70 resultados para thinness
Esta dissertação fala sobre o corpo. Mais especificamente sobre representações de corpo adolescente feminino produzidas e/ou veiculadas pela revista Capricho. Considerada por mim como um produto da mídia cujas imagens e textos falam às adolescentes deste tempo, analisei todas as edições publicadas nos anos de 2000 e 2001 buscando compreender o que a Capricho ensina às garotas com relação aos seus corpos. Fundamentada no campo teórico dos Estudos Culturais e na História do Corpo, teci minhas análises a partir de três temas: saúde, beleza e moda. Temas esses que emergiram da própria revista uma vez que ela está a falar deles o tempo todo. Decorrente das análises realizadas é possível afirmar que a Capricho, como parte integrante de uma pedagogia cultural, educa as garotas no que respeita à construção de um corpo jovem, moderno e saudável. Um corpo que, ao ser visto, sustenta um look. O look produzido pelas suas páginas e para o qual a garota deve investir diferenciados esforços, seja na aquisição de um jeito atlético e saudável de ser, seja na valorização da magreza e, ainda, na composição de um estilo baseado nos hits da moda.
Este trabalho apresenta a implantação de um sistema de avaliação e acompanhamento nutricional para trabalhadores. O sistema implantado tem como objetivo a busca de um ser humano mais saudável e satisfeito. A aplicação deste trabalho é ilustrada através de um estudo de caso que envolveu duas empresas: a empresa A, objeto da intervenção, e a empresa B, que serviu como grupo de controle. Na empresa A foi realizada a avaliação médico-nutricional do trabalhador, seguida de um acompanhamento nutricional, com dietas apropriadas a cada indivíduo. Os resultados avaliados estatisticamente, revelam uma melhoria significativa no estado de saúde dos trabalhadores, confirmada através da diminuição dos casos de obesidade, magreza, hipertensão e hipotensão. Na empresa B aplicou-se apenas a avaliação médico-nutricional, sem o devido acompanhamento alimentar. Nesta empresa, como seria esperado, uma vez que não foi feita nenhuma intervenção na dieta dos trabalhadores, os resultados da análise estatística revelam que não ocorreram modificações no perfil de saúde dos funcionários. Os resultados deste estudo de caso ajudam a confirmar o papel importante que a alimentação pode exercer sobre a saúde do trabalhador. Apoiado na literatura, pode ser afirmado que um trabalhador saudável terá maior satisfação no trabalho, alcançando os índices mais altos de produtividade. Desta forma, um programa de avaliação e acompanhamento nutricional pode gerar benefícios para todos os envolvidos: trabalhadores, empresa e sociedade em geral.
The environmental impacts, caused by the solid residues generation, are an often quoted concern nowadays. Some of these residues, which are originated from different human activities, can be fully reused, reducing the effects of the poor waste management on the environment. During the salt production process, the first formed crystals are discarded as industrial waste. This is mainly made of gypsum that is a calcium sulfate dihydrate (CaSO4.2H2O). The gypsum in question may go through a calcination process due to the plaster (CaSO4.0,5H2O) production and then the application on the cement industry. Considering the necessity of development and application for these industrial wastes, this paper aims to analyze the plaster, called Salgesso, from the gypsum that was generated during the salt production, and its use viability on the civil construction industry in order to create environmental and economical benefits. For characterization, the following experiments were performed: X-ray Fluorescence (XRF), X-ray Diffraction (XRD), thermal analysis (TG/DTG) and Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM) with EDS. The following tests were also performed to obtain the mechanical characteristics: Thinness Modulus, Unit Mass, Setting Time and Compressive Resistance. Three commercial plasters used on civil construction were taken as references. All of these tests were performed according to the current standards. It was noticed that although there were some conflicting findings between the salt and commercial plasters in all of the studied properties, the Salgesso has its values within the standard limits. However, there is the possibility to improve them by doing a more effective calcination process. Three commercial plasters, used in construction, were used as reference material. All tests were performed according to standards in force. It was observed that although some tests present conflicting findings between the salt and gypsum plasters commercial properties in all of the studied Salgesso have values within the limits imposed by the standard, but can be improved simply by calcination process more effective
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
In this work, doped AlGaAs/GaAs parabolic quantum wells (PQW) with different well widths (from 1000 angstrom up to 3000 angstrom) were investigated by means of photoluminescence (PL) measurements. In order to achieve the 2DEG inside the PQW Si delta doping is placed at both side of the well. We have observed that the thickness of this space layer plays a major rule on the characteristics of the 2DEG. It has to be thicker enough to prevent any diffusions of Si to the well and thin enough to allow electrons migration inside the well. From PL measurement, we have observed beside the intra well transitions, indirect transitions involving still trapped electron on the delta doping and holes inside the PQW. For the thinness sample, we have measured a well defined PL peak at low energy side of the GaAs bulk emission. With the increasing of the well thickness this peak intensity decreases and for the thickest sample it almost disappears. Our theoretical calculation indicated that carriers (electron and holes) are more placed at the center of the PQW. In this way, when the well thickness increases the distance between electrons on the delta doping and holes on the well also increases, it decreases the probability of occurrence of these indirect optical transitions. (C) 2012 Published by Elsevier B.V. Selection and/or peer-review under responsibility of Universidade Federal de Juiz de Fora, Brazil.
The concern about a good physical condition is heavily present nowadays, in documentary films about health and in the media, and it is also expressed through the outstanding growth of physical academies, beauty institutes and aesthetic medicine and all kind of aesthetic surgeries. In the western world the body wave is a significant trend, characterized by the great investments in body image. However, what is overlooked is the fact that in parallel trend grows the number of teenagers, especially females, with all kind of problems related to their body image. As adolescence is a moment of transformations, teenagers tend to be more aware of their body image and often neglect food ingestion and try to build their bodies following the images they have from top models and movie stars. The low self-esteem accompanying this sort of experience is an additional problem. Therefore the research aim to analyze discourses regarding the body image produced in world wide web diaries (blogs). The blogs selection was made through the site www.blogs.com.br, which is considered the widest guide of electronic diaries in Brazil. We looked after blogs including the keyword body and from adolescents aged 10 to 19, who showed concern about a slim body. Three blogs were chosen, considering the example criteria. Discourse analysis shows that these teenagers feel unsatisfied with their bodies, searching by all means the thinness presented as a aesthetic paradigm in western societies which often implies neglecting their own health, using appetite inhibitor drugs, restricting or totally abstaining food ingestion for long periods of time, or provoking themselves vomits after ingesting food. These behaviors, together with intense fear of gaining weight, can be characterized as alimentary disorders, related to the body image. As they usually hide this sort of behaviors from family and friends who do not share this concern, the blogs seem to be an easy tool for adolescents to find peers with whom to share common values and ideas and reaffirm their identities and virtual sense of community
Visando à obtenção de dados relativos aos efeitos de sistemas de preparo periódico do solo e sua relação com a degradação do solo e a capacidade de incorporação de resíduos, avaliaram-se a distribuição percentual de agregados do solo, o diâmetro médio geométrico, o módulo de finura e a incorporação de resíduos, durante o ano agrícola de 2001-2002. A área em estudo foi classificada como Latossolo Vermelho distrófico, localizada no município de Uberaba - MG. Utilizou-se do delineamento estatístico em blocos casualizados com quatro repetições, tendo como tratamentos o preparo periódico primário do solo com o escarificador, enxada rotativa, arado de aivecas, grade aradora e arado de discos. As análises dos resultados mostraram a enxada rotativa e a grade aradora como os equipamentos mais agressivos à estrutura do solo. O escarificador e a enxada rotativa apresentaram menor capacidade de incorporação dos resíduos vegetais. O escarificador manteve maior cobertura vegetal e maior grau de agregação do solo.
Background: Sex and individual differences in biological maturity status can influence height, weight, and body fat. Thus, the rigorous control of these variables seems necessary for estimating overweight and obesity in adolescents. The aims of this study were to estimate the prevalence of overweight and obesity and over-fatness in Azorean adolescents and to examine the contributions of chronological age, sex, estimated maturity status, and cardiorespiratory fitness (CRF) to the risk of overweight and obesity and over-fatness. Methods. The sample comprised 1,206 youth aged 11-15 years (626 boys and 580 girls) from the Azores Islands, Portugal. Body mass, stature, and skinfolds (triceps and subscapular) were measured. Body mass index (BMI) was calculated and percent fat was predicted from skinfolds. Age- and sex-specific IOTF cut-off values of the BMI defined nutritional status. Biological maturation was estimated as present height expressed as a percentage of predicted adult (mature) stature. The CRF was analyzed from the 20-m shuttle run test. Results: The total prevalence rates of overweight/obesity and over-fatness were of 31% and 27%, respectively. Low CRF (unfit) and being average and advanced in maturity status were positively and significantly associated with overweight/obesity and with risk of being over-fatness in both sexes. Conclusions: High prevalence rates of overweight/obesity and over-fatness were identified in Azorean youth, and low CRF and advanced biological maturation were positively associated with overweight/obesity and over-fatness in our sample of adolescents. © 2013 Coelho-e-Silva et al.; licensee BioMed Central Ltd.
Pós-graduação em Alimentos e Nutrição - FCFAR
Pós-graduação em Psicologia do Desenvolvimento e Aprendizagem - FC
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Enamel microabrasion can eliminate enamel irregularities and discoloration defects, improving the appearance of teeth. This article presents the latest treatment protocol of enamel microabrasion to remove stains on the enamel surface. It has been verified that teeth submitted to microabrasion acquire a yellowish color because of the thinness of the remaining enamel, revealing the color of dentinal tissue to a greater degree. In these clinical conditions, correction of the color pattern of these teeth can be obtained with a considerable margin of clinical success using products containing carbamide peroxide in custom trays. Thus, patients can benefit from combined enamel microabrasion/tooth bleaching therapy, which yields attractive cosmetic results. Esthetics plays an important role in contemporary dentistry, especially because the media emphasizes beauty and health. Currently, in many countries, a smile is considered beautiful if it imitates a natural appearance, with clear, well-aligned teeth and defined anatomical shapes.1-3 Enamel microabrasion is one technique that can be used to correct discolored enamel. This technique has been elucidated and strongly advocated by Croll and Cavanaugh since 1986,4 and by other investigators1,2,5-13 who suggested mechanical removal of enamel stains using acidic substances in conjunction with abrasive agents. Enamel microabrasion is indicated to remove intrinsic stains of any color and of hard texture, and is contraindicated for extrinsic stains, dentinal stains, for patients with deficient labial seals, and in cases where there is no possibility to place a rubber dam adequately during the microabrasion procedure.1,2 It should be emphasized that enamel microabrasion causes a microreduction on the enamel surface,3,6,10 and, in some cases, teeth submitted to microabrasion may appear a darker or yellowish color because the thin remaining enamel surface can reveal some of the dentinal tissue color. In these situations, according to Haywood and Heymann in 1989,14 correction of the color pattern of teeth can be obtained through the use of whitening products containing carbamide peroxide in custom trays. A considerable margin of clinical success has been shown when diligence to at-home protocols is achieved by the patient and supervised by the professional.3 Considering these possibilities, this article presents the microabrasion technique for removal of stains on dental enamel, followed by tooth bleaching with carbamide peroxide and composite resin restoration, if required. - See more at: https://www.dentalaegis.com/cced/2011/04/smile-restoration-through-use-of-enamel-microbrasion-associated-with-tooth-bleaching#sthash.N6jz2Bwk.dpuf
Enamel microabrasion can eliminate enamel irregularities and discoloration defects, improving the appearance of teeth. This article presents the latest treatment protocol of enamel microabrasion to remove stains on the enamel surface. It has been verified that teeth submitted to microabrasion acquire a yellowish color because of the thinness of the remaining enamel, revealing the color of dentinal tissue to a greater degree. In these clinical conditions, correction of the color pattern of these teeth can be obtained with a considerable margin of clinical success using products containing carbamide peroxide in custom trays. Thus, patients can benefit from combined enamel microabrasion/tooth bleaching therapy, which yields attractive cosmetic results. Esthetics plays an important role in contemporary dentistry, especially because the media emphasizes beauty and health. Currently, in many countries, a smile is considered beautiful if it imitates a natural appearance, with clear, well-aligned teeth and defined anatomical shapes.1-3 Enamel microabrasion is one technique that can be used to correct discolored enamel. This technique has been elucidated and strongly advocated by Croll and Cavanaugh since 1986,4 and by other investigators1,2,5-13 who suggested mechanical removal of enamel stains using acidic substances in conjunction with abrasive agents. Enamel microabrasion is indicated to remove intrinsic stains of any color and of hard texture, and is contraindicated for extrinsic stains, dentinal stains, for patients with deficient labial seals, and in cases where there is no possibility to place a rubber dam adequately during the microabrasion procedure.1,2 It should be emphasized that enamel microabrasion causes a microreduction on the enamel surface,3,6,10 and, in some cases, teeth submitted to microabrasion may appear a darker or yellowish color because the thin remaining enamel surface can reveal some of the dentinal tissue color. In these situations, according to Haywood and Heymann in 1989,14 correction of the color pattern of teeth can be obtained through the use of whitening products containing carbamide peroxide in custom trays. A considerable margin of clinical success has been shown when diligence to at-home protocols is achieved by the patient and supervised by the professional.3 Considering these possibilities, this article presents the microabrasion technique for removal of stains on dental enamel, followed by tooth bleaching with carbamide peroxide and composite resin restoration, if required.
Dentoalveolar traumatisms, particularly those that affect the anterior teeth, interfere adversely in the patient s life.Among them, tooth avulsion is pointed out because it is characterized as a complex injury that affects multiple tissues, andbecause there is no effective treatment available for its resolution with a stable long-term outcome.Aim/Hypothesis: The aim of the present study was to relate a clinical case of complete reconstruction of atrophy of the alveolarbone corresponding to tooth 11, lost by tooth resorption 10 years after the tooth reimplantation procedure.Material and methods: Reconstruction was performed with autogenous bone harvested from the mentum donor site. Surgicalaccess began in the receptor area with a Newman mucoperiosteal incision using a scalpel blade 15 mounted in a scalpel handlefor detachment and exposure of the receptor site. Extensive bone resorption was observed in the vestibular-palatine direction,proved by the thinness of the receptor bed. Decorticalization of the vestibular bone plate was performed. After preparing thereceptor bed, and incision was made in the mucosa in the depth of the anterior vestibular fornix, then a perpendicular muscleperiostealincision to detach and exposure the donor area. The bone graft necessary for reconstruction of the donor area wasdelimited, followed by monocortical osteotomy and the monocortical graft was removed. The next stage was to perform shapingfor passive graft accommodation and fixation by means of two bicortical screws. After fixation of the graft the sharp angles wererounded off in order to avoid possible exposure and/or fenestrations of the reconstructed area, then the receptor and donor areawere sutured. After the 6-month period to allow incorporation of the autogenous graft, an osseointegrated dental implant wasinserted. At the end of the 6-month period of waiting for osseointegration to occur, the process of fabricating the screw-retainedmetal ceramic