986 resultados para sodium excretion rate


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The purposes of this study were to describe heart failure patient perceptions regarding instructions received for following a low-sodium diet and the benefits, barriers, and ease and frequency of following the diet. A total of 246 patients with heart failure referred from academic medical centers in the United States and Australia participated in the study. A subset of 145 patients provided 24-hour urine samples for sodium excretion assessment. While most (80%) patients reported receiving recommendations to follow a low-sodium diet, their recall of specific instructions was poor. Although the majority (75%) reported following a low-sodium diet most or all of the time, 24-hour urine sodium excretion indicated that only 25% of patients were adherent. Patients who reported being more adherent, however, had lower urine sodium excretion levels. Attitudes regarding difficulty in and perceived benefits of following the diet were not related to sodium excretion. Data on attitudes and barriers provided guidance for strategies to improve adherence.


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We tested whether mild adiposity alters responsiveness of the kidney to activation of the renal sympathetic nerves. After rabbits were fed a high-fat or control diet for 9 wk, responses to reflex activation of renal sympathetic nerve activity (RSNA) with hypoxia and electrical stimulation of the renal nerves (RNS) were examined under pentobarbital anesthesia. Fat pad mass and body weight were, respectively, 74% and 6% greater in fat-fed rabbits than controls. RNS produced frequency-dependent reductions in renal blood flow, cortical and medullary perfusion, glomerular filtration rate, urine flow, and sodium excretion and increased renal plasma renin activity (PRA) overflow. Responses of sodium excretion and medullary perfusion were significantly enhanced by fat feeding. For example, 1 Hz RNS reduced sodium excretion by 79 ± 4% in fat-fed rabbits and 46 ± 13% in controls. RNS (2 Hz) reduced medullary perfusion by 38 ± 11% in fat-fed rabbits and 9 ± 4% in controls. Hypoxia doubled RSNA, increased renal PRA overflow and medullary perfusion, and reduced urine flow and sodium excretion, without significantly altering mean arterial pressure (MAP) or cortical perfusion. These effects were indistinguishable in fat-fed and control rabbits. Neither MAP nor PRA were significantly greater in conscious fat-fed than control rabbits. These observations suggest that mild excess adiposity can augment the antinatriuretic response to renal nerve activation by RNS, possibly through altered neural control of medullary perfusion. Thus, sodium retention in obesity might be driven not only by increased RSNA, but also by increased responsiveness of the kidney to RSNA.


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Crotalus durissus cascavella is a snake that is usually found in the scrublands of northeast Brazil. The components of its venom may have effects on the vascular and renal systems. Recently, a new bradykinin inhibitory peptide has been identified in the venom of the Crotalinae family. The aim of the present study was to investigate the renal and vascular effects of the natriuretic peptide isolated from the venom of Crotalus durissus cascavella (NP2_Casca). The chromatographic profile showed the fractionation of substances identified as convulxin, gyroxin, crotoxin and crotamine, as well as fractions V and VI. The electrophoretic profile of fraction V consisted of several bands ranging from approximately 6 kDa to 13 kDa, while fraction VI showed only two main electrophoretic bands with molecular weights of approximately 6 and 14 kDa. Reverse-phase chromatography showed that NP2_Casca corresponds to about 18% of fraction VI and that this fraction is the main natriuretic peptide. NP2_Casca was compared to other natriuretic peptides from other sources of snake venom. All amino acid sequences that were compared showed a consensus region of XGCFGX, XLDRIX and XSGLGCX. The group treated with NP2-Casca showed an increase in perfusion pressure, renal vascular resistance, urinary flow and glomerular filtration rate. The percent of total and proximal tubular transport of sodium was reduced significantly after administration of the peptide. The mean arterial pressure showed a dose-dependent decrease after infusion of NP2_Casca, and an increase in nitrite production. In the aortic ring assay, NP2_Casca caused a relaxant effect in endothelium-intact thoracic aortic rings precontracted with phenylephrine in the presence and absence of isatin. NP2_Casca failed to relax the aortic rings precontracted with an isosmotic potassium Krebs-Henseleit solution. In conclusion, the natriuretic peptide isolated from Crotalus durissus cascavella venom produced renal and vascular effects. NP2_Casca reduced total and proximal sodium tubular transport, leading to an increase in sodium excretion, thereby demonstrating a diuretic action. A hypotensive effect was displayed in an arterial pressure assay, with an increase in nitrite production, suggesting a possible vasoactive action. (C) 2008 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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JUSTIFICATIVA E OBJETIVOS: Com a perspectiva criada por algumas pesquisas de ações diferenciadas da efedrina sobre a função renal, dependendo da dose utilizada, e considerando-se as controvérsias ainda existentes a respeito dos seus efeitos sobre a função renal, esta pesquisa experimental tem como objetivo verificar se doses diferentes de efedrina determinam efeitos hemodinâmicos e renais diferenciados. MÉTODO: em 32 cães anestesiados com pentobarbital sódico (PS), submetidos a preparação cirúrgica, cateterismo, monitorização, expansão do volume do fluido extracelular e respiração controlada, foi estudada a hemodinâmica cardiovascular e renal e a função renal. Os cães foram distribuídos aleatoriamente em quatro grupos: G controle (n = 8), com os cães permanecendo apenas sob o efeito do PS, G ef. 2 µg (n = 8), G ef. 10 µg (n = 8) e G ef. 100 µg (n = 8), com os cães recebendo efedrina nas doses respectivas de 2, 10 e 100 µg.kg-1.min-1. Os atributos cardiovasculares e renais foram estudados em 5 momentos: controle (M1 e M2), durante a infusão de efedrina (M3 e M4) e após a suspensão da infusão de efedrina (M5). RESULTADOS: Não houve diferença significante entre os grupos em relação aos atributos estudados. em G ef. 2 µg houve aumento significante de freqüência cardíaca, fluxo sangüíneo aórtico, débito urinário e excreção fracionária de sódio. em G ef. 10 µg houve aumento apenas da freqüência cardíaca e fração de filtração, enquanto em G ef. 100 µg ocorreu aumento de freqüência cardíaca, pressão arterial média, pressão venosa central, fluxo sangüíneo aórtico e hematócrito; por outro lado, ocorreu diminuição dos fluxos plasmático e sangüíneo renais e aumento da resistência vascular renal. CONCLUSÕES: A efedrina, dependendo da dose utilizada, apresenta ações hemodinâmicas e renais diferenciadas.


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JUSTIFICATIVA E OBJETIVOS: É controvertido o uso da infusão de dopamina na proteção renal. O objetivo desta pesquisa foi estudar o efeito da dopamina, da solução hipertônica e da associação de ambas em cães com restrição hídrica, simulando o jejum pré-operatório. MÉTODO: Foram estudados, em 32 cães anestesiados com tiopental sódico e fentanil, os seguintes parâmetros da função renal: fluxo plasmático efetivo renal (depuração de para-aminohipurato de sódio), ritmo de filtração glomerular (depuração de creatinina) e as depurações de sódio, de potássio e osmolar, excreção fracionária de sódio e potássio, excreção de sódio e potássio e a resistência vascular renal. Os parâmetros cardiovasculares foram: pressão arterial média, freqüência cardíaca, pressão da veia cava inferior, índice cardíaco, hematócrito e índice de resistência vascular periférica. Os animais foram subdivididos, através de sorteio, em 4 grupos experimentais: Grupo 1 - G1 (n = 8) - grupo controle; Grupo 2 - G2 (n = 8) infusão de dopamina (2 µg.kg-1.min-1), Grupo 3 - G3 (n = 8) solução de cloreto de sódio a 7,5% (2 ml.kg-1) e Grupo 4 - G4 (n = 8) - associação de dopamina (2 µg.kg-1.min-1) e cloreto de sódio a 7,5% (2 ml.kg-1). Os grupos tiveram quatro fases experimentais e cada momento com duração de 30 minutos, compreendendo os momentos M1, M2, M3 e M4. RESULTADOS: O grupo da dopamina (G2) apresentou diminuição da pressão arterial média, da resistência vascular renal e da excreção de potássio. O grupo da solução hipertônica de cloreto de sódio (G3) apresentou aumento do índice cardíaco, do volume urinário, da depuração de sódio e de potássio, da excreção urinária de sódio e potássio e da excreção fracionária de sódio. No grupo da solução hipertônica de cloreto de sódio associada à dopamina (G4), ocorreu elevação da freqüência cardíaca, do índice cardíaco, do fluxo plasmático efetivo renal e da excreção urinária de sódio; ocorreu também diminuição do índice de resistência vascular sistêmica e do potássio plasmático. CONCLUSÕES: Deste estudo conclui-se que a solução hipertônica de cloreto de sódio foi capaz de melhorar as condições hemodinâmicas e, conseqüentemente, a função renal de cães sob restrição hídrica de 12 horas. O mesmo não aconteceu com a infusão de 2 µg.kg-1.min-1 de dopamina que, em situação similar, não causou aumento da diurese e da excreção de sódio.


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We speculated that the influence of lateral preoptic area (LPO) in sodium balance, involves arginine(8)-vasopressin (AVP) and angiotensin (ANG II) on Na+ uptake in LPO. Therefore, the present study investigated the effects of central administration of specific AVP and ANG 11 antagonists (d(CH2)(5)-Tyr (Me)-AVP (AAVP) and [Adamanteanacetyl(1), 0-ET-D-Tyr(2), Val(4), Aminobutyryl(6), Arg(8.9)]-AVP (ATAVP) antagonists of V-1 and V-2 receptors of AVP. Also the effects of losartan and CGP42112A (selective ligands of the AT(1) and AT(2) angiotensin receptors, respectively), was investigated on Na+ uptake and renal fluid and electrolyte excretion. After an acclimatization period of 7 days, the animals were maintained under tribromoethanol (200 mg/kg body weight, intraperitonial) anesthesia and placed in a Kopf stereotaxic instrument. Stainless guide cannula was implanted into the LPO. AAVP and ATAVP injected into the LPO prior to AVP produced a reduction in the NaCl intake. Both the AT(1) and AT(2) ligands administered into the LPO elicited a decrease in the NaCl intake induced by AVP injected into the LPO. AVP injection into the LPO increased sodium renal excretion, but this was reduced by prior AAVP administration. The ATAVP produced a decreased in the natriuretic effect of AVP. The losartan injected into LPO previous to AVP decreased the sodium excretion and the CGP 421122A also decreased the natriuretic effect of AVP. The AVP produced an antidiuresis effect that was inhibited by prior administration into LPO of the ATAVP. The AAVP produced no change in the antidiuretic effect of AVP. These results suggest that LPO are implicated in sodium balance that is mediated by V-1, V-2, AT(2) and AT(2) receptors. (c) 2005 Elsevier B.V All rights reserved.


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In this study we investigated the influence of cu-adrenergic antagonists injections into the paraventricular nucleus (PVN) of the hypothalamus on the thirst and salt appetite, diuresis, natriuresis, and presser effects of angiotensin II (ANG II) stimulation of medial septal area (MSA). ANG II injection into the MSA induced water and sodium intake, diuresis, natriuresis, and presser responses. The previous injection of prazosin (an alpha (1)-adrenergic antagonist) into the PVN abolished, whereas previous administration of yohimbine (an alpha (2)-adrenergic antagonist) into the PVN increased the water and sodium intake, urinary, natriuretic, and presser responses induced by ANG ii injected into the MSA. Previous injection of a nonselective alpha -adrenergic antagonist, regitin, into the PVN blocked the urinary excretion, and reduced the water and sodium intake, sodium intake, and presser responses induced by ANG II injected into the MSA. The present results suggest that alpha -adrenergic pathways involving the PVN are important for the water and sodium excretion, urine and sodium excretion, and presser responses, induced by angiotensinergic activation of the MSA. (C) 2001 Elsevier B.V.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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JUSTIFICATIVA E OBJETIVOS: O objetivo desta pesquisa foi estudar os efeitos agudos do contraste radiológico em situações de restrição de volume, avaliando-se os efeitos renais e cardiovasculares após a injeção intra-arterial de contraste radiológico de alta osmolaridade. MÉTODO: Participaram do estudo 16 cães anestesiados com tiopental sódico (15 mg.kg-1) e fentanil (15 µg.kg-1) em bolus, seguido de infusão contínua nas doses de 40 µg.kg-1.min-1 (tiopental sódico) e 0,1 µg.kg-1.min-1 (fentanil). Foi feita hidratação com solução de glicose a 5% (0,03 mL.kg-1.min-1) e a ventilação pulmonar foi controlada mecanicamente com ar comprimido. Foram verificados os seguintes atributos: freqüência cardíaca (FC); pressão arterial média (PAM); pressão da veia cava inferior (PVI); débito cardíaco (DC); hematócrito (Ht); fluxo plasmático efetivo renal (FPER); fluxo sangüíneo renal (FSR); ritmo de filtração glomerular (RFG); fração de filtração; resistência vascular renal (RVR); volume urinário (VU); osmolaridade plasmática e urinária; depuração osmolar, depuração de água livre e depuração de sódio e de potássio; sódio e potássio plasmáticos; excreção urinária e fracionária de sódio e potássio e temperatura retal. Estes atributos foram avaliados em quatro momentos: 30 (M1), 60 (M2), 90 (M3) e 120 (M4) minutos após o início da infusão de para-aminohipurato de sódio e creatinina (início da experiência). No momento 2, no grupo G1 foi feita injeção intra-arterial de solução fisiológica a 0,9% (1,24 mL.kg-1), e no grupo G2 foi injetado contraste radiológico (1,24 mL.kg-1) pela mesma via. RESULTADOS: O grupo G1 apresentou aumento da FC, do FPER, do FSR, da osmolaridade plasmática, da depuração de sódio e da excreção urinária de sódio; apresentou ainda diminuição da osmolaridade urinária, do potássio plasmático, da depuração de potássio e da temperatura retal. No grupo G2 ocorreu aumento da FC, da RVR, do VU, da depuração osmolar, da depuração de sódio e da excreção urinária e fracionária de sódio; ocorreu também redução do (a): hematócrito, ritmo de filtração glomerular, fração de filtração, osmolaridade urinária, depuração de água livre, sódio e potássio urinários, potássio plasmático e temperatura retal. CONCLUSÕES: Neste estudo, conclui-se que a injeção intra-arterial do contraste radiológico causou efeito bifásico na função renal. Inicialmente, provocou aumento da diurese e da excreção de sódio, mas, posteriormente, houve piora das condições hemodinâmicas e, conseqüentemente, da função renal, com aumento da resistência vascular renal e diminuição do ritmo de filtração glomerular.


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In eighteen dogs, the effects of halothane (0,75% and 1,5%) associated with a normo and hypercapnia (PaCO2 from 30 to 80 mmHg) on acid-base balance were studied. Determinations of creatine clearance, urinary flow, urinary acid excretion, and urinary ammonium excretion were made. Based on the results, it is concluded that halothane associated with hypercapnia decreases the glomerular filtration rate, the urinary flow, the urinary pH and the urinary bicarbonate and sodium excretion, increases the plasmatic bicarbonate concentration, the bicarbonate reabsorbed, the urinary acid excretion and the urinary ammonium excretion, but does not alter the base excess.


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Little research has been done with propofol in relation to renal function. The aim of this study was to evaluate the effects of the continuous infusion of propofol on renal function in dogs. Sixteen dogs, previously anesthetized with pentobarbital sodium (30 mg.kg-1) for surgical preparation, catheterism and monitoring, were studied. The dogs were mechanically ventilated with air and received alcuronium (0.2 mg.kg-1 in bolus and 0.06 mg.kg-1 - maintenance). The following parameters were studied: heart rate (HR), mean arterial pressure (MAP), central venous pressure (CVP), aortic blood flow (A(o)BF - by electromagnetic flowmeter installed in the ascending aortic), aortic vascular resistance index (A(o)VRI), renal plasma flow (ERPF - by para-aminohipurate clearance), glomerular filtration rate (GFR - by creatinine clearance), effective renal blood flow (ERBF = ERPF/1 - hematocrit), urinary volume (UV), renal vascular resistance (RVR = MAP.80/ERBF.10-3), urinary sodium excretion (UE(Na)), fractionated sodium excretion (FE(Na)), osmolar clearance (C(osm)) and free water clearance (C(H2O)). These parameters were studied at 15 (M1), 30 (M2), 45 (M3) and 60 (M4) min after beginning pentobarbital sodium infusion (5 mg.kg-1.h-1). The dogs were allocated into two groups of eight animals each: G1 (control-pentobarbital sodium) and G2 (propofol). In G1, pentobarbital was given at the four times studied. G2 dogs received the same treatment as G1 dogs at M1 and M2; infusion of pentobarbital was substituted by propofol (3 mg.kg-1 bolus, followed by 12 mg.kg-1.h-1 continuous infusion) at M3 and M4. Profile Analysis was used to analyze the results statistically. In G1 (pentobarbital), there was a significant increase in RVR (M1 < M4) and a decrease in ERPF and ERBF (M1 > M4). In G2 (propofol) there was only a significant increase in A(o)BF (M1 < M2 = M3). In comparison among groups, these was a significant alteration of FE(Na) at M3 (pentobarbital > propofol). It was observed that the continuous infusion of propofol in dogs, at the given doses, did not alter the basic variables of renal function and hemodynamics studied. We concluded that propofol can be one of the drugs of choice to provide base anesthesia in studies of renal function in dogs.


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The effects of clonidine on sodium and potassium excretions were examined after previous administration of prazosin (an α 1-adrenergic receptor antagonist) and yohimbine (an α 2-adrenergic receptor antagonist) into the ventromedial nucleus of the hypothalamus of conscious rats. Clonidine injected into the ventromedial nucleus of the hypothalamus induced inhibitory and facilitatory effects on the urinary sodium and potassium excretions. The results suggest that facilitatory effects of clonidine on natriuresis and kaliuresis are mediated through activation of α 1-adrenoceptors and that inhibitory effects require α(2A)-adrenoceptors.


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The nucleus of the solitary tract (NTS) is the primary site of visceral afferents to the central nervous system. In the present study, we investigated the effects of lesions in the commissural portion of the NTS (commNTS) on the activity of vasopressinergic neurons in the hypothalamic paraventricular (PVN) and supraoptic (SON) nuclei, plasma vasopressin, arterial pressure, water intake, and sodium excretion in rats with plasma hyperosmolality produced by intragastric 2 M NaCl (2 ml/rat). Male Holtzman rats with 15-20 days of sham or electrolytic lesion (1 mA; 10 s) of the commNTS were used. CommNTS lesions enhanced a 2 M NaCl intragastrically induced increase in the number of vasopressinergic neurons expressing c-Fos in the PVN (28 ± 1, vs. sham: 22 ± 2 c-Fos/AVP cells) and SON (26 ± 4, vs. sham: 11 ± 1 c-Fos/AVP cells), plasma vasopressin levels (21 ± 8, vs. sham: 6.6 ± 1.3 pg/ml), pressor responses (25 ± 7 mmHg, vs. sham: 7 ± 2 mmHg), water intake (17.5 ± 0.8, vs. sham: 11.2 ± 1.8 ml/2 h), and natriuresis (4.9 ± 0.8, vs. sham: 1.4 ± 0.3 meq/1 h). The pretreatment with vasopressin antagonist abolished the pressor response to intragastric 2 M NaCl in commNTS-lesioned rats (8 ± 2.4 mmHg at 10 min), suggesting that this response is dependent on vasopressin secretion. The results suggest that inhibitory mechanisms dependent on commNTS act to limit or counterbalance behavioral, hormonal, cardiovascular, and renal responses to an acute increase in plasma osmolality. © 2013 the American Physiological Society.


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BackgroundEvidence is emerging that highlights the far-reaching consequences of a high-fat diet (HFD) on kidney morphology and function disorders.MethodsThe present study was performed on 3-, 5-, 7- and 9-week-old HFD female rats compared with the appropriate gender and age-matched animals. We evaluated the kidney expression of angiotensin type II receptor and fibrotic and epithelial-to-mesenchymal transition (EMT) markers, by immunoblotting and immunohistochemical and histological techniques, in parallel with kidney function.ResultsIn the current study, the time-course HFD-treated group showed, by immunoblotting and immunohistochemical analysis, an early time-course increase in the expression of transforming growth factor β-1 (TGFβ-1) in the entire kidney of HFD-treated rats, compared with that observed in the control group. Simultaneously, the study shows a transient increase in the expression of ZEB2 in the HFD whole kidney accompanied by a fall in the E-cadherin expression and increased collagen and fibronectin deposition. A pronounced decrease in fractional urinary sodium excretion was also demonstrated in the long-term HFD-treated rats. The decreased FENa + was accompanied by a fall in FEPNa + and FEPP Na +, which occurred in association with significantly decreased CCr and, certainly on the sodium-filtered load. The reduction in the glomerular filtration rate (GFR) occurred in parallel to proteinuria and glomerular desmin overexpression.ConclusionsThe results of the current study suggest that podocyte injury in parallel with observed proteinuria and evidence of EMT transformation are associated with long-term loss of kidney function and renal sodium and water retention. © 2013 The Author. All rights reserved.


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Blockade of central angiotensin receptors with the specific antagonist [Leu8]-ANG II abolished water ingestion and water and sodium excretion induced by infusion of angiotensin II (ANGII) into the lateral ventricle (LV) of rats. The antagonist reduced but did not suppress the salt appetite induced by ANGII infusion. Subcutaneous injection of deoxycorticosterone acetate (DOCA) caused increases in water and 3% NaCl ingestion and decreases in sodium excretion. When central ANGII infusion was combined with peripheral DOCA, the water intake was similar to that induced by ANGII alone and the ingestion of 3% NaCl was increased, whereas sodium excretion was inhibited. When ANGII was infused alone, a detailed temporal analysis of fluid and sodium balance showed a negative balance similar those saline controls that persisted throughout the experiment. Combined administration of ANGII and DOCA induce significant changes in water and sodium balance. Sodium and water maintained a positive balance through out the 8-h experiment. The data support an interaction of central ANGII and DOCA on sodium intake and water and sodium balance. © 1994.