997 resultados para swimming crab


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This investigation describes ovarian maturation stages in the female reproductive system, evidence for histones in sperm nuclei and novel morphological changes that occur during spermiogenesis in the male blue swimming crab, portunus pelagicus. It also identifies dual functionality of the molt inhibiting hromone on molting and vitellogenesis through RNA inteference.


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Settlement rate may not reflect larval supply to coastal waters in different marine invertebrates and demersal fishes. The importance of near-shore oceanography and behaviour of late larval stages may be underestimated. The present study conducted neustonic sampling over station grids and along full-length transects at two embayments in south-eastern Brazil to (1) compare diurnal and nocturnal occurrence of most frequent decapod stages to assess their vertical movements, (2) describe the formation of larval patches and (3) measure competence of crab megalopae according to their distance to recruitment grounds. Several shrimp species apparently undergo a diel vertical migration, swimming crab megalopae showed no vertical movements and megalopae of the intertidal crab Pachygrapsus transversus revealed a reversed vertical migration. During the day, crab megalopae aggregated in convergence zones just below surface slicks. These larvae consisted of advanced, pre-moult stages, at both mid-bay and near-shore patches. Competence, measured as the time to metamorphosis in captivity, was similar between larval patches within each taxon. Yet, subtidal portunids moulted faster to juveniles than intertidal grapsids, possibly because they were closer to settlement grounds. Megalopae of Pachygrapsus from benthic collectors moulted faster than those from bay areas. These results suggest that alternative vertical migration patterns of late megalopae favour onshore transport, and actual competence takes place very close to suitable substrates, where larvae may remain for days before settlement. Lack of correlation between larval supply and settlement for Pachygrapsus suggests that biological processes, besides onshore transport, may play an important role in determining settlement success of coastal crabs.


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The niche breadth of the Portunidae and their overlap on the subtidal sediments of Fortaleza bay, Ubatuba (São Paulo) was analyzed. Samples were made monthly from November/1988 to October/1989, inseven areas of the bay using a shrimp fishery boat equipped with two otter-trawls. Each area was characterized based on environmental factors such as depth, temperature, salinity, dissolved oxygen, organic matter and granulometric composition of the sediment. The number of individuais of each species was registered to each area (resource). Levins's standardized measure (BA) and niche percentage were calculated. Five species of swimming crabs were recorded in this study: Callinectes ornatus Ordway, 1863, Arenaeus cribrarius (Lamarck, 1818), Portunus spinimanus Latreille, 1819, Callinectes danae Smith, 1869 and Portunus spinicarpus (Stimpson, 1871). The widest ecological niche occurred to C. ornatus, present in all sampled areas (generalist species). Such fact can be related to high sediment tolerance when it is compared to P. spinimanus (especialist species) which was limited to the areas with coarse granulometric fractions. Highest niche overlap was verified between C. danae and A. cribrarius may be due to greater salinity tolerance of these species. The low occurrence of P. spinicarpus and its reduced niche size in Fortaleza Bay are due to association of this species to cold water currents (ACAS) more evidente in smaler depths during summer months. One future evaluation of the portunid diet can be useful to complement informations about this important aspect of the marine ecology.


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A comparison of the cheliped's weight in two species of the genus Callinectes was accomplished. The species C. danae e C. ornatus were collected by two otter trawl in Ubatuba bay (23 degrees 26' S and 45 degrees 02' W). The allometric constants obtained from the regression adjusted to a power function (Y = aX(b)) were analyzed. These species presented different allometry degrees for each sex considered. The relation Pe x PC presented positive allometry for sex of both species, but male presented higher positive allometry than female. C. danae presented higher positive allometry for chelipeds than C. ornatus. We suggest here that C. danae could be indicated to be submitted to grow out in ponds since it reaches higher size and bigger chelipeds.


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The juvenile development of Callinectes ornatus was studied from megalopae collected in the neuston off Ubatuba, São Paulo State, Brazil. The animals were raised in the laboratory under constant temperature (25 +/- 1 degrees C), filtered sea water (35 parts per thousand) from the sampling location, and the natural photoperiod. Eleven stages of the juvenile phase were obtained. The main features of the first juvenile stage diagnostic of the species are: the number of segments in the antenna; number of setae on the exopod, endopod, basal endite and coxal endite of the maxilla, on the exopod, endopod, basal endite, coxal endite and epipod of the 1(st) maxilliped, and on the exopod, endopod and epipod of the 2(nd) maxilliped. Sexual dimorphism becomes apparent from the fourth juvenile stage onwards.


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Marine biological invasions have been regarded as one of the major causes of native biodiversity loss, with shipping and aquaculture being the leading contributors for the introductions of alien species in aquatic ecosystems. In the present study, five aquatic alien species (one mollusk, three crustaceans and one fish species) were detected during dives, shore searches and from the fisheries on the coast of the Delta do Parnaiba Environmental Protection Area, in the States of Piaui and Maranhao, Northeastern Brazil. The species were the bicolor purse-oyster Isognomon bicolor, the whiteleg shrimp Litopenaeus vannamei, the giant river prawn Macrobrachium rosenbergii, the Indo-Pacific swimming crab Charybdis hellerii and, the muzzled blenny Omobranchus punctatus. Ballast water (I. bicolor, C. hellerii, and O. punctatus) and aquaculture activities (L. vannamei and M. rosenbergii) in adjacent areas are the most likely vectors of introduction. All exotic species found have potential impact risks to the environment because they are able to compete against native species for resources (food and habitat). Isognomon bicolor share the same habitat and food items with the native bivalve species of mussels and barnacles. Litopenaeus vannamei share the same habitat and food items with the native penaeids such as the pinkspot shrimp Farfantepenaeus brasiliensis, the Southern brown shrimp Farfantepenaeus subtilis, and the Southern white shrimp Litopenaeus schmitti, and in the past few years L. vannamei was responsible for a viral epidemics in the cultivation tanks that could be transmitted to native penaeid shrimps. Charybdis hellerii is also able to cause impacts on the local fisheries as the species can decrease the populations of native portunid crabs which are commercialized in the studied region. Macrobrachium rosenbergii may be sharing natural resources with the Amazon River prawn Macrobrachium amazonicum. Omobranchus punctatus shares habit with the native redlip blenny Ophioblennius atlanticus and other fishes, such as the frillfin goby Bathigobius soporator. Some immediate remedial measures to prevent further introductions from ballast water and shrimp farm ponds should be: (i) to prevent the release of ballast water by ship/vessels in the region; (ii) to reroute all effluent waters from shrimp rearing facilities through an underground or above-ground dry well; (iii) to install adequate sand and gravel filter which will allow passage of water but not livestock; (iv) outdoor shrimp pounds located on floodable land should be diked, and; (v) to promote environmental awareness of those directly involved with ballast water (crews of ship/vessels) and shrimp farms in the region. Rev. Biol. Trop. 58 (3): 909-923. Epub 2010 September 01.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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The external infestation of Callinectes ornatus Ordway, 1863 and Callinectes danae Smith, 1869, in particular cirripeds, was studied for two consecutive years in the Ubatuba Bay (SP) (23 degrees 26' S and 45 degrees 02' W). Bryozoans, polychaetes and cirripeds were found on both swimming crab species, but cirripeds were the most abundant and frequent. The number of infested swimming crabs increased proportionally to carapace size, but not surpassing 30 %, suggesting an absence of terminal anecdysis in both species. The establishment of the pernicious organisms on their hosts is influenced by other factors, such as their habit of burying themselves in sediments. The correlation between molting activity in adult specimens of both sexes and the low incidence of epizoonts suggest that C. ornatus and C. danae may be molting after maturity.


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The object of this work was to study the conditions of embryo development and egg production in Portunus spinimanus Latreille, 1819 at Ubatuba region of Brazil. The number of eggs laid by 21 females in a range of size was determined. Eggs at 3 differ ent stages of embryonic development were measured P. spinimanus fecundity varied between 188,065 and 682,992, with an average of 429,676 +/- 157,203, for animals with a carapace width ranging from 56.2 to 86.6 mm. Between the initial and final stages of development there was an increase of 55.1% in egg diameter. The relatively high fecundity of P. spinimanus may be a strategy of the species faced with a high mortality rate in the larval phase; however this hypothesis should be tested.


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A comparison of the cheliped's weight in two species of the genus Callinectes was accomplished. The species C. danae e C. ornatus were collected by two otter trawl in Ubatuba bay (23°26' S and 45°02' W). The allometric constants obtained from the regression adjusted to a power function (Y = aXb) were analyzed. These species presented different allometry degrees for each sex considered. The relation PQ x PC presented positive allometry for sex of both species, but male presented higher positive allometry than female. C. danae presented higher positive allometry for chelipeds than C. ornatus. We suggest here that C. danae could be indicated to be submitted to grow out in ponds since it reaches higher size and bigger chelipeds. © 1998, Paraná Institute of Technology Publication.


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For meroplanktonic larvae that must settle in coastal areas, their successful return to the shore is determined largely by physical transport processes; however, many organisms perform vertical movements to aid successful recruitment. In this study, daytime tidal vertical migration of megalopae of the velvet swimming crab Necora puber was investigated across two different exposures in the shallow waters of Plymouth Sound. Crabs were collected using a plankton net at the surface and near the bottom during flood and ebb tides. Distribution of the pelagic postlarvae was patchy and the abundance varied spatially in tens and thousands of metres. In temporal scales, the annual pattern was dominated by low occurrence of megalopae, punctuated by episodic peaks of high abundance. Most megalopae were collected at the surface irrespective of the tidal phase. The effect of wave exposure on the vertical migration of megalopae was not clear, although there was a general higher abundance of megalopae on exposed shores. Daytime abundance in the water column appears to be regulated by the tidal cycle, as megalopae were more abundant during flood than ebb tides. Although the megalopae do not appear to make large vertical migrations, this behaviour should produce a net shoreward transport. © 2005 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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This investigation aimed to study the relative growth, morphological sexual maturity and fecundity of the swimming crab Achelous spinicarpus in a tropical region, on the south-eastern continental shelf of Brazil (25°S). Biometry of all specimens was conducted, including measurements of the cephalothorax, cheliped, abdomen and gonopods. Relative growth was described based on the equation for allometry (y = axb), and size at sexual maturity was determined from inflections in relations involving the cheliped, gonopods (males), and abdomen (females), as dependent variables, related to the cephalothorax width (independent variable). Fecundity was estimated by the gravimetric method. The relations of the length of the chelar propodus and carpal spine to the carapace width without the lateral spines (CW) showed positive allometry in both sexes, with a significant variation in the constant 'b' for males between the developmental stages (juvenile and adult) and the size at maturity estimated at 37 mm CW. In females, the abdomen was most appropriate for the estimate of morphological maturity, which occurred at a smaller size (32 mm CW), with a change in the growth pattern between the stages, passing from isometric (juveniles) to positive allometric (adults). The gonopods also showed different growth rates between developmental stages, in synchrony with the variables of the cheliped. Mean fecundity for the species was 53,984 eggs, with a positive correlation between the number of eggs exteriorized and the size of the female; the equations allowed interconversion between these variables, due to the adjustment of the power function (r2 ≥ 86%). © 2012 Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)