990 resultados para stabilità argine, fem, fiume Po, modellazione


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La tesi affronta la questione della riqualificazione dell’ area situata lungo l’argine orientale del fiume Savio a Cesena, a sud del Ponte del Risorgimento e a nord del Ponte Clemente; longitudinalmente il quartiere è individuati dall’asse carrabile di via IV Novembre e ad est tra le vie IX Febbraio e Aurelio Saffi. L'area è attualmente dominata dalla caserma militare “Decio Raggi” (oggi acclusa al C.A.P.S.) e da un parcheggio multipiano di recente costruzione, oltre ad alcune abitazioni private. Il progetto prevede di resettare quasi completamente l'area, fatta salva una palazzina del complesso del C.A.P.S. ed il parcheggio; al posto degli attuali edifici sorgeranno tre poli destinati a funzioni diverse: un polo commerciale, uno culturale ed uno residenziale. Il polo culturale, oggetto specifico della presente tesi, sorge approssimativamente al centro dell'area di progetto e si relaziona sulla sinistra con il mercato, con il quale divide una piazza concepita sul modello di Piazza del Popolo; la costruzione ospita un auditorium con una sala d'ascolto da 476 posti a sedere (più un altro centinaio sistemati nei palchetti laterali), diversi spazi adibiti a sala prove ed aule musicali o teatrali; gli ambienti secondari dell’auditorium sono ricavati in due corpi laterali, affiancati lateralmente al volume principale. Sul lato opposto alla facciata sorge una corte quadrata, che può fungere sia da spazio pubblico che da platea all'aperto: il palcoscenico infatti è concepito in modo da avere un doppio boccascena: uno rivolto verso la sala ed uno (chiuso da una parete scorrevole) verso la corte. Sul solaio dei corpi secondari sono stati progettati due ampi terrazzi, di cui uno che guarda al fiume e che si prolunga con una passerella verso il sentiero tra il ponte Risorgimento e il ponte Clemente. Per l'argine del Savio è stato previsto un sistema di terrazzamenti che contengano e regolino le esondazioni del fiume e siano contemporaneamente spazi verdi calpestabili. L'intera area fluviale verrà riassettata in modo che la vegetazione possa estendersi più profondamente verso le costruzioni ed armonizzarsi con esse meglio di quanto non faccia attualmente.


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The wheel - rail contact analysis plays a fundamental role in the multibody modeling of railway vehicles. A good contact model must provide an accurate description of the global contact phenomena (contact forces and torques, number and position of the contact points) and of the local contact phenomena (position and shape of the contact patch, stresses and displacements). The model has also to assure high numerical efficiency (in order to be implemented directly online within multibody models) and a good compatibility with commercial multibody software (Simpack Rail, Adams Rail). The wheel - rail contact problem has been discussed by several authors and many models can be found in the literature. The contact models can be subdivided into two different categories: the global models and the local (or differential) models. Currently, as regards the global models, the main approaches to the problem are the so - called rigid contact formulation and the semi – elastic contact description. The rigid approach considers the wheel and the rail as rigid bodies. The contact is imposed by means of constraint equations and the contact points are detected during the dynamic simulation by solving the nonlinear algebraic differential equations associated to the constrained multibody system. Indentation between the bodies is not permitted and the normal contact forces are calculated through the Lagrange multipliers. Finally the Hertz’s and the Kalker’s theories allow to evaluate the shape of the contact patch and the tangential forces respectively. Also the semi - elastic approach considers the wheel and the rail as rigid bodies. However in this case no kinematic constraints are imposed and the indentation between the bodies is permitted. The contact points are detected by means of approximated procedures (based on look - up tables and simplifying hypotheses on the problem geometry). The normal contact forces are calculated as a function of the indentation while, as in the rigid approach, the Hertz’s and the Kalker’s theories allow to evaluate the shape of the contact patch and the tangential forces. Both the described multibody approaches are computationally very efficient but their generality and accuracy turn out to be often insufficient because the physical hypotheses behind these theories are too restrictive and, in many circumstances, unverified. In order to obtain a complete description of the contact phenomena, local (or differential) contact models are needed. In other words wheel and rail have to be considered elastic bodies governed by the Navier’s equations and the contact has to be described by suitable analytical contact conditions. The contact between elastic bodies has been widely studied in literature both in the general case and in the rolling case. Many procedures based on variational inequalities, FEM techniques and convex optimization have been developed. This kind of approach assures high generality and accuracy but still needs very large computational costs and memory consumption. Due to the high computational load and memory consumption, referring to the current state of the art, the integration between multibody and differential modeling is almost absent in literature especially in the railway field. However this integration is very important because only the differential modeling allows an accurate analysis of the contact problem (in terms of contact forces and torques, position and shape of the contact patch, stresses and displacements) while the multibody modeling is the standard in the study of the railway dynamics. In this thesis some innovative wheel – rail contact models developed during the Ph. D. activity will be described. Concerning the global models, two new models belonging to the semi – elastic approach will be presented; the models satisfy the following specifics: 1) the models have to be 3D and to consider all the six relative degrees of freedom between wheel and rail 2) the models have to consider generic railway tracks and generic wheel and rail profiles 3) the models have to assure a general and accurate handling of the multiple contact without simplifying hypotheses on the problem geometry; in particular the models have to evaluate the number and the position of the contact points and, for each point, the contact forces and torques 4) the models have to be implementable directly online within the multibody models without look - up tables 5) the models have to assure computation times comparable with those of commercial multibody software (Simpack Rail, Adams Rail) and compatible with RT and HIL applications 6) the models have to be compatible with commercial multibody software (Simpack Rail, Adams Rail). The most innovative aspect of the new global contact models regards the detection of the contact points. In particular both the models aim to reduce the algebraic problem dimension by means of suitable analytical techniques. This kind of reduction allows to obtain an high numerical efficiency that makes possible the online implementation of the new procedure and the achievement of performance comparable with those of commercial multibody software. At the same time the analytical approach assures high accuracy and generality. Concerning the local (or differential) contact models, one new model satisfying the following specifics will be presented: 1) the model has to be 3D and to consider all the six relative degrees of freedom between wheel and rail 2) the model has to consider generic railway tracks and generic wheel and rail profiles 3) the model has to assure a general and accurate handling of the multiple contact without simplifying hypotheses on the problem geometry; in particular the model has to able to calculate both the global contact variables (contact forces and torques) and the local contact variables (position and shape of the contact patch, stresses and displacements) 4) the model has to be implementable directly online within the multibody models 5) the model has to assure high numerical efficiency and a reduced memory consumption in order to achieve a good integration between multibody and differential modeling (the base for the local contact models) 6) the model has to be compatible with commercial multibody software (Simpack Rail, Adams Rail). In this case the most innovative aspects of the new local contact model regard the contact modeling (by means of suitable analytical conditions) and the implementation of the numerical algorithms needed to solve the discrete problem arising from the discretization of the original continuum problem. Moreover, during the development of the local model, the achievement of a good compromise between accuracy and efficiency turned out to be very important to obtain a good integration between multibody and differential modeling. At this point the contact models has been inserted within a 3D multibody model of a railway vehicle to obtain a complete model of the wagon. The railway vehicle chosen as benchmark is the Manchester Wagon the physical and geometrical characteristics of which are easily available in the literature. The model of the whole railway vehicle (multibody model and contact model) has been implemented in the Matlab/Simulink environment. The multibody model has been implemented in SimMechanics, a Matlab toolbox specifically designed for multibody dynamics, while, as regards the contact models, the CS – functions have been used; this particular Matlab architecture allows to efficiently connect the Matlab/Simulink and the C/C++ environment. The 3D multibody model of the same vehicle (this time equipped with a standard contact model based on the semi - elastic approach) has been then implemented also in Simpack Rail, a commercial multibody software for railway vehicles widely tested and validated. Finally numerical simulations of the vehicle dynamics have been carried out on many different railway tracks with the aim of evaluating the performances of the whole model. The comparison between the results obtained by the Matlab/ Simulink model and those obtained by the Simpack Rail model has allowed an accurate and reliable validation of the new contact models. In conclusion to this brief introduction to my Ph. D. thesis, we would like to thank Trenitalia and the Regione Toscana for the support provided during all the Ph. D. activity. Moreover we would also like to thank the INTEC GmbH, the society the develops the software Simpack Rail, with which we are currently working together to develop innovative toolboxes specifically designed for the wheel rail contact analysis.


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La linea ferroviaria Bologna-Porretta mostra evidenze deformative nel tratto ad EST della stazione di Silla, già da metà del secolo scorso. Il fenomeno si manifesta in una zona delimitata a SUD da un grande deposito di frana quiescente e a NORD dal corso del fiume Reno. In questo contesto, è stato possibile seguire le indagini geognostiche commissionate da RFI, finalizzate alla caratterizzazione geologico-tecnica del problema deformativo e all’installazione di alcuni strumenti di monitoraggio. L’obiettivo principale è quello di ricostruire le dinamiche dei processi in atto, valutando quale sia la causa primaria del cedimento del rilevato ferroviario. Il lavoro ha inizialmente previsto una fase di attività sul campo. Successivamente, prove di laboratorio sono state svolte su cinque campioni rimaneggiati ottenuti da spezzoni di carota. Le stratigrafie di sondaggio, le osservazioni di campo e i risultati delle prove di laboratorio sono stati elaborati assieme ad altri dati a disposizione, quali dati di interferometria radar, dati di monitoraggio e risultati di prove di laboratorio esterne, così da produrre il modello geologico-tecnico dell’area. Nel modello, la superficie di scorrimento si trova a circa 10 m di profondità, coerentemente con le misure degli inclinometri, mentre la falda oscilla tra i 2,0 m e gli 0,5 m di profondità da piano campagna. Infine, le analisi di stabilità sono state divise in una fase di back-analysis e in una fase previsionale che ipotizzasse alcuni interventi di sistemazione. Dal lavoro è stato possibile concludere che il versante destro del fiume Reno è attualmente soggetto a movimenti gravitativi. Le simulazioni effettuate hanno portato a determinare due meccanismi di rottura plausibili. Una batteria di dreni suborizzontali permetterebbe di stabilizzare le superfici di scorrimento critiche con un buon incremento del Fattore di Sicurezza, mentre trincee drenanti e pali rappresentano soluzioni meno efficaci.


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La ricerca scientifica oggetto della seguente tesi verte sullo studio di problematiche mosse dalla collaborazione Azienda-Università nell’ambito di sili contenenti materiale granulare, soggetti a sollecitazione sismica. Si è indagato sul comportamento di tali strutture a mezzo di due modelli, uno raffinato e l'altro semplificato, soggetti alle medesime combinazioni. Un aspetto interessante, introdotto nella modellazione, è stato quello di considerare la lamiera corrugata come una piastra ortotropa. Si sono riportate le linee guida per la progettazione e la verifica dei profili in parete sottile. Discussione e validazione dei risultati numerici.


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Il lavoro di indagine che è stato sviluppato nella presente tesi è volto a valutare, attraverso metodi FEM, ossia tecniche numeriche computazionali, le sollecitazioni e le deformazioni che agiscono sul telaio di uno "Stampo", macchina che realizza l'operazione di calandratura della lamiera nella produzione di tubi di acciaio a saldatura elicoidale. In particolare l’analisi riportata in questo documento può ritenersi uno studio preliminare che ha lo scopo di creare un simulatore tenso-deformativo che permetta di realizzare un futuro lavoro di validazione del modello, quindi esso è stato realizzato nel modo più flessibile possibile, in modo che sia agevole, anche in un secondo tempo, introdurvi delle modifiche. Il Software utilizzato per la realizzazione dell'analisi FEM è Salomé-Meca accompagnato dal risolutore Code Aster. Oltre all'analisi sul Telaio dello Stampo si è effettuato uno studio preliminare, di validità generale, in cui si riportano in dettaglio le operazioni da effettuare per lo studio degli Assembly. In particolare è stato utilizzato il software Efficient per la creazione del file di comando.


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La tesi tratta la ricerca di procedure che permettano di rilevare oggetti utilizzando il maggior numero di informazioni geometriche ottenibili da una nuvola di punti densa generata da un rilievo fotogrammetrico o da TLS realizzando un modello 3D importabile in ambiente FEM. Il primo test si è eseguito su una piccola struttura, 1.2x0.5x0.2m, in modo da definire delle procedure di analisi ripetibili; la prima consente di passare dalla nuvola di punti “Cloud” all’oggetto solido “Solid” al modello agli elementi finiti “Fem” e per questo motivo è stata chiamata “metodo CSF”, mentre la seconda, che prevede di realizzare il modello della struttura con un software BIM è stata chiamata semplicemente “metodo BIM”. Una volta dimostrata la fattibilità della procedura la si è validata adottando come oggetto di studio un monumento storico di grandi dimensioni, l’Arco di Augusto di Rimini, confrontando i risultati ottenuti con quelli di altre tesi sulla medesima struttura, in particolare si è fatto riferimento a modelli FEM 2D e a modelli ottenuti da una nuvola di punti con i metodi CAD e con un software scientifico sviluppato al DICAM Cloud2FEM. Sull’arco sono state eseguite due tipi di analisi, una lineare sotto peso proprio e una modale ottenendo risultati compatibili tra i vari metodi sia dal punto di vista degli spostamenti, 0.1-0.2mm, che delle frequenze naturali ma si osserva che le frequenze naturali del modello BIM sono più simili a quelle dei modelli generati da cloud rispetto al modello CAD. Il quarto modo di vibrare invece presenta differenze maggiori. Il confronto con le frequenze naturali del modello FEM ha restituito differenze percentuali maggiori dovute alla natura 2D del modello e all’assenza della muratura limitrofa. Si sono confrontate le tensioni normali dei modelli CSF e BIM con quelle ottenute dal modello FEM ottenendo differenze inferiori a 1.28 kg/cm2 per le tensioni normali verticali e sull’ordine 10-2 kg/cm2 per quelle orizzontali.


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The mineral svanbergite SrAl 3(PO 4,SO 4) 2(OH) 6 is a hydroxy phosphate-sulphate mineral belonging to the beudantite subgroup of alunites and has been characterised by vibrational spectroscopy. Bands at various wavenumbers were assigned to the different vibrational modes of svanbergite, which were then associated with the structure of the mineral. Bands were primarily assigned to phosphate and sulphate stretching and bending modes. Two symmetric stretching modes for both phosphate and sulphate supported the concept of non-equivalent phosphate and sulphate units in the mineral structure. Bands in the OH stretching region enabled hydrogen bond distances to be calculated. Comparison of the hydrogen bond distances and the calculated hydrogen bond distances from the structure models indicates that hydrogen bonding in svanbergite occurs between the two OH units rather than OH to SO42- units.


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Road safety barriers are used to minimise the severity of road accidents and protect lives and property. There are several types of barrier in use today. This paper reports the initial phase of research carried out to study the impact response of portable water-filled barrier (PWFB) which has the potential to absorb impact energy and hence provide crash mitigation under low to moderate speeds. Current research on the impact and energy absorption capacity of water-filled road safety barriers is limited due to the complexity of fluid-structure interaction under dynamic impact. In this paper, a novel fluid-structure interaction method is developed based on the combination of Smooth Particle Hydrodynamics (SPH) and Finite Element Method (FEM). The sloshing phenomenon of water inside a PWFB is investigated to explore the energy absorption capacity of water under dynamic impact. It was found that water plays an important role in energy absorption. The coupling analysis developed in this paper will provide a platform to further the research in optimising the behaviour of the PWFB. The effect of the amount of water on its energy absorption capacity is investigated and the results have practical applications in the design of PWFBs.


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The development and design of electric high power devices with electromagnetic computer-aided engineering (EM-CAE) software such as the Finite Element Method (FEM) and Boundary Element Method (BEM) has been widely adopted. This paper presents the analysis of a Fault Current Limiter (FCL), which acts as a high-voltage surge protector for power grids. A prototype FCL was built. The magnetic flux in the core and the resulting electromagnetic forces in the winding of the FCL were analyzed using both FEM and BEM. An experiment on the prototype was conducted in a laboratory. The data obtained from the experiment is compared to the numerical solutions to determine the suitability and accuracy of the two methods.


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Portable water filled barriers (PWFB) are semi-rigid roadside barriers which have the potential to display good crash attenuation characteristics at low and moderate impact speeds. The traditional mesh based numerical methods alone fail to simulate this type of impact with precision, stability and efficiency. This paper proposes to develop an advanced simulation model based on the combination of Smoothed Particles Hydrodynamics (SPH), a meshless method, and finite element method (FEM) for fluid-structure analysis using the commercially available software package LS-Dyna. The interaction between SPH particles and FEA elements is studied in this paper. Two methods of element setup at the element boundary were investigated. The response of the impacted barrier and fluid inside were analysed and compared. The system response and lagging were observed and reported in this paper. It was demonstrated that coupled SPH/FEM can be used in full scale PWFB modelling application. This will aid the research in determining the best initial setup to couple FEA and SPH in road safety barrier for impact response and safety analysis in the future.


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A beam-column resting on continuous Winkler foundation and discrete elastic supports is considered. The beam-column is of variable cross-section and the variation of sectional properties along the axis of the beam-column is deterministic. Young's modulus, mass per unit length and distributed axial loadings of the beam-column have a stochastic distribution. The foundation stiffness coefficient of the Winkler model, the stiffnesses of discrete elastic supports, stiffnesses of end springs and the end thrust, are all considered as random parameters. The material property fluctuations and distributed axial loadings are considered to constitute independent, one-dimension uni-variate homogeneous real stochastic fields in space. The foundation stiffness coefficient, stiffnesses of the discrete elastic supports, stiffnesses of end springs and the end thrust are considered to constitute independent random variables. Static response, free vibration and stability behaviour of the beam-column are studied. Hamilton's principle is used to formulate the problem using stochastic FEM. Sensitivity vectors of the response and stability parameters are evaluated. Using these statistics of free vibration frequencies, mode shapes, buckling parameters, etc., are evaluated. A numerical example is given.