998 resultados para swd: Virtual Prototyping


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The past few years, multimodal interaction has been gaining importance in virtual environments. Although multimodality renders interacting with an environment more natural and intuitive, the development cycle of such an application is often long and expensive. In our overall field of research, we investigate how modelbased design can facilitate the development process by designing environments through the use of highlevel diagrams. In this scope, we present ‘NiMMiT’, a graphical notation for expressing and evaluating multimodal user interaction; we elaborate on the NiMMiT primitives and demonstrate its use by means of a comprehensive example.


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Future generations of mobile communication devices will serve more and more as multimedia platforms capable of reproducing high quality audio. In order to achieve a 3-D sound perception the reproduction quality of audio via headphones can be significantly increased by applying binaural technology. To be independent of individual head-related transfer functions (HRTFs) and to guarantee a good performance for all listeners, an adaptation of the synthesized sound field to the listener's head movements is required. In this article several methods of head-tracking for mobile communication devices are presented and compared. A system for testing the identified methods is set up and experiments are performed to evaluate the prosand cons of each method. The implementation of such a device in a 3-D audio system is described and applications making use of such a system are identified and discussed.


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Approximately three years ago, composite stereolithography (SL) resins were introduced to the marketplace, offering performance features beyond what traditional SL resins could offer. In particular, the high heat deflection temperatures and high stiffness of these highly filled resins have opened the door to several new rapid prototyping (RP) applications, including wind tunnel test modelling and, more recently, rapid tooling.


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Als um 1987 ein Verfahren namens Stereolithographie und ein Stereolithography Apparatus (SLA) vorgestellt wurden, war der Traum von der Herstellung beliebiger dreidimensionaler Bauteile direkt aus Computerdaten und ohne bauteilspezifische Werkzeuge Realität geworden.


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Das Lasersintern (LS) hat sich als generatives Verfahren zur schichtweisen Fertigung von Modellen und Prototypen aus CAD-Daten etabliert. Die Möglichkeit werkzeuglos beliebig komplexe Bauteile zu erstellen birgt großes Potential für die zukünftige Fertigung von Einzelstücken und Kleinserien. Da die verfügbare Technologie starke Schwankung der Qualität mit sich bringt, stellt sich jedoch die Frage nach der prinzipiellen Leistungsfähigkeit des Verfahrens. Die Professur Fertigungstechnik an der Universität Duisburg-Essen verfügt über eine Sinterstation 2000 und hat sich näher mit dieser Problematik befasst um zu untersuchen, welche Qualität bei gegebener Anlagentechnik unter Verwendung eines gängigen Lasersinter-Werkstoffes erreichbar ist.


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This article illustrates the detection of 6 degrees of freedom (DOF) for Virtual Environment interactions using a modified simple laser pointer device and a camera. The laser pointer is combined with a diffraction rating to project a unique laser grid onto the projection planes used in projection-based immersive VR setups. The distortion of the projected grid is used to calculate the translational and rotational degrees of freedom required for human-computer interaction purposes.