.21 or 0.31 mg/kg DM to give total Se contents of 0.19, 0.3, 0.4 and 0.5 mg Se/kg DM for treatments T1, T2, T3 and T4, respectively) or SS (0.11 mg/kg DM to give 0.3 mg Se/kg DM total Se [T5]). At enrolment and at 28, 56, 84 and 112 d following enrolment, blood samples were taken for Se and Se species determination, as well as glutathione peroxidase (GSH-Px) activity. At the end of the study lambs were euthanased and samples of heart, liver, kidney, and skeletal muscle were retained for Se and Se species determination. Tissue GSH-Px activity and thiobarbituric acid reactive substances (TBARS) were determined in Longissimus Thoracis. The incorporation into the diet of ascending concentrations of Se as SY increased whole blood total Se and the proportion of total Se comprised as SeMet, and erythrocyte GSH-Px activity. Comparable doses of SS supplementation did not result in significant differences between these parameters. With the exception of kidney tissue, all other tissues showed a dose dependant response to increasing concentrations of dietary SY, such that total Se and SeMet increased. Selenium content of Psoas Major was higher in animals fed SY when compared to a similar dose of SS, indicating improvements in Se availability and retention. There were no significant treatment effects on meat quality assessments GHS-Px and TBARS, reflecting the lack of difference in the proportion of total Se that was comprised as SeCys. However, oxidative stability improved marginally with ascending tissue Se content, providing an indication of a linear dose response whereby TBARS improved with ascending SY inclusion.
Oxidised low density lipoprotein (LDL) may play a role in atherogenesis. We have investigated some of the mechanisms by which the thiol cysteine and the disulphide cystine can influence the oxidation of LDL by copper ions. Cysteine or cystine (100 PM) inhibited the oxidation of native LDL by copper in a simple phosphate buffer. One of the mechanisms by which cysteine (or more likely its oxidation products in the presence of copper) and cystine inhibited LDL oxidation was by decreasing the binding of copper to LDL (97% inhibition). Cysteine, but not cystine, rapidly reduced Cu2+ to Cu+. This may help to explain the antioxidant effect of cysteine as it may limit the amount of Cu2+ that is available to convert alpha-tocopherol in LDL into the prooxidant alpha-tocopherol radical. Cysteine (but not cystine) had a prooxidant effect, however, toward partially oxidised LDL in the presence of a low copper concentration, which may have been due to the rapid breakdown of lipid hydroperoxides in partially oxidised LDL by Cu+ generated by cysteine. To prove that cysteine can cause the rapid breakdown of lipid hydroperoxides in LDL, we enriched LDL with lipid hydroperoxides using an azo initiator in the absence of copper. Cysteine, but not cystine, increased the rate of lipid hydroperoxide decomposition to thiobarbituric acid-reactive substances (TBARS) in the presence of copper. (C) 2003 Elsevier Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.
The antioxidant activity of an extract from Teaw (Cratoxylum formosum Dyer) leaves was studied in soybean oil and soybean oil-in-water emulsions. Samples containing the extract or reference antioxidants including chlorogenic acid, which comprises 60% of the Teaw extract, were stored at 60 degrees C and analyzed periodically for peroxide value (PV) and thiobarbituric acid reactive substances (TBARS) to allow both hydroperoxides and hydroperoxide degradation products to be monitored. Chlorogenic acid and the Teaw extract were more effective than a-tocopherol in inhibiting lipid oxidation in bulk oil but were less effective in an oil-in-water emulsion in accordance with the polar paradox. The PV/TBARS ratio for oil samples containing chlorogenic acid was higher than for alpha-tocopherol and BHT because chlorogenic acid inhibits both hydroperoxide formation by radical scavenging and hydroperoxide decomposition by metal chelation. The importance of the metal-chelating activity in retarding hydroperoxide decomposition was confirmed by studying the decomposition of oil samples containing added ferric ions. The PV/TBARS ratio was higher for citric acid than for (x-tocopherol in the presence of added ferric chloride, but the order was reversed in samples lacking ferric chloride. Samples containing added chlorogenic acid gave the highest PV/TBARS ratios both in the presence and absence of ferric ions. The PV/TBARS ratios for the samples containing antioxidants fell rapidly to lower values in a soybean oil-in-water emulsion than in the soybean oil. This was due to increased hydroperoxide decomposition in the emulsion at the same PV. The Teaw extract contained 12% oil-soluble components, which contributed to a slightly higher oil-water partition coefficient than that of chlorogenic acid. The antioxidant activity of the aqueous phase of the Teaw extract was reduced more than that of chlorogenic acid by partitioning of the oil-soluble components into oil, which showed that the less-polar components contributed to the antioxidant activity of the Teaw extract in aqueous media.
Craloxylum formosum Dyer is consumed throughout the year as food and medicine in Thailand. It contains large amounts of chlorogenic acid and quinic acid derivatives. The antioxidative activity of the extract was studied in refined soybean oil coating on rice crackers without any seasoning. They were stored in accelerated oxidation conditions at 40 degrees C, 80% relative humidity (RH) in the dark for 18 days. The oxidative state of each sample was monitored by analyzing of the peroxide value (PV) and thiobarbituric acid reactive substances (TBARS) as well as by odor analysis by quantitative descriptive analysis (QDA). The C formosum extract was more effective than alpha-tocopherol due to metal ions present in the crackers, which resulted in alpha-tocopherol being less effective as an antioxidant. Sensory odor attributes of rice crackers were related more closely to TBARS than to PV values by linear regression analysis. The present study indicated that C. formosum extract was a promising source of a natural food antioxidant and was effective in inhibiting lipid oxidation in rice crackers.