979 resultados para step-up -hakkuri
Dissertação de mestrado em Contabilidade
Dissertação de mestrado integrado em Engenharia Eletrónica Industrial e Computadores
La separació d’enantiòmers (isòmers òptics) és molt important en molts diversos camps, com les síntesis quirals, biologia, i en el camp de la farmacologia especialment. És per això, que es fa necessari de disposar de tècniques i mètodes analítics ràpids, fiables i sensibles per a la separació d’enantiòmers. La present tesi s’emmarca en el camp de la separació d’enantiòmers, concretament en la preparació de fases estacionàries quirals per al seu ús en cromatografia liquida. En aquest sentit, s’ha desenvolupat la síntesi i caracterització de molècules polimèriques quirals derivades de l’aminoàcid L-prolina que incorporades en matrius de gel de sílice poden constituïr columnes quirals per a la separació d’enantiòmers per cromatografia liquida. S’han estudiat les característiques enantioselectives d’aquests nous materials en la separació de molècules quirals, trobant-se ésser satisfactòriament enantioselectius. L’interès que suscita l’obtenció d’enantiòmers a gran escala fa que la recerca s’orienti a la recerca de materials amb elevada capacitat de càrrega, és a dir, que puguin donar lloc a la separació d’elevades quantitats d’enantiòmers. Amb aquesta finalitat s’han dut a terme assaigs de capacitat de càrrega, que han posat de manifest la possible aplicació d’aquests materials a la separació preparativa d’enantiòmers. També s’ha parat especial atenció a l’estudi de les característiques de la matriu de gel de sílice, assajant-se altres materials de sílice més porosos i que permeten així treballar amb fluxos més elevats tot reduint-ne el temps d’anàlisi i els costos associats a la separació preparativa d’enantiòmers. L'estudi conformacional d'aquests nous selectors també ha estat contemplat per tal d'explicar l'enantioselectivitat específica que s'observa en certs dissolvents orgànics en els qual es duu a terme la separació dels enantiòmers.
RésuméCette thèse traite d'un domaine d'application de l'écologie industrielle, les symbioses industrielles, comme stratégie d'amélioration de la consommation des ressources matérielles et énergétiques et de la gestion des déchets par les activités économiques. Les symbioses industrielles cherchent à créer de nouvelles collaborations directement entre les acteurs économiques d'un territoire dans le but d'échanger de l'information, des matières premières et des déchets, et d'intensifier les mutualisations de services et d'infrastructures possibles entre entreprises voisines. Ces quatre types de collaboration sont représentés schématiquement dans la figure ci-dessous.Dans ce travail, la détection et la mise en oeuvre de symbioses industrielles sont abordées sous plusieurs angles. Les recherches réalisées concernent le développement de procédures de mise en oeuvre s'adressant aux collectivités publiques, aux institutions académiques et aux bureaux de conseil dans le domaine de l'environnement. Les objectifs des procédures sont de créer une dynamique de collaboration et de confiance entre les acteurs économiques et l'administration publique d'un territoire afin de détecter des symbioses industrielles potentielles. Ces procédures requièrent la gestion de grandes quantités d'informations relatives aux flux de matière et d'énergie.Un travail de terrain, réalisé sur les territoires du canton de Genève et de Lausanne Région et utilisé comme études de cas, a permis de mettre en évidence un grand nombre de symbioses industrielles qui existent déjà en Suisse romande. Plusieurs dizaines d'exemples ont été identifiés principalement dans lesdomaines de la gestion de l'eau, de l'énergie, des produits chimiques et des matériaux de construction. La législation suisse autoriserait cependant la concrétisation de nombreuses autres opportunités. Dans cette recherche, celles-ci sont évaluées techniquement, légalement, économiquement et environnementalement. La création d'un référentiel d'évaluation des opportunités permet de déterminer quelles sont les symbioses industrielles techniquement réalisables et pertinentes dans le contexte suisse et dans quels cas celles-ci représenteraient une réelle plus-value par rapport à l'utilisation actuelle de la ressource et aux filières existantes de collecte et de valorisation des déchets.Finalement, un logiciel, SymbioGIS, destiné à soutenir la détection et l'évaluation de symbioses industrielles potentielles a été développé. Il s'agit d'une interface web accessible pour de nombreux utilisateurs, couplée à une interface de systèmes d'information géographique. En plus de la détection de symbioses industrielles, plusieurs fonctionnalités sont proposées pour faciliter la prise en compte des flux de matière et d'énergie dans les problématiques liées à l'aménagement du territoire et au positionnement des activités économiques.En conclusion, cette recherche met en évidence la nécessité de rapprocher les institutions publiques en charge de la protection de l'environnement, de la promotion économique et de l'aménagement du territoire pour favoriser l'essor des symbioses industrielles comme stratégie pour la gestion des ressources matérielles et énergétiques. Elle propose des pistes pour intensifier les collaborations entre ces domaines et accélérer le partage des connaissances liées aux flux de matière et d'énergie et à leur cheminement au sein des activités économiques afin de rendre le système industriel existant en Suisse romande viable à long terme. Parallèlement, elle étudie les possibilités de transposer ces considérations et les procédures et outils développés dans le contexte économique et social de la région Asie-Pacifique, où se trouvent aujourd'hui de nombreuses activités de production.SummaryIndustrial symbioses: A new strategy for improving how economic activities use material and energy resourcesThis thesis focuses on one application of industrial ecology, industrial symbioses, as a strategy for improving how economic activities consume material and energy resources. Industrial symbioses seek to create new collaborations among economic players with the goal of exchanging information, raw materials, and waste directly among area businesses, and to step up the potential pooling of services and infrastructure among neighboring companies.The identification and implementation of industrial symbioses are studied from several angles. The research first examines the development of implementation procedures for government bodies, academic institutions, and environmental consulting services. The purpose of the procedures is to create a dynamic of collaboration and trust between the economic players and the public officials in a region in order to identify potential industrial symbioses. The procedures necessitate managing large amounts of information about material and energy flows.Fieldwork conducted in the canton of Geneva and the Lausanne region, and used as case studies for the research, highlights a great number of industrial symbioses that already exist in French-speaking Switzerland. Several dozen examples are identified, primarily in the areas of water management, energy, chemical products, and building materials; however, Swiss law would permit many others. The research evaluates these opportunities from a technical, legal, economic, and environmental standpoint. By developing an assessment framework it is possible to determine which industrial symbioses are technically feasible and pertinent in Switzerland, and under what circumstances they would represent real added value compared to the current use of the resource and to existing systems for collecting and reusing waste.Lastly, SymbioGIS software was developed to help identify and assess potential industrial symbioses. The program's Web-based interface can be accessed by multiple users and is coupled with an interface that provides geographic information. In addition to identifying industrial symbioses, several program functionalities make it easier to consider material and energy flows with regard to local development issues and siting economic activities.In conclusion, the research highlights the need to bring together public institutions charged with protecting the environment, promoting economic activity, and overseeing development in order to foster the expansion of industrial symbioses as a strategy for managing material and energy resources. It proposes solutions for stepping up collaboration among these players and accelerating the sharing of knowledge about material and energy flows and their paths within economic activities with the goal of making theexisting industrial system in French-speaking Switzerland viable long-term. Also examined were thepossibilities of transposing these considerations and the study's findings about Switzerland to the economic and social context of the Asia-Pacific region, where much production is now located.
In this project, we want to implement a theoretical typology of a converter, the Boost converter, which is also named “Step-up converter”. We also want to bring it to the practical area, where we could work and obtain a useful service, particularly our objective is to obtain a power supply for a notebook. We will give the possibility to work, charge etc. our device in the car and obtain another work station
For the 2004 strategic planning process at Iowa Workforce Development, Director Richard Running asked for as much input from all staff as possible. As a result, planning staff designed an extensive process to gather input over about a three month period during the late spring and summer: • A Guide to Staff Involvement was drafted and distributed to staff in offices throughout the state. This guide provided a brief explanation of the planning process and quoted extensively from the Vilsack/Pederson Leadership Agenda and the 2003 IWD strategic plan to illustrate each step and to show examples of alignment. The guide also provided suggestions for staff in various locations and work units to conduct their own planning sessions. The structure was designed to solicit feedback regarding elements (vision, mission, guiding principles, goals and strategies) of the existing 2003 plan. Particular attention was devoted to securing non-management staff’s perspective during the internal and external assessment exercises. • Several local offices did conduct their own structured input sessions following the suggested guidelines and sent the results to planning staff in the central administrative offices. • Other work units in many locations opted to ask planning staff to facilitate planning sessions for them. The results of these sessions were also gathered by planning staff. In all, dozens of input sessions were held and hundreds of IWD staff participated directly in the process. Because all the sessions followed similar guidelines, it was relatively easy to combine all of the input received and spot common themes that surfaced from the many sessions. A composite of all the flip chart notes was compiled into one large document (for those who like lots of detail) and another document summarized the key themes that emerged. This information was used in a day-long planning retreat on August 20. Management staff members from throughout the department were invited and each work unit and sub-state region also brought a non-management staff person as well. This group reviewed the themes from the earlier sessions and then addressed each element of the 2003 plan, proposing refinements for almost all sections. Subsequently, senior management reviewed the results of the retreat and made the final decisions for the new 2004 plan. This thorough approach, with its special emphasis on input from line staff, did result in some significant changes to IWD’s plan. Local office staff, for example, consistently expressed the need to step up our marketing efforts, especially with employers. Another need that was expressed clearly and often was the need to beef up staff training efforts, much of the capacity for which had been lost in budget and staff reductions a few years ago. Neither of these issues is new, but the degree of concern expressed by IWD staff has caused us to elevate their importance in this year’s plan.
Ao longo dos últimos anos a indústria microelectrónica tem evoluído no sentido de reduzir o consumo energético dos seus dispositivos no sentido de estes serem alimentados por fontes energéticas diversas, nomeadamente fontes renováveis. A crescente demanda por componentes energeticamente eficientes e pela miniaturização dos componentes eletrónicos exigem a conceção de fontes de alimentação com potência reduzida na ordem das dezenas de μW ás centenas de mW. Atualmente, com os crescentes avanços tecnológicos é possível obter componentes energéticamente eficientes e com tamanhos reduzidos capazes de colmatar as restrições energéticas das mais variadas aplicações. A utilização de fontes energia elétrica que tirão proveito da energia existente no meio onde se inserem os diversos dispositivos eletrónicos ou simplesmente para recarregar as baterias, apresenta-se como um dos principais objetivos a alcançar. Entre todas as energias renováveis, a energia fotovoltaica surge como umas das que proporciona um maior potencial. A sua disponibilidade global e os constantes desenvolvimentos tecnológicos no âmbito do fotovoltaico permitem o desenvolvimento de sistemas de alimentação com rendimento energético cada vez mais elevado. A presente dissertação tem como objetivo o estudo, a simulação e implementação de um conversor CC-CC, step-up, com algoritmo de controlo MPPT integrado designado por método de correlação de ripple (Ripple Correlation Control – RCC), para aplicações de baixa potência na ordem das dezenas de μW às centenas de mW. Desenvolveu-se um conversor CC-CC, autónomo, para carregamento de baterias com recurso a painéis fotovoltaicos, como fonte de energia, de forma contínua mesmo em situações de baixa luminosidade. Um circuito de gestão de energia devidamente dimensionado foi implementado com recurso a um algoritmo de procura do ponto de máxima potência (Maximum Power Point Tracking – MPPT). O objetivo desta implementação é extrair a máxima potência disponível da fonte de energia elétrica, neste caso o painel fotovoltaico, independentemente das condições meteorológicas e da potência requerida pela carga, sendo o excesso de energia redirecionado para a bateria. Nesta dissertação apresentam-se os resultados das simulações, assim como os resultados experimentais de todos os circuitos desenvolvidos de forma a validar todo o sistema implementado.
BACKGROUND: Appropriateness criteria for the treatment of Crohn's disease (CD) and ulcerative colitis (UC) have been developed by experts' panels. Little is known about the acceptance of such recommendations by care providers. The aim was to explore how treatment decisions of practicing gastroenterologists differ from experts using a vignette case study and a focus group. METHODS: Seventeen clinical vignettes were drawn from clinical indications evaluated by the expert panel. A vignette case questionnaire asking for treatment options in 9-10 clinical situations was submitted to 26 practicing gastroenterologists. For each vignette case, practitioners' answers on treatments deemed appropriate were compared to panel decisions. Qualitative analysis was made based on focus group discussion to explore acceptance and divergence reasons. RESULTS: 239 clinical vignettes were completed, 98 for CD and 141 for UC. Divergence between proposed treatments and results from panels was more frequent for CD (34%) than for UC (27%). Among UC clinical vignettes, the main divergences with the panel were linked to 5-ASA failure assessment and to situations where stopping treatment was the main decision. For CD, the care provider propositions diverged with the panel in mild-to-moderate active disease, where practitioners were more prone to an accelerated step up than the panel's recommendations. CONCLUSIONS: In about one third of vignettes cases, IBD treatment propositions made by practicing gastroenterologists diverged as compared to expert recommendations. Practicing gastroenterologists may experience difficulties in applying recommendations in daily practice.
In recent years, many researchers have claimed that world reserves of rock phosphate were getting depleted at an alarming rate, putting us on the path to scarcity of that essential resource within the next few decades. Others have claimed that such alarmist forecasts were frequent in the past and have always been proven unfounded, making it likely that the same will be true in the future. Both viewpoints are directly relevant to the level of funding devoted to research on the use of phosphate fertilizers. In this short essay, it is argued that information about future reserves of P or any other resource are impossible to predict, and therefore that the threat of a possible depletion of P reserves should not be used as a key motivation for an intensification of research on soil P. However, there are other, more compelling reasons, both geopolitical and environmental, to urgently step up our collective efforts to devise agricultural practices that make better use of P than is the case at the moment.
BACKGROUND: In recent years several trials have addressed treatment challenges in Crohn's disease. Clinical trials however, represent a very special situation. AIMS: To perform a cross-sectional survey among gastroenterologists on the current clinical real life therapeutic approach focussing on the use of biologics. METHODS: A survey including six main questions on clinical management of loss of response, diagnostic evaluation prior to major treatment changes, preference for anti-tumour necrosis factor (TNF) agent, (de-)escalation strategies as well as a basic section regarding personal information was sent by mail to all gastroenterologists in Switzerland (n=318). RESULTS: In total, 120 questionnaires were analysed (response rate 37.7%). 90% of gastroenterologists in Switzerland use a thiopurine as the first step-up strategy (anti-TNF alone 7.5%, combination 2.5%). To address loss of response, most physicians prefer shortening the interval of anti-TNF administration followed by dose increase, switching the biologic and adding a thiopurine. In case of prolonged remission on combination therapy, the thiopurine is stopped first (52.6%) after a mean treatment duration of 15.7 months (biologic first in 41.4%). CONCLUSIONS: Everyday clinical practice in Crohn's disease patients appears to be incongruent with clinical data derived from major trials. Studies investigating reasons underlying these discrepancies are of need to optimize and harmonize treatment.
Suuritehoisissa pumppu- ja puhallinkäytöissä käytetään usein suurnopeusmoottoria,jota syötetään välijännitteellä. Suurjännitetaajuudenmuuttajat ovat kalliita, eikä niitä ole aina edes mahdollista valmistaa. Tutkimuksen kohteena on rinnakkaisilla pienjännitetaajuudenmuuttajilla toteutettu sähkökäyttö, jossa pienjännite nostetaan moniensiöisellä muuntajalla suurjännitteeksi (6,6 kV) ja syötetään edelleen kuormana olevalle suurnopeusmoottorille. Opinnäytetyössä tutkitaan moniensiöisen muuntajan syöttöä rinnakkaisilla taajuudenmuuttajilla sekä niiden aiheuttamia häiriöitä toisilleen. Työssä tutkitaan myös harmonisten yliaaltojen vaikutuksia muuntajan häviöihin ja magnetointiominaisuuksiin. Taajuudenmuuttajan lähtöjännite ja -virta suodatetaan sinisuotimella, jonka parametreja simuloidaan Simulink- ohjelmistolla. Tavoite on löytää optimaaliset parametrit taajuudenmuuttajanlähtösuotimelle käyrämuotojen ja suotimeen jäävän tehon suhteen. Työssä tarkasteltiin sinisuodinta, johon jää 3 prosenttia syöttöjännitteestä. LC-suodin kompensoi sähkökäytön loistehon lähes kokonaan, joten taajuudenmuuttajien antotehon kannalta suotimet ovat perusteltuja. Taajuudenmuuttajan näennäisteho putoaa 22 prosenttia, joten taajuudenmuuttajat voidaan vastaavasti mitoittaa pienemmiksi.
BACKGROUND: Physicians traditionally treat ulcerative colitis (UC) using a step-up approach. Given the paucity of data, we aimed to assess the cumulative probability of UC-related need for step-up therapy and to identify escalation-associated risk factors. METHODS: Patients with UC enrolled into the Swiss IBD Cohort Study were analyzed. The following steps from the bottom to the top of the therapeutic pyramid were examined: (1) 5-aminosalicylic acid and/or rectal corticosteroids, (2) systemic corticosteroids, (3) immunomodulators (IM) (azathioprine, 6-mercaptopurine, methotrexate), (4) TNF antagonists, (5) calcineurin inhibitors, and (6) colectomy. RESULTS: Data on 996 patients with UC with a median disease duration of 9 years were examined. The point estimates of cumulative use of different treatments at years 1, 5, 10, and 20 after UC diagnosis were 91%, 96%, 96%, and 97%, respectively, for 5-ASA and/or rectal corticosteroids, 63%, 69%, 72%, and 79%, respectively, for systemic corticosteroids, 43%, 57%, 59%, and 64%, respectively, for IM, 15%, 28%, and 35% (up to year 10 only), respectively, for TNF antagonists, 5%, 9%, 11%, and 12%, respectively, for calcineurin inhibitors, 1%, 5%, 9%, and 18%, respectively, for colectomy. The presence of extraintestinal manifestations and extended disease location (at least left-sided colitis) were identified as risk factors for step-up in therapy with systemic corticosteroids, IM, TNF antagonists, calcineurin inhibitors, and surgery. Cigarette smoking at diagnosis was protective against surgery. CONCLUSIONS: The presence of extraintestinal manifestations, left-sided colitis, and extensive colitis/pancolitis at the time of diagnosis were associated with use of systemic corticosteroids, IM, TNF antagonists, calcineurin inhibitors, and colectomy during the disease course.
NlmCategory="UNASSIGNED">Crohn's disease (CD) evolution is characterized by increasing proportions of patients developing complications such as strictures, abscesses and fistulas that require surgical management. After resection of a diseased intestinal segment, CD recurrence concerns up to 60% of patients within a year post surgery. The mucosa just above the site of the intestinal anastomosis is at particularly high risk of relapse. Prophylactic medical therapy to prevent recurrence has been shown to be effective with a variety of medications, but the recurrence rate remains high, demanding that a better risk stratification of patients be achieved. Recognized risk factors for postsurgical CD recurrence include young age at diagnosis and at surgery, smoking, need for repeated surgeries and penetrating disease. These patients require full dose immunosuppressive or anti-tumor necrosis factor (anti-TNF) therapy, which should be initiated in the immediate postoperative period, to prevent the onset of an inflammatory activity in the bowel. Systematic follow-up by endoscopy to monitor treatment benefit should also be part of the management, as endoscopic recurrence heralds clinical relapse in these patients. The role of noninvasive markers of mucosal inflammation, such as stool calprotectin levels, show promise to complete this monitoring. Although the efficacy of mesalazine and imidazole antibiotics has been long recognized, more aggressive approaches, such as thiopurines and anti-TNF antibodies, have shown higher efficacies in direct comparison trials. The potential place of anti-homing agents is not yet defined, but these agents should in principle be of interest for this prophylactic indication due to their mode of action and interesting side-effect profile. The current recommendations are based on a step-up approach that includes immunosuppressors and/or imidazole antibiotics, followed by an anti-TNF agent, such as infliximab and adalimumab, both already tested in randomized trials in this indication. When endoscopic recurrence is identified during follow-up, upscaling to anti-TNF or dose escalation is advocated.
This thesis entitled “Studies on Nitrifying Microorganisms in Cochin Estuary and Adjacent Coastal Waters” reports for the first time the spatial andtemporal variations in the abundance and activity of nitrifiers (Ammonia oxidizingbacteria-AOB; Nitrite oxidizing bacteria- NOB and Ammonia oxidizing archaea-AOA) from the Cochin Estuary (CE), a monsoon driven, nutrient rich tropicalestuary along the southwest coast of India. To fulfil the above objectives, field observations were carried out for aperiod of one year (2011) in the CE. Surface (1 m below surface) and near-bottomwater samples were collected from four locations (stations 1 to 3 in estuary and 4 in coastal region), covering pre-monsoon, monsoon and post-monsoon seasons. Station 1 is a low saline station (salinity range 0-10) with high freshwater influx While stations 2 and 3 are intermediately saline stations (salinity ranges 10-25). Station 4 is located ~20 km away from station 3 with least influence of fresh water and is considered as high saline (salinity range 25- 35) station. Ambient physicochemical parameters like temperature, pH, salinity, dissolved oxygen (DO), Ammonium, nitrite, nitrate, phosphate and silicate of surface and bottom waters were measured using standard techniques. Abundance of Eubacteria, total Archaea and ammonia and nitrite oxidizing bacteria (AOB and NOB) were quantified using Fluorescent in situ Hybridization (FISH) with oligonucleotide probes labeled withCy3. Community structure of AOB and AOA was studied using PCR Denaturing Gradient Gel Electrophoresis (DGGE) technique. PCR products were cloned and sequenced to determine approximate phylogenetic affiliations. Nitrification rate in the water samples were analyzed using chemical NaClO3 (inhibitor of nitrite oxidation), and ATU (inhibitor of ammonium oxidation). Contribution of AOA and AOB in ammonia oxidation process was measured based on the recovered ammonia oxidation rate. The contribution of AOB and AOA were analyzed after inhibiting the activities of AOB and AOA separately using specific protein inhibitors. To understand the factors influencing or controlling nitrification, various statistical tools were used viz. Karl Pearson’s correlation (to find out the relationship between environmental parameters, bacterial abundance and activity), three-way ANOVA (to find out the significant variation between observations), Canonical Discriminant Analysis (CDA) (for the discrimination of stations based on observations), Multivariate statistics, Principal components analysis (PCA) and Step up multiple regression model (SMRM) (First order interaction effects were applied to determine the significantly contributing biological and environmental parameters to the numerical abundance of nitrifiers). In the CE, nitrification is modulated by the complex interplay between different nitrifiers and environmental variables which in turn is dictated by various hydrodynamic characteristics like fresh water discharge and seawater influx brought in by river water discharge and flushing. AOB in the CE are more adapted to varying environmental conditions compared to AOA though the diversity of AOA is higher than AOB. The abundance and seasonality of AOB and NOB is influenced by the concentration of ammonia in the water column. AOB are the major players in modulating ammonia oxidation process in the water column of CE. The distribution pattern and seasonality of AOB and NOB in the CE suggest that these organisms coexist, and are responsible for modulating the entire nitrification process in the estuary. This process is fuelled by the cross feeding among different nitrifiers, which in turn is dictated by nutrient levels especially ammonia. Though nitrification modulates the increasing anthropogenic ammonia concentration the anthropogenic inputs have to be controlled to prevent eutrophication and associated environmental changes.
Aziridine, Stickstoffanaloga der Epoxide, können regio- und stereoselektive Ringöffnungsreaktionen eingehen, wodurch ihnen als „building blocks“ in der Organischen Synthese eine große Bedeutung zukommt. In dieser Arbeit wurden unterschiedliche N-Aminoverbindungen synthetisiert sowie die Anwendungsmöglichkeit dieser Hydrazinderivate als Stickstoffquellen in Aziridinierungen von Olefinen untersucht. In der vorliegenden Dissertation wurde eine neue Methode zur Darstellung von N-Aminosuccinimid entwickelt und die Einsatzmöglichkeit als Stickstoffquelle in Aziridinierungsreaktionen in einer Reihe von Umsetzungen mit funktionalisierten ebenso wie mit nicht-funktionalisierten Olefinen demonstriert. Die ableitbaren Aziridine wurden hierbei in Ausbeuten von bis zu 80 % erhalten. In der Aziridinierungsreaktion von N-Aminosuccinimid mit 4,7-Dihydro-2-isopropyl-1,3-dioxepin resultieren bicyclische Aziridinierungsprodukte, die als endo/exo-Isomere in einem 1:1-Verhältnis anfallen. Es ist in dieser Arbeit gelungen, die Isomere in guten Ausbeuten zu erhalten, sie säulenchromatographisch zu trennen und ihre Konfiguration im festen Zustand mittels Kristallstrukturanalyse eindeutig zu bestimmen. Enantiomerenangereicherte Olefine, wie z. B. in 2-Position alkylsubstituierte 5-Methyl-4H-1,3-dioxine mit Enantiomerenüberschüssen von 92% ee liefern in der Aziridinierung mit N-Aminosuccinimid und Iodosylbenzol ein 4-Methyl-1,3-oxazolidin-4-carbaldehydderivat in einer zweistufigen Reaktion- der Aziridinierung und einer Umlagerung- ein 4-Methyl-1,3-oxazolidin-4-carbaldehydderivat. Für die Diastereoselektivität des Aziridinierungsschrittes wurde 65 % de bestimmt. In einer neuen Synthese über zwei Stufen ausgehend von (+)-3,4-Dimethoxysuccinanhydrid konnte ein chiraler Stickstoffüberträger - (+)-N-Amino-3,4-dimethoxysuccinimid - in Ausbeuten bis zu 86 % synthetisiert. Die Umsetzung dieser optisch aktiven Stickstoffquelle mit einer Vielzahl prochiraler Alkene führt zu diastereomeren Aziridinen in Ausbeuten bis zu 65% und Diastereoselektivitäten von bis zu 66% de. Anhand ausgewählter Verbindungen konnten die Absolutkonfigurationen der Reaktionsprodukte mittels Kristallstrukturanalyse eindeutig geklärt werden.