998 resultados para software evolution
Companies are increasingly more and more dependent on distributed web-based software systems to support their businesses. This increases the need to maintain and extend software systems with up-to-date new features. Thus, the development process to introduce new features usually needs to be swift and agile, and the supporting software evolution process needs to be safe, fast, and efficient. However, this is usually a difficult and challenging task for a developer due to the lack of support offered by programming environments, frameworks, and database management systems. Changes needed at the code level, database model, and the actual data contained in the database must be planned and developed together and executed in a synchronized way. Even under a careful development discipline, the impact of changing an application data model is hard to predict. The lifetime of an application comprises changes and updates designed and tested using data, which is usually far from the real, production, data. So, coding DDL and DML SQL scripts to update database schema and data, is the usual (and hard) approach taken by developers. Such manual approach is error prone and disconnected from the real data in production, because developers may not know the exact impact of their changes. This work aims to improve the maintenance process in the context of Agile Platform by Outsystems. Our goal is to design and implement new data-model evolution features that ensure a safe support for change and a sound migration process. Our solution includes impact analysis mechanisms targeting the data model and the data itself. This provides, to developers, a safe, simple, and guided evolution process.
De nos jours, les logiciels doivent continuellement évoluer et intégrer toujours plus de fonctionnalités pour ne pas devenir obsolètes. C'est pourquoi, la maintenance représente plus de 60% du coût d'un logiciel. Pour réduire les coûts de programmation, les fonctionnalités sont programmées plus rapidement, ce qui induit inévitablement une baisse de qualité. Comprendre l’évolution du logiciel est donc devenu nécessaire pour garantir un bon niveau de qualité et retarder le dépérissement du code. En analysant à la fois les données sur l’évolution du code contenues dans un système de gestion de versions et les données quantitatives que nous pouvons déduire du code, nous sommes en mesure de mieux comprendre l'évolution du logiciel. Cependant, la quantité de données générées par une telle analyse est trop importante pour être étudiées manuellement et les méthodes d’analyses automatiques sont peu précises. Dans ce mémoire, nous proposons d'analyser ces données avec une méthode semi automatique : la visualisation. Eyes Of Darwin, notre système de visualisation en 3D, utilise une métaphore avec des quartiers et des bâtiments d'une ville pour visualiser toute l'évolution du logiciel sur une seule vue. De plus, il intègre un système de réduction de l'occlusion qui transforme l'écran de l'utilisateur en une fenêtre ouverte sur la scène en 3D qu'il affiche. Pour finir, ce mémoire présente une étude exploratoire qui valide notre approche.
Le développement du logiciel actuel doit faire face de plus en plus à la complexité de programmes gigantesques, élaborés et maintenus par de grandes équipes réparties dans divers lieux. Dans ses tâches régulières, chaque intervenant peut avoir à répondre à des questions variées en tirant des informations de sources diverses. Pour améliorer le rendement global du développement, nous proposons d'intégrer dans un IDE populaire (Eclipse) notre nouvel outil de visualisation (VERSO) qui calcule, organise, affiche et permet de naviguer dans les informations de façon cohérente, efficace et intuitive, afin de bénéficier du système visuel humain dans l'exploration de données variées. Nous proposons une structuration des informations selon trois axes : (1) le contexte (qualité, contrôle de version, bogues, etc.) détermine le type des informations ; (2) le niveau de granularité (ligne de code, méthode, classe, paquetage) dérive les informations au niveau de détails adéquat ; et (3) l'évolution extrait les informations de la version du logiciel désirée. Chaque vue du logiciel correspond à une coordonnée discrète selon ces trois axes, et nous portons une attention toute particulière à la cohérence en naviguant entre des vues adjacentes seulement, et ce, afin de diminuer la charge cognitive de recherches pour répondre aux questions des utilisateurs. Deux expériences valident l'intérêt de notre approche intégrée dans des tâches représentatives. Elles permettent de croire qu'un accès à diverses informations présentées de façon graphique et cohérente devrait grandement aider le développement du logiciel contemporain.
Aspect-Oriented Software Development (AOSD) is a technique that complements the Object- Oriented Software Development (OOSD) modularizing several concepts that OOSD approaches do not modularize appropriately. However, the current state-of-the art on AOSD suffers with software evolution, mainly because aspect definition can stop to work correctly when base elements evolve. A promising approach to deal with that problem is the definition of model-based pointcuts, where pointcuts are defined based on a conceptual model. That strategy makes pointcut less prone to software evolution than model-base elements. Based on that strategy, this work defines a conceptual model at high abstraction level where we can specify software patterns and architectures that through Model Driven Development techniques they can be instantiated and composed in architecture description language that allows aspect modeling at architecture level. Our MDD approach allows propagate concepts in architecture level to another abstraction levels (design level, for example) through MDA transformation rules. Also, this work shows a plug-in implemented to Eclipse platform called AOADLwithCM. That plug-in was created to support our development process. The AOADLwithCM plug-in was used to describe a case study based on MobileMedia System. MobileMedia case study shows step-by-step how the Conceptual Model approach could minimize Pointcut Fragile Problems, due to software evolution. MobileMedia case study was used as input to analyses evolutions on software according to software metrics proposed by KHATCHADOURIAN, GREENWOOD and RASHID. Also, we analyze how evolution in base model could affect maintenance on aspectual model with and without Conceptual Model approaches
Máster Universitario en Sistemas Inteligentes y Aplicaciones Numéricas en Ingeniería (SIANI)
What was I working on before the weekend? and What were the members of my team working on during the last week? are common questions that are frequently asked by a developer. They can be answered if one keeps track of who changes what in the source code. In this work, we present Replay, a tool that allows one to replay past changes as they happened at a fine-grained level, where a developer can watch what she has done or understand what her colleagues have done in past development sessions. With this tool, developers are able to not only understand what sequence of changes brought the system to a certain state (e.g., the introduction of a defect), but also deduce reasons for why her colleagues performed those changes. One of the applications of such a tool is also discovering the changes that broke the code of a developer.
Software dependencies play a vital role in programme comprehension, change impact analysis and other software maintenance activities. Traditionally, these activities are supported by source code analysis; however, the source code is sometimes inaccessible or difficult to analyse, as in hybrid systems composed of source code in multiple languages using various paradigms (e.g. object-oriented programming and relational databases). Moreover, not all stakeholders have adequate knowledge to perform such analyses. For example, non-technical domain experts and consultants raise most maintenance requests; however, they cannot predict the cost and impact of the requested changes without the support of the developers. We propose a novel approach to predicting software dependencies by exploiting the coupling present in domain-level information. Our approach is independent of the software implementation; hence, it can be used to approximate architectural dependencies without access to the source code or the database. As such, it can be applied to hybrid systems with heterogeneous source code or legacy systems with missing source code. In addition, this approach is based solely on information visible and understandable to domain users; therefore, it can be efficiently used by domain experts without the support of software developers. We evaluate our approach with a case study on a large-scale enterprise system, in which we demonstrate how up to 65 of the source code dependencies and 77% of the database dependencies are predicted solely based on domain information.
Software developers often ask questions about software systems and software ecosystems that entail exploration and navigation, such as who uses this component?, and where is this feature implemented?. Software visualisation can be a great aid to understanding and exploring the answers to such questions, but visualisations require expertise to implement effectively, and they do not always scale well to large systems. We propose to automatically generate software visualisations based on software models derived from open source software corpora and from an analysis of the properties of typical developers queries and commonly used visualisations. The key challenges we see are (1) understanding how to match queries to suitable visualisations, and (2) scaling visualisations effectively to very large software systems and corpora. In the paper we motivate the idea of automatic software visualisation, we enumerate the challenges and our proposals to address them, and we describe some very initial results in our attempts to develop scalable visualisations of open source software corpora.
Polymorphism, along with inheritance, is one of the most important features in object-oriented languages, but it is also one of the biggest obstacles to source code comprehension. Depending on the run-time type of the receiver of a message, any one of a number of possible methods may be invoked. Several algorithms for creating accurate call-graphs using static analysis already exist, however, they consume significant time and memory resources. We propose an approach that will combine static and dynamic analysis and yield the best possible precision with a minimal trade-off between used resources and accuracy.
Detecting bugs as early as possible plays an important role in ensuring software quality before shipping. We argue that mining previous bug fixes can produce good knowledge about why bugs happen and how they are fixed. In this paper, we mine the change history of 717 open source projects to extract bug-fix patterns. We also manually inspect many of the bugs we found to get insights into the contexts and reasons behind those bugs. For instance, we found out that missing null checks and missing initializations are very recurrent and we believe that they can be automatically detected and fixed.
Starting from the documentation of high sprint velocity fluctuations in a Scrum project, this paper presents a thorough approach to identify the sources of issues arising in the context of Scrum implementation. Given that Scrum provides guidance on identifying process issues but not their root causes, various approaches are explored. This is of great relevance because Scrum defines project schedules relying heavily on sprint velocity and because it is the most widely used agile methodology. The findings provide a new approach to evaluate such fluctuations and establish a more realistic project assessment than what is currently defined by Scrum. In this respect, this paper contributes to improve the understanding of the software development process using this agile framework.