966 resultados para social reconstruction


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La réforme des secteurs de sécurité est au cœur du processus de reconstruction postconflictuelle et du rétablissement de l’État de droit. Souvent implantées par des acteurs internationaux, ces réformes sont nécessaires au développement socio-économique des sociétés sortant de conflit. L’objectif premier de ce travail est d’établir si la coordination des forces militaires et policières internationales a une influence sur la réussite de la réforme des secteurs de sécurité dans le cadre des missions de paix de l’ONU. L'hypothèse de départ est la suivante : la coordination entre les policiers et les militaires sur le terrain, facilitée par la coopération entre les composantes policières et militaires du Département des opérations de maintien de la paix de l'ONU (DOMP), favorise le succès de la RSS. C’est la culture bureaucratique de l’ONU qui influencera la qualité et le degré de coopération entre les composantes policières et militaires du DOMP. Cela sera vérifié à travers l’étude en deux temps de l’aide internationale apportée à la réforme des secteurs de sécurité en Haïti de 1993 à 1997, puis de 2004 à aujourd’hui. La qualité de la coordination entre policiers et militaires dépend de facteurs internes à la mission plutôt que des initiatives mises de l’avant par les quartiers généraux de l’ONU. De plus, la coordination militaropolicière sur le terrain facilite certains aspects de la réforme des secteurs de sécurité, comme la professionnalisation des forces policières locales et le rétablissement de la sécurité.


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Mémoire numérisé par la Division de la gestion de documents et des archives de l'Université de Montréal


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Ce projet de recherche porte principalement sur la reconstruction du régime alimentaire à l’aide d’une approche paléochimique. Des analyses isotopiques du carbone de l’azote ont été réalisées sur le collagène des os sur un échantillon de trente-huit individus provenant de trois sites différents de la basse vallée de Santa, sur la côte nord du Pérou : El Castillo, Guadalupito et Huaca China. Parmi les individus sélectionnés, certains sont affiliés aux groupes des Gallinazo, des Mochica, des Tanguche ou des Chimú couvrant ainsi la Période intermédiaire ancienne, l’Horizon moyen et la Période intermédiaire récente. L’approche isotopique a été utilisée afin de caractériser dans un premier temps, le régime alimentaire de la population globale en la comparant à d’autres groupes préhispaniques de l’Aire andine. Les résultats obtenus sur trente-deux individus suggèrent une alimentation variée incluant le maïs ainsi que des ressources marines, illustrant que ces groupes agriculteurs exploitaient les deux types d’écosystèmes à leur portée. Ces résultats sont supportés par l’analyse du carbone sur l’apatite pour cinq individus. Le second but fut d’étudier la variabilité du régime alimentaire entre les différents individus de l’échantillon, en fonction de la période d’occupation, du site de provenance, de l’affiliation culturelle, de l’âge et du sexe et du statut social. La petite taille de l’échantillon a limité considérablement la discussion de ces différents paramètres. Il a toutefois été possible de remarquer un accès aux ressources riches en protéines plus avantageux pour les hommes et la présence de possibles différences dans l’alimentation chez les individus juvéniles. Finalement, la confrontation des données funéraires à la reconstruction du régime alimentaire a été faite pour cinq cas particuliers de pratiques funéraires provenant du site El Castillo, premier centre régional de la civilisation Mochica dans la basse vallée de Santa. Dans tous les cas, le régime alimentaire suggéré par les compositions isotopiques supporte les interprétations des statuts sociaux de ces individus faites à partir des contextes funéraires.


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Se analiza la relación entre la reconstrucción de memoria, la identidad y la movilización política o social, en Trujillo, Valle, observando las iniciativas promovidas por el Estado y la comunidad y cómo éstas posibilitan la consolidación de identidades que podrían materializarse en movilizaciones de tipo colectivo.


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El desarrollo social de un departamento está determinado por factores tanto internos como externos. Sin embargo, la existencia de recursos no renovables con gran valor, en algunos casos representan el núcleo de grandes problemas sociales en estos departamentos.


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This paper provides a review of the last five years of policymaking in the area of health and safety law; this includes multiple reviews, legislative reform, and the reframing of rhetoric around the issue. It characterises this as a process of social construction of a new ‘universe of meaning’ around health and safety regulation, which provides a basis for a particular, narrow, neoliberal conception of regulation and responsibility to permeate the mainstream. Deliberative and public-facing policymaking processes have been utilised as a key element of this process.


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This paper looks at the blockages to the publication of children’s literature caused by the intellectual climate of the postwar era, through a case study of the editorial policy of Hachette, the largest publisher for children at this time. This period witnessed heightened tensions surrounding the social and humanitarian responsibilities of literature. Writers were blamed for having created a culture of defeatism, and collaborationist authors were punished harshly in the purges. In the case of children’s literature, the discourse on responsibility was made more urgent by the assumption that children were easily influenced by their reading material, and by the centrality of the young to the discourse on the moral reconstruction of France. As the politician and education reformer Gustave Monod put it: “penser l’avenir, c’est penser le sort des enfants et de la jeunesse.” These concerns led to the expansion of associations and publications dedicated to protecting children and promoting “good” reading matter for them, and, famously, to the 1949 law regulating publications for children, which banned the depiction of crime, debauchery and violence that might demoralise young readers. Using the testimonials of former employees, along with readers’ reports and editorial correspondence preserved in the Hachette archives, this paper will examine how individual editorial decisions and self-censorship strategies were shaped by the 1949 law with its attendant discourse of moral panic on children’s reading, and how national concerns for future citizens were balanced with commercial imperatives.


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In this thesis, the basic research of Chase and Simon (1973) is questioned, and we seek new results by analyzing the errors of experts and beginners chess players in experiments to reproduce chess positions. Chess players with different levels of expertise participated in the study. The results were analyzed by a Brazilian grandmaster, and quantitative analysis was performed with the use of statistical methods data mining. The results challenge significantly, the current theories of expertise, memory and decision making in this area, because the present theory predicts piece on square encoding, in which players can recognize the strategic situation reproducing it faithfully, but commit several errors that the theory can¿t explain. The current theory can¿t fully explain the encoding used by players to register a board. The errors of intermediary players preserved fragments of the strategic situation, although they have committed a series of errors in the reconstruction of the positions. The encoding of chunks therefore includes more information than that predicted by current theories. Currently, research on perception, trial and decision is heavily concentrated on the idea of 'pattern recognition'. Based on the results of this research, we explore a change of perspective. The idea of 'pattern recognition' presupposes that the processing of relevant information is on 'patterns' (or data) that exist independently of any interpretation. We propose that the theory suggests the vision of decision-making via the recognition of experience.


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The following paper analyses the managerial and administrative aspects of a project named Projeto de Serviços Básicos de Saúde no Nordeste (PNE I) - initiated in the 80¿s and has been funded by the International Development and Reconstruction Bank (IDRB) ¿ for the construction of a series of lessons and recommendations to be observed along the formulation, implementation and assessment of projects performed under external financing. During the Project time the most important and deep changes and innovations have occurred involving the national politics for health, which have been mostly decisive at directing the Project, specially concerning the organization of services with emphasis to the process of decentralization as well as the participation of the organized society as a tool of social control. The expectations towards the publicizing and the dissemination of the paper presented are laid upon the warranty that the recommendations hereby given shall, effectively, contribute for the decrease of unwanted results and for the magnification of variables to be considered in projects with the scope and characteristics similar to PNE I.


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Neste trabalho é analisada a adequação entre o projeto de desenvolvimento sócio-econômico da Guiné~Bissau e seu projeto de educação. O país em estudo é urna ex-col~ nia portuguesa da África que após a independência optou pe la via "autônoma" de desenvolvimento, o que caracteriza a situação de "transformação social". Procura-se verificar se o atual sistema de ensino e os planos oficiais auxiliam a ruptura com a condição ánterior de dependência. O estudo se inicia por urna visão geral da África pré-colonial e da educação difusa que vigorava naquela épo ca. Em seguida, urna descrição da África colonizada por países europeus e as modalidades de educação implantadas pelos colonizadores. Examina-se após isso a África do período das lutas pela independência (década de 60) até os dias atuais, com as diversas opções sócio-econômicas, poli ticas e, particularmente, educacionais adotadas pelos países administrativamente libertos do domínio colonial. ~os demais capítulos analisa-se a Guiné-Bissauern cada período histórico, apresentando-se as ligações entre os interesses sócio-econômicos dominantes e as formas ofi ciais de educação dos africanos: no segundo capítulo, a Guiné pré-colonial, as várias etapas da colonização por tu guesa (a fase mercantilista, durante a monarquia liberal portuguesa, a primeira fase da república na metrópole, a ditadura salazarista anterior e posteriormente ao movimento guineense pela independência) e a luta contra os colonizadores até a libertação total do território (1974) • No terceiro capítulo, os dias Rtuais (fase de "reconstrução nacional") até 1979. são ressaltados diversos aspectos do ensino para comparação entre a fase colonial e o projeto do país inde-pendente: ligação com a atividade produtiva, com as tare·- fas sociais e vida comunitária; prioridades da escolariza ção; escola urbana e rural; gestão escolar; formação de professores; métodos pedagógicos, currículos e disciplinas. A abordagem metodológica e histórico-estrutural. Constata-se a existência de muitos obstáculos ma teriais para a realização do projeto autônomo guineense. Mas apesar das características coloniais persistentes, no ensino são experimentadas soluções criativas que favorecem a independência, baseadas nas prioridades de atendimento das necessidades da população, de gestão democrática das escolas, integração com o trabalho produtivo e "africaniza ção" das disciplinas. -


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O presente estudo trata da reconstrução histórica de uma experiência pedagógica realizada na cidade do Recife, no período ' 72/73. Cuida de alguns aspectos da implantação da lei n9 5.692, relacionados com um complexo escolar do qual participaram três estabelecimentos: um, da rede particular, e dois, da rede oficial de ensino. Para funcionamento deste complexo, foi celebrado um convênio entre a Secretaria de Educação do Estado de Pernambuco e uma Congregação religiosa. O contrato foi celebrado prevendo-se a vigência de três anos com possibilidades de renovação. Entretanto, concluído o segundo ano da experiência, o convênio foi rescindido. A experiência que, segundo a lei preconiza, tentava uma integração física, administrativa e pedagó0ica e que por se tratar de clientelas escolarizáveis de classes sociais diferentes, supôs' também, uma integração social, foi frustrada em seu processo, desde que a pretendida integração social não se verificou. Tentamos então, neste estudo, reconstruir todos os acontecimentos ocorridos no complexo escolar, desde o seu início até o seu término, historiar as fontes legais e religiosas que o inspiraram, os mecanismos de discriminação ocorridos, a crise instalada e a consequente extinção da experiência. Fizemos uso das orientações do Estado em termos de planos, discursos, mensagens, etc. teoricamente conectados com uma ideologia liberal, equalizadora de oportunidades educacionais, e como na prática ela se verifica. Levantamos algumas hipóteses que pudessem explicar o fracasso da experiência. Concluímos que elas não respondiam ao nosso interno. Por fim, tentamos através de uma reflexão, onde, levando-se em consideração interesses conflitantes entre segmentos societários e as discriminações havidas, situar através do modo pelos quais eles se verificaram, se o fato estaria ligado a aspectos conjunturais ou aspectos estruturais da formação social capitalista. No caso específico do complexo escolar, a não integração social foi atribuída como sendo uma decorrência dos resíduos estamentais arcaicos, ainda vigentes na sociedade brasileira. O processo capitalista não teria sido ainda tão acelera do no Brasil, particularmente no Nordeste, a ponto de eliminar traços estamentalistas tão fortes, fronteiras tão distantes, entre as classes sociais, ocasionando uma discriminação tão crua e preconceituosa quanto a ocorrida no complexo escolar. Evocamos' uma construção tipológica escolar, que estabelecesse conexão entre os vários tipos de sociedades capitalistas e tentamos sugerir uma possível explicação com base nessa tipologia. Concluímos que a forma de discriminação ocorrida no com plexo escolar é conjuntural ao desenvolvimento do processo de estruturação do capitalismo, onde a discriminação é necessária e imprescindível à própria existência de uma sociedade de classes.


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The present study aims at making a theoretically reflection about the reconstruction process of democracy that can be observed in the country since the opening political process, which took place with the Geisel´s government in 1974, passing through the first civil president, in 1985, the Constitution process, in 1986, and finally the Constitution promulgation in 1988. It interests to this study analyses the premise that the 1988 Constitution inaugurates the moment in which democracy starts to be reconstructed in the country, and that this reconstruction is made in such a brand new way, once it included the possibility of participation of the civil society in the deliberation of the public politics, what became possible with the creation of new spaces of a gestion shared by the three executive powers: federal; states; municipalities, and with the civil society, in the councils created in those spheres. In this way, this work wishes to focus the opening process to the civil society participation, wich became possible with the creation of the city councils of public politics. It´s about investigating the form in wich the relations set up in these hibrid spaces could be considered democratic, inclusive and promoters of effective participation, checking up tendencies, giving emphasis to regularities and some specifities encountered in the forms of participation, which have been observed in those councils. In order to comprehend the democratic process in construction in the country, the analysis of the relations established by the civil society and the local executive power in the obligatory municipal councils is taken as object of study, passing by the tensions wich evolves institutions and political practices, permeated by the local political culture. It starts from a briefly review of works already made on the subject


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In the historical-cultural perspective, the drawing is processed by means of a shared and complex way, under diverse relations with the other and with the immersed signs of the culture. That is, something constituted by the social interactions and that can modify the structure of the psychological functions, therefore as socialized sign, propitiates the incorporation of the functions socially. In this way, the figuration carrier sensitive and established meanings historically disclosing the shared experiences and the ways of the subject to think and perceive the world. Such reflections gave shape to the main problem of this research: how to think over about the drawing at the school to incide in the reconstruction of the childs imaginative language? Under such perspective, this work deals with the interactions in the production process of the drawing of the children in a context of teach-Iearning of the elementary school having as goal to analyze the interactions established in the cIassroom in the process of production of the drawings; to propose situations of learnings that favor the advance graphical expression of the students; and to identify in the interactive games some relations between body expression and drawing. For its accomplishment, it was opted for the construction process based in the collaborative investigation by the fact to propitiate negotiations, sharing and confrontation of ideas, becoming possible a joint construction of the knowledge. For this research, the researcher and the collaborating teacher, as well as the involved children, become themselves into co-authors of the context studied. As locus of the research, it was chosen a first cycle class, with 30 students, from Municipal School Profª. Emília Ramos (Natal/RN - Brazil), whose election took in account the fact of this school to constitute in a promotional space of reflections and professional development of teachers in service and, at the same time, for presentinglimitations theoretic- methodological in the field of teaching for Arts. In the process of the research, it was perceived that the children with the support of the verbal language formulates meanings on the seen and imagined object, printing lines and forms that if overlap to the physiological aspects of the visual perception. That is, the drawing discloses a reality appraised, enriched for the picked up vision of the image, but the meanings established for the author, or observer who becomes it perceivable and identified. In the systemizing situations, it was observed that the teaching-Iearning process of the drawing, implies a co-construction between teachers and learners. And, moreover, the necessity to interlace emotion and cognition by means of plastic-corporal interactions that foment drawing experiences, whose process concurs for the imagenative reconstruct of the apprentices


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L´étude du processus de construction / reconstruction des compétences de l´assistant social sous la gestion du SESI (Service Social de l´ Industrie), Natal/RN, dès la moitié des années 90 a réaffirmer la perspective que ce processus est le résultat de déterminations macrosociétaires qui sont présents, particulièrement au Brésil, aussi que, la façon par laquelle l´assistant social, le professionnel inscrit dans la division sociale et technique du travail, fait développer son perfectionement technique et intelectuel dans un milieu de nouvelles structures productives qui éxigent un nouveau profil du professionnel face à la crise du capital et de l´État. Cette recherche, de nature qualitative et quantitative, a eu lieu par de combinaisons de recherche bibliographique et empirique. Les sujets ont été huit assistants sociaux et six travailleurs administratifs du SESI, Natal/RN. Les donnés ont été obtenus par des interviews semi-structrées. On a analisé les changements qui sont arrivés dans les gestions du SESI et les compétences qui sont éxigées de l´assistant social ; l´influence du milieu socio-occupationel sur l´action professionnelle et sur le processus de construction/reconstruction de compétences; l´agrandissement de demandes institutionnelles pour l´assistant social par rapport à la prestation de services ; aussi que la constatation de l´importance de ce professionnel, sa hardiesse, mais aussi quelques limites et défis affrontés face à la qualification stimulé par le SESI, en amenant le professionnel dans un processus contradictoire de qualification et disqualification professionelle


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Cancer is regarded as the abnormal cellular multiplication; it is not controlled by the organism; and its cells present a differentiated DNA. Initially, the disease does not show clinical signs, but it can be diagnosed by laboratorial examinations. When tumors are present in the maxillofacial area, they can entail the loss of these area organs, which become responsible for the carrier's social environment exclusion. This paper aimed at showing, through a literature review, the cancers that more commonly happen in the face and the possibilities of regenerating in the patient mutilated through surgical reconstruction and prostheses.