967 resultados para stabi-lity of flows


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In this paper, the wave pattern characteristics of shock-induced two-phase nozzle Hows with the quiescent or moving dusty gas ahead of the incident-shock front has been investigated by using high-resolution numerical method. As compared with the corresponding results in single-phase nozzle flows of the pure gas, obvious differences between these two kinds of flows can be obtained.


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In this paper, a new computational scheme for solving flows in porous media was proposed. The scheme was based on an improved CE/SE method (the space-time Conservation Element and Solution Element method). We described porous flows by adopting DFB (Brinkman-Forchheimer extended Darcy) equation. The comparison between our computational results and Ghia's confirmed the high accuracy, resolution, and efficiency of our CE/SE scheme. The proposed first-order CE/SE scheme is a new reliable way for numerical simulations of flows in porous media. After investigation of effects of Darcy number on porous flow, it shows that Darcy number has dominant influence on porous flow for the Reynolds number and porosity considered.


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Numerical methods based on the Reynolds Averaged Navier-Stokes (RANS) and Large Eddy Simulation (LES) equations are applied to the thermal prediction of flows representative of those found in and around electronics systems and components. Low Reynolds number flows through a heated ribbed channel, around a heated cube and within a complex electronics system case are investigated using linear and nonlinear LES models, hybrid RANS-LES and RANS-Numerical-LES (RANS-NLES) methods. Flow and heat transfer predictions using these techniques are in good agreement with each other and experimental data for a range of grid resolutions. Using second order central differences, the RANS-NLES method performs well for all simulations. © 2011 Elsevier Inc.


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Time-resolved particle image velocimetry (PIV) has been performed inside the nozzle of a commercially available inkjet print-head to obtain the time-dependent velocity waveform. A printhead with a single transparent nozzle 80 μm in orifice diameter was used to eject single droplets at a speed of 5 m/s. An optical microscope was used with an ultra-high-speed camera to capture the motion of particles suspended in a transparent liquid at the center of the nozzle and above the fluid meniscus at a rate of half a million frames per second. Time-resolved velocity fields were obtained from a fluid layer approximately 200 μm thick within the nozzle for a complete jetting cycle. A Lagrangian finite-element numerical model with experimental measurements as inputs was used to predict the meniscus movement. The model predictions showed good agreement with the experimental results. This work provides the first experimental verification of physical models and numerical simulations of flows within a drop-on-demand nozzle. © 2012 Society for Imaging Science and Technology.


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Abstract Large-Eddy Simulation (LES) and hybrid Reynolds-averaged Navier–Stokes–LES (RANS–LES) methods are applied to a turbine blade ribbed internal duct with a 180° bend containing 24 pairs of ribs. Flow and heat transfer predictions are compared with experimental data and found to be in agreement. The choice of LES model is found to be of minor importance as the flow is dominated by large geometric scale structures. This is in contrast to several linear and nonlinear RANS models, which display turbulence model sensitivity. For LES, the influence of inlet turbulence is also tested and has a minor impact due to the strong turbulence generated by the ribs. Large scale turbulent motions destroy any classical boundary layer reducing near wall grid requirements. The wake-type flow structure makes this and similar flows nearly Reynolds number independent, allowing a range of flows to be studied at similar cost. Hence LES is a relatively cheap method for obtaining accurate heat transfer predictions in these types of flows.


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Accurate measurement of network bandwidth is crucial for flexible Internet applications and protocols which actively manage and dynamically adapt to changing utilization of network resources. These applications must do so to perform tasks such as distributing and delivering high-bandwidth media, scheduling service requests and performing admission control. Extensive work has focused on two approaches to measuring bandwidth: measuring it hop-by-hop, and measuring it end-to-end along a path. Unfortunately, best-practice techniques for the former are inefficient and techniques for the latter are only able to observe bottlenecks visible at end-to-end scope. In this paper, we develop and simulate end-to-end probing methods which can measure bottleneck bandwidth along arbitrary, targeted subpaths of a path in the network, including subpaths shared by a set of flows. As another important contribution, we describe a number of practical applications which we foresee as standing to benefit from solutions to this problem, especially in emerging, flexible network architectures such as overlay networks, ad-hoc networks, peer-to-peer architectures and massively accessed content servers.


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The majority of the traffic (bytes) flowing over the Internet today have been attributed to the Transmission Control Protocol (TCP). This strong presence of TCP has recently spurred further investigations into its congestion avoidance mechanism and its effect on the performance of short and long data transfers. At the same time, the rising interest in enhancing Internet services while keeping the implementation cost low has led to several service-differentiation proposals. In such service-differentiation architectures, much of the complexity is placed only in access routers, which classify and mark packets from different flows. Core routers can then allocate enough resources to each class of packets so as to satisfy delivery requirements, such as predictable (consistent) and fair service. In this paper, we investigate the interaction among short and long TCP flows, and how TCP service can be improved by employing a low-cost service-differentiation scheme. Through control-theoretic arguments and extensive simulations, we show the utility of isolating TCP flows into two classes based on their lifetime/size, namely one class of short flows and another of long flows. With such class-based isolation, short and long TCP flows have separate service queues at routers. This protects each class of flows from the other as they possess different characteristics, such as burstiness of arrivals/departures and congestion/sending window dynamics. We show the benefits of isolation, in terms of better predictability and fairness, over traditional shared queueing systems with both tail-drop and Random-Early-Drop (RED) packet dropping policies. The proposed class-based isolation of TCP flows has several advantages: (1) the implementation cost is low since it only requires core routers to maintain per-class (rather than per-flow) state; (2) it promises to be an effective traffic engineering tool for improved predictability and fairness for both short and long TCP flows; and (3) stringent delay requirements of short interactive transfers can be met by increasing the amount of resources allocated to the class of short flows.


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The heterogeneity and open nature of network systems make analysis of compositions of components quite challenging, making the design and implementation of robust network services largely inaccessible to the average programmer. We propose the development of a novel type system and practical type spaces which reflect simplified representations of the results and conclusions which can be derived from complex compositional theories in more accessible ways, essentially allowing the system architect or programmer to be exposed only to the inputs and output of compositional analysis without having to be familiar with the ins and outs of its internals. Toward this end we present the TRAFFIC (Typed Representation and Analysis of Flows For Interoperability Checks) framework, a simple flow-composition and typing language with corresponding type system. We then discuss and demonstrate the expressive power of a type space for TRAFFIC derived from the network calculus, allowing us to reason about and infer such properties as data arrival, transit, and loss rates in large composite network applications.


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This paper explores the roles of science and market devices in the commodification of ‘nature’ and the configuration of flows of speculative capital. It focuses on mineral prospecting and the market for shares in ‘junior’ mining companies. In recent years these companies have expanded the reach of their exploration activities overseas, taking advantage of innovations in exploration methodologies and the liberalisation of fiscal and property regimes in ‘emerging’ mineral rich developing countries. Recent literature has explored how the reconfiguration of notions of ‘risk’ has structured the uneven distribution of rents. It is increasingly evident that neoliberal framing of environmental, political, social and economic risks has set in motion overflows that multinational mining capital had not bargained for (e.g. nationalisation, violence and political resistance). However, the role of ‘geological risk’ in animating flows of mining finance is often assumed as a ‘technical’ given. Yet geological knowledge claims, translated locally, designed to travel globally, assemble heterogeneous elements within distanciated regimes of metrology, valuation and commodity production. This paper explores how knowledge of nature is enrolled within systems of property relations, focusing on the genealogy of the knowledge practices that animate contemporary circuits of speculative mining finance. It argues that the financing of mineral prospecting mobilises pragmatic and situated forms of knowledge rather than actuarially driven calculations that promise predictability. A Canadian public enquiry struck in the wake of scandal associated with Bre-X’s prospecting activities in Indonesia is used to glean insights into the ways in which the construction of a system of public warrant to underpin financial speculation is predicated upon particular subjectivities and the outworking of everyday practices and struggles over ‘value’. Reflection on practical investments in processes of standardisation, rituals of verification and systems of accreditation reveal much about how the materiality of things shape the ways in which regional and global financial circuits are integrated, selectively transforming existing social relations and forms of knowledge production.


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As a consequence of climate change there is now a more frequent occurrence of extreme rainfall events where, with higher rates of urbanisation, the built environment has become increasingly affected by flooding.. This is of particular importance in relation to the stability of bridge structures that span rivers and canals etc. In November 2009, the UK and Ireland were subjected to extraordinarily severe weather conditions for several days. The rainfall was logged as the highest level of rainfall ever recorded within the UK, and as a direct consequence, unprecedented flooding occurred in Cumbria. This flooding led to the collapse of three road bridges which were generally 19th century masonry arch bridges, with relatively shallow foundations. In the UK, knowledge of the combined effect of bridge scouring and inundation has been not been particularly widely studied. Research carried out by Hamill et al [1] considered the hydraulic analysis of single arch bridges under flood conditions, but no consideration was given towards the likely damage to these structures due to scouring. Prior to this, Bierry and Delleur [2] produced a classic paper in predicting the discharge downstream of an inundated arch, focussing on predicting afflux as opposed to bridge scour. Further work on backwater effects was carried out by Martin-Vide & Prio [3] in semi-circular arch bridges. Both pressurized and free-surface flows at the bridge were investigated. Flows on a mobile bed in clear-water conditions were compared to those with a rigid bed, but no predictive equation for scour under pressurised conditions was considered. This paper will present initial findings from an experimental investigation into the effects of surcharged flow and subsequent scour within the vicinity of single span arch bridges. Velocities profiles will be shown within the vicinity of the arch, in addition to the depth of clear water scour, for a series of flows and model spans. The data will be presented, where results will be correlated to the most recent predictive equations that are proposed.


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As a consequence of increased levels of flooding, largely attributable to urbanization of watersheds (and perhaps climate change, more frequent extreme rainfall events are occurring and threatening existing critical infrastructure. Many of which are short-span bridges over relatively small waterways (e.g., small rivers, streams and canals). Whilst these short-span bridges were designed, often many years ago, to pass relatively minor the then standard return-period floods, in recenttimes the failure incidence of such short-span bridges has been noticeably increasing. This is suggestive of insufficient hydraulic capacity or alternative failure mechanism not envisaged at the time of design e.g. foundation scour or undermining. This paper presen ts, and draws lessons, from bridge failures in Ireland and the USA. For example, in November 2009, the UK and Ireland were subjected to extraordinarily severe weather conditions for several days. The resulting flooding led to the collapse of three UK bridges that were generally 19th century masonry arch bridges, withrelatively shallow foundations. Parallel failure events have been observed in the USA. To date, knowledge of the combined effect of waterway erosion, bridge submergence, and geotechnical collapse has not been adequately studied. Recent research carried out considered the hydraulic analysis of short span bridges under flood conditions, but no consideration was given towards the likely damage to these structures due to erosive coupling of hydraulic and geotechnical factors. Some work has been done to predict the discharge downstream of an inundated arch, focusing onpredicting afflux, as opposed to bridge scour, under both pressurized and free-surface flows, but no ! predictive equation for scour under pressurized conditions was ever considered. The case studies this paper presents will be augmented by the initial findings from the laboratory experiments investigating the effects of surcharged flow and subsequent scour within the vicinity of single span arch bridges. Velocities profiles will be shown within the vicinity of the arch, in addition to the depth of consequent scour, for a series of flows and model spans. The data will be presented and correlated to the most recent predictive equations for submerged contraction and abutment scour. The accuracy of these equations is examined, and the findings used as a basis for developing further studies in relation to short span bridges.


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They’re cheap. They’re in every settlement of significance in Britain, Ireland and elsewhere. We all use them but perhaps do not always admit to it. Especially, if we are architects.
Over the past decades Aldi/Lidl low cost supermarkets have escaped from middle Europe to take over large tracts of the English speaking world remaking them according to a formula of mass-produced sheds, buff-coloured cobble-lock car parks, logos in primary colours, bare-shelves and eclectic special offers. Response within architectural discourse to this phenomenon has been largely one of indifference and such places remain, perhaps reiterating Pevsner’s controversial insights into the bicycle shed, on the peripheries of what we might term architecture. This paper seeks to explore the spatial complexities of the discount supermarket and in doing so open up a discussion on the architecture of cheapness. As a road-map, it takes former managing director Dieter Brandes’ treatise on the Aldi formula, Bare Essentials: the Aldi Way to Retailing, and investigates the strategies through which economic exigencies manifest themselves in a series of spatial tactics which involve building. Central to this is the idea of architecture as system rather than form and, in Aldi/Lidl’s case, the result of a spatial network of flows. To understand the architecture of the supermarket, then, it is necessary to measure the times and spaces of supply across the scales of intersection between global and local.
Evaluating the energy, economy and precision of such systems challenges the liminal position of the commercial, the placeless and especially the cheap within architectural discourse. As is well known, architectures of mass-production and prefabrication and their origins exercised modernist thinkers such as Sigfried Giedion and Walter Gropius in the early twentieth century and has undergone a resurgence in recent times. Meanwhile, the mapping of the hitherto overlooked forms and iconography of commerce in Learning from Las Vegas (1971) was extended by Rem Koolhaas et al into an investigation of the technologies, systems and precedents of retail in the Harvard Design School Guide to Shopping, thirty years later in 2001. While obviously always a criteria for building, to find writings on architecture which explicitly celebrate cheapness as a design virtue or, indeed, even iterate the word cheap is more difficult. Walter Gropius’ essay ‘How can we build cheaper, better, more attractive houses?’ (1927), however, situates the cheap within the discussions – articulated, amongst others, by Karl Teige and Bruno Taut – surrounding the minimal dwelling and the moral benefits of absence of the 1920s and 30s.
In our contemporary age of heightened consumption, it is perhaps fitting that an architecture of bare essentials is defined in retail rather than in housing, a commercial existenzminimum where the Miesian paradox of ‘less is more’ is resold as a paradigm of ‘more for less’ in the ubiquitous yet overlooked architectures of the discount supermarket.


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This article is concerned with the numerical simulation of flows at low Mach numbers which are subject to the gravitational force and strong heat sources. As a specific example for such flows, a fire event in a car tunnel will be considered in detail. The low Mach flow is treated with a preconditioning technique allowing the computation of unsteady flows, while the source terms for gravitation and heat are incorporated via operator splitting. It is shown that a first order discretization in space is not able to compute the buoyancy forces properly on reasonable grids. The feasibility of the method is demonstrated on several test cases.


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A number of recent experiments suggest that, at a given wetting speed, the dynamic contact angle formed by an advancing liquid-gas interface with a solid substrate depends on the flow field and geometry near the moving contact line. In the present work, this effect is investigated in the framework of an earlier developed theory that was based on the fact that dynamic wetting is, by its very name, a process of formation of a new liquid-solid interface (newly “wetted” solid surface) and hence should be considered not as a singular problem but as a particular case from a general class of flows with forming or/and disappearing interfaces. The results demonstrate that, in the flow configuration of curtain coating, where a liquid sheet (“curtain”) impinges onto a moving solid substrate, the actual dynamic contact angle indeed depends not only on the wetting speed and material constants of the contacting media, as in the so-called slip models, but also on the inlet velocity of the curtain, its height, and the angle between the falling curtain and the solid surface. In other words, for the same wetting speed the dynamic contact angle can be varied by manipulating the flow field and geometry near the moving contact line. The obtained results have important experimental implications: given that the dynamic contact angle is determined by the values of the surface tensions at the contact line and hence depends on the distributions of the surface parameters along the interfaces, which can be influenced by the flow field, one can use the overall flow conditions and the contact angle as a macroscopic multiparametric signal-response pair that probes the dynamics of the liquid-solid interface. This approach would allow one to investigate experimentally such properties of the interface as, for example, its equation of state and the rheological properties involved in the interface’s response to an external torque, and would help to measure its parameters, such as the coefficient of sliding friction, the surface-tension relaxation time, and so on.


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This paper derives exact discrete time representations for data generated by a continuous time autoregressive moving average (ARMA) system with mixed stock and flow data. The representations for systems comprised entirely of stocks or of flows are also given. In each case the discrete time representations are shown to be of ARMA form, the orders depending on those of the continuous time system. Three examples and applications are also provided, two of which concern the stationary ARMA(2, 1) model with stock variables (with applications to sunspot data and a short-term interest rate) and one concerning the nonstationary ARMA(2, 1) model with a flow variable (with an application to U.S. nondurable consumers’ expenditure). In all three examples the presence of an MA(1) component in the continuous time system has a dramatic impact on eradicating unaccounted-for serial correlation that is present in the discrete time version of the ARMA(2, 0) specification, even though the form of the discrete time model is ARMA(2, 1) for both models.