993 resultados para smart home


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The ability to learn and recognize human activities of daily living (ADLs) is important in building pervasive and smart environments. In this paper, we tackle this problem using the hidden semi-Markov model. We discuss the state-of-the-art duration modeling choices and then address a large class of exponential family distributions to model state durations. Inference and learning are efficiently addressed by providing a graphical representation for the model in terms of a dynamic Bayesian network (DBN). We investigate both discrete and continuous distributions from the exponential family (Poisson and Inverse Gaussian respectively) for the problem of learning and recognizing ADLs. A full comparison between the exponential family duration models and other existing models including the traditional multinomial and the new Coxian are also presented. Our work thus completes a thorough investigation into the aspect of duration modeling and its application to human activities recognition in a real-world smart home surveillance scenario.


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This paper is concerned with modelling background audio online to detect foreground sounds in complex audio environments for surveillance and smart home applications. We examine and expand upon previous work in the audio and video domains, and propose a new implementation of an audio background modelling algorithm, addressing the complexities of audio data. A number of audio features characterising different aspects of the audio content were analysed to determine the factors relevant to the determination of the background audio. We test the algorithms on three audio data sets of varying complexity. The new approach was successful in modelling the background audio for the test data.


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Obiettivo di questo lavoro di tesi è il perfezionamento di un sistema di Health Smart Home, ovvero un ambiente fisico (ad esempio un'abitazione) che incorpora una rete di comunicazione in grado di connettere apparecchi elettronici e servizi controllabili da remoto, con l'obiettivo di facilitare la vita ad anziani, malati o disabili nelle loro case. Questo lavoro di tesi mostrerà come è stato possibile realizzare tale sistema partendo dalle teorie e dalle tecnologie sviluppate per il Web Semantico, al fine di trasformare l'ambiente fisico in un Cyber Physical (Eco)System perfettamente funzionante.


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Questa tesi tratta dello sviluppo di un progetto chiamato Faxa e di una sua concreta applicazione nell’ambito della domotica (CasaDomotica). Faxa è un framework per la comunicazione via wireless tra dispositivi che supportano il sistema operativo Android e dispositivi Arduino Ethernet, comunicazione che avviene localmente attraverso il wi-fi. Il progetto si inserisce nel panorama più ampio chiamato “Internet of Things”, ovvero internet delle cose, dove ogni oggetto di uso domestico è collegato ad Internet e può essere quindi manipolato attraverso la rete in modo da realizzare una vera e propria “smart house”; perchè ciò si attui occorre sviluppare applicazioni semplici e alla portata di tutti. Il mio contributo comincia con la realizzazione del framework Faxa, così da fornire un supporto semplice e veloce per comporre programmi per Arduino e Android, sfruttando metodi ad alto livello. Il framework è sviluppato su due fronti: sul lato Android è composto sia da funzioni di alto livello, necessarie ad inviare ordini e messaggi all'Arduino, sia da un demone per Android; sul lato Arduino è composto dalla libreria, per inviare e ricevere messaggi. Per Arduino: sfruttando le librerie Faxa ho redatto un programma chiamato “BroadcastPin”. Questo programma invia costantemente sulla rete i dati dei sensori e controlla se ci sono ordini in ricezione. Il demone chiamato “GetItNow” è una applicazione che lavora costantemente in background. Il suo compito è memorizzare tutti i dati contenuti nei file xml inviati da Arduino. Tali dati corrispondono ai valori dei sensori connessi al dispositivo. I dati sono salvati in un database pubblico, potenzialmente accessibili a tutte le applicazioni presenti sul dispositivo mobile. Sul framework Faxa e grazie al demone “GetItNow” ho implementato “CasaDomotica”, un programma dimostrativo pensato per Android in grado di interoperare con apparecchi elettrici collegati ad un Arduino Ethernet, impiegando un’interfaccia video semplice e veloce. L’utente gestisce l’interfaccia per mezzo di parole chiave, a scelta comandi vocali o digitali, e con essa può accendere e spegnere luci, regolare ventilatori, attuare la rilevazione di temperatura e luminosità degli ambienti o quanto altro sia necessario. Il tutto semplicemente connettendo gli apparecchi all’Arduino e adattando il dispositivo mobile con pochi passi a comunicare con gli elettrodomestici.


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Sviluppo e analisi di un dataset campione, composto da circa 3 mln di entry ed estratto da un data warehouse di informazioni riguardanti il consumo energetico di diverse smart home.


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Oggigiorno milioni di persone fanno uso di Internet per gli utilizzi più disparati: dalla ricerca di informazioni sul Web al gioco online; dall'invio e ricezione di email all'uso di applicazioni social e tante altre attività. Mentre milioni di dispositivi ci offrono queste possibilità, un grande passo in avanti sta avvenendo in relazione all'uso di Internet come una piattaforma globale che permetta a oggetti di tutti i giorni di coordinarsi e comunicare tra di loro. È in quest'ottica che nasce Internet of Things, l'Internet delle cose, dove un piccolo oggetto come un braccialetto può avere un grande impatto nel campo medico per il monitoraggio da remoto di parametri vitali o per la localizzazione di pazienti e personale e l'effettuazione di diagnosi da remoto; dove un semplice sensore ad infrarosso può allertarci a distanza di una presenza non autorizzata all'interno della nostra abitazione; dove un'autovettura è in grado di leggere i dati dai sensori distribuiti sulla strada. Questa tesi vuole ripercorrere gli aspetti fondamentali di Internet of Things, dai sistemi embedded fino alla loro applicazione nella vita odierna, illustrando infine un progetto che mostra come alcune tecnologie IoT e wearable possano integrarsi nella domotica, come per esempio l'utilizzo di uno smartwatch, come Apple Watch, per il controllo dell'abitazione.


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Ambient Intelligence could support innovative application domains like motor impairments' detection at the home environment. This research aims to prevent neurodevelopmental disorders through the natural interaction of the children with embedded intelligence daily life objects, like home furniture and toys. Designed system uses an interoperable platform to provide two intelligent interrelated home healthcare services: monitoring of children¿s abilities and completion of early stimulation activities. A set of sensors, which are embedded within the rooms, toys and furniture, allows private data gathering about the child's interaction with the environment. This information feeds a reasoning subsystem, which encloses an ontology of neurodevelopment items, and adapts the service to the age and acquisition of expected abilities. Next, the platform proposes customized stimulation services by taking advantage of the existing facilities at the child's environment. The result integrates Embedded Sensor Systems for Health at Mälardalen University with UPM Smart Home, for adapted services delivery.


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Uno de los mayores retos para la comunidad científica es conseguir que las máquinas posean en un futuro la capacidad del sistema visual y cognitivo humanos, de forma que, por ejemplo, en entornos de video vigilancia, puedan llegar a proporcionar de manera automática una descripción fiable de lo que está ocurriendo en la escena. En la presente tesis, mediante la propuesta de un marco de trabajo de referencia, se discuten y plantean los pasos necesarios para el desarrollo de sistemas más inteligentes capaces de extraer y analizar, a diferentes niveles de abstracción y mediante distintos módulos de procesamiento independientes, la información necesaria para comprender qué está sucediendo en un conjunto amplio de escenarios de distinta naturaleza. Se parte de un análisis de requisitos y se identifican los retos para este tipo de sistemas en la actualidad, lo que constituye en sí mismo los objetivos de esta tesis, contribuyendo así a un modelo de datos basado en el conocimiento que permitirá analizar distintas situaciones en las que personas y vehículos son los actores principales, dejando no obstante la puerta abierta a la adaptación a otros dominios. Así mismo, se estudian los distintos procesos que se pueden lanzar a nivel interno así como la necesidad de integrar mecanismos de realimentación a distintos niveles que permitan al sistema adaptarse mejor a cambios en el entorno. Como resultado, se propone un marco de referencia jerárquico que integra las capacidades de percepción, interpretación y aprendizaje para superar los retos identificados en este ámbito; y así poder desarrollar sistemas de vigilancia más robustos, flexibles e inteligentes, capaces de operar en una variedad de entornos. Resultados experimentales ejecutados sobre distintas muestras de datos (secuencias de vídeo principalmente) demuestran la efectividad del marco de trabajo propuesto respecto a otros propuestos en el pasado. Un primer caso de estudio, permite demostrar la creación de un sistema de monitorización de entornos de parking en exteriores para la detección de vehículos y el análisis de plazas libres de aparcamiento. Un segundo caso de estudio, permite demostrar la flexibilidad del marco de referencia propuesto para adaptarse a los requisitos de un entorno de vigilancia completamente distinto, como es un hogar inteligente donde el análisis automático de actividades de la vida cotidiana centra la atención del estudio. ABSTRACT One of the most ambitious objectives for the Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition research community is that machines can achieve similar capacities to the human's visual and cognitive system, and thus provide a trustworthy description of what is happening in the scene under surveillance. Thus, a number of well-established scenario understanding architectural frameworks to develop applications working on a variety of environments can be found in the literature. In this Thesis, a highly descriptive methodology for the development of scene understanding applications is presented. It consists of a set of formal guidelines to let machines extract and analyse, at different levels of abstraction and by means of independent processing modules that interact with each other, the necessary information to understand a broad set of different real World surveillance scenarios. Taking into account the challenges that working at both low and high levels offer, we contribute with a highly descriptive knowledge-based data model for the analysis of different situations in which people and vehicles are the main actors, leaving the door open for the development of interesting applications in diverse smart domains. Recommendations to let systems achieve high-level behaviour understanding will be also provided. Furthermore, feedback mechanisms are proposed to be integrated in order to let any system to understand better the environment and the logical context around, reducing thus the uncertainty and noise, and increasing its robustness and precision in front of low-level or high-level errors. As a result, a hierarchical cognitive architecture of reference which integrates the necessary perception, interpretation, attention and learning capabilities to overcome main challenges identified in this area of research is proposed; thus allowing to develop more robust, flexible and smart surveillance systems to cope with the different requirements of a variety of environments. Once crucial issues that should be treated explicitly in the design of this kind of systems have been formulated and discussed, experimental results shows the effectiveness of the proposed framework compared with other proposed in the past. Two case studies were implemented to test the capabilities of the framework. The first case study presents how the proposed framework can be used to create intelligent parking monitoring systems. The second case study demonstrates the flexibility of the system to cope with the requirements of a completely different environment, a smart home where activities of daily living are performed. Finally, general conclusions and future work lines to further enhancing the capabilities of the proposed framework are presented.


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Internet está evolucionando hacia la conocida como Live Web. En esta nueva etapa en la evolución de Internet, se pone al servicio de los usuarios multitud de streams de datos sociales. Gracias a estas fuentes de datos, los usuarios han pasado de navegar por páginas web estáticas a interacturar con aplicaciones que ofrecen contenido personalizado, basada en sus preferencias. Cada usuario interactúa a diario con multiples aplicaciones que ofrecen notificaciones y alertas, en este sentido cada usuario es una fuente de eventos, y a menudo los usuarios se sienten desbordados y no son capaces de procesar toda esa información a la carta. Para lidiar con esta sobresaturación, han aparecido múltiples herramientas que automatizan las tareas más habituales, desde gestores de bandeja de entrada, gestores de alertas en redes sociales, a complejos CRMs o smart-home hubs. La contrapartida es que aunque ofrecen una solución a problemas comunes, no pueden adaptarse a las necesidades de cada usuario ofreciendo una solucion personalizada. Los Servicios de Automatización de Tareas (TAS de sus siglas en inglés) entraron en escena a partir de 2012 para dar solución a esta liminación. Dada su semejanza, estos servicios también son considerados como un nuevo enfoque en la tecnología de mash-ups pero centra en el usuarios. Los usuarios de estas plataformas tienen la capacidad de interconectar servicios, sensores y otros aparatos con connexión a internet diseñando las automatizaciones que se ajustan a sus necesidades. La propuesta ha sido ámpliamante aceptada por los usuarios. Este hecho ha propiciado multitud de plataformas que ofrecen servicios TAS entren en escena. Al ser un nuevo campo de investigación, esta tesis presenta las principales características de los TAS, describe sus componentes, e identifica las dimensiones fundamentales que los defines y permiten su clasificación. En este trabajo se acuña el termino Servicio de Automatización de Tareas (TAS) dando una descripción formal para estos servicios y sus componentes (llamados canales), y proporciona una arquitectura de referencia. De igual forma, existe una falta de herramientas para describir servicios de automatización, y las reglas de automatización. A este respecto, esta tesis propone un modelo común que se concreta en la ontología EWE (Evented WEb Ontology). Este modelo permite com parar y equiparar canales y automatizaciones de distintos TASs, constituyendo un aporte considerable paraa la portabilidad de automatizaciones de usuarios entre plataformas. De igual manera, dado el carácter semántico del modelo, permite incluir en las automatizaciones elementos de fuentes externas sobre los que razonar, como es el caso de Linked Open Data. Utilizando este modelo, se ha generado un dataset de canales y automatizaciones, con los datos obtenidos de algunos de los TAS existentes en el mercado. Como último paso hacia el lograr un modelo común para describir TAS, se ha desarrollado un algoritmo para aprender ontologías de forma automática a partir de los datos del dataset. De esta forma, se favorece el descubrimiento de nuevos canales, y se reduce el coste de mantenimiento del modelo, el cual se actualiza de forma semi-automática. En conclusión, las principales contribuciones de esta tesis son: i) describir el estado del arte en automatización de tareas y acuñar el término Servicio de Automatización de Tareas, ii) desarrollar una ontología para el modelado de los componentes de TASs y automatizaciones, iii) poblar un dataset de datos de canales y automatizaciones, usado para desarrollar un algoritmo de aprendizaje automatico de ontologías, y iv) diseñar una arquitectura de agentes para la asistencia a usuarios en la creación de automatizaciones. ABSTRACT The new stage in the evolution of the Web (the Live Web or Evented Web) puts lots of social data-streams at the service of users, who no longer browse static web pages but interact with applications that present them contextual and relevant experiences. Given that each user is a potential source of events, a typical user often gets overwhelmed. To deal with that huge amount of data, multiple automation tools have emerged, covering from simple social media managers or notification aggregators to complex CRMs or smart-home Hub/Apps. As a downside, they cannot tailor to the needs of every single user. As a natural response to this downside, Task Automation Services broke in the Internet. They may be seen as a new model of mash-up technology for combining social streams, services and connected devices from an end-user perspective: end-users are empowered to connect those stream however they want, designing the automations they need. The numbers of those platforms that appeared early on shot up, and as a consequence the amount of platforms following this approach is growing fast. Being a novel field, this thesis aims to shed light on it, presenting and exemplifying the main characteristics of Task Automation Services, describing their components, and identifying several dimensions to classify them. This thesis coins the term Task Automation Services (TAS) by providing a formal definition of them, their components (called channels), as well a TAS reference architecture. There is also a lack of tools for describing automation services and automations rules. In this regard, this thesis proposes a theoretical common model of TAS and formalizes it as the EWE ontology This model enables to compare channels and automations from different TASs, which has a high impact in interoperability; and enhances automations providing a mechanism to reason over external sources such as Linked Open Data. Based on this model, a dataset of components of TAS was built, harvesting data from the web sites of actual TASs. Going a step further towards this common model, an algorithm for categorizing them was designed, enabling their discovery across different TAS. Thus, the main contributions of the thesis are: i) surveying the state of the art on task automation and coining the term Task Automation Service; ii) providing a semantic common model for describing TAS components and automations; iii) populating a categorized dataset of TAS components, used to learn ontologies of particular domains from the TAS perspective; and iv) designing an agent architecture for assisting users in setting up automations, that is aware of their context and acts in consequence.


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O presente trabalho discute a compatibilidade e integração entre sistemas e dispositivos de automação residencial, propondo formas de melhorá-la. Essa integração tende a se tornar uma tarefa complexa devido à grande variedade de padrões e tecnologias de integração adotados na automação residencial. O presente trabalho propõe uma extensão do padrão Universal Plug and Play (UPnP) e a utilização de uma arquitetura modular com duas camadas, afim de adaptá-lo à integração dos subsistemas de automação residencial. Esse padrão estendido é, então, utilizado na camada superior, para o controle e integração entre os subsistemas. Já na camada inferior, cada subsistema utiliza a tecnologia de comunicação mais adequada para controlar seus dispositivos, e possui uma interface UPnP para se comunicar com outros subsistemas e permitir seu controle pelo usuário. Dessa forma os subsistemas tornam-se módulos do sistema de automação da residência. Essa proposta permite que o usuário compre e substitua facilmente subsistemas de fabricantes distintos, de forma a integrá-los, resultando em um sistema de automação residencial flexível e independente de fabricante. Para testar a extensão proposta, um caso de uso de um subsistema de iluminação foi criado. A partir deste, foram realizadas simulações computacionais. Os resultados destas foram apresentados e analisados, verificando-se o atendimento aos requisitos do sistema e se as características desejadas foram alcançadas, tais como, a característica plug and play de subsistemas, o aumento da flexibilidade e a modularização do sistema, para facilitar a compra e manutenção de sistemas de automação residencial, gerando o potencial para fomentar a maior adoção de sistemas de automação residencial. No entanto, a extensão proposta também resulta no aumento da complexidade do cliente UPnP que a utiliza para interagir com o sistema, o que pode dificultar a adoção de sistemas de automação residencial no futuro. Por fim, sugestões de continuidade e perspectivas futuras foram apresentadas.


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Self-adaptive systems have the capability to autonomously modify their behavior at run-time in response to changes in their environment. Self-adaptation is particularly necessary for applications that must run continuously, even under adverse conditions and changing requirements; sample domains include automotive systems, telecommunications, and environmental monitoring systems. While a few techniques have been developed to support the monitoring and analysis of requirements for adaptive systems, limited attention has been paid to the actual creation and specification of requirements of self-adaptive systems. As a result, self-adaptivity is often constructed in an ad-hoc manner. In order to support the rigorous specification of adaptive systems requirements, this paper introduces RELAX, a new requirements language for self-adaptive systems that explicitly addresses uncertainty inherent in adaptive systems. We present the formal semantics for RELAX in terms of fuzzy logic, thus enabling a rigorous treatment of requirements that include uncertainty. RELAX enables developers to identify uncertainty in the requirements, thereby facilitating the design of systems that are, by definition, more flexible and amenable to adaptation in a systematic fashion. We illustrate the use of RELAX on smart home applications, including an adaptive assisted living system.


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Self-adaptive systems have the capability to autonomously modify their behaviour at run-time in response to changes in their environment. Self-adaptation is particularly necessary for applications that must run continuously, even under adverse conditions and changing requirements; sample domains include automotive systems, telecommunications, and environmental monitoring systems. While a few techniques have been developed to support the monitoring and analysis of requirements for adaptive systems, limited attention has been paid to the actual creation and specification of requirements of self-adaptive systems. As a result, self-adaptivity is often constructed in an ad-hoc manner. In this paper, we argue that a more rigorous treatment of requirements explicitly relating to self-adaptivity is needed and that, in particular, requirements languages for self-adaptive systems should include explicit constructs for specifying and dealing with the uncertainty inherent in self-adaptive systems. We present RELAX, a new requirements language for selfadaptive systems and illustrate it using examples from the smart home domain. © 2009 IEEE.


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Only recently, during the past five years, consumer electronics has been evolving rapidly. Many products have started to include “smart home” capabilities, enabling communication and interoperability of various smart devices. Even more devices and sensors can be remote controlled and monitored through cloud services. While the smart home systems have become very affordable to average consumer compared to the early solutions decades ago, there are still many issues and things that need to be fixed or improved upon: energy efficiency, connectivity with other devices and applications, security and privacy concerns, reliability, and response time. This paper focuses on designing Internet of Things (IoT) node and platform architectures that take these issues into account, notes other currently used solutions, and selects technologies in order to provide better solution. The node architecture aims for energy efficiency and modularity, while the platform architecture goals are in scalability, portability, maintainability, performance, and modularity. Moreover, the platform architecture attempts to improve user experience by providing higher reliability and lower response time compared to the alternative platforms. The architectures were developed iteratively using a development process involving research, planning, design, implementation, testing, and analysis. Additionally, they were documented using Kruchten’s 4+1 view model, which is used to describe the use cases and different views of the architectures. The node architecture consisted of energy efficient hardware, FC3180 microprocessor and CC2520 RF transceiver, modular operating system, Contiki, and a communication protocol, AllJoyn, used for providing better interoperability with other IoT devices and applications. The platform architecture provided reliable low response time control, monitoring, and initial setup capabilities by utilizing web technologies on various devices such as smart phones, tablets, and computers. Furthermore, an optional cloud service was provided in order to control devices and monitor sensors remotely by utilizing scalable high performance technologies in the backend enabling low response time and high reliability.