908 resultados para the big 5
This paper sets out to determine how small accounting firms can compete in the United States in the early 21st century. The first chapter identifies the central goal of the paper: namely, to use existing literature and market data to define a business strategy for Ross & Moncure, Inc., a small accounting firm in the metropolitan Washington area. The second chapter is a literature review, and in it the author finds that large accounting firms are advantaged in terms of reputation, ability to diversify, and ability to retain employees, but are disadvantaged in their ability to form longstanding successful relationships with clients. In the third chapter, the author explores the relationship between the Big Four firms and their employees. The goal of this chapter is to determine how small accounting firms can compete for top talent in the HR market, and the author finds that this can be done by offering faster career progression and more client interaction. The fourth chapter looks at the market for accounting services in the United States, exploring the different options that consumers have to meet their accounting needs. It is found in this chapter that big and small accounting firms tend to compete for clients of different profiles. In the fifth chapter, the author uses proprietary company data to explore the composition, existing strategy and culture of Ross & Moncure. In the sixth chapter, all of the previous chapters come together to formulate a strategy and plan for action for Ross & Moncure: specifically, that the firm should further cultivate networks and relationships, and should create a fulfilling professional environment by increasing client-employee interaction, encouraging external education, and allowing employees to take on many different projects
BACKGROUND: Sudden cardiac death (SCD) among the young is a rare and devastating event, but its exact incidence in many countries remains unknown. An autopsy is recommended in every case because some of the cardiac pathologies may have a genetic origin, which can have an impact on the living family members. The aims of this retrospective study completed in the canton of Vaud, Switzerland were to determine both the incidence of SCD and the autopsy rate for individuals from 5 to 39 years of age. METHODS: The study was conducted from 2000 to 2007 on the basis of official statistics and analysis of the International Classification of Diseases codes for potential SCDs and other deaths that might have been due to cardiac disease. RESULTS: During the 8 year study period there was an average of 292'546 persons aged 5-39 and there were a total of 1122 deaths, certified as potential SCDs in 3.6% of cases. The calculated incidence is 1.71/100'000 person-years (2.73 for men and 0.69 for women). If all possible cases of SCD (unexplained deaths, drowning, traffic accidents, etc.) are included, the incidence increases to 13.67/100'000 person-years. However, the quality of the officially available data was insufficient to provide an accurate incidence of SCD as well as autopsy rates. The presumed autopsy rate of sudden deaths classified as diseases of the circulatory system is 47.5%. For deaths of unknown cause (11.1% of the deaths), the autopsy was conducted in 13.7% of the cases according to codified data. CONCLUSIONS: The incidence of presumed SCD in the canton of Vaud, Switzerland, is comparable to the data published in the literature for other geographic regions but may be underestimated as it does not take into account other potential SCDs, as unexplained deaths. Increasing the autopsy rate of SCD in the young, better management of information obtained from autopsies as well developing of structured registry could improve the reliability of the statistical data, optimize the diagnostic procedures, and the preventive measures for the family members.
INTRODUCTION We functionally analyzed a frameshift mutation in the SCN5A gene encoding cardiac Na(+) channels (Nav1.5) found in a proband with repeated episodes of ventricular fibrillation who presented bradycardia and paroxysmal atrial fibrillation. Seven relatives also carry the mutation and showed a Brugada syndrome with an incomplete and variable expression. The mutation (p.D1816VfsX7) resulted in a severe truncation (201 residues) of the Nav1.5 C-terminus. METHODS AND RESULTS Wild-type (WT) and mutated Nav1.5 channels together with hNavβ1 were expressed in CHO cells and currents were recorded at room temperature using the whole-cell patch-clamp. Expression of p.D1816VfsX7 alone resulted in a marked reduction (≈90%) in peak Na(+) current density compared with WT channels. Peak current density generated by p.D1816VfsX7+WT was ≈50% of that generated by WT channels. p.D1816VfsX7 positively shifted activation and inactivation curves, leading to a significant reduction of the window current. The mutation accelerated current activation and reactivation kinetics and increased the fraction of channels developing slow inactivation with prolonged depolarizations. However, late INa was not modified by the mutation. p.D1816VfsX7 produced a marked reduction of channel trafficking toward the membrane that was not restored by decreasing incubation temperature during cell culture or by incubation with 300 μM mexiletine and 5 mM 4-phenylbutirate. CONCLUSION Despite a severe truncation of the C-terminus, the resulting mutated channels generate currents, albeit with reduced amplitude and altered biophysical properties, confirming the key role of the C-terminal domain in the expression and function of the cardiac Na(+) channel.
The key reference on the labour market and the logics of squad formation in the big-5 European leagues. One hundred richly coloured pages, illustrated by graphics, maps, rankings, statistical models and analysis in French and English which inform managers about potential strategies to put their clubs on the road to success help managers of federations and players' unions to understand current trends and to take decisions ... suggest to journalists new lines of investigation likely to interest the general public allow researchers and students to benefit from reliable and comparable sources, developed with the greatest possible rigour ... give fans the possibility to understand in detail the dynamics at work in their favourite sport and club.
Ligand-gated ion channels of the Cys loop family are receptors for small amine-containing neurotransmitters. Charged amino acids are strongly conserved in the ligand-binding domain of these receptor proteins. To investigate the role of particular residues in ligand binding of the serotonin 5-HT3AS receptor (5-HT3R), glutamate amino acid residues at three different positions, Glu97, Glu224, and Glu235, in the extracellular N-terminal domain were substituted with aspartate and glutamine using site-directed mutagenesis. Wild type and mutant receptor proteins were expressed in HEK293 cells and analyzed by electrophysiology, radioligand binding, fluorescence measurements, and immunochemistry. A structural model of the ligand-binding domain of the 5-HT3R based on the acetylcholine binding protein revealed the position of the mutated amino acids. Our results demonstrate that mutations of Glu97, distant from the ligand-binding site, had little effect on the receptor, whereas mutations Glu224 and Glu235, close to the predicted binding site, are indeed important for ligand binding. Mutations E224Q, E224D, and E235Q decreased EC50 and Kd values 5-20-fold, whereas E235D was functionally expressed at a low level and had a more than 100-fold increased EC50 value. Comparison of the fluorescence properties of a fluorescein-labeled antagonist upon binding to wild type 5-HT3R and E235Q, allowed us to localize Glu235 within a distance of 1 nm around the ligand-binding site, as proposed by our model.
Rapid growth in the availability and use of digital documents has prompted the development of instruments to handle them. A most important example of these instruments are digital identifiers, which provide a codification system that allows digital items, usually up to the level of a computer file, to be singled out and located. Digital identifiers make up standardized global systems applied to specific products or areas. They are part of the very many identifiers developed to handle large numbers of items and large amounts of information for transactional purposes, which often have a global span. Digital identifiers include the ubiquitous Global Trade Item Number (GTIN), a code that unequivocally identifies trade items all around the world. The GTIN can take on several configurations depending on its application. These include: EAN-13, EAN-8, EAN-14, and UCC-12. EAN-13 is the code used for retail products in order to facilitate trade at the point of sale; its widely known symbol or graphical form is the EAN/UPC-13 bar code...
Microtubule-associated protein 1A (MAP1A) is essential during the late differentiation phase of neuronal development. Here, we demonstrated the presence of two MAP1A isoforms with a differential spatial distribution in the adult mouse barrel cortex. Antibody A stained MAP1A in pyramidal and stellate cells, including dendrites that crossed layer IV in the septa between barrels. The other antibody, BW6 recognized a MAP1A isoform that was mainly confined to the barrel hollow and identified smaller caliber dendrites. Previously, an interaction of MAP1A and the serotonin 5-hydroxytryptamine 2A (5-HT(2A)) receptor was shown in the rat cortex. Here, we identified, by double-immunofluorescent labeling, MAP1A isoform and serotonin 5-HT(2A) receptor distribution. MAP1A co-localized mainly with 5-HT(2A) receptor in larger apical dendrites situated in septa. This differential staining of MAP1A and a serotonin receptor in defined barrel compartments may be due to changes in the expression or processing of MAP1A during dendritic transport as a consequence of functional differences in processing of whisker-related sensory input.
In response to local concerns, the Iowa Department of Transportation (DOT) requested a road safety audit (RSA) for the IA Highway 28 corridor through the City of Norwalk in Warren County, Iowa, from the south corporate limits of Norwalk through the IA 5 interchange in Polk County, Iowa. The audit included meeting with City staff to discuss concerns, review crash history and operational issues, observe the route under daylight and nighttime conditions, and analyze available data. This report outlines the findings and recommendations of the audit team for addressing the safety concerns and operational matters along this corridor.
This report discusses the accomplishments of the Center for Portland Cement Concrete Pavement Technology (PCC Center) at Iowa State University, which was founded in April 2000. The report discusses the advisory groups that guide the Center, and describes the facilities included in the Center. The two Center facilities are the PCC Pavement and Materials Research Laboratory and the Mobile Concrete Research Lab. The report details the combined test capability of the Center's two labs, and describes the research undertaken at the Center. Also included in the publication are long-term planning efforts and technology transfer studies.
Background:In January 2011 Spain modified clean air legislation in force since 2006, removing all existing exceptions applicable to hospitality venues. Although this legal reform was backed by all political parties with parliamentary representation, the government's initiative was contested by the tobacco industry and its allies in the hospitality industry. One of the most voiced arguments against the reform was its potentially disruptive effect on the revenue of hospitality venues. This paper evaluates the impact of this reform on household expenditure at restaurants and bars and cafeterias. Methods and empirical strategy:We use micro-data from the Encuesta de Presupuestos Familiares (EPF) for years 2006 to 2012 to estimate "two part" models where the probability of observing a positive expenditure and, for those who spend, the expected level of expenditure are functions of an array of explanatory variables. We apply a before-after analysis with a wide range of controls for confounding factors and a flexible modeling of time effects.Results:In line with the majority of studies that analyze the effects of smoking bans using objective data, our results suggest that the reform did not cause reductions in households' expenditures on restaurant services or on bars and cafeteria services.
The generic concept of the artificial meteorite experiment STONE is to fix rock samples bearing microorganisms on the heat shield of a recoverable space capsule and to study their modifications during atmospheric re-entry. The STONE-5 experiment was performed mainly to answer astrobiological questions. The rock samples mounted on the heat shield were used (i) as a carrier for microorganisms and (ii) as internal control to verify whether physical conditions during atmospheric re-entry were comparable to those experienced by "real" meteorites. Samples of dolerite (an igneous rock), sandstone (a sedimentary rock), and gneiss impactite from Haughton Crater carrying endolithic cyanobacteria were fixed to the heat shield of the unmanned recoverable capsule FOTON-M2. Holes drilled on the back side of each rock sample were loaded with bacterial and fungal spores and with dried vegetative cryptoendoliths. The front of the gneissic sample was also soaked with cryptoendoliths. <p>The mineralogical differences between pre- and post-flight samples are detailed. Despite intense ablation resulting in deeply eroded samples, all rocks in part survived atmospheric re-entry. Temperatures attained during re-entry were high enough to melt dolerite, silica, and the gneiss impactite sample. The formation of fusion crusts in STONE-5 was a real novelty and strengthens the link with real meteorites. The exposed part of the dolerite is covered by a fusion crust consisting of silicate glass formed from the rock sample with an admixture of holder material (silica). Compositionally, the fusion crust varies from silica-rich areas (undissolved silica fibres of the holder material) to areas whose composition is "basaltic". Likewise, the fusion crust on the exposed gneiss surface was formed from gneiss with an admixture of holder material. The corresponding composition of the fusion crust varies from silica-rich areas to areas with "gneiss" composition (main component potassium-rich feldspar). The sandstone sample was retrieved intact and did not develop a fusion crust. Thermal decomposition of the calcite matrix followed by disintegration and liberation of the silicate grains prevented the formation of a melt.</p> <p>Furthermore, the non-exposed surface of all samples experienced strong thermal alterations. Hot gases released during ablation pervaded the empty space between sample and sample holder leading to intense local heating. The intense heating below the protective sample holder led to surface melting of the dolerite rock and to the formation of calcium-silicate rims on quartz grains in the sandstone sample. (c) 2008 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.</p>
The exhibition "Isabel Banal. Via Lactea" is part of the exhibition cycle "Blanc sota negre. Treballs des de l'imperceptible / 5" curated by Joana Masó (Centre Dona i Literatura) and Assumpta Bassas (Universitat de Barcelona). In this exhibition, the artist shows long-term and open projects exhibited on five tables. The table is one of the central elements from the beginning of her career, in relation to the creative and domestic space, but also as a double metaphor for the ground and for soil.