901 resultados para structured light


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Yleisesti tiedetään hitsin pintageometrian vaikuttavan rakenteen väsymislujuuteen. Nopean, edullisen ja luotettavan pintageometrian mittausmenetelmän kehittäminen on askel kohti tarkempaa ja varmempaa rakenteen väsymislujuuden tarkastelua. Tässä työssä on tutkittu hitsejä, joiden pinnan geometria on mitattu norjalaisen SINTEF -yrityksen kehittämällä rakenteellisen valon menetelmällä. Osana työtä kehitettiin MatLab -pohjainen ohjelma, jolla jälkikäsitellään mittauksesta saadut x-y-z -mittapisteet. Mittausdatan jälkikäsittelyssä saadaan mittauksesta määritettyähitsin reunan pyöristys, liittymäkulma, a-mitta, reunahaava ja kateettisuhde. Kehitettyä menetelmää käyttämällä mitattiin lähes 300 voimaakantamatontaristiliitoksen hitsiä. Mittaustuloksia verrattiin vastaavista kappaleista tehtyihin hiemittauksiin. Manuaalisen hieestä tehdyn mittauksen havaittiin olevan tarkempi ja pystyttiin havaitsemaan paikallisempia muotoja. Rakenteellisen valon mittauksissa tapahtunut heijastelu saatiin pienenemään käsittelemällä mitattava pinta mattavalkoisella maalilla. Rakenteellisen valon mittatarkkuudeksi saatiin noin 0,2 mm. Pohjautuen mitattuun hitsin reunan pyöristykseen ja liittymäkulmaan voidaan yksinkertaista kaavaa käyttämällä laskea hitsin jännityskonsentraatio ja näin saada alkuarvaus väsymislujuudelle. Myös muiden tekijöiden tiedetään vaikuttavan hitsin väsymislujuuteen, joten pyöristyksen ja liittymäkulman avulla tehdyt arviot eivät ole absoluuttisen oikeita. Tämä havaittiin väsytyskokeilla, joista yhdessä väsymisvaurio ei syntynyt suurimmankaan jännityskonsentraation alueella.


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Ohutlevyteollisuuden markkinatilanne on muuttunut, kun tuotantomäärät ovat kasvaneet, laatuvaatimukset tiukentuneet ja markkinat globalisoituneet. Konenäön avulla on mahdollista tehostaa laadunvalvontaa, jolloin virheet voidaan havaita nopeammin ja siten säästää tuotantokustannuksissa. Muotoiltujen ohutlevyosien tarkastamiseksi tarvitaan kolmiulotteisia mittausmenetelmiä, joilla pystytään varsin nopeasti ja tarkasti analysoimaan kappaleita. Erityisesti fotogrammetriaan perustuvaa rakenteista valoa on sovellettu erilaisissa mittalaitteissa, ja menetelmä on myös varsin joustava sekä edullinen käyttää. Fotogrammetriaan ja rakenteiseen valoon perustuvista mittalaitteista valittiin arvioitavaksi Mapvision 4D. Testeissä tutkittiin laitteen tarkkuutta, nopeutta ja soveltuvuutta teollisuusympäristöön sekä erityisesti taivutuskulmien, reikien halkaisijoidenja etäisyyksien mittaamista. Sovittamalla mitattu data CAD-malliin pystytään kappaleen mitoitus tarkastamaan vaaditulla 0,1 millimetrin tarkkuudella. Testitulosten perusteella voidaan todeta sekä mittalaitteen että mittausmenetelmän soveltuvan ohutlevykappaleiden laadunvalvontaan, kunhan reunojen määrityksessä esiintyvä säännöllinen epätarkkuus otetaan huomioon.


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This work presents the implementation and comparison of three different techniques of three-dimensional computer vision as follows: • Stereo vision - correlation between two 2D images • Sensorial fusion - use of different sensors: camera 2D + ultrasound sensor (1D); • Structured light The computer vision techniques herein presented took into consideration the following characteristics: • Computational effort ( elapsed time for obtain the 3D information); • Influence of environmental conditions (noise due to a non uniform lighting, overlighting and shades); • The cost of the infrastructure for each technique; • Analysis of uncertainties, precision and accuracy. The option of using the Matlab software, version 5.1, for algorithm implementation of the three techniques was due to the simplicity of their commands, programming and debugging. Besides, this software is well known and used by the academic community, allowing the results of this work to be obtained and verified. Examples of three-dimensional vision applied to robotic assembling tasks ("pick-and-place") are presented.


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Cette thèse porte sur la reconstruction active de modèles 3D à l’aide d’une caméra et d’un projecteur. Les méthodes de reconstruction standards utilisent des motifs de lumière codée qui ont leurs forces et leurs faiblesses. Nous introduisons de nouveaux motifs basés sur la lumière non structurée afin de pallier aux manques des méthodes existantes. Les travaux présentés s’articulent autour de trois axes : la robustesse, la précision et finalement la comparaison des patrons de lumière non structurée aux autres méthodes. Les patrons de lumière non structurée se différencient en premier lieu par leur robustesse aux interréflexions et aux discontinuités de profondeur. Ils sont conçus de sorte à homogénéiser la quantité d’illumination indirecte causée par la projection sur des surfaces difficiles. En contrepartie, la mise en correspondance des images projetées et capturées est plus complexe qu’avec les méthodes dites structurées. Une méthode d’appariement probabiliste et efficace est proposée afin de résoudre ce problème. Un autre aspect important des reconstructions basées sur la lumière non structurée est la capacité de retrouver des correspondances sous-pixels, c’est-à-dire à un niveau de précision plus fin que le pixel. Nous présentons une méthode de génération de code de très grande longueur à partir des motifs de lumière non structurée. Ces codes ont l’avantage double de permettre l’extraction de correspondances plus précises tout en requérant l’utilisation de moins d’images. Cette contribution place notre méthode parmi les meilleures au niveau de la précision tout en garantissant une très bonne robustesse. Finalement, la dernière partie de cette thèse s’intéresse à la comparaison des méthodes existantes, en particulier sur la relation entre la quantité d’images projetées et la qualité de la reconstruction. Bien que certaines méthodes nécessitent un nombre constant d’images, d’autres, comme la nôtre, peuvent se contenter d’en utiliser moins aux dépens d’une qualité moindre. Nous proposons une méthode simple pour établir une correspondance optimale pouvant servir de référence à des fins de comparaison. Enfin, nous présentons des méthodes hybrides qui donnent de très bons résultats avec peu d’images.


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Omnidirectional cameras offer a much wider field of view than the perspective ones and alleviate the problems due to occlusions. However, both types of cameras suffer from the lack of depth perception. A practical method for obtaining depth in computer vision is to project a known structured light pattern on the scene avoiding the problems and costs involved by stereo vision. This paper is focused on the idea of combining omnidirectional vision and structured light with the aim to provide 3D information about the scene. The resulting sensor is formed by a single catadioptric camera and an omnidirectional light projector. It is also discussed how this sensor can be used in robot navigation applications


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We present a computer vision system that associates omnidirectional vision with structured light with the aim of obtaining depth information for a 360 degrees field of view. The approach proposed in this article combines an omnidirectional camera with a panoramic laser projector. The article shows how the sensor is modelled and its accuracy is proved by means of experimental results. The proposed sensor provides useful information for robot navigation applications, pipe inspection, 3D scene modelling etc


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Positioning a robot with respect to objects by using data provided by a camera is a well known technique called visual servoing. In order to perform a task, the object must exhibit visual features which can be extracted from different points of view. Then, visual servoing is object-dependent as it depends on the object appearance. Therefore, performing the positioning task is not possible in presence of nontextured objets or objets for which extracting visual features is too complex or too costly. This paper proposes a solution to tackle this limitation inherent to the current visual servoing techniques. Our proposal is based on the coded structured light approach as a reliable and fast way to solve the correspondence problem. In this case, a coded light pattern is projected providing robust visual features independently of the object appearance


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The absolute necessity of obtaining 3D information of structured and unknown environments in autonomous navigation reduce considerably the set of sensors that can be used. The necessity to know, at each time, the position of the mobile robot with respect to the scene is indispensable. Furthermore, this information must be obtained in the least computing time. Stereo vision is an attractive and widely used method, but, it is rather limited to make fast 3D surface maps, due to the correspondence problem. The spatial and temporal correspondence among images can be alleviated using a method based on structured light. This relationship can be directly found codifying the projected light; then each imaged region of the projected pattern carries the needed information to solve the correspondence problem. We present the most significant techniques, used in recent years, concerning the coded structured light method


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This article presents a detailed study of the application of different additive manufacturing technologies (sintering process, three-dimensional printing, extrusion and stereolithographic process), in the design process of a complex geometry model and its moving parts. The fabrication sequence was evaluated in terms of pre-processing conditions (model generation and model STL SLI), generation strategy and physical model post-processing operations. Dimensional verification of the obtained models was undertook by projecting structured light (optical scan), a relatively new technology of main importance for metrology and reverse engineering. Studies were done in certain manufacturing time and production costs, which allowed the definition of an more comprehensive evaluation matrix of additive technologies.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Investigaremos, a partir da perspectiva da Ciência Cognitiva, a noção de representação mental, no domínio da percepção visual humana. Ênfase é dada ao paradigma Conexionista, ou de Redes Neurais, de acordo com o qual tais representações mentais são descritas como estruturas emergentes da interação entre sistemas de processamento de informação que se auto-organizam - tais como o cérebro - e a luz estruturada no meio ambiente. Sugerimos que essa noção de representação mental indica uma solução para uma antiga polêmica, entre Representacionalistas e Eliminativistas, acerca da existência de representações mentais no sistema perceptual humano.


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Geometric accuracy of a close-range photogrammetric system is assessed in this paper considering surface reconstruction with structured light as its main purpose. The system is based on an off-the-shelf digital camera and a pattern projector. The mathematical model for reconstruction is based on the parametric equation of the projected straight line combined with collinearity equations. A sequential approach for system calibration was developed and is presented. Results obtained from real data are also presented and discussed. Experiments with real data using a prototype have indicated 0.5mm of accuracy in height determination and 0.2mm in the XY plane considering an application where the object was 1630mm distant from the camera.


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One of the main problems in Computer Vision and Close Range Digital Photogrammetry is 3D reconstruction. 3D reconstruction with structured light is one of the existing techniques and which still has several problems, one of them the identification or classification of the projected targets. Approaching this problem is the goal of this paper. An area based method called template matching was used for target classification. This method performs detection of area similarity by correlation, which measures the similarity between the reference and search windows, using a suitable correlation function. In this paper the modified cross covariance function was used, which presented the best results. A strategy was developed for adaptative resampling of the patterns, which solved the problem of deformation of the targets due to object surface inclination. Experiments with simulated and real data were performed in order to assess the efficiency of the proposed methodology for target detection. The results showed that the proposed classification strategy works properly, identifying 98% of targets in plane surfaces and 93% in oblique surfaces.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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This study evaluated the feasibility of documenting patterned injury using three dimensions and true colour photography without complex 3D surface documentation methods. This method is based on a generated 3D surface model using radiologic slice images (CT) while the colour information is derived from photographs taken with commercially available cameras. The external patterned injuries were documented in 16 cases using digital photography as well as highly precise photogrammetry-supported 3D structured light scanning. The internal findings of these deceased were recorded using CT and MRI. For registration of the internal with the external data, two different types of radiographic markers were used and compared. The 3D surface model generated from CT slice images was linked with the photographs, and thereby digital true-colour 3D models of the patterned injuries could be created (Image projection onto CT/IprojeCT). In addition, these external models were merged with the models of the somatic interior. We demonstrated that 3D documentation and visualization of external injury findings by integration of digital photography in CT/MRI data sets is suitable for the 3D documentation of individual patterned injuries to a body. Nevertheless, this documentation method is not a substitution for photogrammetry and surface scanning, especially when the entire bodily surface is to be recorded in three dimensions including all external findings, and when precise data is required for comparing highly detailed injury features with the injury-inflicting tool.