999 resultados para streptococcus equi sp equi


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Eqüinos abandonados pelos seus proprietários nas margens das principais rodovias federais que cruzam o Estado do Rio de Janeiro foram incluídos neste estudo. Um total de 1.121 eqüinos apreendidos pela Polícia Rodoviária Federal foi examinado de novembro de 1998 a novembro de 2000. Os 107 (9,5%) animais com suspeita clínica de sarna psoróptica foram submetidos a raspados cutâneos superficiais e nestes a espécie Psoroptes equi foi diagnosticada em 37 (34,6%). Não houve associação entre a prevalência da infestação e a idade ou sexo do hospedeiro (chi2, p>0,05). Em relação ao tipo de pelagem, P. equi foi diagnosticada em animais com diferentes cores. A região dorsal (cernelha até a anca) foi a mais afetada.


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Rhodococcus equi is a facultative intracellular pathogen associated with bronchopneumonia, mesenteric lymphadenitis and enterocolitis in foals. Although R. equi is likely to be found in every horse-breeding farm, the clinical disease is unrecognized in most of them. Capsule components, equi factor, micolic acid and some products encoded by the large 85-90Kb plasmid were described as virulence factors. However, the pathogenesis of R. equi infections and the sensibility of foals are not completely understood. The aim of this study was evaluate the virulence of R. equi isolated from human, horses and environment for mices. Nine strains carrying the 85-90Kb plasmid isolated from foal clinical specimens, one from immunodeficient human patient and six plasmidless strains (four isolated from feces, one from pasture and one from immunodeficient human patient) were inoculated in cyclophosphamide immunossuppressed mice. The pathological changes and viability of R. equi cells in the liver of mice was verified after the 3rd, 6th an 10th day after inoculation for horse and environmental isolates and for R. equi isolates from human patients on the 1st, 3rd and 6th day. During the necropsy procedures, infiltrate of macrophages and pyogranulomatous lesions were detected after the sixth pos-inoculation day in the liver and spleen. In horse isolates, only plasmid positive strains were virulent, but in human isolates both strains (plasmid positive e plasmid negative) were virulent. Both groups of the immunossupressed mice inoculated with R. equi isolated from environment showed pathological changes. All R. equi strains were unable to kill non imunossuppressed mice.


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A complement fixation test (CFT), performed in microtitre plates, based upon the use of crude antigenic preparation of Babesia equi was adapted for the detection of antibodies in serum of infected horses. The indirect fluorescent antibody test (IFAT) and enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) were also used for the immunodiagnosis of B. equi. Serum samples from 15 apparently healthy horses, previously conditioned to a high-speed equine treadmill, were taken before and after exercise. All the samples analyzed were positive for B. equi infection. There were no significant differences (P<0.01) between these 3 tests, or the condition of rest or stress. The combined use of CFT and IFAT or ELISA should be recommended in order to enable veterinary services to more efficiently prevent introduction of infected horses into disease-free areas.


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Conventional PCR (PCRTeq) for diagnosing Theileria equi and multiplex PCR (M/PCRTeq-Bc) for diagnosing T. equi and Babesia caballi were comparatively evaluated with nested PCR (N/PCR-Teq) for diagnosing equine piroplasmosis. In DNA sensitivity determinations, in multiple dilutions of equine blood that had tested positive for T. equi, PCR-Teq and N/PCR-Teq detected hemoparasite DNA in the larger dilutions (1:128), but did not differ significantly from the M/PCRTeq-Bc (1:64). In analyses on equine serum tested by ELISA, there was high agreement between this serological test and PCR-Teq (k = 0.780) and moderate agreement with N/PCR-Teq (k = 0.562) and M/PCRTeq-Bc (k = 0.488). PCR-Teq found a higher frequency of T. equi both in extensively and intensively reared horses, but this was not significant in relation to N/PCR-Teq (P>0.05), and both PCRs indicated that there was an endemic situation regarding T. equi in the population of horses of this sample. PCR-Teq was only significantly different from M/PCR-Teq-Bc (P<0.05). PCR-Teq presented high sensitivity and specificity, comparable to N/PCR-Teq, but with the advantage of higher speed in obtaining results and lower costs and risks of laboratory contamination. This accredits PCR-Teq for epidemiological studies and for determinations on affected horses.


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Rhodococcus equi é um micro-organismo intracelular facultativo, agente etiológico da rodococose, uma importante enfermidade que acomete principalmente potros com menos de seis meses de idade, causando a morte geralmente em decorrência de lesões pulmonares. Este agente também tem potencial zoonótico e emergiu como um patógeno oportunista no mundo, acometendo humanos imunocomprometidos, especialmente os transplantados e infectados pelo vírus da imunodeficiência humana (HIV). Entretanto, infecções por R. equi em hospedeiros hígidos tem sido relatadas, principalmente em crianças e idosos. Estudos tem mostrado um nível crescente na resistência de isolados de R. equi em relação aos antimicrobianos comumente utilizados no tratamento de animais e seres humanos infectados por este agente. A virulência deste pode estar associada a fatores como a cápsula de polissacarídeo, fosfolipase C e à enzima colesterol oxidase (fator equi). No entanto, uma proteína localizada em um plasmídeo, designada vapA, é essencial para a sobrevivência e replicação do agente em macrófagos. Com isso, os objetivos deste estudo foram avaliar o perfil de suscetibilidade de isolados de R. equi de diferentes fontes em relação aos antimicrobianos mais comumente utilizados na terapêutica animal e humana, bem como verificar a associação entre a presença do gene vapA e o índice de resistência múltipla aos antimicrobianos (IRMA). Neste estudo, 67 isolados brasileiros de R. qui de diferentes fontes foram analisados: 30 provenientes de amostras clínicas de equinos, sete de humanos e 30 ambientais (seis do solo e 24 de fezes de equinos). Para avaliar o perfil de suscetibilidade dos isolados utilizou-se o método de disco difusão, sendo testadas 16 drogas de diferentes classes de antimicrobianos. As amostras clínicas de equinos apresentaram as maiores taxas de resistência à penicilina (86,7%) e lincomicina (30%). Além disso, foram também resistentes a macrolídeos (azitromicina a 6,7%, eritromicina a 6% e claritromicina a 3,3%) e rifamicina (13%). Todas as amostras humanas e ambientais foram sensíveis aos macrolídeos e rifamicina. Contudo, isolados ambientais demonstraram níveis elevados de resistência à penicilina e cloranfenicol. Da mesma forma, os isolados humanos apresentaram alto nível de resistência ao ceftiofur, lincomicina e sulfazotrim. O IRMA em todos os isolados de R. equi variou de 0 a 0,67, tendo como valores médios 0,19 para as amostras clínicas de equinos, 0,14 nas ambientais e em isolados humanos foi de 0,1. Apesar da alta sensibilidade observada nos isolados analisados, verificaram-se diferentes níveis de resistência nas amostras clínicas de equinos. Em contraste, os isolados ambientais não demonstraram resistência em relação aos agentes antimicrobianos utilizados na terapia da rodococose equina. Além disso, em isolados humanos não se observou resistência contra a droga para uso restrito em terapia de humano. Com base no IRMA observado em isolados clínicos de equinos, destacamos a importância de medidas restritivas e mais cautela na utilização de antimicrobianos em infecções causadas por R. equi para evitar o aumento de novas cepas multirresistentes.


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This study aimed to assess and evaluate the effects of Theileria equi infection on embryonic recovery, gestation and early embryonic loss. Thirteen Mangalarga Marchador Theileria equi positive donors (diagnosed through nested-PCR) and 40 embryos receptors were used. Donors were submitted to two embryo collections in two consecutive estrous cycles (GId); after, the same mares were treated with imidocarb dipropionate (1.2mg/kg IM.) in order to collect more embryos in two more estrous cycles (GIId). Receptors were divided into two groups (control and with treated) with 20 animals each, where one group was the control (GIr) and the other one (GIIr) treated with 1.2mg/kg IM of imidocarb dipropionate assessing the gestation rate at 15, 30, 45 and 60 days. After 52 embryo collections, the embryonic recovery rates were 53.84% (14/26) and 65.38% (17/26) (p> 0.05) for GId and GIId, respectively. The gestation rate was 70% (14/20) (p>0.05) at 15, 30, 45 and 60 days in group GIr and for GIIr was 85% (17/20) (p>0.05) at 15 days, 80% (16/20) (p>0.05) at 30, 45 and 60 days. The treatment with imidocarb dipropionate did not cause significant improvement in the reproductive efficiency at an ET program.


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Abstract: Rhodococcus equi is a facultative intracellular pathogen, which cause severe pyogranulomatous pneumonia in foals and tuberculosis-like lesions in humans. Its ability to form biofilm was described in strains isolated from chronic diseases associated to treatment failures in humans. This study aimed to verify the biofilm formation by 113 R. equi isolated from equine samples (clinical and fecal) using two different methods (biofilm-culturing with and without additional glucose and epifluorescence microscopy). We also aimed to determine the efficacy of azithromycin, clarithromycin and erythromycin on R. equi in established biofilm. We found 80.5% (26/41) and 63% (58/72) biofilm-positive isolates, in fecal and clinical samples, respectively. The additional glucose increased the biofilm formation by R. equi fecal samples, but not by clinical samples. The antimicrobials tested herein were not able to eradicate R. equi in biofilm even at higher concentrations. This is the first study showing the biofilm formation by R. equi isolated from equine samples. Our findings indicate that R. equi biofilm-producers may be more resistant to the antimicrobials evaluated. Further studies are warranted to test this hypothesis.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)