988 resultados para text-dependent speaker recognition


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The QUT-NOISE-SRE protocol is designed to mix the large QUT-NOISE database, consisting of over 10 hours of back- ground noise, collected across 10 unique locations covering 5 common noise scenarios, with commonly used speaker recognition datasets such as Switchboard, Mixer and the speaker recognition evaluation (SRE) datasets provided by NIST. By allowing common, clean, speech corpora to be mixed with a wide variety of noise conditions, environmental reverberant responses, and signal-to-noise ratios, this protocol provides a solid basis for the development, evaluation and benchmarking of robust speaker recognition algorithms, and is freely available to download alongside the QUT-NOISE database. In this work, we use the QUT-NOISE-SRE protocol to evaluate a state-of-the-art PLDA i-vector speaker recognition system, demonstrating the importance of designing voice-activity-detection front-ends specifically for speaker recognition, rather than aiming for perfect coherence with the true speech/non-speech boundaries.


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We propose apractical, feature-level and score-level fusion approach by combining acoustic and estimated articulatory information for both text independent and text dependent speaker verification. From a practical point of view, we study how to improve speaker verification performance by combining dynamic articulatory information with the conventional acoustic features. On text independent speaker verification, we find that concatenating articulatory features obtained from measured speech production data with conventional Mel-frequency cepstral coefficients (MFCCs) improves the performance dramatically. However, since directly measuring articulatory data is not feasible in many real world applications, we also experiment with estimated articulatory features obtained through acoustic-to-articulatory inversion. We explore both feature level and score level fusion methods and find that the overall system performance is significantly enhanced even with estimated articulatory features. Such a performance boost could be due to the inter-speaker variation information embedded in the estimated articulatory features. Since the dynamics of articulation contain important information, we included inverted articulatory trajectories in text dependent speaker verification. We demonstrate that the articulatory constraints introduced by inverted articulatory features help to reject wrong password trials and improve the performance after score level fusion. We evaluate the proposed methods on the X-ray Microbeam database and the RSR 2015 database, respectively, for the aforementioned two tasks. Experimental results show that we achieve more than 15% relative equal error rate reduction for both speaker verification tasks. (C) 2015 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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This paper presents an automatic speaker recognition system for intelligence applications. The system has to provide functionalities for a speaker skimming application in which databases of recorded conversations belonging to an ongoing investigation can be annotated and quickly browsed by an operator. The paper discusses the criticalities introduced by the characteristics of the audio signals under consideration - in particular background noise and channel/coding distortions - as well as the requirements and functionalities of the system under development. It is shown that the performance of state-of-the-art approaches degrades significantly in presence of moderately high background noise. Finally, a novel speaker recognizer based on phonetic features and an ensemble classifier is presented. Results show that the proposed approach improves performance on clean audio, and suggest that it can be employed towards improved real-world robustness. © EURASIP, 2009.


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This paper investigates the problem of speaker identi-fication and verification in noisy conditions, assuming that speechsignals are corrupted by environmental noise, but knowledgeabout the noise characteristics is not available. This research ismotivated in part by the potential application of speaker recog-nition technologies on handheld devices or the Internet. Whilethe technologies promise an additional biometric layer of securityto protect the user, the practical implementation of such systemsfaces many challenges. One of these is environmental noise. Due tothe mobile nature of such systems, the noise sources can be highlytime-varying and potentially unknown. This raises the require-ment for noise robustness in the absence of information about thenoise. This paper describes a method that combines multicondi-tion model training and missing-feature theory to model noisewith unknown temporal-spectral characteristics. Multiconditiontraining is conducted using simulated noisy data with limitednoise variation, providing a “coarse” compensation for the noise,and missing-feature theory is applied to refine the compensationby ignoring noise variation outside the given training conditions,thereby reducing the training and testing mismatch. This paperis focused on several issues relating to the implementation of thenew model for real-world applications. These include the gener-ation of multicondition training data to model noisy speech, thecombination of different training data to optimize the recognitionperformance, and the reduction of the model’s complexity. Thenew algorithm was tested using two databases with simulated andrealistic noisy speech data. The first database is a redevelopmentof the TIMIT database by rerecording the data in the presence ofvarious noise types, used to test the model for speaker identifica-tion with a focus on the varieties of noise. The second database isa handheld-device database collected in realistic noisy conditions,used to further validate the model for real-world speaker verifica-tion. The new model is compared to baseline systems and is foundto achieve lower error rates.


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In this paper we present a novel method for performing speaker recognition with very limited training data and in the presence of background noise. Similarity-based speaker recognition is considered so that speaker models can be created with limited training speech data. The proposed similarity is a form of cosine similarity used as a distance measure between speech feature vectors. Each speech frame is modelled using subband features, and into this framework, multicondition training and optimal feature selection are introduced, making the system capable of performing speaker recognition in the presence of realistic, time-varying noise, which is unknown during training. Speaker identi?cation experiments were carried out using the SPIDRE database. The performance of the proposed new system for noise compensation is compared to that of an oracle model; the speaker identi?cation accuracy for clean speech by the new system trained with limited training data is compared to that of a GMM trained with several minutes of speech. Both comparisons have demonstrated the effectiveness of the new model. Finally, experiments were carried out to test the new model for speaker identi?cation given limited training data and with differing levels and types of realistic background noise. The results have demonstrated the robustness of the new system.


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Poggio and Vetter (1992) showed that learning one view of a bilaterally symmetric object could be sufficient for its recognition, if this view allows the computation of a symmetric, "virtual," view. Faces are roughly bilaterally symmetric objects. Learning a side-view--which always has a symmetric view--should allow for better generalization performances than learning the frontal view. Two psychophysical experiments tested these predictions. Stimuli were views of shaded 3D models of laser-scanned faces. The first experiment tested whether a particular view of a face was canonical. The second experiment tested which single views of a face give rise to best generalization performances. The results were compatible with the symmetry hypothesis: Learning a side view allowed better generalization performances than learning the frontal view.


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This paper addresses the problem of speaker recognition from speech signals. The study focuses on the development of a speaker recognition system comprising two modules: a wavelet-based feature extractor, and a neural-network-based classifier. We have conducted a number of experiments to investigate the applicability of Discrete Wavelet Transform (D WT) in extracting discriminative features from the speech signals, and have examined various models from the Adaptive Resonance Theory (ART) family of neural networks in classijjing the extracted features. The results indicate that DWT could be a potential feature extraction tool for speaker recognition. In addition, the ART-based classijiers have yielded very promising recognition accuracy at more than 81%.


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Fusion techniques have received considerable attention for achieving performance improvement with biometrics. While a multi-sample fusion architecture reduces false rejects, it also increases false accepts. This impact on performance also depends on the nature of subsequent attempts, i.e., random or adaptive. Expressions for error rates are presented and experimentally evaluated in this work by considering the multi-sample fusion architecture for text-dependent speaker verification using HMM based digit dependent speaker models. Analysis incorporating correlation modeling demonstrates that the use of adaptive samples improves overall fusion performance compared to randomly repeated samples. For a text dependent speaker verification system using digit strings, sequential decision fusion of seven instances with three random samples is shown to reduce the overall error of the verification system by 26% which can be further reduced by 6% for adaptive samples. This analysis novel in its treatment of random and adaptive multiple presentations within a sequential fused decision architecture, is also applicable to other biometric modalities such as finger prints and handwriting samples.


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Statistical dependence between classifier decisions is often shown to improve performance over statistically independent decisions. Though the solution for favourable dependence between two classifier decisions has been derived, the theoretical analysis for the general case of 'n' client and impostor decision fusion has not been presented before. This paper presents the expressions developed for favourable dependence of multi-instance and multi-sample fusion schemes that employ 'AND' and 'OR' rules. The expressions are experimentally evaluated by considering the proposed architecture for text-dependent speaker verification using HMM based digit dependent speaker models. The improvement in fusion performance is found to be higher when digit combinations with favourable client and impostor decisions are used for speaker verification. The total error rate of 20% for fusion of independent decisions is reduced to 2.1% for fusion of decisions that are favourable for both client and impostors. The expressions developed here are also applicable to other biometric modalities, such as finger prints and handwriting samples, for reliable identity verification.


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Classifier selection is a problem encountered by multi-biometric systems that aim to improve performance through fusion of decisions. A particular decision fusion architecture that combines multiple instances (n classifiers) and multiple samples (m attempts at each classifier) has been proposed in previous work to achieve controlled trade-off between false alarms and false rejects. Although analysis on text-dependent speaker verification has demonstrated better performance for fusion of decisions with favourable dependence compared to statistically independent decisions, the performance is not always optimal. Given a pool of instances, best performance with this architecture is obtained for certain combination of instances. Heuristic rules and diversity measures have been commonly used for classifier selection but it is shown that optimal performance is achieved for the `best combination performance' rule. As the search complexity for this rule increases exponentially with the addition of classifiers, a measure - the sequential error ratio (SER) - is proposed in this work that is specifically adapted to the characteristics of sequential fusion architecture. The proposed measure can be used to select a classifier that is most likely to produce a correct decision at each stage. Error rates for fusion of text-dependent HMM based speaker models using SER are compared with other classifier selection methodologies. SER is shown to achieve near optimal performance for sequential fusion of multiple instances with or without the use of multiple samples. The methodology applies to multiple speech utterances for telephone or internet based access control and to other systems such as multiple finger print and multiple handwriting sample based identity verification systems.