993 resultados para spin-orbit interactions


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We study the effects of the Dzyaloshinski-Moriya (DM) anisotropic interaction on the ground-state properties of the Heisenberg XY spin chain by means of the fidelity susceptibility, order parameter, and entanglement entropy. Our results show that the DM interaction could influence the distribution of the regions of quantum phase transitions and cause different critical regions in the XY spin model. Meanwhile, the DM interaction has effective influence on the degree of entanglement of the system and could be used to increase the entanglement of the spin system.


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We theoretically study the spatial behaviors of the spin precession in a two-dimensional electron system with spin-orbit interaction. Through analysis of interaction between the spin and the effective magnetic field in the system, we obtain the general conditions to generate a persistent spin helix and predict a persistent spin helix pattern in [001]-grown quantum wells. Particularly, we demonstrate that the phase of spin can be locked to propagate in a quantum well with SU(2) symmetry.


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Starting from effective mass Hamiltonian, we systematically investigate the symmetry of low-dimensional structures with spin-orbit interaction and transverse magnetic field. The position-dependent potentials are assumed to be space symmetric, which is ever-present in theory and experiment research. By group theory, we analyze degeneracy in different cases. Spin-orbit interaction makes the transition between Zeeman sub-levels possible, which is originally forbidden within dipole approximation. However, a transition rule given in this paper for the first time shows that the transition between some levels is forbidden for space symmetric potentials. (C) 2009 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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We investigate theoretically the Dyakonov-Perel spin relaxation time by solving the eight-band Kane model and Poisson equation self-consistently. Our results show distinct behavior with the single-band model due to the anomalous spin-orbit interactions in narrow band-gap semiconductors, and agree well with the experiment values reported in recent experiment [K. L. Litvinenko et al., New J. Phys. 8, 49 (2006)]. We find a strong resonant enhancement of the spin relaxation time appears for spin align along [1 (1) over bar0] at a certain electron density at 4 K. This resonant peak is smeared out with increasing the temperature.


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In the framework of effective-mass envelope function theory, including the effect of Rashba spin-orbit coupling, the binding energy E-b and spin-orbit split energy Gamma of the ground state of a hydrogenic donor impurity in AlGaN/GaN triangle-shaped potential heterointerface are calculated. We find that with the electric field of the heterojunction increasing, (1) the effective width of quantum well (W) over bar decreases and (2) the binding energy increases monotonously, and in the mean time, (3) the spin-orbit split energy Gamma decreases drastically. (4) The maximum of Gamma is 1.22 meV when the electric field of heterointerface is 1 MV/cm.


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We have calculated the in-plane conductance of a barrier with the Dresselhaus spin-orbit interaction, which is sandwiched between two spin-polarized materials aligned arbitrarily. Besides a transmitted in-plane current which arises on the drain side as pointed out in Phys. Rev. Lett. 93, 056601 (2004), a reflected in-plane current always appears simultaneously on the source side near the interface of the barrier. The spin polarization of the source affects the transmitted current more than the reflected one, and conversely the spin polarization of the drain affects the reflected current more. The relationship between transmitted current and the reflected one has been studied.


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The center-of-mass motion of a quasi-two-dimensional exciton with spin-orbit coupling (SOC) in the presence of a perpendicular electric field is calculated by perturbation theory. The results indicate that a quasi-two-dimensional exciton with SOC can exhibit the spin Hall effect (SHE), which is similar to two-dimensional electrons and holes. A likely way to establish exciton SHE in experiments and a possible phase transition from dark to bright state driven by SOC are suggested. (c) 2007 American Institute of Physics.


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By employing non-equilibrium Green's function method, the mesoscopic Fano effect modulated by Rashba spin-orbit (SO) coupling and external magnetic field has been elucidated for electron transport through a hybrid system composed of a quantum dot (QD) and an Aharonov-Bohm (AB) ring. The results show that the orientation of the Fano line shape is modulated by the Rashba spin-orbit interaction k(R)L variation, which reveals that the Fano parameter q will be extended to a complex number, although the system maintains time-reversal symmetry (TRS) under the Rashba SO interaction. Furthermore, it is shown that the modulation of the external magnetic field, which is applied not only inside the frame, but also on the QD, leads to the Fano resonance split due to Zeeman effect, which indicates that the hybrid is an ideal candidate for the spin readout device. (C) 2007 Elsevier B.V All rights reserved.


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We study electron transport through an Aharonov-Bohm (AB) interferometer with a noninteracting quantum dot in each of its arms. Both a magnetic flux phi threading through the AB ring and the Rashba spin-orbit (SO) interaction inside the two dots are taken into account. Due to the existence of the SO interaction, the electrons flowing through different arms of the AB ring will acquire a spin-dependent phase factor in the tunnel-coupling strengths. This phase factor, as well as the influence of the magnetic flux, will induce various interesting interference phenomena. We show that the conductance and the local density of states can become spin polarized by tuning the magnetic flux and the Rashba interaction strength. Under certain circumstances, a pure spin-up or spin-down conductance can be obtained when a spin-unpolarized current is injected from the external leads. Therefore, the electron spin can be manipulated by adjusting the Rashba spin-orbit strength and the structure parameters. (c) 2006 American Institute of Physics.


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The electron density response of a uniform two-dimensional (2D) electron gas is investigated in the presence of a perpendicular magnetic field and Rashba spin-orbit interaction (SOI). It is found that, within the Hartree-Fock approximation, a charge density excitation mode below the cyclotron resonance frequency shows a mode softening behavior, when the spin-orbit coupling strength falls into a certain interval. This mode softening indicates that the ground state of an interacting uniform 2D electron gas may be driven by the Rashba SOI to undergo a phase transition to a nonuniform charge density wave state.


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We study theoretically the charge-density and spin-density excitations in a two-dimensional electron gas in the presence of a perpendicular magnetic field and a Rashba type spin-orbit coupling. The dispersion and the corresponding intensity of excitations in the vicinity of cyclotron resonance frequency are calculated within the framework of random phase approximation. The dependence of excitation dispersion on various system parameters, i.e., the Rashba spin-orbit interaction strength, the electron density, the Zeeman spin splitting, and the Coulomb interaction strength is investigated.


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We investigate the Rashba spin-orbit coupling brought by transverse electric field in InSb nanowires. In small k(z) (k(z) is the wave vector along the wire direction) range, the Rashba spin-orbit splitting energy has a linear relationship with k(z), so we can define a Rashba coefficient similarly to the quantum well case. We deduce some empirical formulas of the spin-orbit splitting energy and Rashba coefficient, and compare them with the effective-mass calculating results. It is interesting to find that the Rashba spin-orbit splitting energy decreases as k(z) increases when k(z) is large due to the k(z)-quadratic term in the band energy. The Rashba coefficient increases with increasing electric field, and shows a saturating trend when the electric field is large. As the radius increases, the Rashba coefficient increases at first, then decreases. The effects of magnetic fields along different directions are discussed. The case where the magnetic field is along the wire direction or the electric field direction are similar. The spin state in an energy band changes smoothly as k(z) changes. The case where the magnetic field is perpendicular to the wire direction and the electric field direction is quite different from the above two cases, the k(z)-positive and negative parts of the energy bands are not symmetrical, and the energy bands with different spins cross at a k(z)-nonzero point, where the spin splitting energy and the effective g factor are zero.


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We investigate theoretically the interplay between Zeeman splitting, Rashba spin-orbit interaction (RSOI), and Dresselhaus spin-orbit interaction (DSOI) and its influence on the magnetotransport property of two-dimensional electron gas (2DEG) at low temperature. Our theoretical results show that the nodes of the beating patterns of the magnetoresistivity rho(xx) for 2DEG with RSOI or DSOI alone depend sensitively on the total spin splitting induced by these three spin splitting mechanisms. It is interesting to find that the eigenstates in the presence of RSOI alone are connected with those in the presence of DSOI alone but with opposite Zeeman splitting by a time-reversal transformation. Consequently, the magnetoresistivities exhibit exactly the same oscillation patterns for these two cases. For strong RSOI or DSOI alone, the magneto-oscillation of rho(xx) shows two distinct periods. For 2DEG with both RSOI and DSOI, the beating patterns vanish for equal RSOI and DSOI strengths and vanishing Zeeman splitting. They will appear again, however, when Zeeman splitting or the difference between RSOI and DSOI strengths increases.


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The beating patterns in the Shubnikov-de Haas oscillatory magnetoresistance originating from zero-field spin splitting of two-dimensional electron gases (2DEGs) in In0.52Al0.48As/InxGa1-xAs/In0.52Al0.48As quantum wells with silicon delta doped on the upper barrier layer have been investigated by means of magnetotransport measurements before and after illumination. Contrary to the expectation, after each illumination, the beating nodes induced by the zero-field spin-splitting effect shift to lower and lower magnetic field due to the decrease in the zero-field spin-splitting energy of the 2DEGs. The anomalous phenomenon of the shift of the beating nodes and the decrease in spin-orbit coupling constants after illumination cannot be explained by utilizing the previous linear Rashba model. It is suggested that the decrease in the zero-field spin-splitting energy and the spin-orbit coupling constant arise from the nonlinear Rashba spin splitting.


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The authors demonstrate that the Rashba spin-orbit interaction in low-dimensional semiconductors can enhance or reduce the electron-phonon scattering rate by as much as 25%. The underlying mechanism is that the electron-phonon scattering phase space for the upper (lower) Rashba band is significantly enhanced (suppressed) by the spin-orbit interaction. While the scattering time decreases for the upper level, the mobility of the level increases due to an additional term in the electron velocity. (C) 2007 American Institute of Physics.