47 resultados para sulfoxides


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The use of whole cells of micro-organisms to bring about the biotransformation of an organic compound offers a number of advantages, but problems caused by enzymatic Promiscuity may be encountered upon With Substrates hearing more than one functional group. A one-pot screening method, in which whole fungal cells were incubated with a Mixture of 4-rnethylcyclohexanone I and phenyl methyl Sulfide 2, has been employed to determine the chemoselectivity of various biocatalysts. The hyphomycetes, Aspergillus terreus CCT 3320 and A. terreus URM 3571, catalysed the oxidation of 2 accompanied by the reduction of I to 4-methylcyclohexanol 1a and, for strain A. terreus CCT 3320, the Baeyer-Villiger oxidation of 1. The Basidomycetes, Trametes versicolor CCB 202, Pycnoporus sanguineus CCB 501 and Trichaptum byssogenum CCB 203, catalysed the oxidation of 2 and the reduction 1, but no Baeyer-Villiger reaction products were detected. In contrast. Trametes rigida CCB 285 catalysed the biotransformation of 1 to 1a, exclusively, in the absence of any detectable Sulfide oxidation reactions. The chemoselective reduction Of (+/-)-2-(phenylthio)cyclohexanone 3 by T. rigida CCB 285 afforded exclusively the (+)-cis-(1R,2S) and (+)-trans-(1S,2S) diastereoisomers of 2-(phenylthio)cyclohexan-1-ol 3a in moderate yields (13% and 27%, respectively) and high enantiomeric excesses (>98%). Chemoselective screening for the reduction of a ketone and/or the oxidation Of a Sulfide group in one pot by whole cells of micro-organisms represents an attractive technique with applications in the development of synthesis of complex molecule hearing different functional groups. (C) 2008 Published by Elsevier Ltd.


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Increased diastereoisomeric excesses are obtained for the sulfanylation reactions of some 2-methylsulfinyl cyclanones under phase-transfer catalysis using the chiral catalyst QUIBEC instead of TEBA. The optically pure (SS,2S)-2-methylsulfinyl-2-methylsulfanylcyclohexanone thus prepared reacts with ethyl acetate lithium enolate affording, after hydrolysis, (R)-2-[(ethoxycarbonyl)methyl]-2-hydroxycyclohexanone in 60% ee. Density functional theory calculations (at the B3LYP/6-311++G(d,p) level) can successfully explain the origin of this result as the kinetically favored axial attack of the nucleophile to the carbonyl group of the most stable conformer of the cyclanone, in which the CH(3)SO and CH(3)S groups are at the equatorial and axial positions, respectively. (C) 2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Sulfinyltoluquinones (2a-2c) were submitted to thermal or catalyzed [4+2] cycloaddition reactions with cyclopentadiene. For p-tolylsulfinyltoluquinones (2b) and (2c), almost complete C2-C3-chemo- and unlike-diastereoselectivity was achieved by catalysis with ZnBr(2), yielding adducts 6. Under thermal conditions, Diels-Alder reaction took place at the C5-C6 double bonds of quinones 2a-2c, generating mixtures of diastereoisomeric like- and unlike-adducts 4.


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Luminescent biocellulose membranes were obtained by incorporation of ethanolic solutions of the europium compounds [Eu(BTFAC)3(H2O)2], [Eu(BTFA) 3(DBSO)2], [Eu(BTFA)3(PTSO)2] and [Eu(BTFA)3(FSO)2] (BTFAC- 4,4,4-Trifluoro-1- phenyl-1,3-butanedione DBSO- dibenzyl sulfoxide, PTSO- p-Tolyl sulfoxide and FSO- phenyl sulfoxide). Selfsustainable semi-transparent composite membranes were obtained showing strong emission under UV exctiation. The antenna hole played by the ligands was observed to be more efficient in the composite membranes than in the precursor complexes which by themselves are also strong red emitter compounds. These new multifuctional membranes could find application in different areas as phosphors and UV→Visible energy converting devices. © 2011 Copyright Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE).


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Zusammenfassung der Dissertation, Carolin Edinger, April 2015. Im Rahmen der Dissertation ist eine effiziente und zuverlässige Methode zur elektrochemischen Desoxygenierung von aromatischen Carbonsäureamiden entwickelt worden (Schema 1).[1] Unter galvanostatischen Bedingungen eignet sich das optimierte Elektrolytsystem bestehend aus 2%iger methanolischer H2SO4 und geringen Mengen an Additiv 1 in Kombination mit einer Bleikathode hervorragend in dem gewählten geteilten Zellaufbau. Schema 1: Elektrochemische Desoxygenierung aromatischer Carbonsäureamide. Untersuchungen an verschiedensten Amidsubstraten haben gezeigt, dass ein breites Spektrum an Aminen mit dieser Methode zugänglich ist und durch umfangreiche Studien konnten optimale Elektrolyseparameter gefunden werden. Außerdem wurde die Hochskalierung der Ansatzgröße an einem Testsubstrat mit hohen Aminausbeuten von bis zu 73% gewährleistet. Ein besonderes Merkmal der entwickelten Synthese ist neben milden Bedingungen und hoher Selektivität die Verwendung von Ammoniumsalzadditiven. Der positive Effekt dieser Additive auf die Desoxygenierungsreaktion ist vielfältig: Die Wasserstoffentwicklung als unerwünschte Nebenreaktion wird zu negativeren Potentialen verschoben und die Bleikathode wird durch Zurückdrängung der PbSO4-Bildung effektiv vor Korrosion geschützt. Dies konnte durch experimentelle Werte wie die Erhöhung der Produkt- und Stromausbeute durch Additivzusatz während der Elektrolyse hinreichend bestätigt werden. Aber auch zyklovoltammetrische Untersuchungen und Lichtmikroskopaufnahmen der Elektrodenoberfläche bekräftigen eindeutig diese Aussagen.[2,3] Die entwickelte elektrochemische Methode konnte zusätzlich erfolgreich auf Verbindungen übertragen werden, die mit Carbonsäureamiden verwandt sind. So gelang es, aromatische und aliphatische Sulfoxide in sehr guten Ausbeuten selektiv zu den entsprechenden Sulfiden umzusetzen. Zusätzlich konnten bereits bei weiteren, durch klassische Methoden schwer reduzierbare Stoffklassen erste Erfolge erzielt werden. So gelang es, den Grundstein zur Reduktion von Estern und Triphenylphosphinoxid zu legen und erste, vielversprechende Ergebnisse zu erlangen. Da Elektronen als Reduktionsmittel eingesetzt werden und lediglich Wasser als Nebenprodukt gebildet wird, zeichnet sich die entwickelte Desoxygenierungsmethode vor allem durch milde Bedingungen und hohe Selektivität aus. Da weder Reagenzien noch Katalysatoren verwendet werden müssen, werden Abfälle vermieden. Dadurch ist die gefundene Reduktionsmethode nicht nur kostengünstig, sondern erweist sich auch in der Reaktionsführung als vorteilhaft. Literatur: [1] C. Edinger, S. R. Waldvogel, Eur. J. Org. Chem. 2014, 2014, 5144–5148. [2] C. Edinger, V. Grimaudo, P. Broekmann, S. R. Waldvogel, ChemElectroChem 2014, 1, 1018–1022. [3] C. Edinger, S. R. Waldvogel, PCT Int. Appl. 2013, WO 2013030316A2.


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Edaphic factors affect the quality of onions (Allium cepa). Two experiments were carried out in the field and glasshouse to investigate the effects of N (field: 0, 120 kg ha(-1); glasshouse: 0, 108 kg ha(-1)), S (field: 0, 20 kg ha(-1); glasshouse: 0, 4.35 kg ha(-1)) and soil type (clay, sandy loam) on onion quality. A conducting polymer sensor electronic nose (E-nose) was used to classify onion headspace volatiles. Relative changes in the E-nose sensor resistance ratio (%dR/R) were reduced following N and S fertilisation. A 2D Principal Component Analysis (PCA) of the E-nose data sets accounted for c. 100% of the variations in onion headspace volatiles in both experiments. For the field experiment, E-nose data set clusters for headspace volatiles for no N-added onions overlapped (D-2 = 1.0) irrespective of S treatment. Headspace volatiles of N-fertilised onions for the glasshouse sandy loam also overlapped (D-2 = 1.1) irrespective of S treatment as compared with distinct separations among clusters for the clay soil. N fertilisation significantly (P < 0.01) reduced onion bulb pyruvic acid concentration (flavour) in both experiments. S fertilisation increased pyruvic acid concentration significantly (P < 0.01) in the glasshouse experiment, especially for the clay soil, but had no effect on pyruvic acid concentration in the field. N and S fertilisation significantly (P < 0.01) increased lachrymatory potency (pungency), but reduced total soluble solids (TSS) content in the field experiment. In the glasshouse experiment, N and S had no effect on TSS. TSS content was increased on the clay by 1.2-fold as compared with the sandy loam. Onion tissue N:water-soluble SO42- ratios of between five and eight were associated with greater %dR/R and pyruvic acid concentration values. N did not affect inner bulb tissue microbial load. In contrast, S fertilisation reduced inner bulb tissue microbial load by 80% in the field experiment and between 27% (sandy loam) and 92% (clay) in the glasshouse experiment. Overall, onion bulb quality discriminated by the E-nose responded to N, S and soil type treatments, and reflected their interactions. However, the conventional analytical and sensory measures of onion quality did not correlate with %dR/R.


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Genotype, sulphur (S) nutrition and soil-type effects on spring onion quality were assessed using a 32-conducting polymer sensor E-nose. Relative changes in sensor resistance ratio (% dR/R) varied among eight spring onion genotypes. The % dR/R was reduced by S application in four of the eight genotypes. For the other four genotypes, S application gave no change in % dR/R in three, and increased % dR/R in the other. E-nose classification of headspace volatiles by a two-dimensional principal component analysis (PCA) plot for spring onion genotypes differed for S fertilisation vs. no S fertilisation. Headspace volatiles data set clusters for cv. 'White Lisbon' grown on clay or on sandy loam overlapped when 2.9 [Mahalanobis distance value (D2) = 1.6], or 5.8-(D2 = 0.3) kg S ha-1 was added. In contrast, clear separation (D2 = 7.5) was recorded for headspace volatile clusters for 0 kg S hd-1 on clay vs. sandy loam. Addition of 5.8 kg S ha-1 increased pyruvic acid content (mmole g-1 fresh weight) by 1.7-fold on average across the eight genotypes. However, increased S from 2.9 to 5.8 kg ha-1 did not significantly (P > 0.05) influence % dR/R, % dry matter (DM) or total soluble solids (TSS) contents, but significantly (P < 0.05) increased pyruvic acid content. TSS was significantly (P < 0.05) reduced by S addition, while % DM was unaffected. In conclusion, the 32-conducting polymer E-nose discerned differences in spring onion quality that were attributable to genotype and to variations in growing conditions as shown by the significant (P < 0.05) interaction effects for % dR/R.


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REDOX responsive (nano)materials typically exhibit chemical changes in response to the presence and concentration of oxidants/reductants. Due to the complexity of biological environments, it is critical to ascertain whether the chemical response may depend on the chemical details of the stimulus, in addition to its REDOX potential, and whether chemically different responses can determine a different overall performance of the material. Here, we have used oxidation-sensitive materials, although these considerations can be extended also to reducible ones. In particular, we have used poly(propylene sulfide) (PPS) nanoparticles coated with a PEGylated emulsifier (Pluronic F127); inter alia, we here present also an improved preparative method. The nanoparticles were exposed to two Reactive Oxygen Species (ROS) typically encountered in inflammatory reactions, hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) and hypochlorite (ClO−); their response was evaluated with a variety of techniques, including diffusion NMR spectroscopy that allowed to separately characterize the chemically different colloidal species produced. The two oxidants triggered a different chemical response: H2O2 converted sulfides to sulfoxides, while ClO− partially oxidized them further to sulfones. The different chemistry correlated to a different material response: H2O2 increased the polarity of the nanoparticles, causing them to swell in water and to release the surface PEGylated emulsifier; the uncoated oxidized particles still exhibited very low toxicity. On the contrary, ClO− rapidly converted the nanoparticles into water-soluble, depolymerized fragments with a significantly higher toxicity. The take-home message is that it is more correct to discuss ‘smart’ materials in terms of an environmentally specific response to (REDOX) stimuli. Far from being a problem, this could open the way to more sophisticated and precisely targeted applications.


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The work presented in this dissertation focused on the development and characterisation of novel cocrystals that incorporated the thioamide, amide and imide functional groups. A particular emphasis was placed on the characterisation of these cocrystals by single crystal X-ray diffraction methods. In Chapter One a summary of the intermolecular interactions utilised in this work and a short review of the solid state and multicomponent systems is provided. A brief introduction to the ways in which different multicomponent systems can be distinguished, crystal engineering strategies and a number of cocrystal applications highlights the importance the understanding of intermolecular interactions can have on the physical and chemical properties of crystalline materials. Chapter Two is the first Results and Discussion chapter and includes an introduction that is specific to the chapter. The main body of this work focuses on the primary aromatic thioamide functional group and its propensity to cocrystallise with a number of sulfoxides. Unlike the amide functional group, thioamides are not commonly employed in cocrystallisation studies. This chapter presents the first direct comparison between the cocrystallisation abilities of these two functional groups and the intermolecular hydrogen bonding interactions present in the cocrystal structures are examined. Chapter Three describes the crystal landscape of a short series of secondary aromatic amides and their analogous thioamides. Building on the results obtained in Chapter Two, a cocrystal screen of the secondary thioamides with the sulfoxide functional group was carried out in order to determine the effect removing a hydrogen bond had on the supramolecular synthons observed in the cocrystals. These secondary thioamides are also utilised in Chapter Four, which examines their halogen bonding capabilities with two organoiodine coformers: 1,2- and 1,4-diiodotetrafluorobenzene. Chapter Five explores the cocrystallisation abilities of three related cyclic imides as coformers for cocrystallisation with a range of commonly used coformers. Chapter Six is an overall conclusions chapter that highlights the findings of the results presented in Chapters Two to Five. Chapter Seven details the instrument and experimental data for the compounds and cocrystals discussed in the Results and Discussion Chapters. The accompanying CD contains all of the crystallographic data in .cif format for the novel single crystal structures characterised in this work.


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Continuous-flow generation of α-diazosulfoxides results in a two- to three-fold increase in yields and decreased reaction times compared to standard batch synthesis methods. These high yielding reactions are enabled by flowing through a bed of polystyrene-supported base (PS-DBU or PS-NMe2) with highly controlled residence times. This engineered solution allows the α-diazosulfoxides to be rapidly synthesized while limiting exposure of the products to basic reaction conditions, which have been found to cause rapid decomposition. In addition to improved yields, this work has the added advantage of ease of processing, increased safety profile, and scale-up potential.


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This review discusses synthesis of enantiopure sulfoxides through the asymmetric oxidation of prochiral sulfides. The use of metal complexes to promote asymmetric sulfoxidation is described in detail, with a particular emphasis on the synthesis of biologically active sulfoxides. The use of non-metal-based systems, such as oxaziridines, chiral hydroperoxides and peracids, as well as enzyme-catalyzed sulfoxidations is also examined.


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Thermal and fatigue cracking are the major pavement distresses that contribute to a drastic reduction of the pavement’s service life and performance in Ontario. Chemical oxidation and hardening of asphalt binders deteriorates its physical properties since physical properties of asphalts depend on its chemical composition. This thesis is aimed to establish a relationship between physical and chemical properties of asphalt binders. A secondary objective is to show the strong correlation between CTOD and temperature. All recovered and straight Ministry of Transportation of Ontario (MTO) samples were investigated using conventional Superpave® test method dynamic shear rheometer (DSR) as well as improved MTO test methods such as extended bending beam rheometer (eBBR) and double-edge-notched tension (DENT) test. DENT test was conducted for all Ontario contract samples at three different temperatures based on their performance grade after three hours of thermal conditioning and compared the results in terms of essential work of fracture, plastic work of fracture and CTOD at different temperatures. Good correlation exists between CTOD and temperature according to the DENT data. X-ray fluorescence (XRF) analysis was conducted to detect the presence of heavy metals such as zinc and molybdenum believed to have originated from waste engine oil. Fourier transform infra-red spectroscopy (FTIR) was performed to determine the abundance of functional groups such as carbonyl, sulfoxides, polyisobutylene, etc. XRF and FTIR analysis confirmed that most of the samples contain waste engine oil and/or oxidized residues, which is believed to be a root cause of premature pavement failures.


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Les sulfilimines et les sulfoximines sont des motifs structuraux dont l’intérêt synthétique est grandissant, notamment du fait de leurs applications en chimie médicinale et en agrochimie. Les travaux rapportés dans cet ouvrage décrivent le développement de nouvelles méthodes de synthèse efficaces pour la production de ces unités atypiques. Ces méthodes sont basées sur la réactivité d’une source d’azote électrophile, vis-à-vis de thioéthers et de sulfoxydes. L’utilisation d’un complexe métallique introduit en quantité catalytique a permis de favoriser le processus réactionnel. En tirant bénéfice de l’expertise de notre groupe de recherche sur le développement de réactions d’amination stéréosélectives de liaisons C-H et d’aziridination de styrènes, nous avons d’abord étudié la réactivité des N-mésyloxycarbamates comme source d’azote électrophile. Après avoir optimisé sa synthèse sur grande échelle, ce réactif chiral a été utilisé dans des réactions d’amination de thioéthers et de sulfoxydes, catalysées par un dimère de rhodium (II) chiral. Un processus diastéréosélectif efficace a été mis au point, permettant de produire des sulfilimines et des sulfoximines chirales avec d’excellents rendements et sélectivités. Au cours de l’optimisation de cette méthode de synthèse, nous avons pu constater l’effet déterminant de certains additifs sur la réactivité et la sélectivité de la réaction. Une étude mécanistique a été entreprise afin de comprendre leur mode d’action. Il a été observé qu’une base de Lewis telle que le 4-diméthylaminopyridine (DMAP) pouvait se coordiner au dimère de rhodium(II) et modifier ses propriétés structurales et redox. Les résultats que nous avons obtenus suggèrent que l’espèce catalytique active est un dimère de rhodium de valence mixte Rh(II)/Rh(III). Nous avons également découvert que l’incorporation de sels de bispyridinium avait une influence cruciale sur la diastéréosélectivité de la réaction. D’autres expériences sur la nature du groupe partant du réactif N-sulfonyloxycarbamate nous ont permis de postuler qu’une espèce nitrénoïde de rhodium était l’intermédiaire clé du processus d’amination. De plus, l’exploitation des techniques de chimie en débit continu nous a permis de développer une méthode d’amination de thioéthers et de sulfoxydes très performante, en utilisant les azotures comme source d’azote électrophile. Basée sur la décompositon photochimique d’azotures en présence d’un complexe de fer (III) simple et commercialement disponible, nous avons été en mesure de produire des sulfilimines et des sulfoximines avec d’excellents rendements. Le temps de résidence du procédé d’amination a pu être sensiblement réduit par la conception d’un nouveau type de réacteur photochimique capillaire. Ces améliorations techniques ont permis de rendre la synthèse plus productive, ce qui constitue un élément important d’un point de vue industriel.