941 resultados para support groups


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This paper explores how international sanctions affect authoritarian rulers’ decisions concerning repression and public spending composition, and how different authoritarian rulers respond to foreign pressure. If sanctions are assumed to increase the price of loyalty to the regime, then rulers whose budgets are not severely constrained by sanctions will tend to increase spending in those categories that most benefit their core support groups. In contrast, when constraints are severe due to reduced aid and trade, dictators are expected to greatly increase their levels of repression. Using data on regime types, public expenditures and spending composition (1970–2000) as well as on repression levels (1976–2001), we show that the empirical patterns conform well to our theoretical expectations. Single-party regimes, when targeted by sanctions, increase spending on subsidies and transfers which largely benefit more substantial sectors of the population and especially the urban classes. Likewise, military regimes increase their expenditures on goods and services, which include military equipment and soldiers’ and officers’ wages. Conversely, personalist regimes reduce spending in all categories, especially capital expenditures, while increasing repression much more than other regime types when targeted by sanctions.


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Résumé: Questions étudiées / principes: Le diagnostic prénatal des fentes faciales et palatines a soulevé maintes questions concernant la meilleure manière d'informer les parents et d'offrir une aide appropriée durant les semaines de grossesse restant, afin de faire de la naissance une expérience positive. Le conseil prénatal diffère selon la personne qui en est responsable et ses connaissances concernant les aspects pratiques des soins ainsi que l'impact de cette malformation sur la qualité de vie de l'enfant. Le but de cette étude est d'évaluer nos techniques actuelles et de les modifier de façon appropriée. Méthodes: 29 couples ayant bénéficié d'un diagnostic prénatal ont été priés de répondre rétrospectivement à un questionnaire. L'histoire obstétrique personnelle ainsi que l'histoire familiale, le déroulement des évènements, la qualité de l'information fournie et leurs impressions à la naissance ont été considérées. Résultats: Les parents utilisent de multiples sources d'information: l'obstétricien, le conseil du chirurgien pédiatrique au sein de I « équipe fente », les groupes de soutien de parents et Internet. 93% des parents se sont sentis bien préparés à la naissance de leur enfant, autant psychologiquement que concernant les aspects pratiques des soins. 54% ont été soulagés de voir leur enfant moins affecté qu'ils ne l'imaginaient. Finalement, 96% considèrent que le diagnostic prénatal est un bénéfice. Conclusion: Une information de base devrait être apportée rapidement après l'ultrason confirmant le diagnostic, suivie de discussions techniques progressivement plus détaillées durant le temps de grossesse restant. Summary: Questions under study / principles: Prenatal diagnosis of cleft lip and palate has raised many questions concerning the best way to inform the parents and offer appropriate support during the remaining pregnancy to help prepare a positive birth experience. Prenatal counseling differs according to whose is responsible and that person's knowledge of practical aspects of care and the impact of the malformation on the child's quality of life. The aim of the study was to evaluate our current techniques and modify them when appropriate. Methods: 29 couples having experienced prenatal diagnosis were asked to respond retrospectively to a questionnaire. Personal obstetric and family history, timing and quality of information provided and their impressions at birth were considered. Results: The parents used several sources of information: the obstetrician, the counsel by the cleft team surgeon, the parents support groups and Internet. 93% of the parents felt well prepared for the birth of their child psychologically and concerning practical aspects of care. 54% felt relieved that their child was less affected than imagined. 96% considered prenatal diagnosis a benefit. Conclusion: Basic information should be provided soon after ultrasound confirmation, followed by progressively more detailed technical discussions over the remaining pregnancy.


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The Public Health Agency is using National Breastfeeding Awareness Week (NBAW) to emphasise the message that breastfeeding is the healthiest option for both you and your baby and that by deciding to breastfeed, you will be giving your child the best possible start in life. NBAW runs from 19-25 June and highlights the fact that any period of breastfeeding, however short, will benefit your baby.Breast milk is different to formula milk as it contains antibodies that cannot be manufactured in formula. Antibodies help protect babies from infection and stimulate their immune system.Northern Ireland has the lowest breastfeeding rate in the UK, with an average of 63% of women breastfeeding their baby at birth. Janet Calvert, Regional Breastfeeding Coordinator at the PHA, said: "This is an issue that clearly needs addressed, as breastfeeding has many important health benefits for both mother and baby. These include a reduced risk of ear, chest, kidney and stomach infections and less risk of childhood diabetes and obesity."Breastfeeding can also significantly reduce the risk of hospital admission of children for gastroenteritis and chest infections. The health benefits for mothers who choose to breastfeed include a reduced risk of developing illnesses such as breast cancer, ovarian cancer and osteoporosis."There are other benefits as well as those to your health. Breastfeeding is free - you don't have to buy formula, bottles, teats, sterilising equipment etc. Breast milk is always available, with the right ingredients, at the right temperature, so it's easier to feed at night or on the go.The PHA recognises the importance of breastfeeding to health and the need to ensure that mothers get off to a good start with breastfeeding. It is vital that mothers get the right support and encouragement from their family and friends should they decide to breastfeed. Breastfeeding can be difficult at the start and mothers need reassurance while they learn."There are many local initiatives in the community to improve breastfeeding support. These include improving support in the health service and through Sure Start programmes, which work in areas of need to help ensure children get the best start in life," Janet added."Mother to mother peer support programmes are in place in many areas and are working with expectant and new mothers to help them breastfeed for longer. There are also 70 breastfeeding support groups, which provide ongoing support for breastfeeding mothers throughout Northern Ireland. "The PHA is also working to improve attitudes to breastfeeding in public through the Breastfeeding Welcome Here scheme, which began in 2005 and now has over 200 businesses and public facilities signed up to support and welcome breastfeeding families. All these initiatives, along with support from partners and family, are vital to help expectant and new mothers stay with breastfeeding."Health Minister Edwin Poots said: "There is clear evidence that breastfeeding offers health benefits for both babies and mothers. We know that breast milk gives baby the best start in life by providing all the nutrients and protection a baby needs for the first six months of life. That is why my Department is committed to promoting and supporting breastfeeding".For further information on breastfeeding visit www.breastfedbabies.org.uk


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Objective To analyse the provision of health care actions and services for people living with AIDS and receiving specialised care in Ribeirão Preto, SP. Method A descriptive, exploratory, survey-type study that consisted of interviews with structured questionnaires and data analysis using descriptive statistics. Results The provision of health care actions and services is perceived as fair. For the 301 subjects, routine care provided by the reference team, laboratory tests and the availability of antiretroviral drugs, vaccines and condoms obtained satisfactory evaluations. The provision of tests for the prevention and diagnosis of comorbidities was assessed as fair, whereas the provisions of specialised care by other professionals, psychosocial support groups and medicines for the prevention of antiretroviral side effects were assessed as unsatisfactory. Conclusion Shortcomings were observed in follow-up and care management along with a predominantly biological, doctor-centred focus in which clinical control and access to antiretroviral therapy comprise the essential focus of the care provided.


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Abstract OBJECTIVE The aim of this paper is to understand the experience of smokers in view of unsuccessful attempts to quit smoking. METHOD This study is based on social phenomenology. Between November and December of 2014, nine interviews were conducted with people that had attempted to quit smoking. The content of these interviews was analyzed and discussed based on the related literature. RESULTS Unsuccessful attempts to quit smoking are related to tobacco addiction; cigarettes are seen as a support to cope with everyday stressful situations. Attempts to quit the smoking habits were based on the need of health improvement and insistence of family and friends. Smokers reported the use of habit cessation strategies learned in support groups, but they also express expectation of specialized psychological support. CONCLUSION The study points out the need to expand the strategies of approaching smokers, and reinforcing psychological support in order to achieve success in the attempt to quit smoking.


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Yrittäjyyden Tuki - projekti toimi osana valtakunnallista WomEqual - kehittämiskumppanuushanketta vuosina 2005-2007 tavoitteenaan tukea naisyrittäjien toimintaedellytyksiä kehittäen heille vertaisryhmätoimintaan perustuvaa tukimallia. Tässä tutkimuksessa ensisijaisena tavoitteena on selvittää, miten kyseisen projektin vertaisryhmätoimintaan osallistuneet naisyrittäjät kokivat naisyrittäjien välisen vertaistuen toimintamuotona. Pyrkimyksenä on myös ymmärtää, mitkä seikat sitouttivat naisyrittäjiä vertaisryhmätoimintaan ja mitä he kokivat oppineensa vertaisryhmätoiminnan seurauksena. Lisäksi kiinnostuksen kohteena on tarkastella, kuinka vertaistukiryhmä toimii naisyrittäjien välisen verkostoitumisen välineenä. Tutkimus on laadullinen ja aineistolähtöinen. Tutkimuksen primääriaineisto on kerätty puolistrukturoiduin teemahaastatteluilla ja sekundaariaineisto kyselytutkimuksen avulla. Tutkimustulokset osoittavat, että naisyrittäjät kokevat henkisen ja sosiaalisen tuen tärkeäksi. Toiselta naisyrittäjältä, vertaiselta, saatu tuki koettiin vertaistukiryhmän vahvuudeksi. Vertaisryhmässä oppiminen tapahtui kokemusten jakamisen kautta. Uusien verkostojen luomisessa vertaistukiryhmä ei täysin vastannut odotuksia.


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In Velloziaceae, the number of subsidiary cells has been used to characterize species and support groups. Nevertheless, the homology of the stomatal types have not been scrutinized. Stomatal ontogenesis of Vellozia epidendroides and V. plicata, assigned to have tetracytic stomata, and of V. glauca and Barbacenia riparia, assigned to have paracytic stomata, were investigated. In the four species studied, stomata followed perigenic development. Subsidiary cells arise from oblique divisions of neighbouring cells of the guard mother cell (GMC). These cells are elongated and parallel to the longer axis of the stoma. Polar cells show wide variation, following the shape and size of the epidermal cells in the vicinity. Hence, these cells cannot be called subsidiary cells. This wide variation is due to a much higher density of stomata in some regions of the leaf blade. This distribution of stomata forces the development of short polar cells, leading to an apparently tetracytic stomata. In regions of low concentration of stomata, higher spatial availability between the GMCs allows the elongation of polar cells, leading to evident paracytic stomata. Therefore, the four studied species are considered braquiparacytic, questioning the classification of stomata into tetracytic and paracytic in Velloziaceae.


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This study was designed to assess the influence of resistance training on salivary immunoglobulin A (IgA) levels and hormone profile in sedentary adults with Down syndrome (DS). A total of 40 male adults with DS were recruited for the trial through different community support groups for people with intellectual disabilities. All participants had medical approval for participation in physical activity. Twenty-four adults were randomly assigned to perform resistance training in a circuit with six stations, 3 days per week for 12 weeks. Training intensity was based on functioning in the eight-repetition maximum (8RM) test for each exercise. The control group included 16 age-, gender-, and BMI-matched adults with DS. Salivary IgA, testosterone, and cortisol levels were measured by ELISA. Work task performance was assessed using the repetitive weighted-box-stacking test. Resistance training significantly increased salivary IgA concentration (P=0.0120; d=0.94) and testosterone levels (P=0.0088; d=1.57) in the exercising group. Furthermore, it also improved work task performance. No changes were seen in the controls who had not exercised. In conclusion, a short-term resistance training protocol improved mucosal immunity response as well as salivary testosterone levels in sedentary adults with DS.


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Certaines personnes peuvent être stigmatisées quand elles présentent un attribut relié à une identité sociale qui est dénigrée dans un contexte particulier. Il existe plusieurs stéréotypes au sujet des personnes qui ont une perte d'audition. Le grand public associe souvent la perte d'audition à des comportements indésirables, au vieillissement et à une capacité intellectuelle réduite. Ces stéréotypes affectent négativement la participation des personnes ayant une perte auditive à diverses activités. Malgré les impacts évidents et importants que la stigmatisation a sur la participation sociale des personnes ayant une perte auditive et leur propension à recourir aux services de réadaptation, on constate une pénurie relative de recherche sur le stigmate lié à la perte d'audition. Ces dernières années, les chercheurs en sciences sociales ont fait de grands pas pour conceptualiser le stigmate selon la perspective des personnes qui sont la cible des attitudes nuisibles. La plupart de ces concepts peuvent s'appliquer au stigmate social lié à la perte d'audition. Le premier article de cette thèse tente de placer le stigmate lié à la perte d'audition dans un modèle de menace à l’identité induite par le stigmate (stigma-induced identity threat model). Ce chapitre explore comment les services pourraient être modifiés pour mieux soutenir les individus qui montrent des signes que leur identité personnelle est compromise à cause de leur perte d'audition. De façon générale, les buts de ce manuscrit sont a) de dresser un bref résumé de la question du stigmate lié à la perte d'audition ; b) de présenter un modèle spécifique de menace d'identité induite par le stigmate et d’incorporer des notions propres au stigmate lié à la perte d'audition à cette conceptualisation générale du stigmate et c) de réfléchir sur la pertinence de ce modèle pour la réadaptation audiologique. L'intention de la deuxième étude est de mieux comprendre comment le stigmate affecte les comportements de recherche d’aide des adultes ayant une perte d'audition acquise. Dix personnes ayant une perte d'audition, et appartenant à des groupes de soutien par les pairs ont participé à des entrevues semi-structurées audio-enregistrées. Les transcriptions de ces entrevues ont été analysées au moyen d’analyses thématiques. Les analyses ont indiqué que les répondants montre une plus grande propension à chercher de l'aide à la suite d’étapes charnières, où l’équilibre entre le stress négatif et l'énergie positive était rompu : a) un moment où le stress était de loin supérieur à l'énergie positive (première étape charnière) et b) un moment où l'énergie positive était de loin supérieure au stress négatif (deuxième étape charnière). On propose une série de représentations graphiques qui dépeignent comment les influences positives et négatives présentes dans l'environnement social et physique du répondant influencent la recherche d'aide. Le but de la troisième étude est d'identifier les facteurs qui amènent des individus à cacher ou révéler leur perte d'audition dans leur lieu de travail. Des entrevues semi-structurées ont été menées en utilisant une technique d’élicitation par photographies pour susciter des informations liées à la révélation de la perte d'audition. Les thèmes dégagés des entrevues incluent : l'importance perçue de la situation, la perception du sentiment de contrôle, l'affiliation à la communauté, le fardeau de communication et la présence de problèmes connexes à la perte d'audition. Les résultats de cette étude offrent un aperçu du monde caché des travailleurs ayant une perte d'audition. Cette étude sert à documenter certaines stratégies que les travailleurs avec une perte d'audition utilisent pour contrôler leur identité professionnelle et, plus spécifiquement, comment certains gèrent le dévoilement de leur perte d'audition dans leur lieu de travail. Les résultats fournissent des informations utiles pour le développement de programmes d'intervention appropriés pour des travailleurs ayant une perte d'audition.


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Dans un contexte social où se renégocie le contrat de genre, l’exploration des voies empruntées par les hommes pour (apprendre à) changer leur comportement, aussi bien que leurs croyances et leurs connaissances sur la masculinité, est particulièrement importante. Située dans le champ des études sur le genre masculin et de l’andragogie, l’étude explore le processus d’apprentissage d’adultes faisant partie du Réseau Hommes Québec (RHQ). En utilisant une méthodologie qualitative, des entretiens semi-dirigés ont été effectués auprès de 16 membres de cette organisation d’entraide visant la remise en question des rôles de genre traditionnels masculins et encourageant le développement personnel des hommes. Si la plupart des répondants n’ont pas transformé radicalement leur conception de la masculinité, qui demeure souvent abstraite, leur façon de se voir comme homme a changé radicalement. Les émotions et les relations ont joué un rôle prépondérant dans le développement d’une réflexion critique sur le genre, le leur comme celui des autres. Le plus souvent, ils ont eu le courage de sentir, d’être et d’agir de façon inédite avec d’autres hommes. Cela a représenté, pour pratiquement tous les répondants, une véritable révolution intérieure qui leur a fait prendre conscience qu’ils étaient sensibles, qu’ils avaient besoin d’autrui et qu’ils pouvaient approcher d’autres hommes sans que leur orientation (hétéro)sexuelle soit menacée. Cette thèse met également en perspective que le contexte de groupe est crucial dans l’évolution des hommes. La socialisation masculine inédite vécue dans le Réseau favorise chez tous les répondants la découverte de modèles de masculinité différents. En plus d’y vivre des occasions uniques de développer des compétences relationnelles, sociales et communicationnelles qui les rapprochent de leurs proches, les répondants éprouvent dans les groupes du RHQ un sentiment puissant de pouvoir partager de l’intimité masculine. Ce nouveau mode d’interaction s’appuie sur les règles de fonctionnement et les rituels en vigueur dans le Réseau. Ils mettent l’accent sur la nature personnelle et subjective de la communication, défiant en cela les préceptes de la masculinité traditionnelle. En mettant en évidence que les hommes développent une conscience critique permettant de reconnaître et de comprendre l’importance de la culture masculine hégémonique et son impact sur leur vie, cette recherche révèle le potentiel transformationnel des apprentissages effectués par les 16 répondants dans des groupes d’entraide du RHQ. De cette conscientisation résulte une nouvelle conceptualisation de ce que signifie être un homme qui mène les participants à se voir autrement, à croire en eux-mêmes et en leur capacité à prendre le contrôle de leur vie. Pour conclure cette thèse, quelques pistes de réflexion pour guider de futures recherches relatives à la transformation de perspective sont présentées. Il est notamment question, en plus d’avoir recours à des entretiens rétrospectifs semi-dirigés, de combiner les méthodologies qualitatives et quantitatives, de procéder à des observations systématiques des situations d’apprentissage (rencontres de groupe) et de ne pas se concentrer exclusivement sur ceux qui sont supposés vivre la transformation, mais d’élargir cette collecte à d’autres sources d’information (familles, collègues de travail, voisins, thérapeutes individuels), le tout dans une perspective longitudinale.


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This article provides an overview of the psychological intervention in a Unit Care of Mental Health. The objectives and therapeutic actions to follow are defined through the participation of an interdisciplinary team and networking; it includes support groups and, especially, the families of patients that suffer a severe mental disorder. The materials and resources used were weekly sessions of one hour and forty minutes, for two years of monitoring (2005-2007). The study population consists of families of patients with different pathologies, which are in the Intensive Care Unit. In terms of design, it is made a qualitativeanalysis of 100 field day formats, and fills a matrix of content analysis. It is reviewed the objectives, the approach Multi-Focus, methodology, used techniques, the procedures developed and the feedback given at each session. The findings from this study show that mental disorders are related to the environment in which the patient is developed and complex social process. They also suggest a greater need for psychiatric patient care and its networks, timely and relevantly. By the other hand, it shows the importance of increasing efforts to make available in the field of mental health brief strategic interventions in interdisciplinary teams, it is appropriate a psycho educational and therapeutic approach in which the actions are coordinated at different levels.


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This paper proposes a political economy explanation of bailouts to declining industries. A model of probabilistic voting is developed, in which two candidates compete for the vote of two groups of the society through tactical redistribution. We allow politicians to have core support groups they understand better, this implies politicians are more or less effective to deliver favors to some groups. This setting is suited to reproduce pork barrels or machine politics and patronage. We use this model to illustrate the case of an economy with both an efficient industry and a declining one, in which workers elect their government. We present the conditions under which the political process ends up with the lagged-behind industry being allowed to survive.


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A clinical psychologist describes four sibling support groups (Sibgroups) set up in Berkshire and Scotland. These were weekly groups for brothers and sisters of children on the autism spectrum. The article provides details of the content of the sessions and the instruments used to measure participants' views on autism and their relationship with their brother of sister. It also provides ideas on how to elicit their views and on the areas in which they may require knowledge and support.


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Within many communities in East Africa, people living with HIV are increasingly involved in delivering home-based care and healthcare for family members and peers. Such interdependent caring relations blur conventional boundaries between ‘care-givers’ and ‘care-recipients’, and constructions of 'service users' as dependent, passive recipients of healthcare. The participation of people living with HIV in healthcare provision, home-based care and peer support groups can enhance ‘relational autonomy’ for both care-givers and care-recipients, although such initiatives often play out in highly gendered ways. The care and support of people living with HIV, particularly the emotion work of caring, however, continues to be associated with women's and girls' assumed 'natural' nurturing roles and has been largely devalued and overlooked in HIV policy and practice to date.


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Recent research and policy have recognised the central role of unpaid care-givers (often women and girls) in the global South. Disability rights perspectives, however, challenge the language of ‘care’ and ‘dependence’. Drawing on qualitative research with women living with HIV and children caring for them in Tanzania, and on learning from the National Community of Women Living with HIV and AIDS in Uganda (NACWOLA), this paper explores the divergences and interconnections between the concepts and practices of care, disability and HIV in the context of East Africa. Despite the development of interdependent caring relations, both care-givers and people living with HIV in Tanzania experience ‘diminished autonomy’. The participation of people living with HIV, including disabled people, in home-based care and in peer support groups, however, can enhance ‘relational autonomy’ for both care-givers and care-recipients. We reflect on opportunities and challenges for mutual learning and cross-movement advocacy by disabled people, people living with HIV and care-givers.