875 resultados para sun related attitudes
The paper draws on a research project on innovative provision in an FE college for excluded and disaffected young people. The college offers places on vocational courses to students who are still of compulsory school age who have been excluded by or have persistently failed to attend or achieve in school. One set of themes to emerge relates to the experiences of the students: the role of personal relationships and, especially, relationships with teachers, in the breakdown of school placements; the importance both of good relationships with tutors, often expressed as 'being treated like an adult', and of a vocational and practical curriculum in successful re-engagement at college; and positive but highly instrumental and employment related attitudes to education. Another set of themes relates to the practical and organisational difficulties and the way that a lack of flexibility in 14-19 provision, especially while students are still of compulsory school age, creates difficulties for programmes of this kind. Finally the paper considers the tensions between pressures for accountability and outcome-driven measures and the aims of increasing participation and using education to address issues of social inclusion.
To document the rate of self-reported compliance and glaucoma-related knowledge in Swiss patients and to identify risk factors for their poor compliance. This was an observational study, including a total of 200 consecutive patients already under glaucoma medication in two Swiss tertiary glaucoma clinics (Geneva and Bern). Personal characteristics, presence of systemic disease, compliance with glaucoma medication, attitude to the ophthalmologist, and glaucoma-related attitudes were ascertained by means of a predetermined questionnaire with 40 questions. Patients were subsequently assessed for the ability to correctly instil placebo eye drops. Non-compliance with glaucoma medication was defined as omitting more than two doses a week as reported by the patient. Logistic regression was used to evaluate how patient characteristics and knowledge about the disease were related to compliance. Overall, 81% (n = 162) of patients reported to be compliant. Forgetfulness was the most frequently cited reason for non-compliance with dosing regimen (63%). Although 90.5% (n = 181) of patients believed glaucoma medication to be efficient, only 28% (n = 56) could correctly define glaucoma. Factors positively associated with compliance were 'knowledge of glaucoma' [adjusted odds ratio (OR) 4.77 (95% CI 1.36-16.70)] and 'getting help for administration of drops' [OR 2.95 (1.25-6.94)]. These findings indicate that despite the comparatively high compliance rate among glaucoma patients, knowledge of glaucoma remains poor in long-term glaucoma sufferers. Improving knowledge about the disease is important since it is positively associated with compliance in our study.
Ethical scandals in business have led to calls for more ethical or moral leadership. Yet, we still know very little about what characterizes ethical leadership and what its positive consequences actually are. We argue that the major question is not about what leaders value, but rather whether their ethical values are regularly reflected in behavioral patterns across situations and situational challenges. To address this, we have begun to build the Ethical Leadership Behavior Scale, which is based on behaviors reflecting concrete manifestations of ethical values (e.g., fairness, respect) across occasions and situational barriers. A study with 592 employees of 110 work units in two departments provided a first test of this scale and demonstrated that the level of ethical leadership behavior predicts important work-related attitudes (job satisfaction, work engagement, affective organizational commitment) and outcomes (health complaints, emotional exhaustion, absenteeism).
In the last thirty years, increasing efforts have been made to reduce the prevalence of adolescent tobacco use in the United States. Although the prevalence has declined dramatically over the past decade, there are still sharp differences in adolescent smoking-initiation rates across racial/ethnic groups. Large-scale surveys frequently assess smoking-related attitudes, self-efficacy, and intentions to explain the differences in smoking rates between African Americans and Whites. However, there is little agreement about which constructs are significant. Moreover, the psychometric properties of smoking-related attitude, self-efficacy, and intention constructs have not been fully examined. More studies are needed to understand existing patterns of tobacco use and to validate and fully exploit the constructs' relationship to adolescent smoking initiation across racial/ethnic groups. ^ This dissertation reports on a secondary analysis of data from a large multi-ethnic convenience sample of sixth- through eighth-grade students in 22 schools in East Texas and the city of Houston. The specific aims of this dissertation were to (1) describe smoking and alternate tobacco product use rates by race/ethnicity, gender, age, and grade level (Article 1); (2) test the factorial validity of smoking-related attitudes, self-efficacy, and intentions using confirmatory factor analysis techniques (Article 2); and (3) test the factorial invariance of smoking-related attitudes, self-efficacy, and intentions between African Americans and Whites (Article 3). ^ The prevalence findings confirm the disparities in tobacco use among African American, Hispanic, and White adolescents that other surveys have reported (Article 1). This study also demonstrates the usefulness of examining use patterns of not only cigarettes but also alternative tobacco products in younger multiethnic populations, as well as of providing epidemiological data estimates about different phases of smoking. The confirmatory factor analysis provides evidence of construct validity of attitude, self-efficacy, and intention scales for the multiethnic sample (Article 2). Finally, the factorial invariance analyses indicates that some measures representing smoking-related attitudes, self-efficacy, and intentions may not be appropriate for use among both African Americans and Whites (Article 3). Additional research is needed to further our understanding of the patterns and predictors of youth tobacco use initiation. ^
In industrialized countries the prevalence of obesity among women decreases with increasing socioeconomic status. While this relation has been amply documented, its explanation and implications for other causal factors of obesity has received much less attention. Differences in childbearing patterns, norms and attitudes about fatness, dietary behaviors and physical activity are some of the factors that have been proposed to explain the inverse relation.^ The objectives of this investigation were to (1) examine the associations among social characteristics and weight-related attitudes and behaviors, and (2) examine the relations of these factors to weight change and obesity. Information on social characteristics, weight-related attitudes, dietary behaviors, physical activity and childbearing were collected from 304 Mexican American women aged 19 to 50 living in Starr County, Texas, who were at high risk for developing diabetes. Their weights were recorded both at an initial physical examination and at a follow-up interview one to two and one-half years later, permitting the computation of current Body Mass Index (weight/height('2)) and weight change during the interval for each subject. Path analysis was used to examine direct and indirect relations among the variables.^ The major findings were: (1) After controlling for age, childbearing was not an independent predictor of weight change or Body Mass Index. (2) Neither planned exercise nor total daily physical activity were independent predictors of weight change. (3) Women with higher social characteristics scores reported less frequent meals and less use of calorically dense foods, factors associated with lower risk for weight gain. (4) Dietary intake measures were not significantly related to Body Mass Index. However, dietary behaviors (frequency of meals and snacks, use of high and low caloric density foods, eating restraint and disinhibition of restraint) did explain a significant portion (17.4 percent) of the variance in weight change, indicating the importance of using dynamic measures of weight status in studies of the development of obesity. This study highlights factors amenable to intervention to reverse or to prevent weight gain in this population, and thereby reduce the prevalence of diabetes and its sequelae. ^
Las enfermedades no transmisibles provocan cada ano 38 millones de fallecimientos en el mundo. Entre ellas, tan solo cuatro enfermedades son responsables del 82% de estas muertes: las enfermedades cardiovasculares, las enfermedades crónicas respiratorias, la diabetes, y el cáncer. Se prevé que estas cifras aumenten en los próximos anos, ya que las tendencias indican que en el año 2030 las muertes por esta causa ascenderán a 53 millones de personas. La Organización Mundial de la Salud (OMS) considera importante buscar soluciones para afrontar esta situación y ha solicitado a los gobiernos del mundo la implementación de intervenciones para mejorar los hábitos de vida de las personas y reducir así el riesgo de desarrollo de enfermedades no trasmisibles. Cada año se producen 32 millones de infartos de miocardio y derrames celebrales, de los cuales 12.5 son mortales. En el mundo entre el 40% y 75% de la víctimas de un infarto de miocardio mueren antes de su ingreso en el hospital. En los casos que sobreviven, la adopción de un estilo de vida saludable puede evitar infartos sucesivo, y supone un ahorro potencial de 6 billones de euros al año. La rehabilitación cardiaca es un programa individualizado que aplica un método multidisciplinar para ayudar al paciente a recuperar su condición física, a gestionar la enfermedad cardiovascular y sus comorbilidades, a adoptar hábitos de vida saludables, y a promover su salud mental. La rehabilitación cardiaca requiere la total involucración y motivación del paciente, solo de esta manera se podrán promover hábitos saludables y mejorar la gestión y prevención de su enfermedad. Aunque la participación en los programas de rehabilitación cardiaca es baja, hoy en día existen programas de rehabilitación cardiaca que el paciente puede realizar en su casa. Estos suponen una solución prometedora para aumentar la participación. La rehabilitación cardiaca se considera una intervención integral donde los modelos de psicología de la salud son aplicados para promover un cambio en el estilo de vida de las personas así como para ayudarles a afrontar su propia enfermedad. Existen métodos para implementar cambios de hábitos y de aptitud, y también se considera muy relevante promover no solo el bienestar físico sino también el mental. Existen tecnologías que promueven los cambios de comportamientos en los seres humanos. En concreto, las tecnologías persuasivas y los sistemas de apoyo al cambio de comportamientos modelan las características, las estrategias y los métodos de diseño para promover cambios usando la tecnología. Pero estos modelos tienen algunas limitaciones: todavía no se ha definido que rol tienen las emociones en el cambio de comportamientos y como traducir los métodos de la psicología de la salud en la tecnología. Esta tesis se centra en tres elementos que tienen un rol clave en los cambios de hábitos y actitud: el estado físico, el estado mental, y la tecnología. -Estado de salud: un estado de salud critico puede modificar la actitud del ser humano respecto al cambio. A la vez un buen estado de salud hace que la necesidad del cambio sea menos percibida. -Estado emocional: la actitud tiene un componente afectivo. Los estados emocionales negativos pueden reducir la habilidad de una persona para adoptar nuevos comportamientos. La salud mental es la situación ideal donde los individuos tienen predisposición a los cambios. La tecnología puede ayudar a las personas a adoptar nuevos hábitos, así como a mantener una salud física y mental. Este trabajo de investigación se centra en el diseño de tecnologías para la mejora del estado físico y emocional de las personas. Se ha propuesto un marco de diseño llamado “Well.Be.Sign”. El marco se basa en tres aspectos: El marco teórico: representa los elementos que se tienen que definir para diseñar tecnologías para promover el bienestar de las personas. -El diagrama de influencia: presenta las fuerzas de ‘persuasión’ en el contexto de la salud. El rol de las tecnologías persuasivas ha sido contextualizado en una dimensión donde otros elementos influencian el usuario. El proceso de diseño: describe el proceso de diseño utilizando una metodología iterativa e incremental que aplica una combinación de métodos de diseño existentes (Diseño Orientado a Objetivos, Diseño de Sistemas Persuasivos) así como elementos originales de este trabajo de investigación. Los métodos se han aplicados para diseñar un sistema que ofrezca un programa de tele-rehabilitación cardiaca. Inicialmente se ha diseñado un prototipo de acuerdo con las necesidades del usuario. En segundo lugar, el prototipo se ha extendido especificando la intervención requerida para al programa de rehabilitación cardiaca. Finalmente el sistema se ha desarrollado y validado en un ensayo clínico con grupo control, donde se observaron las variaciones del estado cardiovascular, el nivel de conocimiento acerca de la enfermedad, la percepción de la enfermedad, la persistencia de hábitos saludables, y la aceptabilidad del sistema. Los resultados muestran que el grupo de intervención tiene una superior capacidad cardiovascular, mejor conocimiento acerca de la enfermedad, y más percepción de control de la enfermedad. Asimismo, en algunos casos se ha registrado persistencia de los hábitos de ejercicios 6 meses después del uso del sistema. Otros dos estudios se han presentado para demonstrar la relevancia del estado emocional del usuario en el diseño de aplicaciones para la promoción del bienestar. En personas con una grave enfermedad crónica como la insuficiencia cardiaca, donde se ha presentado las conexiones entre estado de salud y estado emocional. En el estudio se ensena la relaciones que tienen los síntomas y las emociones negativas y como un estado negativo emocional puede empeorar la condición física del paciente. -Personas con trastornos del humor: el estudio muestra como las emociones pueden tener un impacto en la percepción de la tecnología por parte del usuario. ABSTRACT Noncommunicable diseases (NCDs) cause the death of 38 million people every year. Four major NCDs are responsible for 82% of these deaths: cardio vascular disease, chronic respiratory disease, diabetes and cancer. These pandemic numbers are projected to raise to 53 million deaths in 2030, and for this reason the assembly of the World Health Organization (WHO) considers communicable diseases as an urgent need to be addressed. It is also a trend to advocate the adoption of mobile technology to deliver health services and to promote healthy behaviours among citizens, but adopting healthS promoting lifestyle is still a difficult task facing human tendencies. Within this context, there is a promising opportunity: persuasive technologies. These technologies are intentionally designed to change a person’s attitudes or behaviours; when applied in this context, than can be used to change health-related attitudes, beliefs, and behaviours. Each year there are 32 million heart attacks and strokes globally, of which about 12.5 million are fatal. Worldwide between 40 and 75% of all heart-attack victims die before reaching hospital. Avoiding a second heart attack by improving adherence to lifestyle and medication regimens has a cost saving potential of around €6 billion per year. In most of the cases the cardiovascular event has been provoked by unhealthy lifestyle. Furthermore, after an MI event the patient's decision to adopt or not healthier behaviour will influence the progress of the disease. Cardio-rehabilitation is an individualized program that follows a multidisciplinary approach to support the user to recover from the Myocardial Infarction, manage the Cardio Vascular Disease and the comorbidities, adopt healthy habits, and cope with any emotional distress. Cardio- rehabilitation requires patient participation and willingness to perform behavioral modifications and change the attitude toward the management and prevention of the disease. Participation in the Cardio Rehabilitation program is not high; the home-based rehabilitation program is a promising solution to increase participation. Nowadays cardio rehabilitation is considered a comprehensive intervention in which models of health psychology are applied to promote the behaviour change of the individuals. Relevant methods that have been successfully applied to foster healthy habits include the Health Belief Model and the Trans Theoretical Model. Studies also demonstrate the importance to promote not only the physical but also the mental well being of the individuals. The idea of also promoting behaviour change using technologies has been defined by the literature as persuasive technologies or behaviour change support systems, in which the features, the strategies and the design method have been modelled to foster the behaviour change using technology. Limitations have been found in this model: there is still research to be done on the role of the emotions and how psychological health intervention can be translated into computer methods. This research focuses on three elements that could foster behaviour change in individuals: the physical and emotional status of the person, and the technology. Every component can influence the user's attitude and behaviour in the following ways: ' Physical status: bad physical status could change human attitude toward the necessity to adopt health behaviours; at the same time, good health status reduces the need to adopt healthy habits. ' Emotional status: the attitude has an affective component, negative emotional state can reduce the ability of a person to adopt new behaviours, and mental well being is the ideal situation in which individuals have a predisposition to adopt healthy behaviours. ' Technology: it can help users to adopt new behaviours and can also be support to promote physical and emotional status. Following this approach the idea driven in this research is that technology that is designed to improve the physical status and the emotional status of the individual could better foster behaviour change. According to this principle, the Well.Be.Sign framework has been proposed. The framework is based on three views: ' The theoretical framework: it represents the patterns that have to be defined to design the technologies to promote well being. ' The influence diagram: it shows the persuasive forces in the context of health care. The role of the persuasive technologies is contextualized in a wider universe where other factors and persuasive forces influence a patient. ' The design process: it shows the process of design using an iterative, incremental methodology that applies a combination of existing methodologies (Goal Directed Design and Persuasive System Design) and others that are original to this research. The methods have been applied to design a system to deliver cardio rehabilitation at home: first a prototype has been defined according to the user’s needs, then it has been extended with the specific intervention required for the cardio–rehabilitation, finally the system has been developed and validated in a controlled clinical study in which the cardiovascular fitness, the level of knowledge, the perception of the illness, the persistence of healthy habits and the system acceptance (only the intervention group) were measured. The results show that the intervention group increased cardiovascular capacity, knowledge, feeling of control of illness and perceived benefits of exercise at the end of the study. After six months of the study, a followSup of the exercise habits was performed. Some individuals of the intervention group continued to be engaged in the running exercise sessions promoted in the designed system. Two other cases have been presented to demonstrate the foundations of the Well.Be.Sign’s approach to promote both physical and emotional status: ' People affected by Heart Failure, in which a bidirectional connection between health status and emotions has been discussed with patients. Two correlations were demonstrated: the relationship between symptoms and negative emotional response, and that negative emotional status is correlated with worsening of chronic conditions. ' People with mood disorders: the study shows that emotions could also impact how the user perceives the technology.
A pesquisa teve como objetivo geral analisar as principais razões pelas quais as empresas públicas paulistas utilizam coaching e mentoring como práticas de compartilhamento de conhecimento. No ano de 2009, foi instituído pelo governador do Estado de São Paulo, o decreto nº 53.963 que instituiu a Política de Gestão do Conhecimento e Inovação para as empresas públicas. Kuniyoshi e Santos (2007) realizaram uma pesquisa, na qual identificaram práticas e iniciativas de gestão do conhecimento adotadas por algumas empresas, dentre elas, coaching e mentoring. As práticas são processos que necessitam de investimento não somente financeiro, mas de tempo e pessoas adequadas, por serem processos mais complexos, instigam a investigação de ações no contexto organizacional de empresas públicas. Este estudo busca contribuir para o desenvolvimento de estudos na área pública. O método utilizado neste estudo de abordagem qualitativa é do tipo exploratória. O objeto desta pesquisa foram as empresas públicas paulistas, que, atualmente, somam 21. Foi realizado estudo de caso, com entrevista e análise documental em duas destas empresas, A Sabesp, empresa do segmento de saneamento de água e esgoto, teve como objetivo analisar a prática de coaching e, o Instituto de Pesquisa Tecnológicas (IPT), referência nacional em metrologia, teve como objetivo analisar a prática de mentoring. Uma vez que não existem práticas exclusivas à Gestão do Conhecimento, e o sucesso de uma prática está relacionado ao contexto na qual está inserida. No caso da Sabesp, a prática de coaching é utilizada como uma das atividades dentro de dois programas, visando desenvolver o capital humano como força competitiva. O IPT teve como objetivo da aplicação do programa de mentoring, especificamente, o compartilhar conhecimento tácito. Foi constatado que as práticas de coaching e mentoring podem ser utilizadas como recurso capaz de tornar a empresa singular perante as demais, mesmo empresas públicas não tendo foco em competitividade, mas utilizam o conhecimento de forma estratégica para melhorar a qualidade de atendimento à sociedade.
A pesquisa teve como objetivo geral analisar as principais razões pelas quais as empresas públicas paulistas utilizam coaching e mentoring como práticas de compartilhamento de conhecimento. No ano de 2009, foi instituído pelo governador do Estado de São Paulo, o decreto nº 53.963 que instituiu a Política de Gestão do Conhecimento e Inovação para as empresas públicas. Kuniyoshi e Santos (2007) realizaram uma pesquisa, na qual identificaram práticas e iniciativas de gestão do conhecimento adotadas por algumas empresas, dentre elas, coaching e mentoring. As práticas são processos que necessitam de investimento não somente financeiro, mas de tempo e pessoas adequadas, por serem processos mais complexos, instigam a investigação de ações no contexto organizacional de empresas públicas. Este estudo busca contribuir para o desenvolvimento de estudos na área pública. O método utilizado neste estudo de abordagem qualitativa é do tipo exploratória. O objeto desta pesquisa foram as empresas públicas paulistas, que, atualmente, somam 21. Foi realizado estudo de caso, com entrevista e análise documental em duas destas empresas, A Sabesp, empresa do segmento de saneamento de água e esgoto, teve como objetivo analisar a prática de coaching e, o Instituto de Pesquisa Tecnológicas (IPT), referência nacional em metrologia, teve como objetivo analisar a prática de mentoring. Uma vez que não existem práticas exclusivas à Gestão do Conhecimento, e o sucesso de uma prática está relacionado ao contexto na qual está inserida. No caso da Sabesp, a prática de coaching é utilizada como uma das atividades dentro de dois programas, visando desenvolver o capital humano como força competitiva. O IPT teve como objetivo da aplicação do programa de mentoring, especificamente, o compartilhar conhecimento tácito. Foi constatado que as práticas de coaching e mentoring podem ser utilizadas como recurso capaz de tornar a empresa singular perante as demais, mesmo empresas públicas não tendo foco em competitividade, mas utilizam o conhecimento de forma estratégica para melhorar a qualidade de atendimento à sociedade.
Recent research into organizational commitment has advocated a profiles-based approach. However, with the exception of Wasti, published findings are confined to North American samples. This article examines the relationships between organizational commitment profiles and job satisfaction in Greece. Greek organizations have rarely been the subject of detailed examination, so the study provides baseline information regarding levels of organizational commitment and job satisfaction in Greece. Both private sector (N = 1119) and public sector (N = 476) employees in Greece were surveyed, as this sectoral distinction is regularly associated with different patterns of job-related attitudes. The contrasts between Greek and Anglo-American values present a new challenge to the profiles approach. The results confirm the utility of the profiles approach to the study of organizational commitment. Affective organizational commitment was found to be most influential with respect to levels of intrinsic and extrinsic job satisfaction. This concurs with other studies of the behavioural outcomes of commitment. Copyright © 2007 Sage Publications.
In the past few years, ideas of Social Identity Theory and Self-Categorization Theory have been successfully applied to the organizational domain. In this article, the authors provide an overview of these recent developments and present a concept of social identification in organizational contexts, based on these theories. The assumptions of this framework are that (a) social identification in organizational contexts is a multifaceted concept consisting of different dimensions and foci (or targets), (b) higher levels of identification are related to higher productivity and more positive work-related attitudes, and (c) identification is a very flexible concept that is linked to the situational context. The authors present the results of a series of field and laboratory studies in which the proposed relationships are analyzed and, in the main, confirmed. Copyright © 2006 Heldref Publications.
Considering the rapid growth of call centres (CCs) in India, its implications for businesses in the UK and a scarcity of research on human resource management (HRM) related issues in Indian CCs, this research has two main aims. First, to highlight the nature of HRM systems relevant to Indian call centres. Second, to understand the significance of internal marketing (IM) in influencing the frontline employees’ job-related attitudes and performance. Rewards being an important component of IM, the relationships between different types of rewards as part of an IM strategy, attitudes and performance of employees in Indian CCs will also be examined. Further, the research will investigate which type of commitment mediates the link between rewards and performance and why. The data collection will be via two phases. The first phase would involve a series of in-depth interviews with both the managers and employees to understand the functioning of CCs, and development of suitable HRM systems for the Indian context. The second phase would involve data collection through questionnaires distributed to the frontline employees and supervisors to examine the relationships among IM, employee attitudes and performance. Such an investigation is expected to contribute to development of better theory and practice.
Considering the rapid growth of call centres (CCs) in India, its implications for businesses in the UK and a scarcity of research on human resource management (HRM) related issues in Indian CCs, this research has two main aims. First, to highlight the nature of HRM systems relevant to Indian call centres. Second, to understand the significance of internal marketing (IM) in influencing the frontline employees’ job-related attitudes and performance. Rewards being an important component of IM, the relationships between different types of rewards as part of an IM strategy, attitudes and performance of employees in Indian CCs will also be examined. Further, the research will investigate which type of commitment mediates the link between rewards and performance and why. The data collection will be via two phases. The first phase would involve a series of in-depth interviews with both the managers and employees to understand the functioning of CCs, and development of suitable HRM systems for the Indian context. The second phase would involve data collection through questionnaires distributed to the frontline employees and supervisors to examine the relationships among IM, employee attitudes and performance. Such an investigation is expected to contribute to development of better theory and practice.
Human Resource (HR) systems and practices generally referred to as High Performance Work Practices (HPWPs), (Huselid, 1995) (sometimes termed High Commitment Work Practices or High Involvement Work Practices) have attracted much research attention in past decades. Although many conceptualizations of the construct have been proposed, there is general agreement that HPWPs encompass a bundle or set of HR practices including sophisticated staffing, intensive training and development, incentive-based compensation, performance management, initiatives aimed at increasing employee participation and involvement, job safety and security, and work design (e.g. Pfeffer, 1998). It is argued that these practices either directly and indirectly influence the extent to which employees’ knowledge, skills, abilities, and other characteristics are utilized in the organization. Research spanning nearly 20 years has provided considerable empirical evidence for relationships between HPWPs and various measures of performance including increased productivity, improved customer service, and reduced turnover (e.g. Guthrie, 2001; Belt & Giles, 2009). With the exception of a few papers (e.g., Laursen &Foss, 2003), this literature appears to lack focus on how HPWPs influence or foster more innovative-related attitudes and behaviours, extra role behaviors, and performance. This situation exists despite the vast evidence demonstrating the importance of innovation, proactivity, and creativity in its various forms to individual, group, and organizational performance outcomes. Several pertinent issues arise when considering HPWPs and their relationship to innovation and performance outcomes. At a broad level is the issue of which HPWPs are related to which innovation-related variables. Another issue not well identified in research relates to employees’ perceptions of HPWPs: does an employee actually perceive the HPWP –outcomes relationship? No matter how well HPWPs are designed, if they are not perceived and experienced by employees to be effective or worthwhile then their likely success in achieving positive outcomes is limited. At another level, research needs to consider the mechanisms through which HPWPs influence –innovation and performance. The research question here relates to what possible mediating variables are important to the success or failure of HPWPs in impacting innovative behaviours and attitudes and what are the potential process considerations? These questions call for theory refinement and the development of more comprehensive models of the HPWP-innovation/performance relationship that include intermediate linkages and boundary conditions (Ferris, Hochwarter, Buckley, Harrell-Cook, & Frink, 1999). While there are many calls for this type of research to be made a high priority, to date, researchers have made few inroads into answering these questions. This symposium brings together researchers from Australia, Europe, Asia and Africa to examine these various questions relating to the HPWP-innovation-performance relationship. Each paper discusses a HPWP and potential variables that can facilitate or hinder the effects of these practices on innovation- and performance- related outcomes. The first paper by Johnston and Becker explores the HPWPs in relation to work design in a disaster response organization that shifts quickly from business as usual to rapid response. The researchers examine how the enactment of the organizational response is devolved to groups and individuals. Moreover, they assess motivational characteristics that exist in dual work designs (normal operations and periods of disaster activation) and the implications for innovation. The second paper by Jørgensen reports the results of an investigation into training and development practices and innovative work behaviors (IWBs) in Danish organizations. Research on how to design and implement training and development initiatives to support IWBs and innovation in general is surprisingly scant and often vague. This research investigates the mechanisms by which training and development initiatives influence employee behaviors associated with innovation, and provides insights into how training and development can be used effectively by firms to attract and retain valuable human capital in knowledge-intensive firms. The next two papers in this symposium consider the role of employee perceptions of HPWPs and their relationships to innovation-related variables and performance. First, Bish and Newton examine perceptions of the characteristics and awareness of occupational health and safety (OHS) practices and their relationship to individual level adaptability and proactivity in an Australian public service organization. The authors explore the role of perceived supportive and visionary leadership and its impact on the OHS policy-adaptability/proactivity relationship. The study highlights the positive main effects of awareness and characteristics of OHS polices, and supportive and visionary leadership on individual adaptability and proactivity. It also highlights the important moderating effects of leadership in the OHS policy-adaptability/proactivity relationship. Okhawere and Davis present a conceptual model developed for a Nigerian study in the safety-critical oil and gas industry that takes a multi-level approach to the HPWP-safety relationship. Adopting a social exchange perspective, they propose that at the organizational level, organizational climate for safety mediates the relationship between enacted HPWS’s and organizational safety performance (prescribed and extra role performance). At the individual level, the experience of HPWP impacts on individual behaviors and attitudes in organizations, here operationalized as safety knowledge, skills and motivation, and these influence individual safety performance. However these latter relationships are moderated by organizational climate for safety. A positive organizational climate for safety strengthens the relationship between individual safety behaviors and attitudes and individual-level safety performance, therefore suggesting a cross-level boundary condition. The model includes both safety performance (behaviors) and organizational level safety outcomes, operationalized as accidents, injuries, and fatalities. The final paper of this symposium by Zhang and Liu explores leader development and relationship between transformational leadership and employee creativity and innovation in China. The authors further develop a model that incorporates the effects of extrinsic motivation (pay for performance: PFP) and employee collectivism in the leader-employee creativity relationship. The papers’ contributions include the incorporation of a PFP effect on creativity as moderator, rather than predictor in most studies; the exploration of the PFP effect from both fairness and strength perspectives; the advancement of knowledge on the impact of collectivism on the leader- employee creativity link. Last, this is the first study to examine three-way interactional effects among leader-member exchange (LMX), PFP and collectivism, thus, enriches our understanding of promoting employee creativity. In conclusion, this symposium draws upon the findings of four empirical studies and one conceptual study to provide an insight into understanding how different variables facilitate or potentially hinder the influence various HPWPs on innovation and performance. We will propose a number of questions for further consideration and discussion. The symposium will address the Conference Theme of ‘Capitalism in Question' by highlighting how HPWPs can promote financial health and performance of organizations while maintaining a high level of regard and respect for employees and organizational stakeholders. Furthermore, the focus on different countries and cultures explores the overall research question in relation to different modes or stages of development of capitalism.
Literature addressing academic achievement orientation of Black adolescents in the United States often depicts poor school related attitudes and adaptation patterns, low academic achievement, and deficient family backgrounds. However, some researchers maintained that certain Black immigrant groups possessed positive academic achievement orientations and exemplary academic achievements (Ogbu, 1991; Gibson, 1991; Vernez, & Abrahamse, 1996). In this study, I attempted to combine qualitative data from multiple sources (surveys, interviews, observations, literature, and document analysis), using standard case study methodology and the constant comparative method of analysis to understand the relationship that existed between the academic achievement orientation of a select group of West Indian American parents and adolescents in Broward County, Florida. The sub-sample of 11 families, comprising 15 adolescents and 13 parents, was selected through maximum variation sampling from a pool of 23 families. The findings were presented as a single composite case study. The participants possessed specific, longstanding educational and career goals for the children. The parents were deeply involved and were knowledgeable of their children's schools and academic progress. While mothers were the parents most actively involved in the schools, fathers were strong authoritative figures. Families evidenced a strong moral religious base with set rules of behavior, firm parenting practices, and established chains of authority. Family members emphasized education over material things; reading over audiovisual or social activities; family cohesion over individual wishes; and academics over extracurricular activities. The parents' strong positive academic achievement orientation was communicated to the children and reinforced by relatives, family friends, and others. In turn, the adolescents possessed positive school-related attitudes and attributional styles. While they admitted their parents were somewhat strict, they voluntarily complied with the rules and were highly motivated to succeed because they believed their parents deeply cared for them and that education leads to success and upward mobility. Each adolescent was pursuing an academic track and planning for college and specific profession. The findings support Ogbu's cultural ecological model (1991). I recommend these findings to teachers, counselors, administrators, parents, and others working with West Indian American families. ^
O marketing interno (MI) surge como uma ferramenta de gestão que tem como objetivo principal o desenvolvimento de uma organização focada no cliente, motivando e capacitando os seus colaboradores a alcançarem os objetivos organizacionais. Esta ferramenta pode contribuir para um maior e melhor desempenho e comprometimento organizacional, desde que usada de forma estratégica e adequada. Esta dissertação procura verificar se a existência de práticas de MI podem influenciar, de alguma forma, a motivação dos colaboradores contribuindo, igualmente, na retenção e fidelização dos mesmos, num contexto industrial, ao contrário do que é habitual nos estudos feitos até então, focados mais nos serviços pelas suas caraterísticas de maior contacto entre clientes e colaboradores. Aplicando a metodologia de estudo de caso na empresa Oliveira & Irmão, S.A., analisou-se um programa de marketing interno iniciado e desenvolvido durante o ano 2014 e que a empresa pretende manter, não esquecendo de uma forma geral de outras práticas de MI que a empresa faz questão de continuar a assinalar. Em termos globais, os resultados deste estudo mostram que a existência de práticas de marketing, aplicadas internamente, têm efeito no desenvolvimento de comportamentos e atitudes relacionadas com o trabalho por parte dos colaboradores e, que mesmo não sendo os principais fatores motivacionais, são complementares.