127 resultados para spinels


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The chromium chalcogenide spinels, MCr2X4 (M = Zn, Cd, Hg; X = O, S, Se), have been the subject of considerable interest in recent years. In each case the crystal structure is that of a normal spinel with the chromium ions exclusively occupying the octahedral (B) sites, so that when diamagnetic ions are located at the tetrahedral (A) sites the only magnetic interactions present are those between B-site ions. Despite such apparently simple circumstances a rich variety of magnetic behaviour is exhibited. For the oxides the ground state spin configurations are antiferromagnetic whilst for the selenides ferromagnetic interactions dominate and several authors have drawn attention to the fact that the nature of the dominant interaction is a function of the nearest neighbour chromium - chromium separation. However, at least two of the compounds exhibit spiral structures and it has been proved difficult to account for the various spin configurations within a unified theory of the magnetic interactions involved. More recently, the possibility of formulating a simplified interpretation of the magnetic interactions has been provided by the discovery that the crystal struture of spinels does not always conform to the centrosymmetrical symmetry Fd3m that has been conventionally assumed. The deviation from this symmetry is associated with small < 111> displacements of the octahedrally coordinated metal ions and the structures so obtained are more correctly referred to the non-centrosymmetrical space group F43m. In the present study, therefore, extensive X-ray diffraction data have been collected from four chromium chalcogenide specimens and used to refine the corresponding structural parameters assuming F43m symmetry and also with conventional symmetry. The diffracted intensities from three of the compounds concerned cannot be satisfactorily accounted for on the basis of conventional symmetry and new locations have been found for the chromium ions in these cases. It is shown, however, that these displacements in chromium positions only partially resolve the difficulties in interpreting the magnetic behaviour. A re-examination of the magnetic data from different authors indicates much greater uncertainty in their measurements than they had claimed. By taking this into consideration it is shown that a unified theory of magnetic behaviour for the chromium chalcogenide spinels is a real possibility.


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From a mineralogical survey of approximately 30 chondritic micrometeorites collected from the lower stratosphere and studied in detail using current electron microscopy techniques, it is concluded that these particles represent a unique group of extraterrestrial materials. These micrometeorites differ significantly in form and texture from components of carbonaceous chondrites and contain some mineral assemblages which do not occur in any meteorite class. Electron microscope investigations of chondritic micrometeorites have established that these materials (1) are extraterrestrial in origin, (2) existed in space as small objects, (3) endured minimal alteration by planetary processes since formation, and (4) can suffer minimal pulse heating (<600°C) on entering earth's atmosphere. The probable sources for chondritic interplanetary dust particles (IDPs) are cometary and asteroidal debris and, perhaps to a lesser extent, interstellar regions. These sources have not been conclusively linked to any specific mineralogical subset of IDP, although the chondritic porous (CP) aggregate is considered of likely cometary origin. Chondritic IDPs occur in two predominant mineral assemblages: (1) carbonaceous phases and phyllosilicates and (2) carbonaceous phases and nesosilicates or inosilicates, although particles with both types of silicate assemblages are observed. Olivines, pyroxenes, layer silicates, and carbon-rich phases are the most commonly occurring minerals in many chondritic IDPs. Other phases often observed in variable proportions include sulphides, spinels, metals, metal carbides, carbonates, and minor amounts of sulphates and phosphates. Individual mineral grain sizes range from micrometers (primarily pyroxenes and olivines) to nanometers, with the predominant size for all phases less than 100 nm. Specific mineral characteristics for particular chondritic IDPs provide an indication of processes which may have occurred prior to collection in the earth's stratosphere. For example, pyroxene mineralogy in some chondritic aggregates is consistent with condensation from a vapor phase and, we consider, with condensation in a turbulent solar nebula at relatively low temperatures (<1000°C). Carbonaceous phases present in other CP aggregates have been used to imply low-temperature formation processes such as Fischer-Tropsch synthesis (∼530°C) or carbonization and graphitization (∼315°C). Alteration processes have been implicated in the formation of some layer silicates in CP aggregates and may have involved hydrocryogenic alteration at <0°C. In general, interpretations of transformation processes on submicrometer-size minerals in chondritic IDPs are consistent with formation at a radius equivalent to the asteroid belt or greater during the later stages of solar nebula evolution using currently available models.


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The Gibbs energy of formation of V2O3-saturated spinel CoV2O4 has been measured in the temperature range 900–1700 K using a solid state galvanic cell, which can be represented as Pt, Co + CoV2O4 + V2O3/(CaO) ZrO2/Co + CoO, Pt. The standard free energy of formation of cobalt vanadite from component oxides can be represented as CoO (rs) + V2O3 (cor) → CoV2O4 (sp), ΔG° = −30,125 − 5.06T (± 150) J mole−1. Cation mixing on crystallographically nonequivalent sites of the spinel is responsible for the decrease in free energy with increasing temperature. A correlation between “second law” entropies of formation of cubic 2–3 spinels from component oxides with rock salt and corundum structures and cation distribution is presented. Based on the information obtained in this study and trends in the stability of aluminate and chromite spinels, it can be deduced that copper vanadite is unstable.


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New A2+Mo4+O3 oxides for A = Mn, Co and Zn crystallizing in a defect spinel structure have been prepared by hydrogen-reduction of the corresponding AMoO4 oxides. X-ray powder diffraction intensity analysis of the zinc compound indicates that the cation distribution is (Zn)t[Zn1/3Mo4/3□1/3]oO4. The defect spinels are metastable decomposing to a mixture of A2Mo3O8 and AO at high temperatures. Electrical and magnetic properties of the spinel phases are reported.


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The three-phase equilibrium between alloy, spinel solid solution and alpha -Al sub 2 O sub 3 in the Fe--Co--Al--O system at 1873k was fully characterized as a function of alloy composition using both experimental and computational methods. The equilibrium oxygen content of the liquid alloy was measured by suction sampling and inert gas fusion analysis. The O potential corresponding to the three-phase equilibrium was determined by emf measurements on a solid state galvanic cell incorporating (Y sub 2 O sub 3 )ThO sub 2 as the solid electrolyte and Cr + Cr sub 2 O sub 3 as the reference electrode. The equilibrium composition of the spinel phase formed at the interface between the alloy and alumina crucible was measured by electron probe microanalysis (EPMA). The experimental results were compared with the values computed using a thermodynamic model. The model used values for standard Gibbs energies of formation of pure end-member spinels and Gibbs energies of solution of gaseous O in liquid Fe and cobalt available in the literature. The activity--composition relationship in the spinel solid solution was computed using a cation distribution model. The variation of the activity coefficient of O with alloy composition in the Fe--Co--O system was estimated using both the quasichemical model of Jacob and Alcock and Wagner's model along with the correlations of Chiang and Chang and Kuo and Chang. The computed results of spinel composition and O potential are in excellent agreement with the experimental data. Graphs. 29 ref.--AA