929 resultados para socio-cultural factors
A proposal to establish indicators for the evaluation of municipal councils' socio-cultural policies
How can municipal sociocultural policies stimulate and promote community empowerment, civic creativity or social cohesion? What objectives should be proposed at the municipal level to promote processes of sociocultural community development? How can we identify local needs in order to stimulate community development processes? In response to these questions, our paper proposes a creative solution: indicators to evaluate sociocultural policies. The proposal will enable us to obtain information about our own reality and, at the same time, contribute to producing changes and to outlining possible de intervention strategies for local administrations. The proposal describes a system of creative, flexible and rigourous indicators intended for municipal technicians and politicians interested in evaluating their sociocultural actions and strategies. We present the result of a research process whose methods included validation of the indicators by experts and technicians in or related to sociocultural community development, and the application of this system based on a case study of a Spanish municipality. Among the proposed indicators specific consideration is given to the support of local creators and the promotion of civic creativity, as well as the use, the creation and the articulation of sociocultural activities as strategies to contribute to cultural and civic diversity
Clinical trials today are conducted in multiple countries to enhance patient recruitment and improve efficiency of trials. However, the demographic and cultural diversity may contribute to variations in study outcomes. Here we conducted post-hoc analyses for a placebo-controlled study with ziprasidone and haloperidol for the treatment of acute mania to address the demographic, dosing, and outcome disparities in India, Russia and the USA. We compared the baseline characteristics, outcomes and discontinuations in patients and explored the relationship between the outcome measures across these countries. We found substantial differences in baseline characteristics of subjects, administered dosage and disease severity in India compared to the USA and Russia. Conversely, US subjects had a higher placebo response compared to subjects in Russia and India. These results are probably due to demographic differences in patient populations and psychiatric clinical practice across countries. While we offer initial ideas to address the disparities identified in this analysis, it is clear that further research to improve our understanding of geographical differences is essential to ensure globally applicable results for clinical trials in psychiatry.
The main premise of Vygotsky’s cultural-historical theory is that to promotelearning, and thus development, educators must intervene in, and change, the students’ socio-cultural context. Vygotsky’s theory, however, has been misinterpreted and the opposite approach has been accepted: the teaching is adapted, according to the context. The result is widespread failure in schools. This article reclaims the true transformative meaning of Vygotskian theory and shows how successful schools in several countries implement various actions to transform their social and cultural environment. Data is presented from six casestudies of successful schools conducted in five European countries. The analysis showsthat these actions improve instrumental learning and, consequently, cognitive development. All these efforts focus on teaching methods that aim to increase the amount that students learn
This study examined the relationship between socio-demographic factors and family and partner pressure to conceive in women living with HIV in Ontario, Canada. A total of 490 women, aged 18-52 years were included in the study. The HIV Pregnancy Planning Questionnaire was used to collect data on socio-demographic, medical, and pressure variables. Multivariate logistic regression analysis suggest that increased age, years lived in Canada, and living in Toronto were associated with lower odds, and being married and having 0-1 lifetime births were associated with higher odds of family pressure to conceive. Increased age was associated with lower odds, and being married and living in Toronto were associated with higher odds of partner pressure to conceive. Findings suggest that socio-demographic factors influence the fertility decision-making process. Health care providers should consider socio-demographic factors along with medical factors when assisting women living with HIV and their partners to make informed reproductive decisions.
Objective: To determine which socio-demographic, exposure, morbidity and symptom variables are associated with health-related quality of life among former and current heavy smokers. Methods: Cross sectional data from 2537 participants were studied. All participants were at ≥2% risk of developing lung cancer within 6 years. Linear and logistic regression models utilizing a multivariable fractional polynomial selection process identified variables associated with health-related quality of life, measured by the EQ-5D. Results: Upstream and downstream associations between smoking cessation and higher health-related quality of life were evident. Significant upstream associations, such as education level and current working status and were explained by the addition of morbidities and symptoms to regression models. Having arthritis, decreased forced expiratory volume in one second, fatigue, poor appetite or dyspnea were most highly and commonly associated with decreased HRQoL. Discussion: Upstream factors such as educational attainment, employment status and smoking cessation should be targeted to prevent decreased health-related quality of life. Practitioners should focus treatment on downstream factors, especially symptoms, to improve health-related quality of life.
In general the behavioural sciences have contributed very little to filariasis research.Man's actions in creating vector breeding sites have been noted and discussed frequently inthe frlariasis literature. but virtually no systematic studies of these fonns of behavior have been undertaken (Dunn. 1979). Human behavioural observations and inquires into values and attitudes atfecting behavior that inhibits or promotes vector breeding are essential if any progress is to be made in developing self help programmes of vector control. Therefore, a systematic study on the socio-economic aspect of the community is warranted before undertaking any control programme against filariasis. In view of this the present study has been carried out which reveals the knowledge, attitude and practice concerning the causation, transmission, treatment and control of the disease. Socio economic factors that influence the creation and maintenance of vector breeding habitats were identified. characterization and ranking of these sociological factors will be helpful in identifying the determinants of human behavioural changes towards the containment of the disease- Information on the existing indigenous perception of the disease and the factors that hinder the control will be useful in developing a sound strategy from the human angle, which can be put to practical use.
Esta investigación se tiene en cuenta al Califato de Touba ubicado en Senegal como factor relevante para el análisis de dinámicas regionales que dieron respuesta a la conformación geopolítica del África subsahariana occidental durante los años sesentas y ochentas.
Pachler (2008) A socio-cultural ecology of mobile learning
Se trata de hacer un análisis de lo que tiene que ser un centro cívico como manifestación de animación sociocultural en el campo de la Educación permanente de Adultos y de un intento de proyecto donde se concretan las ideas fundamentales. Análisis de centros cívicos de cultura de España y del extranjero (Alemania, Gran Bretaña, USA, Francia, Canadá, Tailandia, India, Colombia, etc.). Se analizan los centros cívicos a nivel de organización, funcionamiento, personal, dependencias, costes de funcionamiento, objetivos a conseguir, actividades a realizar, etc.. Los instrumentos de obtención de información han sido los documentos que los centros cívicos analizados han enviado para la realización de la tesis de licenciatura.. El análisis realizado de los datos obtenidos ha sido sencillo y de carácter cualitativo. No se han utilizado técnicas estadísticas. Se concreta el proyecto de centro cívico, especificando su naturaleza y objetivos, localización, ciudadanos a los que va dirigido el centro, funciones a desarrollar, objetivos curriculares a conseguir, servicios que proporcionará, organización interna, fuentes de financiación, personal directivo, personal pedagógico, etc.. El centro cívico es una alternativa de cómo utilizar el tiempo libre y de posibilitar la humanización real de la ciudad. Se trata de promover la participación democrática a nivel de asociaciones y entidades culturales deportivas, sociales y de tiempo libre.