999 resultados para swirling flow


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The present experimental work reports the first observations of primary and secondary transitions in the time-averaged flame topology in a non-premixed swirling flame as the geometric swirl number S-G (a non dimensional number used to quantify the intensity of imparted swirl) is varied from a magnitude of zero till flame blowout. First observations of two transition types viz. primary and secondary transitions are reported. The primary transition represents a transformation from yellow straight jet flame (at S-G = 0) to lifted flame with blue base and finally to swirling seated (burner attached) yellow flame. Time-averaged streamline plot obtained from 2D PIV in mid-longitudinal plane shows a recirculation zone (RZ) at the immediate vicinity of burner exit. The lifted flame is stabilized along the vortex core of this RZ. Further, when S-G similar to 1.4-3, the first occurrence of vortex breakdown (VB) induced internal recirculation zone (IRZ) is witnessed. The flame now stabilizes at the upstream stagnation point of the VB-IRZ, which is attached to the burner lip. The secondary transition represents a transformation from a swirling seated flame to swirling flame with a conical tailpiece and finally to a highly-swirled near blowout oxidizer-rich flame. This transition is understood to be the result of transition in vortex breakdown modes of the swirling flow field from dual-ring VB bubble to central toroidal recirculation zone (CTRZ). The physics of transition is described on the basis of modified Rossby number (Ro(m)). Finally, when the swirl intensity is very high i.e. SG similar to 10, the flame blows out due to excessive straining and due to entrainment of large amount of oxidizer due to partial premixing. The present investigation involving changes in flame topology is immensely important because any change in global flame structure causes oscillatory heat release that can couple with dynamic pressure and velocity fluctuations leading to unsteady combustion. In this light, understanding mechanisms of flame stabilization is essential to tackle the problem of thermo-acoustic instability. (C) 2015 The Combustion Institute. Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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We present solutions to scattering problems for unsteady disturbances to a mean swirling flow in an annular duct with a rigid 'splitter'. This situation has application to rotor-stator interaction noise in aeroengines, where the flow downstream of the fan is swirling and bifurcates into the by-pass duct and the engine core. We also consider the trailing edge extension of this problem. Inviscid mean flow in a cylindrical annulus is considered, with both axial and swirling (azimuthal) velocity components. The presence of vorticity in the mean flow couples the acoustic and vorticity modes of irrotational flow. Instead we have one combined spectrum of acoustic-vorticity waves in which the 'sonic' and 'nearly-convected' modes are fully coupled. In addition to the aeroacoustics application the results offer insight into the behaviour of these acoustic-vorticity waves, and the precise nature of the coupling between the two types of mode. Two regimes are discussed in which progress has been made, one for a specialised mean flow, uniform axial flow and rigid body swirl, and a second regime in which the frequency is assumed large, valid for any axisymmetric mean flow. The Wiener-Hopf technique is used to solve the scattering problems mathematically, and we present numerical evaluations of these solutions. Several new effects are seen to arise due to the mean vorticity, in particular the generation of sound at a trailing edge due to the scattering of a nearly convected disturbance, in contrast to the way a convected gust silently passes a trailing edge in uniform mean flow.


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The melt flow and temperature distribution in a 200 mm silicon Czochralski furnace with a cusp magnetic field was modeled and simulated by using a finite-volume based FLUTRAPP ( Fluid Flow and Transport Phenomena Program) code. The melt flow in the crucible was focused, which is a result of the competition of buoyancy, the centrifugal forces caused by the rotations of the crucible and crystal, the thermocapillary force on the free surfaces and the Lorentz force induced by the cusp magnetic field. The zonal method for radiative heat transfer was used in the growth chamber, which was confined by the crystal surface, melt surface, crucible, heat shield, and pull chamber. It was found that the cusp magnetic field could strength the dominant counter-rotating swirling flow cell in the crucible and reduce the flow oscillation and the pulling-rate fluctuation. The fluctuation of dopant and oxygen concentration in the growing crystal could thus be smoothed.


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A lab-based electrolytic-cell is designed to analyze the effect of external magnetic field on bubble evolution underneath an anode surface. Buckingham Pi theorem is used to provide a complete list of dimensionless parameters for a typical cell configuration. There is an increase in bubble size and the number of bubbles with time. The hydrodynamic convection is apparent due to the effect of electrolyte flow caused by swarm of bubbles rising along the anode surface. The image sequence shows that swarm of bubbles exhibit a swirling flow-field in the presence of the magnetic field. The coalescence process intensifies in an area where magnetic field is higher. As a consequence, bubbles are swept away by the magneto-hydrodynamic (MHD) convection. These results suggest that a magnetic field causes remarkable improvement on the surface coverage of the anode.


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A novel time-stepping shift-invert algorithm for linear stability analysis of laminar flows in complex geometries is presented. This method, based on a Krylov subspace iteration, enables the solution of complex non-symmetric eigenvalue problems in a matrix-free framework. Validations and comparisons to the classical exponential method have been performed in three different cases: (i) stenotic flow, (ii) backward-facing step and (iii) lid-driven swirling flow. Results show that this new approach speeds up the required Krylov subspace iterations and has the capability of converging to specific parts of the global spectrum. It is shown that, although the exponential method remains the method of choice if leading eigenvalues are sought, the performance of the present method could be dramatically improved with the use of a preconditioner. In addition, as opposed to other methods, this strategy can be directly applied to any time-stepper, regardless of the temporal or spatial discretization of the latter.


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Micropolar and RNG-based modelling of industrially relevant boundary layer and recirculating swirling flows is described. Both models contain a number of adjustable parameters and auxiliary conditions that must be either modelled or experimentally determined, and the effects of varying these on the resulting flow solutions is quantified. To these ends, the behaviour of the micropolar model for self-similar flow over a surface that is both stretching and transpiring is explored in depth. The simplified governing equations permit both analytic and numerical approaches to be adopted, and a number of closed form solutions (both exact and approximate) are obtained using perturbation and order of magnitude analyses. Results are compared with the corresponding Newtonian flow solution in order to highlight the differences between the micropolar and classical models, and significant new insights into the behaviour of the micropolar model are revealed for this flow. The behaviour of the RNG-bas based models for swirling flow with vortex breakdown zones is explored in depth via computational modelling of two experimental data sets and an idealised breakdown flow configuration. Meticulous modeling of upstream auxillary conditions is required to correctly assess the behavior of the models studied in this work. The novel concept of using the results to infer the role of turbulence in the onset and topology of the breakdown zone is employed.


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Design of hydraulic turbines has often to deal with hydraulic instability. It is well-known that Francis and Kaplan types present hydraulic instability in their design power range. Even if modern CFD tools may help to define these dangerous operating conditions and optimize runner design, hydraulic instabilities may fortuitously arise during the turbine life and should be timely detected in order to assure a long-lasting operating life. In a previous paper, the authors have considered the phenomenon of helical vortex rope, which happens at low flow rates when a swirling flow, in the draft tube conical inlet, occupies a large portion of the inlet. In this condition, a strong helical vortex rope appears. The vortex rope causes mechanical effects on the runner, on the whole turbine and on the draft tube, which may eventually produce severe damages on the turbine unit and whose most evident symptoms are vibrations. The authors have already shown that vibration analysis is suitable for detecting vortex rope onset, thanks to an experimental test campaign performed during the commissioning of a 23 MW Kaplan hydraulic turbine unit. In this paper, the authors propose a sophisticated data driven approach to detect vortex rope onset at different power load, based on the analysis of the vibration signals in the order domain and introducing the so-called "residual order spectrogram", i.e. an order-rotation representation of the vibration signal. Some experimental test runs are presented and the possibility to detect instability onset, especially in real-time, is discussed.


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An analytical solution is presented for the laminar swirling flow in a tube. Attention is given to a particular type of swirling flow corresponding to a zero longitudinal acceleration parameter, with large suction at the surface. The investigation shows that in the case of very large rates of suction the velocity overshoot can be almost eliminated. This is even possible in flows with swirls which are characterized by a velocity overshoot in the longitudinal direction.


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The effect of large mass injection on the following three-dimensional laminar compressible boundary-layer flows is investigated by employing the method of matched asymptotic expansions: (i) swirling flow in a laminar compressible boundary layer over an axisymmetric surface with variable cross-section and (ii) laminar compressible boundary-layer flow over a yawed infinite wing in a hypersonic flow. The resulting equations are solved numerically by combining the finite-difference technique with quasi-linearization. An increase in the swirl parameter, the yaw angle or the wall temperature is found to be capable of bringing the viscous layer nearer the surface and reducing the effects of massive blowing.


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In this paper a semi analytic model for rotor - stator broadband noise is presented. The work can be split into two sections. The first examines the distortion of the rotor wake in mean swirling flow, downstream of the fan. Previous work by Cooper and Peake4 is extended to include dissipative effects. In the second section we consider the interaction of this gust with the downstream stator row. We examine the way in which an unsteady pressure field is generated by the interaction of this wake flow with the stator blades and obtain estimates for the radiated noise. A new method is presented to extend the well known LINSUB code to the third dimension to capture the effect of the spanwise wavenumber and stator lean and sweep. Copyright © 2008 by Adrian Lloyd and Nigel Peake.


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In this review we describe current scientific and technological issues in the quest to reduce aeroengine noise, in the face of predicted rapid increases in the volume of air traffic, on the one hand, and increasingly strict environmental regulation, on the other. Alongside conventional ducted turbofan designs, new open-rotor contra-rotating power plants are currently under development, which present their own noise challenges. The key sources of tonal and broadband noise, and the way in which noise propagates away from the source, are surveyed in both cases. We also consider in detail two key aspects underpinning the flow physics that continue to receive considerable attention, namely the acoustics of swirling flow and unsteady flow-blade interactions. Finally, we describe possible innovations in open-rotor engine design for low noise.


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Hydrodynamic instabilities in gas turbine fuel injectors help to mix the fuel and air but can sometimes lock into acoustic oscillations and contribute to thermoacoustic instability. This paper describes a linear stability analysis that predicts the frequencies and strengths of hydrodynamic instabilities and identifies the regions of the flow that cause them. It distinguishes between convective instabilities, which grow in time but are convected away by the flow, and absolute instabilities, which grow in time without being convected away. Convectively unstable flows amplify external perturbations, while absolutely unstable flows also oscillate at intrinsic frequencies. As an input, this analysis requires velocity and density fields, either from a steady but unstable solution to the Navier-Stokes equations, or from time-averaged numerical simulations. In the former case, the analysis is a predictive tool. In the latter case, it is a diagnostic tool. This technique is applied to three flows: a swirling wake at Re = 400, a single stream swirling fuel injector at Re - 106, and a lean premixed gas turbine injector with five swirling streams at Re - 106. Its application to the swirling wake demonstrates that this technique can correctly predict the frequency, growth rate and dominant wavemaker region of the flow. It also shows that the zone of absolute instability found from the spatio-temporal analysis is a good approximation to the wavemaker region, which is found by overlapping the direct and adjoint global modes. This approximation is used in the other two flows because it is difficult to calculate their adjoint global modes. Its application to the single stream fuel injector demonstrates that it can identify the regions of the flow that are responsible for generating the hydrodynamic oscillations seen in LES and experimental data. The frequencies predicted by this technique are within a few percent of the measured frequencies. The technique also explains why these oscillations become weaker when a central jet is injected along the centreline. This is because the absolutely unstable region that causes the oscillations becomes convectively unstable. Its application to the lean premixed gas turbine injector reveals that several regions of the flow are hydrodynamically unstable, each with a different frequency and a different strength. For example, it reveals that the central region of confined swirling flow is strongly absolutely unstable and sets up a precessing vortex core, which is likely to aid mixing throughout the injector. It also reveals that the region between the second and third streams is slightly absolutely unstable at a frequency that is likely to coincide with acoustic modes within the combustion chamber. This technique, coupled with knowledge of the acoustic modes in a combustion chamber, is likely to be a useful design tool for the passive control of mixing and combustion instability. Copyright © 2012 by ASME.


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We present results on the stability of compressible inviscid swirling flows in an annular duct. Such flows are present in aeroengines, for example in the by-pass duct, and there are also similar flows in many aeroacoustic or aeronautical applications. The linearised Euler equations have a ('critical layer') singularity associated with pure convection of the unsteady disturbance by the mean flow, and we focus our attention on this region of the spectrum. By considering the critical layer singularity, we identify the continuous spectrum of the problem and describe how it contributes to the unsteady field. We find a very generic family of instability modes near to the continuous spectrum, whose eigenvalue wavenumbers form an infinite set and accumulate to a point in the complex plane. We study this accumulation process asymptotically, and find conditions on the flow to support such instabilities. It is also found that the continuous spectrum can cause a new type of instability, leading to algebraic growth with an exponent determined by the mean flow, given in the analysis. The exponent of algebraic growth can be arbitrarily large. Numerical demonstrations of the continuous spectrum instability, and also the modal instabilities are presented.