982 resultados para species list
Estrutura da comunidade de aves em um fragmento florestal no interior do Estado de São Paulo, Brasil
Pós-graduação em Ciências Biológicas (Zoologia) - IBB
A parte mais setentrional da Amazônia ocidental tem sido pouco estudada no que diz respeito à diversidade de mamíferos, especialmente a área correspondente aos interflúvios Içá-Japurá e Japurá-Negro, no Brasil. Essa fauna, além das de aves e répteis, vêm sendo constantemente impactada pela atividade humana onde pode se destacar a caça. O objetivo desta dissertação foi iniciar o levantamento sistemático da diversidade da mastofauna das Reservas de Desenvolvimento Sustentável Mamirauá e Amanã em diferentes hábitats e o seu uso pela população humana local. Urna listagem atualizada das espécies de mamíferos foi gerada para os interflúvios Içá-Japurá e Japurá-Negro, bem como para cada área amostrada. A caça e suas implicações sobre esta fauna, além das de aves e répteis, foi analisada em seis comunidades da RDS Mamirauá e quatro comunidades da RDS Amanã, de forma a gerar subsídios para o manejo dessas Unidades de Conservação. Para tanto, foram realizadas expedições para o levantamento da mastofauna existente e o monitoramento da atividade de caça em 10 comunidades por um período de dois anos. O estudo realizado representou o primeiro levantamento sistemático sobre a diversidade de mamíferos de Amanã, que considerou todas as ordens presentes na região. Também, a lista da mastofauna produzida para Mamirauá representou um acréscimo de 25 % em relação às listas anteriores. Foram identificadas 57 espécies de mamíferos na área da reserva Amanã e 40 espécies na área da reserva Mamirauá. Os resultados já obtidos esclareceram questões sobre a identidade de algumas espécies de mamíferos das reservas. A diversidade de mamíferos das duas áreas estudadas foi determinante para os padrões de caça encontrados no período de estudo. A atividade de caça em Amanã seguiu o principal padrão da atividade na Amazônia, onde mamíferos herbívoros e aves de grande e médio porte foram as espécies mais caçadas e estas representaram a maior porcentagem no peso abatido. O principal padrão da atividade de caça encontrado em Mamirauá se caracterizou por ter os quelônios, primatas e aves de grande e médio porte como as espécies mais caçadas durante o período de estudo. Foram apresentadas considerações acerca do estabelecimento de estratégias de manejo de fauna cinegética para as áreas de estudo, esperando contribuir para um futuro modelo de uso sustentável da fauna silvestre nas reservas, que leve em consideração aspectos biológicos, econômicos e culturais da região.
A Amazônia é a região que apresenta a maior riqueza de aves do planeta. Para que se possa entender a origem e os processos de manutenção dessa diversidade, são necessários estudos detalhados sobre os padrões de variação espacial das assembléias de aves por meio de comparações em diferentes escalas espaciais. Além disso, é essencial que se faça uma abordagem que integre os diversos fatores que podem estar interagindo e influenciando esses padrões. Esta tese é composta de três capítulos. No primeiro capítulo, a composição, as características ecológicas e os padrões de vulnerabilidade da avifauna da Estação Científica Ferreira Penna (ECFPn), Amazônia Oriental, são descritos. Uma lista de espécies atualizada para a área, com informações sobre o status de abundância, guilda trófica e tipo de hábitat, foi gerada. A vulnerabilidade das espécies foi acessada com base na avaliação dos padrões de raridade. No segundo capítulo, a avifauna da ECFPn é contextualizada regionalmente por meio da comparação da composição de espécies de diversos sítios representativos das áreas de endemismo definidas para aves na Amazônia. Foram consideradas diferentes categorias taxonômicas e ecológicas nessas análises, a fim de verificar se os padrões de distribuição diferem entre essas categorias e que fatores podem influenciar nos padrões apresentados. Por fim, o terceiro capítulo analisa a variação espacial da riqueza, abundância e similaridade em seis sítios de 100 ha ao longo de uma paisagem homogênea dominada por florestas de terra firme na ECFPn. As variações encontradas foram correlacionadas com a distância geográfica e com a estrutura da vegetação. A combinação desses estudos representa a ampliação do conhecimento sobre a avifauna na área de endemismo Xingu, além de utilizar pela primeira vez abordagens originais para investigar os padrões de distribuição da avifauna na Amazônia em várias escalas espaciais.
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
In dealing with population estimates, we need to determine first the reason for estimating the population. If we are dealing with a local situation, are we concerned with a local estimate? If we are dealing with a regional problem, are we concerned with a regional estimate? The blackbird problem is chiefly a regional problem, but we need to look at broader horizons than just local or regional situations. Are we dealing with a national problem? Is this problem a year-round one or is it a seasonal problem? We may want to know just purely the number of birds we are dealing with. Another reason for doing population estimates might be to determine the effectiveness of some lethal control method that has been employed. Fortunately, those species with which we are most concerned are those not on the endangered species list at the present time. Many Ohio farmers would like to see the Red-winged Blackbird on the endangered species list, I think, but it is not there. My particular interest in population estimates is to determine if we can develop an early warning system for the agriculturists, so that they can better anticipate the time they can expect damage from birds. A lot of methods have been tried in the past.
The objective of this work was to present an updated checklist of the currently known fishes in the Paranagua Estuarine Complex (PEC) and provides comments on conservation status for the treated species. We used a large dataset derived from a pool of studies which have been conducted within there along the last 30 years. Each study was based on monthly samplings and conducted in several estuarine habitat; thus, the pool covers practically all estuarine habitats and takes into account the seasonal cycle in the system. The PEC ichthyofauna represents a mixture between that fauna typical from the tropical Brazilian coast and that with affinities of temperate Argentinean and Uruguayan zones. The PEC harbors a rich fish fauna of 213 species, inserted in the families that are common along the Brazilian coast. Only a minor part (8%) of the PEC fish fauna was evaluated as regards the conservation status, mostly because of the lack of basic biological and ecological information for most species. Despite part of the among-estuaries differences are due to different and incomplete sampling efforts, the richness in the PEC is surprisingly higher than other systems in Brazil and around world, which emphasize the importance of the region for global biodiversity conservation.
The objective of this work was to present an updated checklist of the currently known fishes in the Paranaguá Estuarine Complex (PEC) and provides comments on conservation status for the treated species. We used a large dataset derived from a pool of studies which have been conducted within there along the last 30 years. Each study was based on monthly samplings and conducted in several estuarine habitat; thus, the pool covers practically all estuarine habitats and takes into account the seasonal cycle in the system. The PEC ichthyofauna represents a mixture between that fauna typical from the tropical Brazilian coast and that with affinities of temperate Argentinean and Uruguayan zones. The PEC harbors a rich fish fauna of 213 species, inserted in the families that are common along the Brazilian coast. Only a minor part (8%) of the PEC fish fauna was evaluated as regards the conservation status, mostly because of the lack of basic biological and ecological information for most species. Despite part of the among-estuaries differences are due to different and incomplete sampling efforts, the richness in the PEC is surprisingly higher than other systems in Brazil and around world, which emphasize the importance of the region for global biodiversity conservation.
The Imbrie and Kipp transfer function method (IKM) and the modern analog technique (MAT) are accepted tools for quantitative paleoenvironmental reconstructions. However, no uncomplicated, flexible software has been available to apply these methods on modern computer devices. For this reason the software packages PaleoToolBox, MacTransfer, WinTransfer, MacMAT, and PanPlot have been developed. The PaleoToolBox package provides a flexible tool for the preprocessing of microfossil reference and downcore data as well as hydrographic reference parameters. It includes procedures to randomize the raw databases; to switch specific species in or out of the total species list; to establish individual ranking systems and their application on the reference and downcore databasessemi; and to convert the prepared databases into the file formats of IKM and MAT software for estimation of paleohydrographic parameters.
Developers have an obligation to biodiversity when considering the impact their development may have on the environment, with some choosing to go beyond the legal requirement for planning consent. Climate change projections over the 21st century indicate a climate warming and thus the species selected for habitat creation need to be able to withstand the pressures associated with these forecasts. A process is therefore required to identify resilient plantings for sites subject to climate change. Local government ecologists were consulted on their views on the use of plants of non-native provenance or how they consider resilience to climate change as part of their planting recommendations. There are mixed attitudes towards non-native species, but with studies already showing the impact climate change is having on biodiversity, action needs to be taken to limit further biodiversity loss, particularly given the heavily fragmented landscape preventing natural migration. A methodology has been developed to provide planners and developers with recommendations for plant species that are currently adapted to the climate the UK will experience in the future. A climate matching technique, that employs a GIS, allows the identification of European locations that currently experience the predicted level of climate change at a given UK location. Once an appropriate location has been selected, the plant species present in this area are then investigated for suitability for planting in the UK. The methodology was trialled at one site, Eastern Quarry in Kent, and suitable climate matched locations included areas in north-western France. Through the acquisition of plant species data via site visits and online published material, a species list was created, which considered original habitat design, but with added resilience to climate change.
The Caatinga and Atlantic Forest exhibit great species richness, which can attend requirements for various uses. Considering the current level of degradation of vegetation in Rio Grande do Norte, and the increasing use of exotic species, it is urgent to perform actions for the conservation of these biomes. From this perspective, using native plant species in the urban forestry becomes an instrument for the conservation and enhancement of local biodiversity. In this context, the general objective of this study is to gather and provide information about the ornamental native tree species in the state in order to promote and disseminate their use in urban areas. Specific aims of this work are: (1) evaluate and verify the demand and maintenance costs of native and exotic urban forestry, comparatively, with data obtained in the state (Cap. 1); (2) Provide a ornamental native tree species list in the state, including species already widespread use and suggesting new elements with ornamental potential (Cap. 2); and (3) produce a guide of native tree species as a means of disseminating the results obtained in a way accessible to the society. Analysis of maintenance of urban trees was performed at the UFRN's Central Campus, and the ornamental native tree species survey was carried out through literature survey combined with expeditions to forest fragments in the state. As a result, it was obvious that the maintenance of native vegetation resulted in lower costs and least demand for services highlighting the visible advantage in using a afforestation with regionalized floristic composition. The survey of ornamental native tree species led to the selection of 95 species belonging to 30 families, 17 species (17.35%) occurring exclusively in the Caatinga, 27 species (25.55%) in the Atlantic Forest and more than half (55.10%) occurring in both biomes, which provides a good selection available for the composition of urban forestry, both for cities located in the area of Atlantic Forest (81 spp.) or for those located in the Caatinga (71 spp.). From these results, a guide for the recognition and cultivation of native ornamental trees was prepared, consisting in the initial step in the enhancement of existing floristic potential value with the aim to assist in the development of a regionalized perspective of urban environmental management in the state
Long-term systematic population monitoring data sets are rare but are essential in identifying changes in species abundance. In contrast, community groups and natural history organizations have collected many species lists. These represent a large, untapped source of information on changes in abundance but are generally considered of little value. The major problem with using species lists to detect population changes is that the amount of effort used to obtain the list is often uncontrolled and usually unknown. It has been suggested that using the number of species on the list, the "list length," can be a measure of effort. This paper significantly extends the utility of Franklin's approach using Bayesian logistic regression. We demonstrate the value of List Length Analysis to model changes in species prevalence (i.e., the proportion of lists on which the species occurs) using bird lists collected by a local bird club over 40 years around Brisbane, southeast Queensland, Australia. We estimate the magnitude and certainty of change for 269 bird species and calculate the probabilities that there have been declines and increases of given magnitudes. List Length Analysis confirmed suspected species declines and increases. This method is an important complement to systematically designed intensive monitoring schemes and provides a means of utilizing data that may otherwise be deemed useless. The results of List Length Analysis can be used for targeting species of conservation concern for listing purposes or for more intensive monitoring. While Bayesian methods are not essential for List Length Analysis, they can offer more flexibility in interrogating the data and are able to provide a range of parameters that are easy to interpret and can facilitate conservation listing and prioritization. © 2010 by the Ecological Society of America.
An annotated check list of Ramularia species in Australia, based on re-examinations of collections deposited at BRIP, DAR and VPRI, is presented. Twenty-eight species are reported in Australia, most of them on introduced host plants. The new species Cladosporium myrtacearum, Ramularia craspediicola and R. muehlenbeckiae are described. Collections of Cladosporium uredinicola, Neoramularia karelii, Passalora perfoliati and Pseudocercospora pongamiae-pinnatae, previously deposited in Australian herbaria under 'Ramularia sp.', are newly recognised for Australia.