900 resultados para solar collector
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
La perdiz roja es la especie cinegética por excelencia en la península ibérica, cuya cría en cautividad y suelta controlada comenzó a regularse en los años 70 con la aparición del ICONA. La incubación controlada de huevos de perdiz es imprescindible, con fines cinegéticos y de preservación de la especie, y se desarrolla con incubadoras comerciales de pequeña y mediana escala, distribuidas en zonas rurales con acceso limitado y/o deficiente al suministro eléctrico. En nuestras latitudes el aporte de energía solar térmica se perfila como una posibilidad de mejorar la eficiencia energética de éstas y otras instalaciones y de reducir la dependencia energética exterior. Hay diversos factores físico-químicos que influyen en la calidad de la incubación: temperatura, humedad relativa, y concentración de gases, de los cuales sólo los dos primeros son habitualmente supervisados y controlados en este tipo de incubadoras. Esta Tesis surge en el marco de dos proyectos de cooperación con la AECID, y tiene como objetivos: la caracterización espacial de variables relevantes (temperatura (T), humedad relativa (HR)) en la incubadora comercial durante el proceso de incubación, la determinación de la relación existente entre la evolución de variables ambientales durante el proceso de incubación y la tasa de nacimientos (35-77%), así como el diseño y evaluación del sistema de apoyo solar térmico para determinar su potencial de utilización durante las incubaciones comerciales. La instalación de un número limitado de sensores permite la monitorización precisa del proceso de incubación de los huevos. Los resultados más relevantes indican que en incubaciones comerciales los gradientes de T y HR han sido despreciables (1ºC de diferencia entre las posiciones con mayor y menor T media y un 4,5% de diferencia entre las posiciones con mayor y menor HR), mientras que el seguimiento y ajuste (mediante modelos de crecimiento) de la concentración de CO2 (r2 entre 0,948 y 0,987 en las 5 incubaciones, para un total de 43315 huevos) permite valorar la actividad fisiológica de los huevos e incluso predecir la tasa de éxito (nacimientos), basándose en la concentración de CO2 estimada mediante modelos de crecimiento en el día 20 de incubación (r2 entre 0,997 y 0,994 según el modelo de estimación empleado). El sistema ha sido valorado muy positivamente por los productores (Finca Cinegética Dehesa Vieja de Galapagar). El aporte térmico se ha diseñado (con mínima intrusión en el sistema comercial) sobre la base de un sistema de enfriamiento de emergencia original de la incubadora, al que se han incorporado un colector solar, un depósito, un sistema de electroválvulas, una bomba de circulación y sensores de T en distintos puntos del sistema, y cuyo control ha sido automatizado. En esta Tesis se muestra que la contribución solar puede aportar hasta un 42% de las demandas de energía en nuestras condiciones geográficas para una temperatura de consigna dentro de la incubadora de 36.8ºC, sin afectar a la estabilidad de la temperatura. Además, el rendimiento del colector solar se ha acotado entre un 44% y un 85%, de acuerdo con los cálculos termodinámicos; valores que se mantienen dentro del rango aportado por el fabricante (61%). En el futuro se plantea evaluar el efecto de distintas estrategias de control, tales como controladores difusos, que incorporan el conocimiento experto al control automático. ABSTRACT The partridge is the quintessential game species in the Iberian Peninsula, which controlled breeding and release, began to be regulated in the 70s with the emergence of ICONA. The controlled incubation of eggs is essential, and takes place in commercial incubators of small and medium scale, distributed in rural areas with limited and/or inadequate access to power. In our latitudes the contribution of solar thermal energy is emerging as a possibility to improve the energy efficiency of the facilities and to reduce external energy dependence. There are various physicochemical factors influencing the quality of incubation: temperature, relative humidity and concentration of gases, of which only the first two are typically monitored and controlled in such incubators. This PhD comes within the framework of two cooperation projects with AECID and aims: the spatial characterization of relevant variables in a commercial incubator (temperature (T), and relative humidity (HR)), determining the relationships in the changes in environmental variables during incubation and birth rates (35-77%) as well as the design and evaluation of solar thermal support system to determine its potential use during commercial incubations; the installation of a limited number of sensors has allowed accurate monitoring of incubation of eggs. The most relevant results indicate that in commercial incubations, the gradients in T and HR have been negligible (1°C difference between the highest and lowest positions T and average 4.5% difference between the highest and lowest positions HR), while monitoring and fit using growth models of the concentration of CO2 (r2 between 0.948 and 0.987 in 5 incubations, for a total amount of 43,315 eggs) allows assessing the physiological activity of the eggs and even predict the success rate (hatchability), based on the estimated concentration of CO2 by using growth models on day 20 of incubation (r2 between 0.997 and 0.994 depending on the fit model).The system has been highly valued by producers (Finca Cinegética Dehesa Vieja de Galapagar). The hybrid heat system is designed (with minimal intrusion into the commercial system) based on an emergency cooling device, original in the incubator. New elements have been incorporated: a solar collector, a tank, a system of solenoid valves, a circulating pump and T sensors at various points of the system, whose control has been automated. This PhD shows that the solar contribution is responsible for up to 42% of energy demands in our geographical conditions for a setpoint temperature inside the incubator of 36.8ºC, without questioning the stability of the temperature. Furthermore, the efficiency of the solar collector has been bounded between 44% and 85%, according to thermodynamic calculations; values remain within the range provided by the manufacturer (61%). In the future it is proposed to evaluate the effect of different control strategies, such as fuzzy controllers, which incorporate the expertise to automated control.
For remote, semi-arid areas, brackish groundwater (BW) desalination powered by solar energy may serve as the most technically and economically viable means to alleviate the water stresses. For such systems, high recovery ratio is desired because of the technical and economical difficulties of concentrate management. It has been demonstrated that the current, conventional solar reverse osmosis (RO) desalination can be improved by 40–200 times by eliminating unnecessary energy losses. In this work, a batch-RO system that can be powered by a thermal Rankine cycle has been developed. By directly recycling high pressure concentrates and by using a linkage connection to provide increasing feed pressures, the batch-RO has been shown to achieve a 70% saving in energy consumption compared to a continuous single-stage RO system. Theoretical investigations on the mass transfer phenomena, including dispersion and concentration polarization, have been carried out to complement and to guide experimental efforts. The performance evaluation of the batch-RO system, named DesaLink, has been based on extensive experimental tests performed upon it. Operating DesaLink using compressed air as power supply under laboratory conditions, a freshwater production of approximately 300 litres per day was recorded with a concentration of around 350 ppm, whilst the feed water had a concentration range of 2500–4500 ppm; the corresponding linkage efficiency was around 40%. In the computational aspect, simulation models have been developed and validated for each of the subsystems of DesaLink, upon which an integrated model has been realised for the whole system. The models, both the subsystem ones and the integrated one, have been demonstrated to predict accurately the system performance under specific operational conditions. A simulation case study has been performed using the developed model. Simulation results indicate that the system can be expected to achieve a water production of 200 m3 per year by using a widely available evacuated tube solar collector having an area of only 2 m2. This freshwater production would satisfy the drinking water needs of 163 habitants in the Rajasthan region, the area for which the case study was performed.
This study is an attempt at achieving Net Zero Energy Building (NZEB) using a solar Organic Rankine Cycle (ORC) based on exergetic and economic measures. The working fluid, working conditions of the cycle, cycle configuration, and solar collector type are considered the optimization parameters for the solar ORC system. In the first section, a procedure is developed to compare ORC working fluids based on their molecular components, temperature-entropy diagram and fluid effects on the thermal efficiency, net power generated, vapor expansion ratio, and exergy efficiency of the Rankine cycle. Fluids with the best cycle performance are recognized in two different temperature levels within two different categories of fluids: refrigerants and non-refrigerants. Important factors that could lead to irreversibility reduction of the solar ORC are also investigated in this study. In the next section, the system requirements needed to maintain the electricity demand of a geothermal air-conditioned commercial building located in Pensacola of Florida is considered as the criteria to select the optimal components and optimal working condition of the system. The solar collector loop, building, and geothermal air conditioning system are modeled using TRNSYS. Available electricity bills of the building and the 3-week monitoring data on the performance of the geothermal system are employed to calibrate the simulation. The simulation is repeated for Miami and Houston in order to evaluate the effect of the different solar radiations on the system requirements. The final section discusses the exergoeconomic analysis of the ORC system with the optimum performance. Exergoeconomics rests on the philosophy that exergy is the only rational basis for assigning monetary costs to a system’s interactions with its surroundings and to the sources of thermodynamic inefficiencies within it. Exergoeconomic analysis of the optimal ORC system shows that the ratio Rex of the annual exergy loss to the capital cost can be considered a key parameter in optimizing a solar ORC system from the thermodynamic and economic point of view. It also shows that there is a systematic correlation between the exergy loss and capital cost for the investigated solar ORC system.
Concrete solar collectors offer a type of solar collector with structural, aesthetic and economic advantages over current populartechnologies. This study examines the influential parameters of concrete solar collectors. In addition to the external conditions,the performance of a concrete solar collector is influenced by the thermal properties of the concrete matrix, piping network andfluid. Geometric and fluid flow parameters also influence the performance of the concrete solar collector. A literature review ofconcrete solar collectors is conducted in order to define the benchmark parameters from which individual parameters are thencompared. The numerical model consists of a 1D pipe flow network coupled with the heat transfer in a 3D concrete domain. Thispaper is concerned with the physical parameters that define the concrete solar collector, thus a constant surface temperature isused as the exposed surface boundary condition with all other surfaces being insulated. Results show that, of the parametersinvestigated, the pipe spacing, ps, concrete conductivity, kc, and the pipe embedment depth, demb, are among those parameterswhich have greatest effect on the collector’s performance. The optimum balance between these parameters is presented withrespect to the thermal performance and discussed with reference to practical development issues.
In recent years, we have seen an improvement of existing facilities in dwellings in Portugal. Within the heat pumps systems, there is a special type known as direct expansion heat pump assisted by Solar Collector (DX-SAHP). It was calculate the SPF indicator for 30 regions of Portugal. It was analyses the potential of reductions of CO2 and primary energy use for the retrofitting of DHW preparation systems. It was found that the performances of this type of equipment are benefiting from the Portuguese climate conditions, especially in the South and in the Autonomous Regions. Best SPF was obtained for Beja. It was found in all regions of the high potential for reducing CO2 emissions and verifying a potential significant reduction of primary energy consumption.
The presented work is related to the use of solar energy for the needs of heating and electricity for a single house located in Poland. Electricity will provided by energy conversion in the turbine by means of Organic Rankine Cycle (ORC), in which the operating medium (water heated in solar collector) is heating refrigerator in the heating exchanger. The solar installation is integrated with heat accumulator and wood boiler, which is used in the situation that collector is not enough to fill requirements of thermal comfort. There are chosen also all the necessary components of the system. In the work is also performed the economic assessment, by F chart method, to evaluate the profitability of the project, taking into total costs and savings.
O trabalho apresentado explora o aproveitamento da energia solar para suprir as necessidades energéticas, tanto elétricas como térmicas, de uma habitação tipo 3, recorrendo ao uso de coletores solares, em que o fluido de trabalho é água. As necessidades elétricas serão supridas através da produção de energia com recurso a um ciclo de Rankine, em que fluido de trabalho é um frigorigénio aquecido através de um permutador cujo fluido quente será uma mistura, de água com anticongelante, aquecida pelo coletor solar. Por outro lado, as necessidades térmicas serão satisfeitas através do calor libertado no ciclo de Rankine. Na instalação solar estará integrado um acumulador térmico com apoio energético, caldeira elétrica, que funcionará nas situações em que coletor seja insuficiente para satisfazer as necessidades térmicas. No final será feita uma avaliação económica para que possa atestar a viabilidade económica do projeto, tendo em conta os seus custos totais versus as poupanças energéticas que este sistema origina.
Tämä tutkimus tehtiin osana Vapo Oy:n uuden turvetuotantotekniikan kehitystä. Kihniön Aitonevalle on rakennettu uuden turvetuotantotekniikan tutkimusalue, johon kuuluu muun muassa yksi lämmittämätön kuivatuskenttä sekä yksi aurinkolämmöllä lämmitetty kuivatuskenttä aurinkokeräimineen ja putkistoineen. Työn tavoitteena oli selvittää aurinkolämmöllä lämmitetyn kuivatuskentän tuotannon teho verrattuna lämmittämättömään kenttään. Toinen tavoite oli selvittää Aitonevan tutkimusalueella käytössä olevista aurinkokeräimistä turpeen kuivaustarkoitukseen parhaiten soveltuva keräin. Tuotantoa uudella menetelmällä tehtiin vuoden 2005 kesän ajan. Tuotantotehon ero pyrittiin selvittämään seuraamalla yksittäisten turvetuotantoerien eli satokiertojen kuivumista kosteusnäyttein ja toisaalta vertaamalla koko kesän aikana saatua tuotantoa. Aurinkokeräimien vertailu toteutettiin energiamäärä- ja hyötysuhdemittauksin. Lisäksi kuivatuskenttien lämpötiloja mitattiin kentässä tapahtuvan lämmönsiirron selvittämiseksi. Mittausten perusteella havaittiin, ettälämmitetyn ja lämmittämättömän kentän välillä on tutkimuksen aikaisella kenttärakenteella 6-8 % ero satokierron aikana haihdutetussa vesimäärässä. Tätä voidaanpitää odotuksia pienempänä. Kenttien lämpötilamittausten perusteella osoittautui, että kentän pintarakenne tulisi eristää maaperästä, koska kentän alle siirrettyä lämpöä siirtyy häviöinä kylmään pohjamaahan. Käytössä olleista aurinkokeräimistä parhaaksi osoittautui katettu kumimattokeräin niin hyötysuhteen kuin tehokkuudenkin puolesta. Työn aikana todettiin, että tutkimusta keräimien ja varsinkinkenttärakenteen suhteen tulee jatkaa tulevaisuudessa ennen aurinkokeräinkentän laajamittaisen käytön aloittamista.
Tässä kandidaatintyössä käsitellään aurinkolämmitystä, sen hyödyntämiseen käytettävää tekniikkaa ja käytön laajuutta maailmanlaajuisesti. Työn tavoitteena on esitellä yleisimmät aurinkokeräintyypit ja niiden toimintaperiaatteet. Työssä selvitetään eri aurinkokeräinten asennettu kapasiteetti Suomessa ja muualla maailmalla. Lisäksi työssä on esitetty yleisimmät aurinkolämmön varastointitavat sekä kytkentäratkaisut Suomen oloissa. Työssä keskitytään käsittelemään ensisijaisesti nestekiertoisia aurinkokeräimiä niiden yleisyyden vuoksi, mutta myös ilmakiertoiset ja kattamattomat keräimet esitellään lyhyesti. Lisäksi pohditaan aurinkolämmityksen potentiaalia Suomessa ja maailmalla.
Tavoitteet energiatehokkuuden parantamisesta ja energiantuotannon ympäristövaikutusten vähentämisestä ovat nostaneet kiinnostusta hajautettua energiantuotantoa kohtaan. Pienissä kokoluokissa ei kuitenkaan sähköntuottaminen ole kannattavaa perinteisillä menetelmillä kuten vesihöyryprosessilla. Mikrokokoluokassa (alle 50 kWe) yksi varteenotettavimmista keinoista sähköntuotantoon on mikro ORC-prosessi. Tässä kandidaatintyössä on tavoitteena löytää mikro ORC-voimaloiden potentiaalisimpia sovelluskohteita ja ratkaisuja niiden hyödyntämiseen. Selvitystyön perusteella mikro ORC-voimaloiden potentiaalisimpia sovelluskohteita ovat hukkalämpöjen hyödyntäminen teollisuus- ja energiantuotantoprosesseissa, pienet CHP-laitokset, pienet lämpölaitokset, ajoneuvojen polttomoottorit, syrjäisten kohteiden sähköntuotanto sekä aurinkokeräimien ja kaukolämpöverkon hyödyntäminen rakennusten energiaomavaraisuuden parantamisessa.