891 resultados para supply lead time


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a. Introduzione: il capitolo introduttivo tratta il background del lavoro in generale. In esso vengono illustrati inoltre gli scopi e gli obiettivi e la struttura dell’elaborato. b. Framework teorici: Strategicità fornitori e SM Il primo passo nella progettazione di questo elaborato di tesi è stato quello di sviluppare una ricerca nella letteratura della SCM. Secondo Strauss e Corbin (2008) “la domanda iniziale di uno studio qualitativo è spesso ampia ed aperta”. Un modo per sviluppare domande di ricerca è quello si esaminare la letteratura. Viene trattata la strategicità della funzione approvvigionamenti nel Supply Chain Management ed il notevole impatto dei fornitori sulle prestazioni aziendali. c. Supplier Base Reduction: Modello Concettuale. Viene proposto un modello concettuale che si base sulla strategicità della SBR intesa come una strategia di gestione del parco fornitori grazie ai suoi metodi di standardization, elimination e tiering. Tale modello evidenzia l’importanza di eseguirla in contemporanea ad altri metodi, strumenti e strategie molto rilevanti, quali: purchasing strategy, spend analysis per classe merceologica di acquisto, purchasing performance meausurement tramite appositi KPI (i più rilevanti sono lead time e qualità), valutazione e segmentazione del parco fornitori. In tal modo sarà immediato individuare i fornitori critici da eliminare e quelli più performanti con cui stabilire dei rapporti di partnership e di fornitura integrata. d. Case Study: Bonfiglioli Riduttori Dopo un excursus sulla struttura aziendale di Bonfiglioli Riduttori, le sue Business Unit, le diverse filiali ed i suoi principali prodotti, viene riportata una breve analisi dell’intera supply chain. Successivamente viene trattata la necessità di aumentare le performance aziendali (date le stringenti richieste di mercato in termini di qualità e puntualità nelle consegne) e di non perdere la competitività acquisita precedentemente. Inoltre si enfatizza l’importanza della funzione approvvigionamenti nel raggiungimento degli obiettivi aziendali. e. Applicazione del modello concettuale al caso Dal modello concettuale si hanno gli input per definire il piano esecutivo del caso di studio in esame. Verranno trattati: analisi di Pareto per categoria merceologica, monitoraggio KPI per fornitore e categoria merceologica (con relativa griglia di misurazione delle performance globale), segmentazione fornitori per categoria tramite Commodity Pyramids, attuazione di azioni correttive generiche (quali le tecniche SBR e la partnership con i fornitori più performanti) e puntuali (quality improvement, ridefinizione dei piani di consegna, condivisione della programmazione, applicazione di bonus o penalità). f. Risultati ottenuti ed attesi Dopo aver riportato i risultati di alcuni esempi di macrocategorie merceologiche d’acquisto, si analizzano i risultati globali della razionalizzazione del parco fornitori e dell’implementazione di rapporti di partnership con annessi i relativi benefici per le performance dell’organizzazione. Si propone inoltre una revisione dei meccanismi di selezione dei fornitori tramite l’ideazione di un nuovo modello di vendor rating che rispetti i target prefissati.


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Accurate seasonal to interannual streamflow forecasts based on climate information are critical for optimal management and operation of water resources systems. Considering most water supply systems are multipurpose, operating these systems to meet increasing demand under the growing stresses of climate variability and climate change, population and economic growth, and environmental concerns could be very challenging. This study was to investigate improvement in water resources systems management through the use of seasonal climate forecasts. Hydrological persistence (streamflow and precipitation) and large-scale recurrent oceanic-atmospheric patterns such as the El Niño/Southern Oscillation (ENSO), Pacific Decadal Oscillation (PDO), North Atlantic Oscillation (NAO), the Atlantic Multidecadal Oscillation (AMO), the Pacific North American (PNA), and customized sea surface temperature (SST) indices were investigated for their potential to improve streamflow forecast accuracy and increase forecast lead-time in a river basin in central Texas. First, an ordinal polytomous logistic regression approach is proposed as a means of incorporating multiple predictor variables into a probabilistic forecast model. Forecast performance is assessed through a cross-validation procedure, using distributions-oriented metrics, and implications for decision making are discussed. Results indicate that, of the predictors evaluated, only hydrologic persistence and Pacific Ocean sea surface temperature patterns associated with ENSO and PDO provide forecasts which are statistically better than climatology. Secondly, a class of data mining techniques, known as tree-structured models, is investigated to address the nonlinear dynamics of climate teleconnections and screen promising probabilistic streamflow forecast models for river-reservoir systems. Results show that the tree-structured models can effectively capture the nonlinear features hidden in the data. Skill scores of probabilistic forecasts generated by both classification trees and logistic regression trees indicate that seasonal inflows throughout the system can be predicted with sufficient accuracy to improve water management, especially in the winter and spring seasons in central Texas. Lastly, a simplified two-stage stochastic economic-optimization model was proposed to investigate improvement in water use efficiency and the potential value of using seasonal forecasts, under the assumption of optimal decision making under uncertainty. Model results demonstrate that incorporating the probabilistic inflow forecasts into the optimization model can provide a significant improvement in seasonal water contract benefits over climatology, with lower average deficits (increased reliability) for a given average contract amount, or improved mean contract benefits for a given level of reliability compared to climatology. The results also illustrate the trade-off between the expected contract amount and reliability, i.e., larger contracts can be signed at greater risk.


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A utilização dos conceitos Lean de produção na logística é tida como um diferencial na criação de vantagem competitiva pelas empresas, inclusive por operadores logísticos. Na indústria automotiva, a prática de tais conceitos é utilizada de forma ampla. O conceito de se ter um sistema enxuto de fornecimento pode levar ao simples entendimento de restrição de fornecedores e redução dos níveis de estoque através do aumento de freqüência das entregas, contudo esta é uma visão distorcida quando falamos de sistema enxuto, pois o sistema enxuto trata da análise de eliminação de desperdício de todo o sistema envolvido em um processo. O objetivo desta dissertação foi de realizar um estudo exploratório sobre os aspectos determinantes do sucesso na implantação do conceito de logística lean e sua aplicação na logística de distribuição de peças de uma empresa automotiva, através de um operador logístico. A metodologia utilizada para a neste trabalho é uma revisão bibliográfica e a imersão em um ambiente de operação logística terceirizada em um depósito de uma indústria automotiva de distribuição de peças à rede autorizada, onde o autor atua como agente para melhoria dos processos operacionais in loco. Como resultado foi observado um aumento na produtividade das operações, bem como uma redução de área utilizada e do tempo de resposta dos pedidos colocados.(AU)


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A utilização dos conceitos Lean de produção na logística é tida como um diferencial na criação de vantagem competitiva pelas empresas, inclusive por operadores logísticos. Na indústria automotiva, a prática de tais conceitos é utilizada de forma ampla. O conceito de se ter um sistema enxuto de fornecimento pode levar ao simples entendimento de restrição de fornecedores e redução dos níveis de estoque através do aumento de freqüência das entregas, contudo esta é uma visão distorcida quando falamos de sistema enxuto, pois o sistema enxuto trata da análise de eliminação de desperdício de todo o sistema envolvido em um processo. O objetivo desta dissertação foi de realizar um estudo exploratório sobre os aspectos determinantes do sucesso na implantação do conceito de logística lean e sua aplicação na logística de distribuição de peças de uma empresa automotiva, através de um operador logístico. A metodologia utilizada para a neste trabalho é uma revisão bibliográfica e a imersão em um ambiente de operação logística terceirizada em um depósito de uma indústria automotiva de distribuição de peças à rede autorizada, onde o autor atua como agente para melhoria dos processos operacionais in loco. Como resultado foi observado um aumento na produtividade das operações, bem como uma redução de área utilizada e do tempo de resposta dos pedidos colocados.(AU)


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L’internazionalizzazione dei contesti industriali e l’aumento della competizione sopravvenuti nel mondo contemporaneo hanno reso necessari diversi mutamenti nelle attività produttive e legate ai servizi, dalla diversificazione dei prodotti, alla riduzione dei lead time, alla razionalizzazione dei costi a tutti i livelli della supply chain, non solo relativamente alle materie prime e alla diminuzione dei prezzi di vendita, ma anche di tutti i costi indiretti, che assumono un peso importante. La rapidità nella sostituzione dei prodotti e la necessità di contenere al massimo i tempi di risposta spingono sempre più le aziende a rivedere la propria struttura in modo da eliminare gli sprechi. Le imprese operano in un ambiente molto complesso, di conseguenza si rende necessario il coinvolgimento non solo delle funzioni interne ad un’azienda, ma anche di quelle esterne, nell’ottimizzazione delle attività che producono valore e di quelle necessarie che non intervengono direttamente. Tra tutte queste attività si cerca, in questo elaborato, di porre un focus su quelle legate alla gestione delle scorte all’interno della supply chain e all’integrazione dei fornitori nella rete logistica aziendale. Verranno ripresi i concetti fondamentali della teoria di gestione delle scorte, e sarà esposto il percorso intrapreso dall’azienda Carpigiani Group, leader mondiale nella produzione e commercializzazione di macchine per la produzione di gelato artigianale ed “espresso”, di integrazione dei fornitori all’interno della catena di approvvigionamento, attraverso un sistema kanban di fornitura e politiche di approvvigionamento riconducibili al consignment stock, con il fine ultimo di ottimizzare i livelli di scorte a magazzino e di servire le linee produttive con efficacia ed efficienza.


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A utilização dos conceitos Lean de produção na logística é tida como um diferencial na criação de vantagem competitiva pelas empresas, inclusive por operadores logísticos. Na indústria automotiva, a prática de tais conceitos é utilizada de forma ampla. O conceito de se ter um sistema enxuto de fornecimento pode levar ao simples entendimento de restrição de fornecedores e redução dos níveis de estoque através do aumento de freqüência das entregas, contudo esta é uma visão distorcida quando falamos de sistema enxuto, pois o sistema enxuto trata da análise de eliminação de desperdício de todo o sistema envolvido em um processo. O objetivo desta dissertação foi de realizar um estudo exploratório sobre os aspectos determinantes do sucesso na implantação do conceito de logística lean e sua aplicação na logística de distribuição de peças de uma empresa automotiva, através de um operador logístico. A metodologia utilizada para a neste trabalho é uma revisão bibliográfica e a imersão em um ambiente de operação logística terceirizada em um depósito de uma indústria automotiva de distribuição de peças à rede autorizada, onde o autor atua como agente para melhoria dos processos operacionais in loco. Como resultado foi observado um aumento na produtividade das operações, bem como uma redução de área utilizada e do tempo de resposta dos pedidos colocados.(AU)


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Discusses the necessity for the conscious recognition of the phenomenon known as the extended enterprise; this demands that product, process and supply chain design are all considered simultaneously. Structure must be given to the extended enterprise in order to understand and manage it efficaciously. The authors discuss multiple perspectives for doing this, and employ the notions of “3-dimensional concurrent engineering” and “holonic thinking” for conceiving what the structure may look like. Describes a current “action research” project that is investigating potential lead-time reductions within an extended enterprise’s product introduction process. This aims to produce process visualisations, a framework for structuring and sychronising phases and stage-gates within the extended enterprise, and a new simulation tool which will provide a synthetic distributed hypermedia network. These deliverables will be used to play strategic “games” to explore problem issues within the product introduction process that belongs to the extended enterprise, develop teamwork across autonomous companies, and ultimately, contribute to the design of future extended enterprise supply chains.


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This thesis describes an investigation by the author into the spares operation of compare BroomWade Ltd. Whilst the complete system, including the warehousing and distribution functions, was investigated, the thesis concentrates on the provisioning aspect of the spares supply problem. Analysis of the historical data showed the presence of significant fluctuations in all the measures of system performance. Two Industrial Dynamics simulation models were developed to study this phenomena. The models showed that any fluctuation in end customer demand would be amplified as it passed through the distributor and warehouse stock control systems. The evidence from the historical data available supported this view of the system's operation. The models were utilised to determine which parts of the total system could be expected to exert a critical influence on its performance. The lead time parameters of the supply sector were found to be critical and further study showed that the manner in which the lead time changed with work in progress levels was also an important factor. The problem therefore resolved into the design of a spares manufacturing system. Which exhibited the appropriate dynamic performance characteristics. The gross level of entity presentation, inherent in the Industrial Dynamics methodology, was found to limit the value of these models in the development of detail design proposals. Accordingly, an interacting job shop simulation package was developed to allow detailed evaluation of organisational factors on the performance characteristics of a manufacturing system. The package was used to develop a design for a pilot spares production unit. The need for a manufacturing system to perform successfully under conditions of fluctuating demand is not limited to the spares field. Thus, although the spares exercise provides an example of the approach, the concepts and techniques developed can be considered to have broad application throughout batch manufacturing industry.


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This paper explores demand and production management challenges in the food processing industry. The goal is to identify the main production planning constraints and secondly to explore how each of these constraints affects company’s performance in terms of costs and customer service level. A single case study methodology was preferred since it enabled the collection of in-depth data. Findings suggest that product shelf life, carcass utilization and production lead time are the main constraints affecting supply chain efficiency and hence, a single planning approach is not appropriate when different products have different technological and processing characteristics.


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In truck manufacturing, the exhaust and air inlet pipes are specialized equipment that requires highly skilled, heavy machinery and small batch production methods. This paper describes a project to develop the computer numerically controlled (CNC) pipe bending process for a truck component manufacturer. The company supplies a huge range of heavy duty truck parts to the domestic market and is a significant supplier in Australia. The company has been using traditional methods of machine assisted manual pipe bending techniques. In a drive of continuous improvement, the company has acquired a pre-owned CNC bending machine capable of bending pipes automatically up to 25 bends. However, due to process mismatch, this machine is only used for single bending operation. The researchers studied the bending system and changed the manufacturing process. Using an example exhaust pipe as the benchmark, a significant drop of manufacturing lead time from 70 minutes to 40 minutes for each pipe was demonstrated. There was also a decrease of material cost due to the multiple bends part in one piece without cutting excessive materials for each single bend like it used to be.


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Delay in the delivery of manufacturing projects is a major problem in manufacturing industries. This research investigates the factors that influence the lead time of new projects in manufacturing organisations. Employing a questionnaire survey and interview methodologies, this study collected data from five leading manufacturing organisations as well as their suppliers and contractors in Saudi Arabia to examine what, how and why the new project implementation delay occurs. Results show that the main factors contributing to manufacturing delays are related to people and material. On the other hand, social, political and cultural factors were the least significant factors as per the outcome of this study. Views of manufacturers, suppliers and contractors regarding causes of delays have also been analysed.


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An effective prognostics program will provide ample lead time for maintenance engineers to schedule a repair and to acquire replacement components before catastrophic failures occur. This paper presents a technique for accurate assessment of the remnant life of machines based on health state probability estimation technique. For comparative study of the proposed model with the proportional hazard model (PHM), experimental bearing failure data from an accelerated bearing test rig were used. The result shows that the proposed prognostic model based on health state probability estimation can provide a more accurate prediction capability than the commonly used PHM in bearing failure case study.


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Mismatches between services needing to interoperate have been addressed through the adaptation of structural and behavioural interfaces of services, which in practice incur long lead time through manual, coding effort. We propose a framework, complementary to con- ventional service adaptation, to synthesise service interfaces in the open setting of business networks, allowing consumers to introspect service interfaces and formulate service invocations. The framework also allows evolved service requests, as new features of service capabilities are discov- ered, through interactions with other, similar services. Finally the frame- work fosters reuse of adaptation efforts through normalisation of struc- tural and behavioural interfaces of similar services. This paper provides a first exposition of the service interface synthesis framework, describing patterns containing novel requirements for unilateral service adaptation and detailing the interface synthesis technique. Complex examples of ser- vices drawn from commercial logistic systems are then used to validate the synthesis technique and identify open challenges and future research directions.


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The Gascoyne-Murchison region of Western Australia experiences an arid to semi-arid climate with a highly variable temporal and spatial rainfall distribution. The region has around 39.2 million hectares available for pastoral lease and supports predominantly catle and sheep grazing leases. In recent years a number of climate forecasting systems have been available offering rainfall probabilities with different lead times and a forecast period; however, the extent to which these systems are capable of fulfilling the requirements of the local pastoralists is still ambiguous. Issues can range from ensuring forecasts are issued with sufficient lead time to enable key planning or decisions to be revoked or altered, to ensuring forecast language is simple and clear, to negate possible misunderstandings in interpretation. A climate research project sought to provide an objective method to determine which available forecasting systems had the greatest forecasting skill at times of the year relevant to local property management. To aid this climate research project, the study reported here was undertaken with an overall objective of exploring local pastoralists' climate information needs. We also explored how well they understand common climate forecast terms such as 'mean', median' and 'probability', and how they interpret and apply forecast information to decisions. A stratified, proportional random sampling was used for the purpose of deriving the representative sample based on rainfall-enterprise combinations. In order to provide more time for decision-making than existing operational forecasts that are issued with zero lead time, pastoralists requested that forecasts be issued for May-July and January-March with lead times counting down from 4 to 0 months. We found forecasts of between 20 and 50 mm break-of-season or follow-up rainfall were likely to influence decisions. Eighty percent of pastoralists demonstrated in a test question that they had a poor technical understanding of how to interpret the standard wording of a probabilistic median rainfall forecast. this is worthy of further research to investigate whether inappropriate management decisions are being made because the forecasts are being misunderstood. We found more than half the respondents regularly access and use weather and climate forecasts or outlook information from a range of sources and almost three-quarters considered climate information or tools useful, with preferred methods for accessing this information by email, faxback service, internet and the Department of Agriculture Western Australia's Pastoral Memo. Despite differences in enterprise types and rainfall seasonality across the region we found seasonal climate forecasting needs were relatively consistent. It became clear that providing basic training and working with pastoralists to help them understand regional climatic drivers, climate terminology and jargon, and the best ways to apply the forecasts to enhance decision-making are important to improve their use of information. Consideration could also be given to engaging a range of producers to write the climate forecasts themselves in the language they use and understand, in consultation with the scientists who prepare the forecasts.


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‘Sustainable Grazing in the Channel Country Floodplains’ was initiated by industry to redress the lack of objective information for sustainable management in the floodplains of Cooper Creek and the Diamantina and Georgina Rivers. The project has maintained links with the grazing community and has extensively drawn upon expert local experience and knowledge. The project has provided tools for managers to better anticipate the size of beneficial flooding arising from rains in the upper catchment and to more objectively assess the value of the pasture resulting from flooding. The latest information from the project has enabled customisation of the EDGENetwork™ Grazing Land Management training package for the Channel Country. In combination, these tools will assist in making earlier cattle stocking decisions, including when cattle may need to be mustered out of floodplain paddocks, how many additional cattle will be required to take advantage of the flood–grown pasture, and the timing of cattle turnoff. These will reduce costs by providing a greater lead time to plan cattle movements and purchases, and may enhance the sustainability of the resource base by better matching cattle numbers with the feed on offer.