998 resultados para skin secretion


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Protease inhibitors are found in many venoms and evidence suggests that they occur widely in amphibian skin secretions. Kunitz inhibitors have been found in the skin secretions of bombinid toads and ranid frogs, Kazal inhibitors in phyllomedusine frogs and Bowman–Birk inhibitors in ranid frogs. Selective protease inhibitors could have important applications as therapeutics in the treatment of diseases in which discrete proteases play an aetiologcal role. Here we have examined the skin secretion of the edible frog, Rana esculenta, for protease inhibitors using trypsin as a model. HPLC fractions of secretions were screened for inhibitory activity using a chromogenic substrate as reporter. Three major peptides were resolved with trypsin inhibitory activity in HPLC fractions — one was a Kunitz-type inhibitor, a second was a Bowman–Birk inhibitor but the third represented a novel class of trypsin inhibitor in European frog skin. Analysis of the peptide established the structure of a 17-mer with an N-terminal Ala (A) residue and a C-terminal Cys (C) residue with a single disulphide bridge between Cys 12 and 17. Peptide AC-17 resembled a typical “Rana box” antimicrobial peptide but while it was active against Escherichia coli (MIC 30 µM) it was devoid of activity against Staphylococcus aureus and of haemolytic activity. In contrast, the peptide was a potent inhibitor of trypsin with a Ki of 5.56 µM. AC-17 represents the prototype of a novel trypsin inhibitor from the skin secretion of a European ranid frog that may target a trypsin-like protease present on the surface of Gram-negative bacteria.


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The antimicrobial peptides of amphibian skin secretions are proposed to aid survival in microbe-rich environments. While many amphibians inhabit such environments, other such as the Wuyi Mountain torrent frog, Amolops wuyiensis, live in pristine waters flowing from underground mountain springs. This species thus represents an interesting model in which to study antimicrobial peptides. “Shotgun” cloning of a skin-derived cDNA library from this species identified transcripts encoding a brevinin-1 and a ranatuerin-2. Peptides with coincident molecular masses to both predicted mature peptides were identified in HPLC fractions of skin secretion. Synthetic replicates of both peptides were generated by solid-phase peptide synthesis and tested for activity using Staphylococcus aureus, Escherichia coli and Candida albicans. The brevinin was found to be broad-spectrum and potent with minimum inhibitory concentrations (MICs) of 24 µM (Sa), 5 µM (Ec) and 20 µM (Ca). In contrast, the ranatuerin was less effective and of narrower spectrum with an MIC > 200 µM for Sa, 40 µM (Ec) and 120 µM (Ca). Thus this species of amphibian that lives in a pristine environment does indeed possess at least one potent and broad-spectrum antimicrobial peptide in its skin secretion arsenal. This phenomenon could be explained in several ways. Firstly, it may represent an ancestral peptide required when the stem species inhabited microbe-rich environments. However, there is mounting evidence for the second reason, that suggests the function of such peptides is not primarily in antimicrobial defence.


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Extensive studies on bradykinin-related peptides (BRPs) generated from plasma kininogens in representative species of various vertebrate taxa, have confirmed that many amphibian skin BRPs reflect those present in putative vertebrate predators. For example, the (Val1, Thr6)-bradykinin, present in the defensive skin secretions of many ranids and phyllomedusines, can be generated from plasma kininogens in colubrid snakes - common predators of these frogs. Here, we report the presence of (Arg0, Trp5, Leu8)-bradykinin in the skin secretion of the European edible frog, Pelophylax kl. esculentus, and have found it to be encoded in single copy by a kininogen with an open-reading frame of 68 amino acid residues. This peptide is the archetypal bony fish bradykinin that has been generated from plasma kininogens of the bowfin (Amia calva), the long-nosed gar (Lepisosteus oseus) and the rainbow trout (Onchorhynchus mykiss). More recently, this peptide has been shown to be encoded within cloned kininogens of the Atlantic cod (Gadus morhua) spotted wolf-fish (Anarichas minor), zebrafish (Danio rerio), pufferfish (Tetraodon nigroviridis) and Northern pike (Esox lucius). The latter species is regarded as a major predator of P. kl. esculentus. Synthetic (Arg0, Trp5, Leu8)-bradykinin was previously reported as having multiphasic effects on arterial blood pressure in conscious trout and here we have demonstrated that it can antagonize the relaxation in rat arterial smooth muscle induced by canonical mammalian bradykinin. The discovery of (Arg0, Trp5, Leu8)-bradykinin in the defensive skin secretion of this amphibian completes the spectrum of vertebrate taxon-specific BRPs identified from this source.


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Amphibian skin secretions are rich sources of biologically-active peptides with antimicrobial peptides predominating in many species. Several studies involving molecular cloning of biosynthetic precursor-encoding cDNAs from skin or skin secretions have revealed that these exhibit highly-conserved domain architectures with an unusually high degree of conserved nucleotide and resultant amino acid sequences within the signal peptides. This high degree of nucleotide sequence conservation has permitted the design of primers complementary to such sites facilitating “shotgun” cloning of skin or skin secretion-derived cDNA libraries from hitherto unstudied species. Here we have used such an approach using a skin secretion-derived cDNA library from an unstudied species of Chinese frog – the Fujian large-headed frog, Limnonectes fujianensis – and have discovered two 16-mer peptides of novel primary structures, named limnonectin-1Fa (SFPFFPPGICKRLKRC) and limnonectin-1Fb (SFHVFPPWMCKSLKKC), that represent the prototypes of a new class of amphibian skin antimicrobial peptide. Unusually these limnonectins display activity only against a Gram-negative bacterium (MICs of 35 and 70 µM) and are devoid of haemolytic activity at concentrations up to 160 µM. Thus the “shotgun” cloning approach described can exploit the unusually high degree of nucleotide conservation in signal peptide-encoding domains of amphibian defensive skin secretion peptide precursor-encoding cDNAs to rapidly expedite the discovery of novel and functional defensive peptides in a manner that circumvents specimen sacrifice without compromising robustness of data


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Amphibian skin secretions are established sources of bioactive peptides. Here we describe the isolation, structural and pharmacological characterisation of a novel vasoconstrictor peptide from the skin secretion of the African hyperoliid frog, Kassina maculata, which exhibits no structural similarity to any known class of amphibian skin peptide. The peptide consists of 21 amino acid residues, FIKELLPHLSGIIDSVANAIK, and is C-terminally amidated. The provisional structure was obtained by MS/MS fragmentation using an Orbitrap mass spectrometer and L/I ambiguities were resolved following molecular cloning of biosynthetic precursor-encoding cDNA. A synthetic replicate of the peptide was found to possess weak antimicrobial and haemolytic activities but was exceptionally effective in constricting the smooth muscle of rat tail artery (EC50 of 25pM). In reflection of its exceptional potency in constricting rat arterial smooth muscle, the peptide was named kasstasin, a derivation of Kassina and “stasis” (stoppage of flow). These data illustrate the continuing potential of amphibian skin secretions to provide novel natural peptide templates for biological evaluation.


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Amphibian skin secretions are, for the most part, complex peptidomes. While many peptide components have been biologically- and structurally-characterised into discrete "families", some of which are analogues of endogenous vertebrate regulatory peptides, a substantial number are of unique structure and unknown function. Among the components of these secretory peptidomes is an array of protease inhibitors. Inhibitors of trypsin are of widespread occurrence in different taxa and are representative of many established structural classes, including Kunitz, Kazal and Bowman-Birk. However, few protease inhibitors with activity against other specific proteases have been described from this source. Here we report for the first time, the isolation and structural characterisation of an inhibitor of chymotrypsin of Kunitz-type from the skin secretion of the African hyperoliid frog, Kassina senegalensis. To this end, we employed a functional peptidomic approach. This scheme involves fractionation of the peptidome, functional end-point screening, structural characterisation of resultant actives followed by molecular cloning of biosynthetic precursor-encoding cDNA(s). The novel mature and active polypeptide identified consisted of 62 amino acid residues (average molecular mass 6776.24 Da), of which 6 were positionally-conserved cysteines. The P(1) position within the active site was occupied by a phenylalanyl residue. Bioinformatic analysis of the sequence using BLAST, revealed a structural similarity to Kunitz-type chymotrypsin inhibitors from other organisms, ranging from silkworms to snakes.


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The chemical complexity of the defensive skin secretion of the red-eyed leaf frog, (Agalychnis callidryas), has not been elucidated in detail. During a systematic study of the skin secretion peptidomes of phyllomedusine frogs, we discovered a novel Kazal-type protein with potent trypsin inhibitory activity (Ki = 1.9 nM) that displays the highest degree of structural similarity with Kazal proteins from bony fishes. The protein was located in reverse-phase HPLC fractions following a screen of such for trypsin inhibition and subsequent partial Edman degradation of the peak active fraction derived the sequence: ATKPR-QYIVL-PRILRPV-GT. The molecular mass of the major component in this fraction was established by MALDI-TOF MS as 5893.09 Da. This partial sequence (assuming blank cycles to be Cys residues) was used to design a degenerate primer pool that was employed successfully in RACE-PCR to clone homologous precursor-encoding cDNA that encoded a mature Kazal protein of 52 amino acid residues with a computed molecular mass of 5892.82 Da. The protein was named A. callidryas Kazal trypsin inhibitor (ACKTI). BLAST analysis revealed that ACKTI contained a canonical Kazal motif (C-x(7)-C-x(6)-Y-x(3)-C-x(2,3)-C). This novel amphibian skin Kazal trypsin inhibitor adds to the spectrum of trypsin inhibitors of Kunitz- and Bowman Birk-type reported from this amphibian source.


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Four different bombesins (bombesin, His(6)-bombesin, Phe(13)-bombesin and Asp(2)-, Phe(4)-SAP-bombesin) have been identified by a systematic sequencing study of peptides in reverse phase HPLC fractions of the skin secretion of the European yellow-bellied toad, Bombina variegata, that had been solvated in 0.1% (v/v) aqueous trifluoroacetic acid (TFA) and stored frozen at -20°C for 12 years. By using a 3'- and 5'-RACE PCR strategy, the corresponding biosynthetic precursor-encoding cDNAs of all four peptides were cloned from a cDNA library made from the same long-term frozen, acid-solvated skin secretion sample following thawing and lyophilization. Canonical bombesin and His(6)-bombesin are classical bombesin sub-family members, whereas Phe(13)-bombesin and Asp(2)-, Phe(4)-SAP-bombesin, belong to the litorin/ranatensin sub-family of bombesin-like peptides (BLPs). Assignment of these peptides to respective sub-families, was based upon both their primary structural similarities and their comparative pharmacological activities. An interesting observation in this study, was that the nucleotide sequences of the open-reading frames of cloned cDNAs encoding bombesin and its His(6)-substituted analog, were identical except for a single base that was responsible for the change observed at the position 6 residue in the mature peptide from Asn to His. In contrast, the precursor cDNA nucleotide sequences encoding the Phe(13)-bombesins, exhibited 53 base differences. The pharmacological activities of synthetic replicates of each bombesin were compared using two different mammalian smooth muscle preparations and all four peptides were found to be active. However, there were significant differences in their relative potencies.


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The defensive skin secretions of amphibians are a rich resource for the discovery of novel, bioactive peptides. Here we report the identification of a novel vascular smooth muscle-relaxing peptide, named vasorelaxin, from the skin secretion of the Chinese piebald odorous frog, Odorrana schmackeri. Vasorelaxin consists of 20 amino acid residues, SRVVKCSGFRPGSPDSREFC, with a disulfide-bridge between Cys-6 and Cys-20. The structure of its biosynthetic precursor was deduced from cloned skin cDNA and consists of 67 amino acid residues encoding a single copy of vasorelaxin (vasorelaxin, accession number: HE860494). Synthetic vasorelaxin caused a profound relaxation of rat arterial smooth muscle with an EC50 of 6.76 nM.


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In this study, we investigate the skin secretion of the Madagascan Tomato Frog, Dyscophus guineti, which is characterized by its peculiarly adhesive and viscous nature, with a view toward the function of the member of the Kunitz/bovine pancreatic trypsin inhibitor family (BPTI) it is known to contain. Using “shotgun” cloning of a skin secretion-derived cDNA library, we obtained the full-length sequence of the respective precursor that encodes this trypsin inhibitor. Furthermore, we demonstrated that this enzyme has inhibitory activity against trypsin, but not against thrombin, and also has no antimicrobial activity. Moreover, we confirm that it appears to be the only bioactive peptide in the skin secretion of this species. Using these observations, we attempt to posit a role for this inhibitor. In particular, we hypothesize that the trypsin inhibitor in D. guineti (and possibly other microhylid frogs) maintains the soluble state of the skin secretion during storage in the glands. Upon discharge of the secretion, the trypsin inhibitor, which occurs in low concentrations, can no longer prevent the polymerisation process of other yet unidentified skin proteins, thereby resulting in the conversion of the secretion to its final glue-like state. Thus, the major defensive value of the skin secretion appears to be mechanical, impeding ingestion through a combination of adhesion and the body inflation typical for some microhylid frogs rather than chemical through antimicrobial activity or toxicity.


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Amphibian skin is a rich and unique source of novel bioactive peptides most of which are endowed with either antimicrobial or pharmacological properties. Here we report the identification and structural characterization of a novel peptide, named senegalin, which possesses both activities. Senegalin is a hexadecapeptide amide (FLPFLIPALTSLISSL-NH2) of unique primary structure found in the skin secretion of the African running frog, Kassina senegalensis. The structure of the biosynthetic precursor of senegalin, deduced from cloned skin cDNA, consists of 76 amino acid residues and displays the typical domain organization of an amphibian skin peptide precursor. Both natural senegalin and its synthetic replicate
displayed antimicrobial and myotropic activities. Senegalin was active against Staphylococcus aureus (MIC 50µM) and Candida albicans (MIC 150µM) but was nonhaemolytic at concentrations up to and including 150µM. In contrast, senegalin induced a dose-dependent contraction of rat urinary bladder smooth muscle (EC50 2.9nM) and a dosedependent relaxation of rat tail artery smooth muscle (EC50 37.7nM). Senegalin thus represents a prototype biologically-active amphibian skin peptide and illustrates the fact thatamphibian skin secretion peptidomes continue to be unique sources of such molecules.


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The Waxy Monkey Leaf Frog, Phyllomedusa sauvagei, has been extensively-studied for many years, and a broad spectrum of bioactive peptides has been found in its skin secretions. Here we report the discovery of a novel tryptophyllin (TPH) peptide, named PsT-1, from this frog species. Skin secretions from specimens of P. sauvagei were collected by mild electrical stimulation. Peptides were identified and characterized by transcriptome cloning, and the structure was confirmed by MALDI-TOF mass spectrometry and automated Edman degradation. This novel peptide was encoded by a single precursor of 61 amino acid residues, whose primary structure was deduced from cloned skin cDNA. Analysis of different amphibian tryptophyllins revealed that PsT-1 exhibited a high degree of primary structural similarity to its homologues, PdT-1 and PdT-2, from the Mexican giant leaf frog, Pachymedusa dacnicolor. A synthetic replicate of PsT-1 was found to inhibit bradykinin-induced vasorelaxation of phenylephrine pre-constricted rat tail artery smooth muscle. It was also found that PsT-1 had an anti-proliferative effect on three different human prostate cancer cell lines (LNCaP/PC3/DU145), by use of an MTT assay coupled with direct cell counting as measures of cell growth. These data indicate that PsT-1 is a likely bradykinin receptor antagonist and its biological effects are probably mediated through bradykinin receptors. As a BK antagonist, PST-1, with antagonistic effects on BK in artery smooth muscle, inhibition of proliferation in prostate cancer cells and lack of undesirable side effects, may have potential in cardiovascular, inflammatory and anticancer therapy.


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Amphibian skin secretions contain a plethora of pharmacologically-active substances and represent established sources of bioactive peptides, including tachykinins. Tachykinins are one of the most widely-studied peptide families in animals and are found in neuroendocrine tissues from the lowest vertebrates to mammals. They are characterized by the presence of a highly-conserved C-terminal pentapeptide amide sequence motif (-FXGLM-amide) that also constitutes the bioactive core of the peptide. Amidation of the C-terminal methioninyl residue appears to be mandatory in the expression of biological activity. Here, we describe the isolation, characterization and molecular cloning of a novel tachykinin named ranachensinin, from the skin secretion of the Chinese brown frog, Rana chensinensis. This peptide, DDTSDRSN QFIGLM-amide, contains the classical C-terminal pentapeptide amide motif in its primary structure and an Ile (I) residue in the variable X position. A synthetic replicate of ranachensinin, synthesized by solid-phase Fmoc chemistry, was found to contract the smooth muscle of rat urinary bladder with an EC50 of 20.46 nM. However, in contrast, it was found to be of low potency in contraction of rat ileum smooth muscle with an EC50 of 2.98 µM. These data illustrate that amphibian skin secretions continue to provide novel bioactive peptides with selective effects on functional targets in mammalian tissues.


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Amphibian skin secretions contain a broad spectrum of biologically active compounds, particularly antimicrobial peptides, which are considered to constitute a first line of defence against bacterial infection. Here we describe the identification of two prototype peptides representing a novel structural class of antimicrobial peptide from the skin secretion of the oriental broad-folded frog, Hylarana latouchii. Named hylaranin-L1 (GVLSAFKNALPGIMKIIVamide) and hylaranin-L2 (GVLSVIKNALPGIMRFIAamide), both peptides consist of 18 amino acid residues, are C-terminally amidated and are of unique primary structures. Their primary structures were initially deduced by MS/MS fragmentation sequencing from reverse-phase HPLC fractions of skin secretion that demonstrated antimicrobial activity. Subsequently, their precursor-encoding cDNAs were cloned from a skin secretion-derived cDNA library and their primary structures were confirmed unequivocally. Synthetic replicates of both peptides exhibited broad-spectrum antimicrobial activity with mean inhibitory concentrations (MICs) of 34 µM against Gram-negative Escherichia coli, 4.3 µM against Gram-positive Staphylococcus aureus and 4–9 µM against the yeast, Candida albicans. Both peptides exhibited little haemolytic activity (<6 %) at the MICs for S. aureus and C. albicans. Amphibian skin secretions thus continue to provide novel antimicrobial peptide structures that may prove to be lead compounds in the design of new classes of anti-infection therapeutics.


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Tryptophyllins are a diverse family of amphibian peptides originally found in extracts of phyllomedusine frog skin by chemical means. Their biological activities remain obscure. Here we describe the isolation and preliminary pharmacological characterization of a novel type 2 tryptophyllin, named AcT-2, from the skin secretion of the red-eyed leaf frog, Agalychnis callidryas. The peptide was initially identified during smooth muscle pharmacological screening of skin secretion HPLC fractions and the unique primary structure—GMRPPWF-NH2—was established by both Edman degradation and electrospray MS/MS fragmentation sequencing. A. cDNA encoding the biosynthetic precursor of AcT-2 was successfully cloned from a skin secretion-derived cDNA library by means of RACE PCR and this contained an open-reading frame consisting of 62 amino acid residues with a single AcT-2 encoding sequence located towards the C-terminus. A synthetic replicate of AcT-2 was found to relax arterial smooth muscle (EC50 = 5.1 nM) and to contract rat urinary bladder smooth muscle (EC50 = 9.3 μM). The peptide could also inhibit the growth of the microorganisms, Staphylococcus aureus, (MIC = 256 mg/L) Escherichia coli (MIC = 512 mg/L), and Candida albicans (128 mg/L). AcT-2 is thus the first amphibian skin tryptophyllin found to possess both myotropic and antimicrobial activities.