894 resultados para synthetic wastewater
During production of oil and gas, there is also the production of an aqueous effluent called produced water. This byproduct has in its composition salts, organic compounds, gases and heavy metals. This research aimed to evaluate the integration of processes Induced Air Flotation (IAF) and photo-Fenton for reducing the Total Oils and Greases (TOG) present in produced water. Experiments were performed with synthetic wastewater prepared from the dispersion of crude oil in saline solution. The system was stirred for 25 min at 33,000 rpm and then allowed to stand for 50 min to allow free oil separation. The initial oil concentration in synthetic wastewater was 300 ppm and 35 ppm for the flotation and the photo-Fenton steps, respectively. These values of initial oil concentration were established based on average values of primary processing units in Potiguar Basin. The processes were studied individually and then the integration was performed considering the best experimental conditions found in each individual step. The separation by flotation showed high removal rate of oil with first-order kinetic behavior. The flotation kinetics was dependent on both the concentration and the hydrophilic-lipophilic balance (HLB) of the surfactant. The best result was obtained for the concentration of 4.06.10-3 mM (k = 0.7719 min-1) of surfactant EO 2, which represents 86% of reduction in TOG after 4 min. For series of surfactants evaluated, the separation efficiency was found to be improved by the use of surfactants with low HLB. Regarding the TOG reduction step by photo-Fenton, the largest oil removal reached was 84% after 45 min of reaction, using 0.44 mM and 10 mM of ferrous ions and hydrogen peroxide, respectively. The best experimental conditions encountered in the integrated process was 10 min of flotation followed by 45 min of photo-Fenton with overall TOG reduction of 99%, which represents 5 ppm of TOG in the treated effluent. The integration of processes flotation and photo-Fenton proved to be highly effective in reducing TOG of produced water in oilfields
The generation of wastes in most industrial process is inevitable. In the petroleum industry, one of the greatest problems for the environment is the huge amount of produced water generated in the oil fields. This wastewater is a complex mixture and present great amounts. These effluents can be hazardous to the environmental without adequate treatment. This research is focused in the analysis of the efficiencies of the flotation and photo-oxidation processes to remove and decompose the organic compounds present in the produced water. A series of surfactants derivated from the laurilic alcohol was utilized in the flotation to promote the separation. The experiments have been performed with a synthetic wastewater, carefully prepared with xylene. The experimental data obtained using flotation presented a first order kinetic, identified by the quality of the linear data fitting. The best conditions were found at 0.029 g.L-1 for the surfactant EO 7, 0.05 g.L-1 for EO 8, 0.07 g.L-1 for EO 9, 0.045 g.L-1 for EO 10 and 0.08 g.L-1 for EO 23 with the following estimated kinetic constants: 0.1765, 0.1325, 0.1210, 0.1531 and 0.1699 min-1, respectively. For the series studied, the most suitablesurfactant was the EO 7 due to the lower reagent consumption, higher separation rate constant and higher removal efficiency of xylene in the aqueous phase (98%). Similarly to the flotation, the photo-Fenton process shows to be efficient for degradation of xylene and promoting the mineralization of the organic charge around 90% and 100% in 90 min
The aim of this work is the treatment of produced water from oil by using electrochemical technology. Produced water is a major waste generated during the process of exploration and production in the oil industry. Several approaches are being studied aiming at the treatment of this effluent; among them can be cited the biological process and chemical treatments such as advanced oxidation process and electrochemical treatments (electrooxidation, electroflotation, electrocoagulation, electrocoagulation). This work studies the application of electrochemical technology in the treatment of the synthetic produced water effluent through the action of the electron, in order to remove or transform the toxic and harmful substances from the environment by redox reactions in less toxic substances. For this reason, we used a synthetic wastewater, containing a mixture H2SO4 0,5M and 16 HPAs, which are: naphthalene, acenaphthylene, acenaphthene, fluorene, phenanthrene, anthracene, fluoranthene, pyrene, benzo (a) anthracene, chrysene, benzo(b)fluoranthene, benzo(k) fluoranthene, benzo(a)pyrene, indeno(1,2,3-cd)pyrene, dibenzo(a, h)anthracene, benzo(g, h, i)perylene. Bulk electrochemical oxidation experiments were performed using a batch electrochemical reactor containing a pair of parallel electrodes, coupled with a power supply using a magnetic stirrer for favoring the transfer mass control. As anodic material was used, a Dimensionally Stable Anode (DSA) of Ti/Pt, while as cathode was used a Ti electrode. Several samples were collected at specific times and after that, the analysis of these samples were carried out by using Gas Chromatography Coupled to Mass Spectrometry (GC - MS) in order to determine the percentage of removal. The results showed that it was possible to achieve the removal of HPAs about 80% (in some cases, more than 80%). In addition, as an indicator of the economic feasibility of electrochemical treatment the energy consumption was analyzed for each hour of electrolysis, and based on the value kWh charged by ANEEL, the costs were estimated. Thus, the treatment costs of this research were quite attractive
In this work, electrochemical technology was used to treat synthetic wastewater containing Methyl Red (MR) and Blue Novacron (BN) by anodic oxidation using anodes platinum (Pt) and real samples of textile effluents using DDB anodes and platinum (Pt). The removal of color from the galvanostatic electrolysis of synthetic wastewater MR and BN, and the actual sample has been observed under different conditions (different current densities and temperature variation). The investigation of these parameters was performed in order to establish the best conditions for removal of color and chemical oxygen demand (BOD). According to the results obtained in this study, the electrochemical oxidation processes suitable for the degradation process of color and COD in wastewater containing such textile dyes, because the electrocatalytic properties of Pt and BDD anodes consumption energy during the electrochemical oxidation of synthetic solutions AN and MR and real sample, mainly depend on the operating parameters of operation, for example, the synthetic sample of MR, energy consumption rose from 42,00kWhm-3 in 40 mAcm-2 and 25 C to 17,50 kWhm-3 in 40mAcm-2 and 40 C, from the BN went 17,83 kWhm-3 in 40mAcm and 40°C to 14,04 kWhm- 3 in 40mAcm-2 and 40 C (data estimated by the volume of treated effluent). These results clearly indicate the applicability of electrochemical treatment for removing dyes from synthetic solutions and real industrial effluents
This work is directed to the treatment of organic compounds present in produced water from oil using electrochemical technology. The water produced is a residue of the petroleum industry are difficult to treat , since this corresponds to 98 % effluent from the effluent generated in the exploration of oil and contains various compounds such as volatile hydrocarbons (benzene, toluene, ethylbenzene and xylene), polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs), phenols, carboxylic acids and inorganic compounds. There are several types of treatment methodologies that residue being studied, among which are the biological processes, advanced oxidation processes (AOPs), such as electrochemical treatments electrooxidation, electrocoagulation, electrocoagulation and eletroredution. The electrochemical method is a method of little environmental impact because instead of chemical reagents uses electron through reactions of oxide-reducing transforms toxic substances into substances with less environmental impact. Thus, this paper aims to study the electrochemical behavior and elimination of the BTX (benzene, toluene and xylene) using electrode of Ti/Pt. For the experiment an electrochemical batch system consists of a continuous source, anode Ti/Pt was used, applying three densities of current (1 mA/cm2, 2,5 mA/cm2 and 5 mA/cm2). The synthetic wastewater was prepared by a solution of benzene, toluene and xylene with a concentration of 5 ppm, to evaluate the electrochemical behavior by cyclic voltammetry and polarization curves, even before assessing the removal of these compounds in solution by electrochemical oxidation. The behavior of each of the compounds was evaluated by the use of electrochemical techniques indicate that each of the compounds when evaluated by cyclic voltammetry showed partial oxidation behavior via adsorption to the surface of the Ti/Pt electrode. The adsorption of each of the present compounds depends on the solution concentration but there is the strong adsorption of xylene. However, the removal was confirmed by UV-Vis, and analysis of total organic carbon (TOC), which showed a percentage of partial oxidation (19,8 % - 99,1 % TOC removed), confirming the electrochemical behavior already observed in voltammetry and cyclic polarization curves
A continuous flow reactor, inoculated with Aspergillus niger AN400, with total volume of 5 L was operated at 29 degrees C, with eight hours of retention hydraulic time and 150 L.h(-1) of air flow rate in order to remove 25 mg.L(-1) of Congo Red dye from a synthetic wastewater. The feeding of the reactor, inoculated with Aspergillus niger AN400, was done in two phases: Phase I, with 0,5 g/L of saccharose and Phase II, with no saccharose. In Phase I, it was possible to verify efficiencies of organic matter and color (mg Pt.L(-1)) removal of 80 +/- 16% and 82 +/- 10%, respectively. In Phase II, the efficiency of organic matter removal was 75 +/- 13% and color removal was 89 +/- 7%. The higher removals of nutrients were achieved by the reactor in Phase I with 25% to ammonia, 90% to nitrite, 93% to nitrate and 21% to phosphorus. Apparently, the presence of saccharose improved the removal of the nutrients.
A new palladium chelate compound is described for the determination of sulfide in aqueous samples. The reagent, bis(2-aminobenzoate)palladium(II) (PdA 2), was prepared by reaction of tetrachloropalladate (PdCl 4 -) with 2-aminobenzoic acid. The compound was characterized by infrared spectroscopy and CHN elemental analysis. The measurement was based on the selective reaction of PdA 2 with sulfide in an aqueous medium, which quantitatively produced fluorescent 2-aminobenzoate (λ ex=245nm, λ em=410nm). The analytical response was linear in the range 0.10-20.0μmol (S 2-) L -1 (r>0.99), with a limit of detection of 0.075μmolL -1 and repeatability (RSD) of 3.4%. There was no interference from CO 3 2-, NO 3 -, Cl -, SO 4 2-, Br -, NO 2 -, K +, NH 4 +, Na +, citrate or S 2O 8 2-. The fluorescence intensity decreased in the presence of H 3CCOO -, PO 4 3- and SCN -, while OH - caused a positive interference. The new fluorescent compound was successfully applied for the determination of sulfide in synthetic wastewater and natural water sample. The advantages of the proposed palladium chelate are absence of toxic by-products, simple synthesis procedure of reagent and yield reaction of about 85%, easy handling and fast acquirement of analytical signal. © 2012 Elsevier B.V.
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
O presente estudo investigou a aplicação de dois tipos de AnSBBR (reatores anaeróbio com biofilme e operados em batelada e batelada alimentada sequenciais: com recirculação da fase líquida e com agitação) para produção de biohidrogênio tratando água residuária sintética (a base de soro de leite e lactose, respectivamente). O AnSBBR com recirculação da fase líquida, que foi o estudo principal do presente trabalho, apresentou problemas na produção de hidrogênio utilizando soro de leite como substrato. Algumas alternativas, como adaptação da biomassa com substratos puros de degradação mais fácil, controle do pH em valores muito baixos e diferentes formas de inoculação foram testadas, entretanto, sem obtenção de sucesso. A solução do problema foi obtida ao refrigerar o meio de alimentação a 4ºC para evitar a fermentação no frasco de armazenamento, retirar a ureia e a suplementação de nutrientes, e realizar lavagens periódicas do material suporte para retirada de parte da biomassa. Dessa forma eliminaram-se indícios de produção de H2S por possível ação de bactérias redutoras de sulfato (BRS) e atingiu-se uma produção estável de hidrogênio sem, entretanto, eliminar completamento o metano, que foi produzido em baixas concentrações. Depois de atingida a estabilidade, investigou-se a influência da concentração afluente de substrato, do tempo de enchimento e da temperatura na produção de biohidrogênio no AnSBBR com recirculação da fase líquida tratando soro de leite. O estudo da concentração afluente apresentou um ponto ótimo para a concentração de 5400 mgDQO.L-1, atingindo valores de 0,80 mol H2.mol-1 lactose e de 660 mL H2.L-1.d-1. O estudo do tempo de enchimento apresentou resultados similares para as condições analisadas. Com relação à temperatura, os melhores resultados foram obtidos com a temperatura mais baixa testada de 15ºC (1,12 mol H2.mol lactose-1 e 1080 mL H2.L-1.d-1), sendo que na temperatura mais alta testada (45°C) não ocorreu produção de hidrogênio. Para o AnSBBR com agitação mecânica, que foi um estudado complementar realizado pelo fato da lactose ser o principal complemento do soro de leite, o desempenho do biorreator foi avaliado de acordo com influência conjunta do tempo de ciclo (tC – 2, 3 e 4 h), da concentração afluente (CSTA – 3600-5400 mgDQO.L-1) e da carga orgânica volumétrica aplicada (COAV – 9,3, 12,3, 13,9, 18,5 e 27,8 mgDQO.L-1.d-1). Foram obtidos excelentes resultados: consumos de carboidratos (lactose), com valores médios sempre acima de 90% e uma produção estável de biohidrogênio em todas as condições estudadas, com metano em baixas concentrações apenas na condição de maior COAV. A diminuição do tC apresentou tendência clara de melhora sobre o RMCRC,n (rendimento molar entre hidrogênio produzido e carboidrato removido) apenas para as condições com menor concentração CSTA, havendo uma relação direta entre CSTA, e RMCRC,n em todos os valores de tC, exceto para o tempo de ciclo de 3 h, exatamente onde ocorreu produção de metano. O melhor valor de RMCRC,n obtido na operação com lactose (1,65 mol H2.mol Carboidrato-1) foi superior aos obtidos em outros trabalhos utilizando a mesma configuração de reator e sacarose como substrato. As análises filogenéticas mostraram que a maioria dos clones analisados foi semelhante à Clostridium. Além destes, clones filogeneticamente semelhantes com a Família Lactobacilaceae, especificamente Lactobacillus rhamnosus foram observados em menor porcentagem no reator, assim como clones com sequências semelhantes a Acetobacter indonesiensis.
Nessa pesquisa foram testadas tanto CCM com membranas e sem membranas que tinham por característica reproduzir sistemas de tratamento de esgoto sanitário. A etapa experimental desse trabalho foi dividida entre o Brasil (ensaios com CCM sem a MTP e utilizando esgoto sanitário) e Portugal (ensaios com CCM tradicionais de uma e duas câmaras, utilizando água residuária sintética e a bactéria Lactobacillus pentosus). A execução em dois locais diferentes resultou em um maior aprofundamento e desenvolvimento da pesquisa. As CCM foram avaliadas principalmente quanto ao potencial elétrico e eficiência da degradação de compostos orgânicos (esgoto sanitário e água residuária sintética). Para os dados obtidos no Brasil, as três configurações apresentaram maior diferença na potência em função do modo de operação. A operação intermitente apresentou a maior potência (11 mW/m2) para a CCM cilíndrica de fluxo ascendente, enquanto que operação continua a maior potência (4,2 mW/m2) foi obtida para a CCM retangular de fluxo horizontal, a qual também apresentava uma maior facilidade na manutenção quanto aos eletrodos (adição/remoção). A CCM cúbica de fluxo ascendente devido a sua concepção simples demandava um sistema complementar para o aumento da remoção de DQO. Apesar da baixa potência mensurada para os ensaios realizados no Brasil há de se pontuar que os mesmos foram obtidos para reatores sem membranas e utilizando o esgoto sanitário, o qual apresentou grande sazonalidade. Para a etapa realizada em Portugal, foi possível realizar quinze diferentes ensaios e mais um ensaio específico de crescimento. A maior potência (10,37 mW/m2) foi obtida para CCM de câmara dupla operada de modo contínuo para um tempo de detenção hidráulico (TDH) de 20 horas. A maior potência obtida para a CCM de câmara única foi de 5,53 mW/m2 quando houve a adição do extrato de levedura (função teórica de mediador). A potência da CCM, na maioria das vezes, esteve relacionada à proporção de sólidos voláteis e totais, SV/ST, quantidade de bactérias, pH, características de operação e por fim a configuração da CCM. O ensaio de crescimento revelou a correlação da potência em função da quantidade de bactérias inseridas da massa do biofilme (SV) e mostra-se como uma ferramenta na avaliação da potência das CCM.
Nesse estudo, procurou-se investigar a influência do aumento de carga orgânica em um ASBR operado a 30ºC, agitado mecanicamente e contendo microrganismos imobilizados em suporte inerte. Para tal, foi aplicado um carregamento orgânico volumétrico variando de 1,5 a 6,0 g DQO/L.dia, alimentando-se um reator construído em acrílico (5,4 L) com 2 L de água residuária sintética com concentrações de 500 a 2000 mg DQO/L com fontes de carboidrato/proteína/lipídio, em bateladas de 8 a 12 h. O sistema apresentou eficiências de remoção de material orgânico entre 73% e 88% para as condições estudadas. Entretanto, quando o reator foi alimentado com uma concentração de 2000 mg DQO/L em bateladas de 8 h, verificou-se o acúmulo de ácidos voláteis totais, refletindo na redução da eficiência de remoção de material orgânico para 55%, para amostras filtradas. Os perfis dinâmicos ao longo da batelada permitiram concluir que, para a condição com o mesmo carregamento orgânico, porém com concentrações afluentes e tempos de ciclo diferentes, a produção inicial de ácidos voláteis totais foi mais acentuada para o caso de alimentação com maior concentração. Para condições com concentrações afluentes iguais, o tempo a mais para o ciclo foi fundamental para obter-se efluente de melhor qualidade em termos de remoção de matéria orgânica.
In this study, the filtration process and the biomass characteristics in a laboratory-scale submerged membrane bioreactor (MBR) equipped with a hollow fiber (HF) microfiltration membrane were studied at different solid retention times (SRT). The MBR was fed by synthetic wastewater and the organic loading rate (OLR) was 0.5, 0.2, 0.1, and 0.08 kg COD kg VSS−1 d−1 for 10, 30, 60, and 90 days of SRT, respectively. The hydraulic retention time was 8.4 h and the permeate flux was 6 L m−2 h−1(LMH). Data analysis confirmed that at all the studied SRTs, the HF-MBR operated very good obtaining of high quality permeates. Chemical Oxygen Demand (COD) removal efficiencies were higher than 95%. The best filtration performance was reached at SRT of 30 d. On the other hand, the respirometric analysis showed that biomass was more active and there was more biomass production at low SRTs. The concentration of soluble extracellular polymeric substances (EPS) decreased with increasing SRT. A decrease of soluble EPS caused a decrease of membrane fouling rate, decreasing the frequency of chemical cleanings. The floc size decreased with SRT increasing. At high SRTs, there was more friction among particles due to the increase of the cellular density and the flocs broke decreasing their size.
The effects of acetate and propionate on the performance of a recently proposed and characterized photosynthetic biological sulfide removal system have been investigated with a view to predicting this concept's suitability for removing sulfide from wastewater undergoing or having undergone anaerobic treatment. The concept relies on substratum-irradiated biofilms dominated by green sulfur bacteria (GSB), which are supplied with radiant energy in the band 720 - 780 nm. A model reactor was fed for 7 months with a synthetic wastewater free of volatile fatty acids (VFAs), after which time intermittent dosing of the wastewater with acetate or propionate was begun. Such dosing suppressed the areal net sulfide removal rate by similar to50%, and caused the principal net product of sulfide removal to switch from sulfate to elemental-S. Similarly suppressed values of this rate were observed when the wastewater was dosed continuously with acetate, and this rate was not significantly affected by changes in the concentration of ammonia-N in the feed. The main net product of sulfide removal was again elemental-S, which was scarcely released into the liquid, however. Sulfate reduction and sulfur reduction were observed when the light supply was interrupted and were inferred to be occurring within the irradiated biofilm. A preexisting conceptual model of the biofilm was augmented with both of these reductive processes, and this augmented model was shown to account for most of the observed effects of VFA dosing. The implications of these findings for the practicality of the technology are considered. (C) 2004 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.
The recently described process of simultaneous nitrification, denitrification and phosphorus removal (SNDPR) has a great potential to save capital and operating costs for wastewater treatment plants. However, the presence of glycogen-accumulating organisms (GAOs) and the accumulation of nitrous oxide (N2O) can severely compromise the advantages of this process. In this study, these two issues were investigated using a lab-scale sequencing batch reactor performing SNDPR over a 5-month period. The reactor was highly enriched in polyphosphate-accumulating organisms (PAOs) and GAOs representing around 70% of the total microbial community. PAOs were the dominant population at all times and their abundance increased, while GAOs population decreased over the study period. Anoxic batch tests demonstrated that GAOs rather than denitrifying PAOs were responsible for denitrification. NO accumulated from denitrification and more than half of the nitrogen supplied in a reactor cycle was released into the atmosphere as NO. After mixing SNDPR sludge with other denitrifying sludge, N2O present in the bulk liquid was reduced immediately if external carbon was added. We therefore suggest that the N2O accumulation observed in the SNDPR reactor is an artefact of the low microbial diversity facilitated by the use of synthetic wastewater with only a single carbon source. (C) 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.