996 resultados para swot analysis
The present Work Project was performed as a Case Study, analysing the merger between Zon, a leading Portuguese Pay TV operator and Optimus, the third largest mobile company in Portugal. The Case Study was developed with the purpose of understanding the value creation of the Zon-Optimus merger, being analysed the: (i) industry trends, (ii) parties’ contribution, (iii) pre-merger events, (iv) merger rationale, (v) deal structure and valuation, (vi) competition authority decision and (vii) competitive advantages and future strategy. Was also attached a Teaching Note where synergies, implied valuations, exchange ratios, shareholder agreements, swot analysis, among others, were duly analysed.
In this work project I propose an innovative service – Electricity Feedback with Smart Meters through TV – to be considered as an additional test in the residential electricity use feedback trials currently being conducted in EDP’s InovCity project. My proposal is based on relevant past and current research studies, both Portuguese and international, which explain and support the proposed operationalization and characteristics of this new service. Furthermore, a careful analysis about the segmentation framing, the best market entry strategy and the consequences of adopting a joint venture with cable TV operators, is also provided. Finally, I present a SWOT analysis and highlight critical issues affecting the effectiveness of feedback which require further research.
Given the signals that Portugal can be a great destination for charter sailing, the purpose of this work is to disprove this. Thereby the model of Porter’s five forces has been used to analyze the Portuguese yacht charter market, whereas a SWOT analysis should give an overview and compare the Portuguese market with the well running charter market of Croatia. The research outcome on the supply side as well as on the demand side should then serve as a foundation for establishing a model of a sailing charter company in Portugal, explained with the aid of the Canvas model.
Relatório de estágio de mestrado em Estudos Interculturais Português / Chinês: Tradução, Formação e Comunicação Empresarial
Children are an especially vulnerable population, particularly in respect to drug administration. It is estimated that neonatal and pediatric patients are at least three times more vulnerable to damage due to adverse events and medication errors than adults are. With the development of this framework, it is intended the provision of a Clinical Decision Support System based on a prototype already tested in a real environment. The framework will include features such as preparation of Total Parenteral Nutrition prescriptions, table pediatric and neonatal emergency drugs, medical scales of morbidity and mortality, anthropometry percentiles (weight, length/height, head circumference and BMI), utilities for supporting medical decision on the treatment of neonatal jaundice and anemia and support for technical procedures and other calculators and widespread use tools. The solution in development means an extension of INTCare project. The main goal is to provide an approach to get the functionality at all times of clinical practice and outside the hospital environment for dissemination, education and simulation of hypothetical situations. The aim is also to develop an area for the study and analysis of information and extraction of knowledge from the data collected by the use of the system. This paper presents the architecture, their requirements and functionalities and a SWOT analysis of the solution proposed.
Relatório de estágio de mestrado em Negócios Internacionais
Dissertação de mestrado em Design e Marketing
Dissertação de mestrado em Património e Turismo Cultural
Dissertação de mestrado em Património e Turismo Cultural
El present projecte de final de carrera de Ciències Ambientals estudia els usos actuals del castanyer (Castanea sativa) amb la finalitat de trobar nous usos per a aquesta espècie i de potenciar la recuperació de les masses de castanyer catalanes. Aquest objectiu s’assolirà mitjançant una recerca bibliogràfica exhaustiva, la realització d’enquestes a empreses que tractin amb productes del castanyer i amb sortides al camp per veure l’estat actual de les castanyedes catalanes, donada la seva afectació per diverses patologies i per l’abandonament que han patit. Una vegada coneguda la situació del castanyer i dels seus productes, es realitzarà una anàlisi de la viabilitat econòmica dels possibles nous usos d’aquest arbre, una anàlisi DAFO (Debilitats, Amenaces, Fortaleses i Oportunitats), i el balanç energètic de l’explotació dels seus recursos forestals.
Os Portos de Cabo Verde sempre tiveram um papel importante no desenvolvimento económico e social, isto porque facilitam a deslocação de pessoas e mercadorias entre as ilhas, de igual forma que contribuem para a minimização dos efeitos da descontinuidade territorial, facilitando a transferência de produtos e pessoas a um menor custo. É nesse contexto que o tema desenvolvido se justifica pelo impacto que a actividade portuária tem na economia de Cabo Verde. O Capítulo I faz uma abordagem sobre a Administração Portuária em Cabo Verde, onde se relata uma breve resenha histórica dos portos nacionais, o estilo da Autoridade Portuária e o papel do Estado no Sector Portuário, bem como os serviços prestados pelos Portos de Cabo Verde. O Capítulo II refere-se sobre o papel do Sector Portuário no desenvolvimento socioeconómico de Cabo Verde, no qual fez-se a caracterização desse Sector, o destaque da contribuição dos Portos no desenvolvimento do país e a ilustração do grau de importância do comércio externo na economia nacional. Ainda nesse Capítulo, fez-se referência à Segurança Portuária como sendo um elemento fundamental para o desenvolvimento económico dos Portos de Cabo Verde e destacou-se as Estratégias de Marketing que a Enapor vem adoptando como instrumento de Gestão para vender a imagem da Empresa. O 3º e último Capítulo enfatiza a relevância do Porto Grande, um dos portos principais que apresenta a melhor infra-estrutura portuária de Cabo Verde. Destacou-se o efeito económico provocado pela actividade portuária na economia regional, o estágio de desenvolvimento da cidade do Mindelo, como consequência da evolução do Porto Grande, e ainda salientou-se a localização geográfica do Porto Grande em relação aos portos dos países limítrofes. Por último, fez-se uma análise SWOT, tendo-se destacado os principais pontos fortes do Porto e realçando algumas perspectivas futuras, tendo em conta os desafios que a Administração do Porto, como entidade gestora, persegue.The Cape Verdean Ports have always had an important role in economic and social development as they facilitate the transfer of people and merchandise among the islands. The same way they reduce the effect of territorial discontinuity, facilitating the transfer of cargo and people at low costs. Thus the addressed theme is justified by the impel Port activities provide to the economy in Cape Verde. This work is divided into three chapters: Chapter one introduces the Ports Administration in Cape Verde and a short history overview is set up on the topic. The management method and or the role of the National Govern concerning the port sector as well the services offered by these Ports are also stated. Chapter two refers to the role of the Port Sector in the socio-economic developing process in Cape Verde and some characteristics concerning this Sector. Emphasis is put on the contribution the Ports provide to the development of the country and the great importance of the extern trade in national economy. In addition, this chapter deals with port security as an essential factor to economic development of the Cape Verdean Ports. Marketing strategies adopted by ENAPOR as managing instruments in order to put on the market a good image of the enterprise is also addressed. Chapter three brings in the relevance of Porto Grande, one of the main Ports in Cape Verde which in fact has the best infrastructures. The effect on regional economy by the activities of the Port and the development moment in Mindelo city is considered as consequence of Porto Grande progress. The geographic location of the harbour and other harbours in near countries is also studied. Finally, a SWOT analysis is introduced, the main strong points as well some future prospective considering challenges of the harbour are pointed out.
In this work we discuss some ideas and opinions related with teaching Metaheuristics in Business Schools. The main purpose of the work is to initiate a discussion and collaboration about this topic,with the final objective to improve the teaching and publicity of the area. The main topics to be discussed are the environment and focus of this teaching. We also present a SWOT analysis which lead us to the conclusion that the area of Metaheuristics only can win with the presentation and discussion of metaheuristics and related topics in Business Schools, since it consists in a excellent Decision Support tools for future potential users.
Infertility is a growing issue that affects thousands of Spanish couples; increasingly there are more and more people who cannot raise a family by themselves. Instead they have to resort to ART, adoption -local or international- or surrogacy abroad, a practice that many couples consider but that isn’t legalized in Spain. In this paper we have broken down each option in detail by analysing the market, differentiating its variants and specific steps, calculating its “price” and suggesting possible improvements that could be made from an economic perspective. We end our paper with the “SWOT” analysis of a hypothetical surrogacy market in Spain by calculating an estimated price, using the US as a reference, and the degree of acceptance it would have, based on the results of random surveys.
Maataloudessa syntyvä lanta on arvokas lannoite ja maanparannusaine, jonka käsittelystä aiheutuu sekä kustannuksia että ympäristövaikutuksia. Muita haasteita ovat esimerkiksi lannan mikrobit, lannan levitykseen soveltuvan ajankohdan lyhyys, lannan ravinteiden sovittaminen kasvien tarpeisiin ja lannan ravinteiden määrä suhteessa levityskelpoisen peltoalan määrään. Tutkimuksen tavoitteena oli tunnistaa naudan lietelannan käsittelyketjuihin liittyvät kustannukset ja osoittaa eri käsittelyketjujen kustannusten eroavaisuudet. Tavoitteena oli myös tunnistaa ja osoittaa käsittelyketjujen laadulliset erot. Kustannukset selvitettiin kustannuslaskelmin ja laadulliset erot SWOT-menetelmällä. Tutkimuksen kohteeksi valittiin 6 tilakokoluokkaa ja käsittelyketjuiksi lietelanta-, kompostointi- ja mädätysketju. Tutkimuksessa alhaisimmat kustannukset olivat lietelantaketjulla, jonka kustannukset 25 – 250 naudan tilalla olivat 5 200 – 6 600 €/a ja yksikkökustannukset 1 – 9 €/m3. Mädätysketjun kustannukset vastaavissa tilakokoluokissa olivat noin 33 000 – 50 000 €/a ja yksikkökustannukset 8 – 55 €/m3. Kompostointiketjun kustannukset olivat 35 000 – 143 000 €/a ja yksikkökustannukset 24 – 58 €/m3. Lietelantaketjun edullisuus johtui vähäisistä laite- ja rakennusinvestoinneista ja pienistä työmääristä ja kompostointiketjun kalleus suurista tukiaine- ja investointikustannuksista. Käsittelyketjujen asettaminen paremmuusjärjestykseen oli hankalaa. Työn määrä oli pienin lietelantaketjussa ja toiseksi pienin suurilla tiloilla mädätysketjussa. Kompostointiketjulla itse levitykseen kuluva aika oli pienin. Ravinteiden osalta mädätysketju oli parhain ja kompostointiketju huonoin. Ympäristövaikutuksiltaan ja hajuhaitoiltaan kompostointi- ja mädätysketju olivat parhaimmat. Mikrobien osalta parhain oli kompostointiketju.
Työn tavoitteena oli luoda Stora Enson Varkauden tehtaille hankintastrategia käyttäen hyväksi siihen tarkoitukseen kehitettyjä työkaluja sekä etsiä kustannussäästöjä kilpailun lisäämisellä. Työkaluiksi valittiin yksinkertainen ostosalkkuanalyysi ja SWOT-analyysi. Tarvittava analysointimateriaali saatiin hakemallatoimittaja- ja nimikeraportteja SAP R/3 -toiminnanohjausjärjestelmästä. Työssä käytiin läpi nimikkeistöä niin, että sieltä etsittiin sellaiset tuotteet, joilla ei ole kilpailua tai vaihtoehtoista toimittajaa. Näissä nimikkeissä keskityttiin sellaisiin tuotteisiin, joissa on mahdollisimman helposti saatavissa kustannussäästöjä eli pääasiassa kemikaaleihin. Tämän työn tarkoitus ei ollut etsiä vaihtoehtoisia tuotteita/toimittajia, vaan luoda ostolle edellytysnäiden etsimiseen. Hankintastrategian avulla osto voi selkeyttää ja rationalisoida toimintaansa paremmin yritykselle lisäarvoa tuovaksi organisaatioksi. Kullekin ostosalkun matriisille luodun strategian avulla ostajat voivat kehittää toimintaansa tehokkaammaksi. Strategia ei kuitenkaan ole vain kertaluontoinen prosessi, vaan sitä on myös muistettava ylläpitää.