968 resultados para territorial rural development


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Some 50% of the people in the world live in rural areas, often under harsh conditions and in poverty. The need for knowledge of how to improve living conditions is well documented. In response to this need, new knowledge of how to improve living conditions in rural areas and elsewhere is continuously being developed by researchers and practitioners around the world. People in rural areas, in particular, would certainly benefit from being able to share relevant knowledge with each other, as well as with stakeholders (e.g. researchers) and other organizations (e.g. NGOs). Central to knowledge management is the idea of knowledge sharing. This study is based on the assumption that knowledge management can support sustainable development in rural and remote regions. It aims to present a framework for knowledge management in sustainable rural development, and an inventory of existing frameworks for that. The study is interpretive, with interviews as the primary source for the inventory of stakeholders, knowledge categories and Information and Communications Technology (ICT) infrastructure. For the inventory of frameworks, a literature study was carried out. The result is a categorization of the stakeholders who act as producers and beneficiaries of explicit and indigenous development knowledge. Stakeholders are local government, local population, academia, NGOs, civil society and donor agencies. Furthermore, the study presents a categorization of the development knowledge produced by the stakeholders together with specifications for the existing ICT infrastructure. Rural development categories found are research, funding, agriculture, ICT, gender, institutional development, local infrastructure development, and marketing & enterprise. Finally, a compiled framework is presented, and it is based on ten existing frameworks for rural development that were found in the literature study, and the empirical findings of the Gilgit-Baltistan case. Our proposed framework is divided in four levels where level one consists of the identified stakeholders, level two consists of rural development categories, level three of the knowledge management system and level four of sustainable rural development based on the levels below. In the proposed framework we claim that the sustainability of rural development can be achieved through a knowledge society in which knowledge of the rural development process is shared among all relevant stakeholders.


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O artigo reúne uma análise do impacto da arrecadação do Imposto Territorial Rural no período de 1995 a 1997 nos municípios paulistas de Bragança Paulista, Franca e Porto Ferreira frente à composição das receitas municipais. A análise é realizada com base nas legislações do imposto vigentes no período e realiza comparações de arrecadação e projeções tendo como referência os valores da terra nua arbitrados pela Secretaria da Receita Federal (SRF) e pesquisados pelo Instituto de Economia Agrícola da Secretaria de Estado dos Negócios da Agricultura e Abastecimento de São Paulo. Os resultados da pesquisa indicam percentuais de evasão fiscal que atingiram de 18% a 52% e inadimplência de até 31% e esse perfil de evasão se acentua quando a partir de 1996 a SRF deixa de estabelecer o valor da terra nua mínimo (VTNm) e passa a tomar como referência apenas os valores declarados pelo contribuinte.


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Incluye Bibliografía


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Incluye Bibliografía


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Includes bibliography


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Analiza la situacion del sector agropecuario costarricense hasta la decada del 70, los problemas estructurales que mostro el patron de desarrollo seguido, las manifestaciones de la crisis y las caracteristicas de las principales politicas de ajuste que se adoptaron en 1982, asi como el impacto de estas medidas en la agricultura.


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Includes bibliography


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Includes bibliography


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Presenta las conclusiones y recomendaciones del Taller que tuvo por objetivo analizar la incorporacion de la dimension ambiental en la planificacion del desarrollo, la dimension ambiental en el Proyecto DRI-SUR, y las politicas ambientales de los organismos internacionales de financiamiento para el desarrollo.