936 resultados para stars: individual: HD 181231


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Context. Close binary supersoft X-ray sources (CBSS) are binary systems that contain a white dwarf with stable nuclear burning on its surface. These sources, first discovered in the Magellanic Clouds, have high accretion rates and near-Eddington luminosities (10(37)-10(38) erg s(-1)) with high temperatures (T = 2-7 x 10(5) K). Aims. The total number of known objects in the MC is still small and, in our galaxy, even smaller. We observed the field of the unidentified transient supersoft X-ray source RX J0527.8-6954 in order to identify its optical counterpart. Methods. The observation was made with the IFU-GMOS on the Gemini South telescope with the purpose of identifying stars with possible He II or Balmer emission or else of observing nebular extended jets or ionization cones, features that may be expected in CBSS. Results. The X-ray source is identified with a B5e V star that is associated with subarcsecond extended H alpha emission, possibly bipolar. Conclusions. If the primary star is a white dwarf, as suggested by the supersoft X-ray spectrum, the expected orbital period exceeds 21 h; therefore, we believe that the 9.4 h period found so far is not associated to this system.


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Aims. Nova Scorpii 2008 was the target of our Director Discretionary Time proposal at VLT+UVES in order to study the evolution, origin and abundances of the heavy-element absorption system recently discovered in 80% of classical novae in outburst. Methods. The early decline of nova Scorpii 2008 was monitored with high resolution echelle spectroscopy at 5 different epochs. The analysis of the absorption and the emission lines show many unusual characteristics. Results. Nova Scorpii 2008 is confirmed to differ from a common classical nova as well as a symbiotic recurrent nova, and it shows characteristics which are common to the so called, yet debated, red-novae. The origin of this new nova remains uncertain.


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Aims. We study the geometry of the circumstellar environment of the B[e] supergiant star GG Car. Methods. We present observations acquired using the IAGPOL imaging polarimeter in combination with the Eucalyptus-IFU spectrograph to obtain spectropolarimetric measurements of GG Car across Ha at two epochs. Polarization effects along the emission line are analysed using the Q-U diagram. In particular, the polarization position angle (PA) obtained using the line effect is able to constrain the symmetry axis of the disk/envelope. Results. By analysing the fluxes, GG Car shows an increase in its double-peaked Ha line emission relative to the continuum within the interval of our measurements (similar to 43 days). The depolarization line effect around Ha is evident in the Q-U diagram for both epochs, confirming that light from the system is intrinsically polarized. A rotation of the PA along Ha is also observed, indicating a counter-clockwise rotating disk. The intrinsic PA calculated using the line effect (similar to 85 degrees.) is consistent between our two epochs, suggesting a clearly defined symmetry axis of the disk.


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The HR Del nova remnant was observed with the IFU-GMOS at Gemini North. The spatially resolved spectral data cube was used in the kinematic, morphological, and abundance analysis of the ejecta. The line maps show a very clumpy shell with two main symmetric structures. The first one is the outer part of the shell seen in H alpha, which forms two rings projected in the sky plane. These ring structures correspond to a closed hourglass shape, first proposed by Harman & O'Brien. The equatorial emission enhancement is caused by the superimposed hourglass structures in the line of sight. The second structure seen only in the [O III] and [N II] maps is located along the polar directions inside the hourglass structure. Abundance gradients between the polar caps and equatorial region were not found. However, the outer part of the shell seems to be less abundant in oxygen and nitrogen than the inner regions. Detailed 2.5-dimensional photoionization modeling of the three-dimensional shell was performed using the mass distribution inferred from the observations and the presence of mass clumps. The resulting model grids are used to constrain the physical properties of the shell as well as the central ionizing source. A sequence of three-dimensional clumpy models including a disk-shaped ionization source is able to reproduce the ionization gradients between polar and equatorial regions of the shell. Differences between shell axial ratios in different lines can also be explained by aspherical illumination. A total shell mass of 9 x 10(-4) M(circle dot) is derived from these models. We estimate that 50%-70% of the shell mass is contained in neutral clumps with density contrast up to a factor of 30.


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Context. About 2/3 of the Be stars present the so-called V/R variations, a phenomenon characterized by the quasi-cyclic variation in the ratio between the violet and red emission peaks of the HI emission lines. These variations are generally explained by global oscillations in the circumstellar disk forming a one-armed spiral density pattern that precesses around the star with a period of a few years. Aims. This paper presents self-consistent models of polarimetric, photometric, spectrophotometric, and interferometric observations of the classical Be star zeta Tauri. The primary goal is to conduct a critical quantitative test of the global oscillation scenario. Methods. Detailed three-dimensional, NLTE radiative transfer calculations were carried out using the radiative transfer code HDUST. The most up-to-date research on Be stars was used as input for the code in order to include a physically realistic description for the central star and the circumstellar disk. The model adopts a rotationally deformed, gravity darkened central star, surrounded by a disk whose unperturbed state is given by a steady-state viscous decretion disk model. It is further assumed that this disk is in vertical hydrostatic equilibrium. Results. By adopting a viscous decretion disk model for zeta Tauri and a rigorous solution of the radiative transfer, a very good fit of the time-average properties of the disk was obtained. This provides strong theoretical evidence that the viscous decretion disk model is the mechanism responsible for disk formation. The global oscillation model successfully fitted spatially resolved VLTI/AMBER observations and the temporal V/R variations in the H alpha and Br gamma lines. This result convincingly demonstrates that the oscillation pattern in the disk is a one-armed spiral. Possible model shortcomings, as well as suggestions for future improvements, are also discussed.


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Context. Emission lines formed in decretion disks of Be stars often undergo long-term cyclic variations, especially in the violet-to-red (V/R) ratio of their primary components. The underlying structural and dynamical variations of the disks are only partly understood. From observations of the bright Be-shell star. Tau, the possibly broadest and longest data set illustrating the prototype of this behaviour was compiled from our own and archival observations. It comprises optical and infrared spectra, broad-band polarimetry, and interferometric observations. Aims. The dense, long-time monitoring permits a better separation of repetitive and ephemeral variations. The broad wavelength coverage includes lines formed under different physical conditions, i.e. different locations in the disk, so that the dynamics can be probed throughout much of the disk. Polarimetry and interferometry constrain the spatial structure. All together, the objective is a better understand the dynamics and life cycle of decretion disks. Methods. Standard methods of data acquisition, reduction, and analysis were applied. Results. From 3 V/R cycles between 1997 and 2008, a mean cycle length in Ha of 1400-1430 days was derived. After each minimum in V/R, the shell absorption weakens and splits into two components, leading to 3 emission peaks. This phase may make the strongest contribution to the variability in cycle length. There is no obvious connection between the V/R cycle and the 133-day orbital period of the not otherwise detected companion. V/R curves of different lines are shifted in phase. Lines formed on average closer to the central star are ahead of the others. The shell absorption lines fall into 2 categories differing in line width, ionization/excitation potential, and variability of the equivalent width. They seem to form in separate regions of the disk, probably crossing the line of sight at different times. The interferometry has resolved the continuum and the line emission in Br gamma and HeI 2.06. The phasing of the Br gamma emission shows that the photocenter of the line-emitting region lies within the plane of the disk but is offset from the continuum source. The plane of the disk is constant throughout the observed V/R cycles. The observations lay the foundation for the fully self-consistent, one-armed, disk-oscillation model developed in Paper II.


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Aims. To detect line effects using spectropolarimetry in order to find evidence of rotating disks and their respective symmetry axes in T Tauri stars. Methods. We used the IAGPOL imaging polarimeter along with the Eucalyptus-IFU to obtain spectropolarimetric measurements of the T Tauri stars RY Tau (two epochs) and PX Vul (one epoch). Evidence of line effects showing a loop in the Q-U diagram favors a compact rather than an extended source for the line photons in a rotating disk. In addition, the polarization position angle (PA) obtained using the line effect can constrain the symmetry axis of the disk. Results. RY Tau shows a variable H alpha double peak in 2004-2005 data. A polarization line effect is evident in the Q-U diagram for both epochs confirming a clockwise rotating disk. A single loop is evident in 2004 changing to a linear excursion plus a loop in 2005. Interestingly, the intrinsic PA calculated using the line effect is consistent between our two epochs (similar to 167 degrees). An alternative intrinsic PA computed from the interstellar polarization-corrected continuum and averaged between 2001-2005 yielded a PA similar to 137 degrees. This last value is closer to perpendicular to the observed disk direction (similar to 25 degrees), as expected from single scattering in an optically thin disk. For PX Vul, we detected spectral variability in H alpha along with non-variable continuum polarization when compared with previous data. The Q-U diagram shows a well-defined loop in H alpha associated with a counter-clockwise rotating disk. The symmetry axis inferred from the line effect has a PA similar to 91 degrees (with an ambiguity of 90 degrees). Our results confirm previous evidence that the emission line in T Tauri stars has its origin in a compact source scattered off a rotating accretion disk.


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Context. Mass-loss occurring in red supergiants (RSGs) is a major contributor to the enrichment of the interstellar medium in dust and molecules. The physical mechanism of this mass loss is however relatively poorly known. Betelgeuse is the nearest RSG, and as such a prime object for high angular resolution observations of its surface (by interferometry) and close circumstellar environment. Aims. The goal of our program is to understand how the material expelled from Betelgeuse is transported from its surface to the interstellar medium, and how it evolves chemically in this process. Methods. We obtained diffraction-limited images of Betelgeuse and a calibrator (Aldebaran) in six filters in the N band (7.76 to 12.81 mu m) and two filters in the Q band (17.65 and 19.50 mu m), using the VLT/VISIR instrument. Results. Our images show a bright, extended and complex circumstellar envelope at all wavelengths. It is particularly prominent longwards of approximate to 9-10 mu m, pointing at the presence of O-rich dust, such as silicates or alumina. A partial circular shell is observed between 0.5 and 1.0 '' from the star, and could correspond to the inner radius of the dust envelope. Several knots and filamentary structures are identified in the nebula. One of the knots, located at a distance of 0.9 '' west of the star, is particularly bright and compact. Conclusions. The circumstellar envelope around Betelgeuse extends at least up to several tens of stellar radii. Its relatively high degree of clumpiness indicates an inhomogeneous spatial distribution of the material lost by the star. Its extension corresponds to an important intermediate scale, where most of the dust is probably formed, between the hot and compact gaseous envelope observed previously in the near infrared and the interstellar medium.


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An exciting unsolved problem in the study of high energy processes of early type stars concerns the physical mechanism for producing X-rays near the Be star gamma Cassiopeiae. By now we know that this source and several ""gamma Cas analogs"" exhibit an unusual hard thermal X-ray spectrum, compared both to normal massive stars and the non-thermal emission of known Be/X-ray binaries. Also, its light curve is variable on almost all conceivable timescales. In this study we reanalyze a high dispersion spectrum obtained by Chandra in 2001 and combine it with the analysis of a new (2004) spectrum and light curve obtained by XMM-Newton. We find that both spectra can be fit well with 3-4 optically thin, thermal components consisting of a hot component having a temperature kT(Q) similar to 12-14 keV, perhaps one with a value of similar to 2.4 keV, and two with well defined values near 0.6 keV and 0.11 keV. We argue that these components arise in discrete (almost monothermal) plasmas. Moreover, they cannot be produced within an integral gas structure or by the cooling of a dominant hot process. Consistent with earlier findings, we also find that the Fe abundance arising from K-shell ions is significantly subsolar and less than the Fe abundance from L-shell ions. We also find novel properties not present in the earlier Chandra spectrum, including a dramatic decrease in the local photoelectric absorption of soft X-rays, a decrease in the strength of the Fe and possibly of the Si K fluorescence features, underpredicted lines in two ions each of Ne and N (suggesting abundances that are similar to 1.5-3x and similar to 4x solar, respectively), and broadening of the strong NeXLy alpha and OVIII Ly alpha lines. In addition, we note certain traits in the gamma Cas spectrum that are different from those of the fairly well studied analog HD110432 - in this sense the stars have different ""personalities."" In particular, for gamma Cas the hot X-ray component remains nearly constant in temperature, and the photoelectric absorption of the X-ray plasmas can change dramatically. As found by previous investigators of gamma Cas, changes in flux, whether occurring slowly or in rapidly evolving flares, are only seldomly accompanied by variations in hardness. Moreover, the light curve can show a ""periodicity"" that is due to the presence of flux minima that recur semiregularly over a few hours, and which can appear again at different epochs.


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Diverses méthodes ont été utilisées pour étudier les étoiles Wolf-Rayet (WR) dans le but de comprendre les phénomènes physiques variés qui prennent place dans leur vent dense. Pour étudier la variabilité qui n'est pas strictement périodique et ayant des caractéristiques différentes d'une époque à l'autre, il faut observer pendant des périodes de temps suffisamment longues en adopter un échantillonnage temporel élevé pour être en mesure d'identifier les phénomènes physiques sous-jacents. À l'été 2013, des astronomes professionnels et amateurs du monde entier ont contribué à une campagne d'observation de 4 mois, principalement en spectroscopie, mais aussi en photométrie, polarimétrie et en interférométrie, pour observer les 3 premières étoiles Wolf-Rayet découvertes: WR 134 (WN6b), WR 135 (WC8) et WR 137 (WC7pd + O9). Chacune de ces étoiles est intéressante à sa manière, chacune présentant une variété différente de structures dans son vent. Les données spectroscopiques de cette campagne ont été réduites et analysées pour l'étoile présumée simple WR 134 pour mieux comprendre le comportement de sa variabilité périodique à long terme dans le cadre d'une étude des régions d'interactions en corotation (CIRs) qui se retrouvent dans son vent. Les résultats de cette étude sont présentés dans ce mémoire.


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This work presents the first integral field spectroscopy of the Homunculus nebula around eta Carinae in the near-infrared spectral region (J band). We confirmed the presence of a hole on the polar region of each lobe, as indicated by previous near-IR long-slit spectra and mid-IR images. The holes can be described as a cylinder of height (i.e. the thickness of the lobe) and diameter of 6.5 and 6.0 x 10(16) cm, respectively. We also mapped the blue-shifted component of He I lambda 10830 seen towards the NW lobe. Contrary to previous works, we suggested that this blue-shifted component is not related to the Paddle but it is indeed in the equatorial disc. We confirmed the claim of N. Smith and showed that the spatial extent of the Little Homunculus matches remarkably well the radio continuum emission at 3 cm, indicating that the Little Homunculus can be regarded as a small H II region. Therefore, we used the optically thin 1.3 mm radio flux to derive a lower limit for the number of Lyman-continuum photons of the central source in eta Car. In the context of a binary system, and assuming that the ionizing flux comes entirely from the hot companion star, the lower limit for its spectral type and luminosity class ranges from O5.5 III to O7 I. Moreover, we showed that the radio peak at 1.7 arcsec NW from the central star is in the same line-of-sight of the `Sr-filament` but they are obviously spatially separated, while the blue-shifted component of He I lambda 10830 may be related to the radio peak and can be explained by the ultraviolet radiation from the companion star.


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A full description of the 5.5-yr low excitation events in. Carinae is presented. We show that they are not as simple and brief as previously thought, but a combination of two components. The first, the slow variation component, is revealed by slow changes in the ionization level of circumstellar matter across the whole cycle and is caused by gradual changes in the wind wind collision shock-cone orientation, angular opening and gaseous content. The second, the collapse component, is restricted to around the minimum, and is due to a temporary global collapse of the wind-wind collision shock. High-energy photons (E > 16 eV) from the companion star are strongly shielded, leaving the Weigelt objects at low-ionization state for more than six months. High-energy phenomena are sensitive only to the collapse, low energy only to the slow variation and intermediate energies to both components. Simple eclipses and mechanisms effective only near periastron (e. g. shell ejection or accretion on to the secondary star) cannot account for the whole 5.5-yr cycle. We find anti-correlated changes in the intensity and the radial velocity of P Cygni absorption profiles in Fe II lambda 6455 and He I lambda 7065 lines, indicating that the former is associated to the primary and the latter to the secondary star. We present a set of light curves representative of the whole spectrum, useful for monitoring the next event (2009 January 11).


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We report the analysis of a uniform sample of 31 light curves of the nova-like variable UU Aqr with eclipse-mapping techniques. The data were combined to derive eclipse maps of the average steady-light component, the long-term brightness changes, and the low- and high-frequency flickering components. The long-term variability responsible for the ""low-brightness`` and ""high-brightness`` states is explained in terms of the response of a viscous disk to changes of 20%-50% in the mass transfer rate from the donor star. Low- and high-frequency flickering maps are dominated by emission from two asymmetric arcs reminiscent of those seen in the outbursting dwarf nova IP Peg, and they are similarly interpreted as manifestations of a tidally induced spiral shock wave in the outer regions of a large accretion disk. The asymmetric arcs are also seen in the map of the steady light aside from the broad brightness distribution of a roughly steady-state disk. The arcs account for 25% of the steady-light flux and are a long-lasting feature in the accretion disk of UU Aqr. We infer an opening angle of 10 degrees +/- 3 degrees for the spiral arcs. The results suggest that the flickering in UU Aqr is caused by turbulence generated after the collision of disk gas with the density-enhanced spiral wave in the accretion disk.


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Extensive spectral observations of eta Carinae over the last cycle, and particularly around the 2003.5 low-excitation event, have been obtained. The variability of both narrow and broad lines, when combined with data taken from two earlier cycles, reveal a common and well-defined period. We have combined the cycle lengths derived from the many lines in the optical spectrum with those from broad-band X-rays, optical and near-infrared observations, and obtained a period length of P(pres) = 2022.7 +/- 1.3 d. Spectroscopic data collected during the last 60 yr yield an average period of P(avg) = 2020 +/- 4 d, consistent with the present-day period. The period cannot have changed by more than Delta P/P = 0.0007 since 1948. This confirms the previous claims of a true, stable periodicity, and gives strong support to the binary scenario. We have used the disappearance of the narrow component of He I 6678 to define the epoch of the Cycle 11 minimum, T(0) = JD 245 2819.8. The next event is predicted to occur on 2009 January 11 (+/- 2 d). The dates for the start of the minimum in other spectral features and broad-bands are very close to this date, and have well-determined time-delays from the He I epoch.


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The study of Wolf-Rayet stars plays an important role in evolutionary theories of massive stars. Among these objects, similar to 20 per cent are known to be in binary systems and can therefore be used for the mass determination of these stars. Most of these systems are not spatially resolved and spectral lines can be used to constrain the orbital parameters. However, part of the emission may originate in the interaction zone between the stellar winds, modifying the line profiles and thus challenging us to use different models to interpret them. In this work, we analysed the He II lambda 4686 angstrom + C IV lambda 4658 angstrom blended lines of WR 30a (WO4+O5) assuming that part of the emission originate in the wind-wind interaction zone. In fact, this line presents a quiescent base profile, attributed to the WO wind, and a superposed excess, which varies with the orbital phase along the 4.6-d period. Under these assumptions, we were able to fit the excess spectral line profile and central velocity for all phases, except for the longest wavelengths, where a spectral line with constant velocity seems to be present. The fit parameters provide the eccentricity and inclination of the binary orbit, from which it is possible to constrain the stellar masses.