982 resultados para task type


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Topoisomerases (topos) maintain DNA topology and influence DNA transaction processes by catalysing relaxation, supercoiling and decatenation reactions. In the cellular milieu, division of labour between different topos ensures topological homeostasis and control of central processes. In Escherichia coli, DNA gyrase is the principal enzyme that carries out negative supercoiling, while topo IV catalyses decatenation, relaxation and unknotting. DNA gyrase apparently has the daunting task of undertaking both the enzyme functions in mycobacteria, where topo IV is absent. We have shown previously that mycobacterial DNA gyrase is an efficient decatenase. Here, we demonstrate that the strong decatenation property of the enzyme is due to its ability to capture two DNA segments in trans. Topo IV, a strong dedicated decatenase of E. coli, also captures two distinct DNA molecules in a similar manner. In contrast, E. coli DNA gyrase, which is a poor decatenase, does not appear to be able to hold two different DNA molecules in a stable complex. The binding of a second DNA molecule to GyrB/ParE is inhibited by ATP and the non-hydrolysable analogue, AMPPNP, and by the substitution of a prominent positively charged residue in the GyrB N-terminal cavity, suggesting that this binding represents a potential T-segment positioned in the cavity. Thus, after the GyrA/ParC mediated initial DNA capture, GyrB/ParE would bind efficiently to a second DNA in trans to form a T-segment prior to nucleotide binding and closure of the gate during decatenation.


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A type checking method for the functional language LFC is presented. A distinct feature of LFC is that it uses Context-Free (CF) languages as data types to represent compound data structures. This makes LFC a dynamically typed language. To improve efficiency, a practical type checking method is presented, which consists of both static and dynamic type checking. Although the inclusion relation of CF.languages is not decidable,a special subset of the relation is decidable, i.e., the sentential form relation, which can be statically checked.Moreover, most of the expressions in actual LFC programs appear to satisfy this relation according to the statistic data of experiments. So, despite that the static type checking is not complete, it undertakes most of the type checking task. Consequently the run-time efficiency is effectively improved. Another feature of the type checking is that it converts the expressions with implicit structures to structured representation. Structure reconstruction technique is presented.


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A new strategy for preparing ammonium-type ionic liquid (IL) by acid/base neutralization reaction was proposed. The method contributed to preparing hydroxide-based ammonium IL and resulting task specific ionic liquid (TSIL) with high purity using a low-costly and environment-friendly synthetic. route. Halide contamination in the prepared ILs could be markedly decreased than those prepared by well-established anion metathesis method. Moreover, some novel TSILs composed of cations and anions with big steric hindrances could be prepared by this method. Physicochemical properties of the bifunctional TSILs, i.e., density, water content, decomposition temperature, and munal solubility, were also studied in this article.


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snBench is a platform on which novice users compose and deploy distributed Sense and Respond programs for simultaneous execution on a shared, distributed infrastructure. It is a natural imperative that we have the ability to (1) verify the safety/correctness of newly submitted tasks and (2) derive the resource requirements for these tasks such that correct allocation may occur. To achieve these goals we have established a multi-dimensional sized type system for our functional-style Domain Specific Language (DSL) called Sensor Task Execution Plan (STEP). In such a type system data types are annotated with a vector of size attributes (e.g., upper and lower size bounds). Tracking multiple size aspects proves essential in a system in which Images are manipulated as a first class data type, as image manipulation functions may have specific minimum and/or maximum resolution restrictions on the input they can correctly process. Through static analysis of STEP instances we not only verify basic type safety and establish upper computational resource bounds (i.e., time and space), but we also derive and solve data and resource sizing constraints (e.g., Image resolution, camera capabilities) from the implicit constraints embedded in program instances. In fact, the static methods presented here have benefit beyond their application to Image data, and may be extended to other data types that require tracking multiple dimensions (e.g., image "quality", video frame-rate or aspect ratio, audio sampling rate). In this paper we present the syntax and semantics of our functional language, our type system that builds costs and resource/data constraints, and (through both formalism and specific details of our implementation) provide concrete examples of how the constraints and sizing information are used in practice.


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The research project takes place within the technology acceptability framework which tries to understand the use made of new technologies, and concentrates more specifically on the factors that influence multi-touch devices’ (MTD) acceptance and intention to use. Why be interested in MTD? Nowadays, this technology is used in all kinds of human activities, e.g. leisure, study or work activities (Rogowski and Saeed, 2012). However, the handling or the data entry by means of gestures on multi-touch-sensitive screen imposes a number of constraints and consequences which remain mostly unknown (Park and Han, 2013). Currently, few researches in ergonomic psychology wonder about the implications of these new human-computer interactions on task fulfillment.This research project aims to investigate the cognitive, sensori-motor and motivational processes taking place during the use of those devices. The project will analyze the influences of the use of gestures and the type of gesture used: simple or complex gestures (Lao, Heng, Zhang, Ling, and Wang, 2009), as well as the personal self-efficacy feeling in the use of MTD on task engagement, attention mechanisms and perceived disorientation (Chen, Linen, Yen, and Linn, 2011) when confronted to the use of MTD. For that purpose, the various above-mentioned concepts will be measured within a usability laboratory (U-Lab) with self-reported methods (questionnaires) and objective indicators (physiological indicators, eye tracking). Globally, the whole research aims to understand the processes at stakes, as well as advantages and inconveniences of this new technology, to favor a better compatibility and adequacy between gestures, executed tasks and MTD. The conclusions will allow some recommendations for the use of the DMT in specific contexts (e.g. learning context).


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The beneficial effects of blue environments have been well documented; however, we do not know how marine litter might modify these effects. Three studies adopted a picture-rating task to examine the influence of litter on preference, perceived restorative quality, and psychological impacts. Photographs varied the presence of marine litter (Study 1) and the type of litter (Studies 2 and 3). The influence of tide and the role of connectedness were also explored. Using both quantitative and qualitative methods, it was shown that litter can undermine the psychological benefits that the coast ordinarily provides, thus demonstrating that, in addition to environmental costs of marine litter, there are also costs to people. Litter stemming from the public had the most negative impact. This research extends our understanding of the psychological benefits from natural coastal environments and the threats to these benefits from abundant and increasing marine litter


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One can partially eliminate motor skills acquired through practice in the hours immediately following practice by applying repetitive transcranial stimulation (rTMS) over the primary motor cortex. The disruption of acquired levels of performance has been demonstrated on tasks that are ballistic in nature. The authors investigated whether motor recall on a discrete aiming task is degraded following a disruption of the primary motor cortex induced via rTMS. Participants (N = 16) maintained acquired performance levels and patterns of muscle activity following the application of rTMS. despite a reduction in corticospinal excitability. Disruption of the primary motor cortex during a consolidation period did not influence the retention of acquired skill in this type of discrete visuomotor task.


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Aims. This paper is a report of a study examining the association between ownership type and perceived team climate among older people care staff. In addition, we examined whether work stress factors (time pressure, resident-related stress, role conflicts and role ambiguity) mediated or moderated the above mentioned association. Background. There has been a trend towards contracting out in older people care facilities in Finland and the number of private for-profit firms has increased. Studies suggest that there may be differences in employee well-being and quality of care according to the ownership type of older people care. Methods. Cross-sectional survey data was collected during the autumn of 2007 from 1084 Finnish female older people care staff aged 1869 years were used. Team Climate Inventory was used to measure team climate. Ownership type was divided into four categories: for-profit sheltered homes, not-for-profit sheltered homes, public sheltered homes and not-for-profit nursing homes. Analyses of covariance were used to examine the associations. Results. Team climate dimensions participative safety, vision and support for innovation were higher in not-for-profit organizations (both sheltered homes and nursing homes) compared to for-profit sheltered homes and public sheltered homes. Stress factors did not account for these associations but acted as moderators in a way that in terms of task orientation and participative safety employees working in for-profit organizations seemed to be slightly more sensitive to work-related stress than others. Conclusion. Our results suggest that for-profit organizations and public organizations may have difficulties in maintaining their team climate. In consequence, these organizations should focus more effort on improving their team climate.


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Task dataflow languages simplify the specification of parallel programs by dynamically detecting and enforcing dependencies between tasks. These languages are, however, often restricted to a single level of parallelism. This language design is reflected in the runtime system, where a master thread explicitly generates a task graph and worker threads execute ready tasks and wake-up their dependents. Such an approach is incompatible with state-of-the-art schedulers such as the Cilk scheduler, that minimize the creation of idle tasks (work-first principle) and place all task creation and scheduling off the critical path. This paper proposes an extension to the Cilk scheduler in order to reconcile task dependencies with the work-first principle. We discuss the impact of task dependencies on the properties of the Cilk scheduler. Furthermore, we propose a low-overhead ticket-based technique for dependency tracking and enforcement at the object level. Our scheduler also supports renaming of objects in order to increase task-level parallelism. Renaming is implemented using versioned objects, a new type of hyper object. Experimental evaluation shows that the unified scheduler is as efficient as the Cilk scheduler when tasks have no dependencies. Moreover, the unified scheduler is more efficient than SMPSS, a particular implementation of a task dataflow language.


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According to a higher order reasoning account, inferential reasoning processes underpin the widely observed cue competition effect of blocking in causal learning. The inference required for blocking has been described as modus tollens (if p then q, not q therefore not p). Young children are known to have difficulties with this type of inference, but research with adults suggests that this inference is easier if participants think counterfactually. In this study, 100 children (51 five-year-olds and 49 six- to seven-year-olds) were assigned to two types of pretraining groups. The counterfactual group observed demonstrations of cues paired with outcomes and answered questions about what the outcome would have been if the causal status of cues had been different, whereas the factual group answered factual questions about the same demonstrations. Children then completed a causal learning task. Counterfactual pretraining enhanced levels of blocking as well as modus tollens reasoning but only for the younger children. These findings provide new evidence for an important role for inferential reasoning in causal learning.


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Previous studies on work instruction delivery for complex assembly tasks have shown that the mode and delivery method for the instructions in an engineering context can influence both build time and product quality. The benefits of digital, animated instructional formats when compared to static pictures and text only formats have already been demonstrated. Although pictograms have found applications for relatively straight forward operations and activities, their applicability to relatively complex assembly tasks has yet to be demonstrated. This study compares animated instructions and pictograms for the assembly of an aircraft panel. Based around a series of build experiments, the work records build time as well as the number of media references to measure and compare build efficiency. The number of build errors and the time required to correct them is also recorded. The experiments included five participants completing five builds over five consecutive days for each media type. Results showed that on average the total build time was 13.1% lower for the group using animated instructions. The benefit of animated instructions on build time was most prominent in the first three builds, by build four this benefit had disappeared. There were a similar number of instructional references for the two groups over the five builds but the pictogram users required a lot more references during build 1. There were more errors among the group using pictograms requiring more time for corrections during the build.


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Consider the problem of scheduling a set of sporadic tasks on a multiprocessor system to meet deadlines using a task-splitting scheduling algorithm. Task-splitting (also called semi-partitioning) scheduling algorithms assign most tasks to just one processor but a few tasks are assigned to two or more processors, and they are dispatched in a way that ensures that a task never executes on two or more processors simultaneously. A particular type of task-splitting algorithms, called slot-based task-splitting dispatching, is of particular interest because of its ability to schedule tasks with high processor utilizations. Unfortunately, no slot-based task-splitting algorithm has been implemented in a real operating system so far. In this paper we discuss and propose some modifications to the slot-based task-splitting algorithm driven by implementation concerns, and we report the first implementation of this family of algorithms in a real operating system running Linux kernel version 2.6.34. We have also conducted an extensive range of experiments on a 4-core multicore desktop PC running task-sets with utilizations of up to 88%. The results show that the behavior of our implementation is in line with the theoretical framework behind it.


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Consider the problem of scheduling a set of sporadic tasks on a multiprocessor system to meet deadlines using a tasksplitting scheduling algorithm. Task-splitting (also called semipartitioning) scheduling algorithms assign most tasks to just one processor but a few tasks are assigned to two or more processors, and they are dispatched in a way that ensures that a task never executes on two or more processors simultaneously. A certain type of task-splitting algorithms, called slot-based task-splitting, is of particular interest because of its ability to schedule tasks at high processor utilizations. We present a new schedulability analysis for slot-based task-splitting scheduling algorithms that takes the overhead into account and also a new task assignment algorithm.


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Throughout Nietzsche's writings we find discussions of the proper relationship of the scholar/scientist to the philosopher, wi th the scholar of ten being presented in a derogatory light. In this thesis, I examine Nietzsche's por t rai t of the scholar through the lens of his physiological or clinical perspective as articulated by Dr. Daniel R. Ahern in his monograph entitled Nietzsche as Cultural Physician. My aim in doing so is to grasp the affirmative, creative aspect of this seemingly destructive polemic against scholars. I begin wi th a detailed discussion of Nietzsche's por t rai t of the scholar in Beyond Good and Evil. This includes an explication of Ahern's position, followed by an application of the diagnostic perspective to Nietzsche's discussion of the objective type, the skeptic, and the critic. I then look at how the characteristics of all three types are present in the Nietzschean 'free spirit.' I also discuss the physiological basis of esotericism in Nietzsche's work, as well as Nietzsche's revaluation of the scholarly vi r tue known as Red/ichkeit (or 'honesty'). I conclude wi th comments on the free spirit's relationship to the future.


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Depuis ces deux dernières décennies, des efforts considérables en psychologie cognitive et neuropsychologie ont été déployés pour mieux comprendre les dynamiques entre les différents systèmes cognitifs (fonctions exécutives, mémoire, langage, etc.). L’observation d’une co-existence entre des atteintes en rétention à court terme verbale (RCTv) et en langage dans plusieurs pathologies a conduit certains chercheurs à concevoir une alternative à la conceptualisation classique de la RCTv, telle que proposée par le modèle initial de la mémoire de travail de Baddeley (1986). Particulièrement, les travaux sur l’aphasie ont conduit à l’émergence d’une approche psycholinguistique de la RCTv, postulant que le traitement et le maintien des mots font appel à des processus communs. Cette approche, et particulièrement le modèle d’activation interactive (N. Martin & Gupta, 2004; N. Martin & Saffran, 1997), prédit que les capacités en RCTv sont notamment modulées par les caractéristiques linguistiques engagées durant l’épreuve, variant selon la nature des items verbaux et la modalité de rappel, ainsi que par les compétences linguistiques des individus. L’objectif de la présente thèse était de tester ces prédictions à partir d’une exploration des relations entre le traitement sémantique des mots et la RCTv chez l’adulte sain (article 1) et dans la démence de type Alzheimer (DTA) (article 2). Dans le premier article, deux expériences mettent en évidence l’influence des liens associatifs entre les mots sur les capacités à maintenir temporairement des informations verbales. Les participants ont tendance à faussement reconnaître des mots associés aux mots de la liste, reflet d’une activation du réseau sémantique durant la rétention temporaire. Cette contribution sémantique est accentuée en situation de suppression articulatoire, une condition qui empêche le participant de répéter les listes durant la tâche. Les résultats du second article indiquent que la modalité de réponse module différemment la performance en RCTv chez les participants âgés sans atteinte neurologique et ceux atteints de la DTA. Ces données en RCTv sont compatibles avec les atteintes spécifiques du traitement du mot, également trouvées chez le groupe avec DTA. Les implications théoriques et cliniques de ces résultats sont discutées. Les limites et perspectives futures sont également abordées.