963 resultados para social organization


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This PhD thesis investigates children’s peer practices in two primary schools in Italy, focusing on the ordinary and the Italian L2 classroom. The study is informed by the paradigm of language socialization and considers peer interactions as a ‘double opportunity space’, allowing both children’s co-construction of their social organization and children’s sociolinguistic development. These two foci of attention are explored on the basis of children’s social interaction and of the verbal, embodied, and material resources that children agentively deploy during their mundane activities in the peer group. The study is based on a video ethnography that lasted nine months. Approximately 30 hours of classroom interactions were video-recorded, transcribed, and analyzed with an approach that combines the micro-analytic instruments of Conversation Analysis and the use of ethnographic information. Three main social phenomena were selected for analysis: (a) children’s enactment of the role of the teacher, (b) children’s reproduction of must-formatted rules, and (c) children’s argumentative strategies during peer conflict. The analysis highlights the centrality of the institutional frame for children’s peer interactions in the classroom. Moreover, the study illustrates that children socialize their classmates to the linguistic, social, and moral expectations of the context in and through various practices. Notably, these practices are also germane to the local negotiation of children’s social organization and hierarchy. Therefore, the thesis underlines that children’s peer interactions are both a resource for children’s sociolinguistic development and a potentially problematic locus where social exclusion is constructed and brought to bear. These insights are relevant for teachers’ professional practice. Children’s peer interactions are a resource that can be integrated in everyday didactics. Nevertheless, the role of the teacher in supervising and steering children’s peer practices appears crucial: an acritical view of children’s autonomous work, often implied in teaching methods such as peer tutoring, needs to be problematized.


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Ant colonies are known for their complex and efficient social organization that com-pletely lacks hierarchical structure. However, due to methodological difficulties in follow¬ing all ants of a colony, it was until now impossible to investigate the social and temporal organization of colonies. We developed a tracking system that allows tracking the posi¬tions and orientations of several hundred individually labeled ants continuously, providing for the first time quantitative long term data on all individuals of a colony. These data permit reconstructing trajectories, activity patterns and social networks of all ants in a colony and enable us to investigate ant behavior quantitatively in previously unpreceded ways. By analyzing the spatial positions and social interactions of all ants in six colonies for 41 days we show that ant colonies are organized in groups of nurses, nest patrollers and foragers. Workers of each group were highly interconnected and occupied similar spa¬tial locations in the nest. Groups strongly segregated spatially, and were characterized by unique behavioral signatures. Nurses spent most of their time on the brood. Nest patrollers frequently visited the rubbish pile, and foragers frequently visited the forag¬ing arena. In addition nurses were on average younger than nest patrollers who were, in turn, younger than foragers. We further show that workers had a preferred behav¬ioral trajectory and moved from nursing to nest patrolling, and from nest patrolling to foraging. By analyzing the activity patterns of all ants we show that only a third of all workers in a colony exhibit circadian rhythms and that these rhythms shortened by on av¬erage 42 minutes in constant darkness, thereby demonstrating the presence of a functional endogenous clock. Most rhythmic workers were foragers suggesting that rhythmicity is tightly associated with task. Nurses and nest patrollers were arrhythmic which most likely reflects plasticity of the circadian clock, as isolated workers in many species exhibit circadian rhythmicity. Altogether our results emphasize that ant colonies, despite their chaotic appearance, repose on a strong underlying social and temporal organization. - Les colonies de fourmis sont connues pour leur organisation sociale complexe et effi-cace, charactérisée par un manque absolu de structure hiérarchique. Cependant, puisqu'il est techniquement très difficile de suivre toutes les fourmis d'une colonie, il a été jusqu'à maintenant impossible d'étudier l'organisation sociale et temporelle des colonies de four-mis. Nous avons développé un système qui permet d'extraire en temps réel à partir d'images vidéo les positions et orientations de plusieurs centaines de fourmis marquées individuellement. Nous avons pu ainsi générer pour la première fois des données quanti-tatives et longitudinales relatives à des fourmis appartenant à une colonie. Ces données nous ont permis de reconstruire la trajectoire et l'activité de chaque fourmi ainsi que ses réseaux sociaux. Ceci nous a permis d'étudier de manière exhaustive et objective le com-portement de tous les individus d'une colonie. En analysant les données spatiales et les interactions sociales de toutes les fourmis de six colonies qui ont été filmées pendant 41 jours, nous montrons que les fourmis d'une même colonie se répartissent en trois groupes: nourrices, patrouilleuses et approvisionneuses. Les fourmis d'un même groupe interagis-sent fréquemment et occupent le même espace à l'intérieur du nid. L'espace propre à un groupe se recoupe très peu avec celui des autres. Chaque groupe est caractérisé par un comportement typique. Les nourrices s'affairent surtout autour du couvain. Les pa-trouilleuses font de fréquents déplacements vers le tas d'ordures, et les approvisionneuses sortent souvent du nid. Les nourrices sont en moyenne plus jeunes que les patrouilleuses qui, à leur tour, sont plus jeunes que les approvisionneuses. De plus, nous montrons que les ouvrières changent de tâche au cours de leur vie, passant de nourrice à patrouilleuse puis à approvisionneuse. En analysant l'activité de chaque fourmi, nous montrons que seulement un tiers des ouvrières d'une colonie présente des rythmes circadiens et que ces rythmes diminuent en moyenne de 42 minutes lorsqu'il y a obscurité constante, ce qui démontre ainsi la présence d'une horloge endogène. De plus, la plupart des approvi¬sionneuses ont une activité rythmique alors que les nourrices et patrouilleuses présentent une activité arythmique, ce qui suggère que la rythmicité est étroitement associée à la tâche. L'arythmie des nourrices et patrouilleuses repose probablement sur une plasticité de l'horloge endogène car des ouvrières de nombreuses espèces font preuve d'une ryth¬micité circadienne lorsqu'elles sont isolées de la colonie. Dans l'ensemble nos résultats révèlent qu'une colonie de fourmis se fonde sur une solide organisation sociale et tem¬porelle malgré son apparence chaotique.


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Intraspecific variability in social organization is common, yet the underlying causes are rarely known. In the fire ant Solenopsis invicta, the existence of two divergent forms of social organization is under the control of a single Mendelian genomic element marked by two variants of an odorant-binding protein gene. Here we characterize the genomic region responsible for this important social polymorphism, and show that it is part of a pair of heteromorphic chromosomes that have many of the key properties of sex chromosomes. The two variants, hereafter referred to as the social B and social b (SB and Sb) chromosomes, are characterized by a large region of approximately 13 megabases (55% of the chromosome) in which recombination is completely suppressed between SB and Sb. Recombination seems to occur normally between the SB chromosomes but not between Sb chromosomes because Sb/Sb individuals are non-viable. Genomic comparisons revealed limited differentiation between SB and Sb, and the vast majority of the 616 genes identified in the non-recombining region are present in the two variants. The lack of recombination over more than half of the two heteromorphic social chromosomes can be explained by at least one large inversion of around 9 megabases, and this absence of recombination has led to the accumulation of deleterious mutations, including repetitive elements in the non-recombining region of Sb compared with the homologous region of SB. Importantly, most of the genes with demonstrated expression differences between individuals of the two social forms reside in the non-recombining region. These findings highlight how genomic rearrangements can maintain divergent adaptive social phenotypes involving many genes acting together by locally limiting recombination.


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Although largely solitary, humpback whales exhibit a number of behaviours where individuals co-operate with one another, for example during bubble net feeding. Such cases could be due to reciprocal altruism brought on by exceptional circumstances, for example the presence of abundant shoaling fish. An alternative explanation is that these behaviours have evolved through kin selection. With little restriction to either communication or movement, diffuse groups of relatives could maintain some form of social organization without the need to travel in tight-nit units. To try to distinguish between these hypotheses, we took advantage of the fact that migrating humpback whales often swim together in small groups. If kin selection is important in humpback whale biology, these groups should be enriched for relatives. Consequently, we analysed biopsy samples from 57 groups of humpback whales migrating off Eastern Australia in 1992. A total of 142 whales were screened for eight microsatellite markers. Mitochondrial DNA sequences (371 bp) were also used to verify and assist kinship identification. Our data add support to the notion that mothers travel with their offspring for the first year of the calf's life. However, beyond the presence of mother-calf/yearling pairs, no obvious relatedness pattern was found among whales sampled either in the same pod or on the same day. Levels of relatedness did not vary between migratory phases (towards or away from the breeding ground), nor between the two sexes considered either overall or in the north or south migrations separately. These findings suggest that, if any social organization does exist, it is formed transiently when needed rather than being a constant feature of the population, and hence is more likely based on reciprocal altruism than kin selection.


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O propósito desta comunicação é compreender a relação entre a favorabilidade do contexto externo e o empreendedorismo social em Portugal. A investigação adota uma metodologia quantitativa. Os dados primários foram recolhidos através de um inquérito por questionário, on‐line, enviado aos responsáveis que estiveram na base da constituição das Organizações Não‐Governamentais de Cooperação para o Desenvolvimento existentes em Portugal, bem como aos responsáveis pelos projetos, que à data do inquérito, se encontravam cotados na Bolsa de Valores Sociais. No teste das hipóteses de investigação foram utilizadas técnicas de análise descritiva, técnicas de redução de dados (análise fatorial por componentes principais), e o teste t‐student. Os resultados revelaram que um contexto externo favorável tem uma importância baixa na decisão de formação de uma organização social. Os resultados obtidos encontram suporte para o facto de muitas iniciativas de empreendedorismo social tenderem a localizar as suas atividades em ambientes desfavoráveis, o que confirma o papel do empreendedorismo social na atenuação das assimetrias sociais e económicas entre as regiões do território nacional.


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AEIPS is a Portuguese social organization promoting the integration of people with mental health illnesses and/or substance abuse in the community through the intervention model Housing First. The philosophy of Housing First aims at lifting people out of their homelessness status by providing instant access to individualized and permanent housing as well as support services. Housing First projects from all over the world have proved very positive results in terms of residential stability and community integration of its participants. This feasibility study evaluates the suitability of using a Social Impact Bond to fund the Housing First intervention of AEIPS in Portugal.


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Intraspecific variation in social organization is common, yet the underlying causes are rarely known. An exception is the fire ant Solenopsis invicta in which the existence of two distinct forms of social colony organization is under the control of the two variants of a pair of social chromosomes, SB and Sb. Colonies containing exclusively SB/SB workers accept only one single queen and she must be SB/SB. By contrast, when colonies contain more than 10% of SB/Sb workers, they accept several queens but only SB/Sb queens. The variants of the social chromosome are associated with several additional important phenotypic differences, including the size, fecundity and dispersal strategies of queens, aggressiveness of workers, and sperm count in males. However, little is known about whether social chromosome variants affect fitness in other life stages. Here, we perform experiments to determine whether differential selection occurs during development and in adult workers. We find evidence that the Sb variant of the social chromosome increases the likelihood of female brood to develop into queens and that adult SB/Sb workers, the workers that cull SB/SB queens, are overrepresented in comparison to SB/SB workers. This demonstrates that supergenes such as the social chromosome can have complex effects on phenotypes at various stages of development.


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A remarkable social polymorphism is controlled by a single Mendelian factor in the fire ant Solenopsis invicta. A genomic element marked by the gene Gp-9 determines whether workers tolerate one or many fertile queens in their colony. Gp-9 was recently shown to be part of a supergene with two nonrecombining variants, SB and Sb. SB/SB and SB/Sb queens differ in how they initiate new colonies, and in many physiological traits, for example odour and maturation rate. To understand how a single genetic element can affect all these traits, we used a microarray to compare gene expression patterns between SB/SB and SB/Sb queens of three different age classes: 1-day-old unmated queens, 11-day-old unmated queens and mated, fully reproductive queens collected from mature field colonies. The number of genes that were differentially expressed between SB/SB and SB/Sb queens of the same age class was smallest in 1-day-old queens, maximal in 11-day-old queens and intermediate in reproductive queens. Gene ontology analysis showed that SB/SB queens upregulate reproductive genes faster than SB/Sb queens. For all age classes, genes inside the supergene were overrepresented among the differentially expressed genes. Consistent with the hypothesized greater number of transposons in the Sb supergene, 13 transposon genes were upregulated in SB/Sb queens. Viral genes were also upregulated in SB/Sb mature queens, consistent with the known greater parasite load in colonies headed by SB/Sb queens compared with colonies headed by SB/SB queens. Eighteen differentially expressed genes between reproductive queens were involved in chemical signalling. Our results suggest that many genes in the supergene are involved in regulating social organization and queen phenotypes in fire ants.


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The fire ant Solenopsis invicta and its close relatives display an important social polymorphism involving differences in colony queen number. Colonies are headed by either a single reproductive queen (monogyne form) or multiple queens (polygyne form). This variation in social organization is associated with variation at the gene Gp-9, with monogyne colonies harboring only B-like allelic variants and polygyne colonies always containing b-like variants as well. We describe naturally occurring variation at Gp-9 in fire ants based on 185 full-length sequences, 136 of which were obtained from S. invicta collected over much of its native range. While there is little overall differentiation between most of the numerous alleles observed, a surprising amount is found in the coding regions of the gene, with such substitutions usually causing amino acid replacements. This elevated coding-region variation may result from a lack of negative selection acting to constrain amino acid replacements over much of the protein, different mutation rates or biases in coding and non-coding sequences, negative selection acting with greater strength on non-coding than coding regions, and/or positive selection acting on the protein. Formal selection analyses provide evidence that the latter force played an important role in the basal b-like lineages coincident with the emergence of polygyny. While our data set reveals considerable paraphyly and polyphyly of S. invicta sequences with respect to those of other fire ant species, the b-like alleles of the socially polymorphic species are monophyletic. An expanded analysis of colonies containing alleles of this clade confirmed the invariant link between their presence and expression of polygyny. Finally, our discovery of several unique alleles bearing various combinations of b-like and B-like codons allows us to conclude that no single b-like residue is completely predictive of polygyne behavior and, thus, potentially causally involved in its expression. Rather, all three typical b-like residues appear to be necessary.


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The evolution of eusociality is one of the major evolutionary transitions of life on earth. For investigating the conditions and processes that are central to the origin of such integrated social organization, it is best to study organisms in which individuals have retained some flexibility in their reproductive strategies. Halictid bees are especially well suited as model organisms, because they show huge variation in social systems, both within and between species. In this thesis, I investigated female reproductive strategies in the primitively eusocial bee Halictus scabiosae, with a focus on the role of helpers, in order to get insight into the mechanisms governing the evolution and maintenance of eusociality. This species produces two broods per year. The females from the first brood can stay in the natal nest to help raise a second brood of males and gynes that become the next-generation foundresses in spring. We first compared the morphology of females from the two broods, as well as the nutrition they receive as larvae. Then we conducted a helper- removal experiment in the field to quantify the effects of the presence of helpers on colony survival and productivity. Finally, we reconstructed pedigree relationships of individuals using microsatellite markers in order to detect who reproduces in the nest and how much individuals drift between nests. We found that first brood females had a uniformly small size and low fat reserves, which may be caused by the restricted pollen and nectar provisions on which they develop. Colony survival and productivity was increased by the presence of a single helper, but the effect was small and mostly limited to small colonies. By inferring parentage within and across colonies, we could determine that females from the first brood rarely reproduce in their natal nests. However, foundresses are frequently replaced, and foundresses and females from the first brood occasionally move to and reproduce in foreign colonies. As a result, colonies often contain offspring from unrelated individuals, and the relatedness of females to the brood they rear is low. Overall, this thesis shows that the reproductive system of H. scabiosae is highly flexible. The production of helpers in the first brood is important for colony success and productivity, but there is a high colony failure rate and part of the first brood females drift and reproduce in foreign nests. Both foundresses and helpers appear to be constrained by harsh environmental conditions or social factors limiting reproduction and independent colony founding. - L'origine des insectes sociaux est un domaine fascinant pour la recherche. Pour comprendre les mécanismes et les conditions qui sont nécessaires pour l'évolution et le maintien de la vie en société, il est judicieux d'étudier des sociétés primitives d'insectes, où toutes les femelles ont conservé la capacité de se reproduire, même si leur rôle comportemental dans la colonie est d'aider sans se reproduire. Une des familles d'abeilles, les halictes, est idéale pour cette sorte de recherche, en raison de la grande variabilité dans leur comportement social. Dans cette thèse, j'ai étudié les stratégies reproductives des femelles de Halictus scabiosae pour mieux comprendre les mécanismes qui influencent l'évolution de la vie en société. Cette espèce produit deux cohortes de couvain par année. Les femelles du premier couvain restent souvent dans leur nid natal pour aider à élever le deuxième couvain, tandis que les femelles du deuxième couvain s'accouplent et hibernent pour devenir les nouvelles fondatrices au printemps suivant. Nous avons d'abord comparé la morphologie des femelles issues des deux couvains ainsi que leur nutrition au stade de larve. Puis, dans une expérience sur le terrain, nous avons quantifié l'apport d'une ouvrière pour la survie et la productivité de la colonie. Finalement, nous avons reconstruit des pedigrees en utilisant des marqueurs génétiques, pour savoir qui se reproduit dans la colonie et combien d'individus migrent entre colonies. Les résultats montrent que les femelles du premier couvain sont uniformément plus petites et plus maigres, ce qui indique que les fondatrices réduisent les provisions de nourriture pour leur premier couvain afin de les inciter à aider dans le nid au lieu de se reproduire indépendamment. Dans l'expérience sur le terrain, la survie et la productivité de la colonie augmentaient avec la présence d'une ouvrière additionnelle, mais l'effet était petit et limité aux petites colonies. Par la reconstruction de pedigrees, nous pouvions constater que les femelles du premier couvain pondent rarement dans leurs nids natals. Les fondatrices cependant sont souvent remplacées en cours de saison, et migrent fréquemment entre nids, tandis que les femelles du premier couvain pondent parfois des oeufs dans des nids étrangers. De ce fait, les colonies contiennent souvent des descendants d'individus étrangers, et la parenté génétique entre les femelles et le deuxième couvain est basse. Cette thèse démontre que le système reproductif de H. scabiosae est très flexible. La production d'ouvrières est importante pour la survie de la colonie et sa productivité, mais le taux d'échec est élevé et une partie des femelles du premier couvain migrent et pondent dans une colonie étrangère. Autant les fondatrices que les ouvrières semblent être contraintes par des conditions environnementales ou sociales qui limitent la reproduction et les nouvelles fondations de colonie. - Die Entstehung von sozialen Lebensformen ist eines der wichtigsten Entwicklungen in der Geschichte des Lebens. Um die Bedingungen oder Prozesse zu verstehen, welche bei der Entstehung und dem Erhalt von sozialen Merkmalen wichtig sind, sollte man Lebewesen untersuchen, welche je nach Umwelteinflüßen ihr soziales Verhalten flexibel ändern können. Furchenbienen (Halictidae) gehören dazu. Diese weisen nämlich ein breites Spektrum verschiedener sozialer Organisationsformen auf, oftmals sogar innerhalb der einzelnen Arten. In meiner Doktorarbeit befasste ich mich mit den Fortpflanzungsstrategien der Weibchen der Skabiosen-Furchenbiene Halictus scabiosae. Diese Art produziert zwei Brüten pro Jahr. Die Weibchen der ersten Brut bleiben dabei meist als Arbeiterinnen in ihrem Geburtsnest, wohingegen die Weibchen der zweiten Brut nach der Paarung überwintern, um im nächsten Frühling neue Kolonien zu gründen. In einem ersten Schritt verglichen wir die beiden Brüten bezüglich der Grösse und der Fettreserven der Weibchen sowie der Pollen-Nektar-Vorräte für die Larven. Dann bestimmten wir in einem Feldexperiment, wieviel eine zusätzliche Arbeiterin zum Überleben und zur Produktiviät der Kolonie beiträgt. Schliesslich ermittelten wir durch genetische Tests die Verwandtschaftsbeziehungen zwischen den Bienen, um herauszufinden, wer in den Kolonien tatsächlich die Eier legt und ob und wieviel die Bienen zwischen verschiedenen Nestern wandern. Wir stellten fest, dass die Weibchen von der ersten Brut einheitlich kleiner sind und weniger Fettreserven besitzen. Das weist daraufhin, dass die Nestgründerin die erste Brut unterernährt, um die Wahrscheinlichkeit zu erhöhen, dass diese Weibchen als Arbeiterinnen im Nest bleiben anstatt sich unabhängig fortzupflanzen. Schon eine einzelne zusätzliche Arbeiterin verbesserte die Überlebenschancen und Produktivität der Kolonie, der Effekt war allerdings klein und auf kleine Kolonien beschränkt. Die Verwandtschaftsanalysen zeigten, dass die Arbeiterinnen nur sehr selten ein Ei in ihr Geburtsnest legen. Erstaunlicherweise wanderten die Nestgründerinnen oft zwischen verschiedenen Nestern. Einige Weibchen der ersten Brut wanderten auch in ein fremdes Nest und produzierten dort Nachkommen. Diese Doktorarbeit zeigt, dass die Fortpflanzungsstrategien der Skabiosen-Furchenbiene tatsächlich sehr flexibel sind. Die Anwesenheit von Arbeiterinnen ist wichtig für das Überleben und die Produktivität der Kolonie. Die Misserfolgsraten bleiben jedoch hoch, und ein Teil der Weibchen der ersten Brut pflanzt sich in fremden Nestern fort. Sowohl die Nestgründerinnen als auch die Weibchen der ersten Brut scheinen durch Umweltsbedingungen oder durch soziale Faktoren in der Wahl ihrer Fortpflanzungs¬strategie eingeschränkt zu sein.