981 resultados para single sex grouping


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[ES]Tras la derrota de la República española, la estructura educativa fue desmontada en toda España y sustituida por una escuela centrada en los valores religiosos y patrios propugnados por el régimen franquista. El libro de actas de la Junta Municipal de Educación Primaria de Aller es una fuente privilegiada, inédita hasta el momento, para analizar la organización educativa durante el extenso periodo analizado. Este documento atestigua asimismo la dimensión política franquista y tardofranquista y la situación socio-laboral, como evidencian los objetivos de este artículo. Dentro de los programas paternalistas, activos hasta 1970 inclusive, las compañías mineras ya habían creado centros escolares religiosos en Aller durante el primer cuarto del siglo XX. Sin embargo, la mayor parte de los hijos de los mineros recibieron su instrucción en las escuelas nacionales, afianzadas sobre los rígidos esquemas de obediencia y sumisión. La educación franquista se ha esforzado en perpetuar los cometidos sociales de niños y niñas por medio de una educación segregada y represiva.[EN]After the defeat of the Spanish Republic, rpublican educational structure in Spain was dismantled around the whole country and replaced by one focused on the religious and patriotic values espoused by the Franco regime. The minute book contains the local board’s agreements between 1940 and 1975, not only in terms of educational management, which are exposed along the aims of this article. The source used for this article, unpublished until now, has also facilitated the study of the political and social-labour paternalistic dimension during the long period of time analysed. Within the paternalistic programmes, active until and including 1970, mining companies had already established faith schools in Aller, but most of the miners’ children received their education in state schools entrenched in severe patterns of obedience and submission. The educational system within Franco’s regime has strived to perpetuate the social roles of girls and boys through single-sex education.


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Every year around 100 million male piglets are castrated in the EU, usually without anaesthesia or post-operative analgesia. This surgical intervention is painful and stressful. Several main players within the pig industry have voluntarily agreed to end the practice of surgical pig castration in the EU by 2018. One alternative to castration is entire male pig production. However, entire males behave differently than castrates, for example, by performing more mounting behaviour, which is suggested to be a welfare problem. The aim of our study was to develop a comprehensive ethogram of different types of mounting and to investigate properties, causes and consequences of mounting behaviour in finishing pigs. The study included 80 entire male and 80 female pigs from two farrowing batches born six weeks apart. Mixed sex and single-sex housing of pigs are both common in pig farming, so to ensure our study was representative, the 160 pigs were assigned to social groups of 20 in three treatments: entire male pigs only (MM, 2 groups, n = 40), entire females only (FF, 2 groups, n = 40) and entire males and females mixed together (MF, 4 groups, n = 80). Measurements took place during the final six weeks before slaughter (between 63.5 and 105.5 kg). Observations of mounting behaviour on 12 days per batch suggested that: (i) males mounted more than females, (ii) within sex, there was no effect of treatment on the amount of mounting (although the statistical power of the study to detect these effects was low), and (iii) there were individual differences in mounting that were stable over time (within sex). Classification of mounting into different categories revealed that sexual mounting was most common overall and in males but only rare in females. Compared to other types of mounting (e.g. caused by crowding or during a fight), sexual mounts lasted longer and provoked more screaming by the recipient. There were no relationships between mounting behaviour on the one hand and dominance rank in food competition tests, the circulating levels of sex hormones (oestradiol, testosterone and progesterone) at the end of the study, the health scores (lameness and scratches) or weight gain on the other hand. The stable individual differences of mounting over time suggest that mounting behaviour is a trait of the individual rather than the appearance of random outbreaks. However, these differences in mounting cannot be explained by dominance behaviour or by differences in sex hormone concentrations that could indicate the onset of puberty. Mounting behaviour and in particular sexual mounting provoked high pitched screaming of the recipients indicating that mounting is a welfare problem. For the welfare assessment of entire male pig production the performance of mounting behaviour should be considered. (C) 2013 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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This paper discusses the use of the non-parametric free disposal hull (FDH) and the parametric multi-level model (MLM) as alternative methods for measuring pupil and school attainment where hierarchical structured data are available. Using robust FDH estimates, we show how to decompose the overall inefficiency of a unit (a pupil) into a unit specific and a higher level (a school) component. By a sample of entry and exit attainments of 3017 girls in British ordinary single sex schools, we test the robustness of the non-parametric and parametric estimates. Finally, the paper uses the traditional MLM model in a best practice framework so that pupil and school efficiencies can be computed.


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Often observations are nested within other units. This is particularly the case in the educational sector where school performance in terms of value added is the result of school contribution as well as pupil academic ability and other features relating to the pupil. Traditionally, the literature uses parametric (i.e. it assumes a priori a particular function on the production process) Multi-Level Models to estimate the performance of nested entities. This paper discusses the use of the non-parametric (i.e. without a priori assumptions on the production process) Free Disposal Hull model as an alternative approach. While taking into account contextual characteristics as well as atypical observations, we show how to decompose non-parametrically the overall inefficiency of a pupil into a unit specific and a higher level (i.e. a school) component. By a sample of entry and exit attainments of 3017 girls in British ordinary single sex schools, we test the robustness of the non-parametric and parametric estimates. We find that the two methods agree in the relative measures of the scope for potential attainment improvement. Further, the two methods agree on the variation in pupil attainment and the proportion attributable to pupil and school level.


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The purpose of this study was to explore the influence of environment, behavior, capabilities, beliefs and values, and identity, based on Dilts' (1990) levels of cognitive alignment, on the cognitive construct of sense of competence and related constructs of self-efficacy, motivation, expectations, and goal-setting among adolescent girls. An individual who is aligned is free from conflict among the interaction of these levels. In addition, academic achievement, adolescent culture, parental involvement, and school environment were four of several issues in the lives of adolescent girls examined to explore how these issues might interact with the levels of alignment and sense of competence.^ A case study approach used in-depth interviews with six female seniors from private single-sex and mixed-sex high schools organized around the levels of alignment and school environment. Response patterns were analyzed to determine each girl's varying evidence of alignment or freedom from conflict within her environment.^ The findings indicated that none of the girls were able to meet the conditions for alignment in Dilts' model or a sense of competence. School environment, parental involvement, and adolescent culture were important factors influencing the extent to which conflict was experienced by each girl. The girls with domain-specific successes developed strategies that concentrated their efforts in the domains in which they could demonstrate their best abilities. The results contribute to current theory and research on adolescent girls: and have value for practitioners working with adolescent girls in developing strategies to improve their self-efficacy, motivation, expectations, goal-setting, and overall sense of competence. ^


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Der Beitrag beschäftigt sich mit pädagogischen Institutionen, die aufgrund ihrer Organisationsform von vornherein geschlechtlich markiert sind. Die empirische Studie über elterliche Schulwahlmotive bei Jungenschulen zeigt, dass Eltern durchaus auf unterschiedliche Begründungsmuster rekurrieren. Während für einige Eltern wichtig ist, dass die Interessen der Jungen in monoedukativen Institutionen besser berücksichtigt werden, betonen andere, dass sich die Interessenförderung von Jungen in Jungenschulen unabhängig von stereotypen Geschlechterzuschreibungen entfalten kann. Geschlechtertrennung wird von den Jungenschulen in diesem Fall als Entlastung von geschlechtsbezogenen Stereotypen präsentiert. Folglich liegt hier ein Paradox vor: Die Unterscheidung zwischen Jungen und Mädchen wird als Voraussetzung dafür angesehen, dass Schüler von geschlechtlichen Unterscheidungspraktiken entlastet werden. Die empirischen Ergebnisse der Autoren machen darüber hinaus deutlich, dass Geschlechtertrennung in Jungenschulen für Eltern keineswegs das wichtigste Kriterium bei der Schulwahl sein muss. Als ausschlaggebend für die Schulwahl werden vielmehr das Erziehungskonzept der Schule, ihre Atmosphäre sowie eine Erziehungsgemeinschaft zwischen Schule und Elternhaus genannt. Dennoch wird Geschlechtertrennung mit der Gründung von Jungenschulen, so die Autor_innen, dauerhaft institutionalisiert. Die Autor_innen problematisieren deshalb, ob mit der Dramatisierung von Geschlecht etwas zementiert wird, was eigentlich überwunden werden will. (DIPF/Orig.)


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Issue addressed Evidence suggests that physical activity (PA) and sedentary behaviour (SB) participation varies among culturally and linguistically diverse (CALD) adolescents. The present study examined differences in PA and SB among a CALD sample of Chinese Australian, South-east Asian and Anglo-Australian adolescents. Methods Data from 286 adolescents aged 12-16 years involved in the Chinese and Australian Adolescent Health Survey in metropolitan Melbourne, Australia, were analysed. Accelerometry outcomes included median activity counts per minute (counts.min-1) and minutes per day (min.day-1) spent in light-intensity PA (LPA), moderate-to-vigorous-intensity PA (MVPA) and sedentary time (ST). Kruskal-Wallis one-way analysis of variance and sequential multiple hierarchical linear regressions were used to examine CALD differences in PA and ST. Results Multivariate analyses of accelerometry data found Chinese Australian and South-east Asian adolescents engaged in significantly less daily MVPA (5-8min.day-1) and LPA (50-58min.day-1; P<0.05), but greater daily ST (40-41min.day-1), than Anglo-Australian adolescents, after adjusting for age, gender and socioeconomic category. Conclusion The results demonstrate lower engagement in daily MVPA and LPA and greater engagement in ST using accelerometry among Chinese Australian and South-east Asian adolescents compared with Anglo-Australian adolescents. These findings have important public health implications in furthering our understanding of CALD differences in PA and SB. So what? An understanding of the CALD differences in physical activity and sedentary behaviour among Australian adolescents has important implications for intervention planning and delivery as well as the wider health implications of these behaviours. This article furthers the current understanding of CALD adolescents' participation in physical activity and sedentary behaviour, of which limited information is available.


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Despite the zebra finch (Taeniopygia guttata) being used as a model species in behavioural science, the size and composition of social groups in which individuals typically live in the wild when they are not breeding is not well described. We observed the group size and composition of free-ranging zebra finches during two brief non-breeding periods near semipermanent water sources in the arid zone of Australia. We conducted 15 observation sessions at two artificial dams during late 2011, and five transects in April 2012. We found that individuals most commonly foraged, watered and travelled around the colonies in groups of two, the overwhelming majority of which (94.2%) were mixed-sex, which most likely reflected sexual partnerships, or in larger groups of 3-10 individuals, with few observations of groups larger than this observed. These observations indicate the central importance of the pair bond, even during periods outside of active breeding. We also saw very few single-sex groups, in contrast to the way in which they are often housed in captivity. Our results suggest that researchers working on captive zebra finches should attempt to keep individuals in pairs or small social groups to best emulate the social environment they generally experience in the wild.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Recent studies of Saccharomyces cerevisiae have significantly advanced our understanding of the molecular mechanisms of meiotic chromosome behavior. Structural components of the synaptonemal complex have been identified and studies of mutants defective in synapsis have provided insight into the role of the synaptonemal complex in homolog pairing, genetic recombination, crossover interference, and meiotic chromosome segregation. There is compelling evidence that most or all meiotic recombination events initiate with double-strand breaks. Several intermediates in the double-strand break repair pathway have been characterized and mutants blocked at different steps in the pathway have been identified. With the application of genetic, molecular, cytological, and biochemical methods in a single organism, we can expect an increasingly comprehensive and unified view of the meiotic process.


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Rates of female delinquency, especially for violent crimes, are increasing in most common law countries. At the same time the growth in cyber-bullying, especially among girls, appears to be a related global phenomenon. While the gender gap in delinquency is narrowing in Australia, United States, Canada and the United Kingdom, boys continue to dominate the youth who commit crime and have a virtual monopoly over sexually violent crimes. Indigenous youth continue to be vastly over-represented in the juvenile justice system in every Australian jurisdiction. The Indigenisation of delinquency is a persistent problem in other countries such as Canada and New Zealand. Young people who gather in public places are susceptible to being perceived as somehow threatening or riotous, attracting more than their share of public order policing. Professional football has been marred by repeated scandals involving sexual assault, violence and drunkenness. Given the cultural significance of footballers as role models to thousands, if not millions, of young men around the world, it is vitally important to address this problem. Offending Youth explores these key contemporary patterns of delinquency, the response to these by the juvenile justice agencies and moreover what can be done to address these problems. The book also analyses the major policy and legislative changes from the nineteenth to twenty first centuries, chiefly the shift the penal welfarism to diversion and restorative justice. Using original cases studied by Carrington twenty years ago, Offending Youth illustrates how penal welfarism criminalised young people from socially marginal backgrounds, especially Aboriginal children, children from single parent families, family-less children, state wards and young people living in poverty or in housing commission estates. A number of inquiries in Australia and the United Kingdom have since established that children committed to these institutions, supposedly for their own good, experienced systemic physical, sexual and psychological abuse during their institutionalisation. The book is dedicated to the survivors of these institutions who only now are receiving official recognition of the injustices they suffered. The underlying philosophy of juvenile justice has fundamentally shifted away from penal welfarism to embrace positive policy responses to juvenile crime, such as youth conferencing, cautions, warnings, restorative justice, circle sentencing and diversion examined in the concluding chapter. Offending Youth is aimed at a broad readership including policy makers, juvenile justice professionals, youth workers, families, teachers, politicians as well as students and academics in criminology, policing, gender studies, masculinity studies, Indigenous studies, justice studies, youth studies and the sociology of youth and deviance more generally.-- [from publisher website]


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Introduction: The ability to regulate joint stiffness and coordinate movement during landing when impaired by muscle fatigue has important implications for knee function. Unfortunately, the literature examining fatigue effects on landing mechanics suffers from a lack of consensus. Inconsistent results can be attributed to variable fatigue models, as well as grouping variable responses between individuals when statistically detecting differences between conditions. There remains a need to examine fatigue effects on knee function during landing with attention to these methodological limitations. Aim: The purpose of this study therefore, was to examine the effects of isokinetic fatigue on pre-impact muscle activity and post-impact knee mechanics during landing using singlesubject analysis. Methodology: Sixteen male university students (22.6+3.2 yrs; 1.78+0.07 m; 75.7+6.3 kg) performed maximal concentric and eccentric knee extensions in a reciprocal manner on an isokinetic dynamometer and step-landing trials on 2 occasions. On the first occasion each participant performed 20 step-landing trials from a knee-high platform followed by 75 maximal contractions on the isokinetic dynamometer. The isokinetic data was used to calculate the operational definition of fatigue. On the second occasion, with a minimum rest of 14 days, participants performed 2 sets of 20 step landing trials, followed by isokinetic exercise until the operational definition of fatigue was met and a final post-fatigue set of 20 step-landing trials. Results: Single-subject analyses revealed that isokinetic fatigue of the quadriceps induced variable responses in pre impact activation of knee extensors and flexors (frequency, onset timing and amplitude) and post-impact knee mechanics(stiffness and coordination). In general however, isokinetic fatigue induced sig nificant (p<0.05) reductions in quadriceps activation frequency, delayed onset and increased amplitude. In addition, knee stiffness was significantly (p<0.05) increased in some individuals, as well as impaired sagittal coordination. Conclusions: Pre impact activation and post-impact mechanics were adjusted in patterns that were unique to the individual, which could not be identified using traditional group-based statistical analysis. The results suggested that individuals optimised knee function differently to satisfy competing demands, such as minimising energy expenditure, as well as maximising joint stability and sensory information.


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Background: Tenofovir has been associated with renal phosphate wasting, reduced bone mineral density, and higher parathyroid hormone levels. The aim of this study was to carry out a detailed comparison of the effects of tenofovir versus non-tenofovir use on calcium, phosphate and, vitamin D, parathyroid hormone (PTH), and bone mineral density. Methods: A cohort study of 56 HIV-1 infected adults at a single centre in the UK on stable antiretroviral regimes comparing biochemical and bone mineral density parameters between patients receiving either tenofovir or another nucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitor. Principal Findings: In the unadjusted analysis, there was no significant difference between the two groups in PTH levels (tenofovir mean 5.9 pmol/L, 95% confidence intervals 5.0 to 6.8, versus non-tenofovir; 5.9, 4.9 to 6.9; p = 0.98). Patients on tenofovir had significantly reduced urinary calcium excretion (median 3.01 mmol/24 hours) compared to non-tenofovir users (4.56; p,0.0001). Stratification of the analysis by age and ethnicity revealed that non-white men but not women, on tenofovir had higher PTH levels than non-white men not on tenofovir (mean difference 3.1 pmol/L, 95% CI 5.3 to 0.9; p = 0.007). Those patients with optimal 25-hydroxyvitamin D (.75 nmol/L) on tenofovir had higher 1,25-dihydroxyvitamin D [1,25(OH)2D] (median 48 pg/mL versus 31; p = 0.012), fractional excretion of phosphate (median 26.1%, versus 14.6;p = 0.025) and lower serum phosphate (median 0.79 mmol/L versus 1.02; p = 0.040) than those not taking tenofovir. Conclusions: The effects of tenofovir on PTH levels were modified by sex and ethnicity in this cohort. Vitamin D status also modified the effects of tenofovir on serum concentrations of 1,25(OH)2D and phosphate.


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This article considers the regulatory position concerning altruistic surrogacy in Queensland, focusing on the intended changes to the current legal framework announced by the government in June 2012. The previous government had made significant progress by reforming surrogacy laws in 2010. However, that progress is at risk of being reversed. The proposed changes to the law would make it a criminal offence to enter into an altruistic surrogacy arrangement for certain individuals or couples. If enacted, the offence would only apply in altruistic surrogacy cases where the intended parent or parents are either single, in a same-sex relationship, or are in a heterosexual relationship of less than two years. Moreover, if enacted, the offence would apply extra-territorially. The authors argue that these changes represent a retrograde step for the law and urge the government to reconsider. This is based on the fact that they are out of step with current social attitudes, are contrary to the spirit of anti-discrimination laws, and that they are unjustified in terms of child welfare concerns.


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High-speed broadband internet access is widely recognised as a catalyst to social and economic development. However, the provision of broadband Internet services with the existing solutions to rural population, scattered over an extensive geographical area, remains both an economic and technical challenge. As a feasible solution, the Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organization (CSIRO) proposed a highly spectrally efficient, innovative and cost-effective fixed wireless broadband access technology, which uses analogue TV frequency spectrum and Multi-User MIMO (MUMIMO) technology with Orthogonal-Frequency-Division-Multiplexing (OFDM). MIMO systems have emerged as a promising solution for the increasing demand of higher data rates, better quality of service, and higher network capacity. However, the performance of MIMO systems can be significantly affected by different types of propagation environments e.g., indoor, outdoor urban, or outdoor rural and operating frequencies. For instance, large spectral efficiencies associated with MIMO systems, which assume a rich scattering environment in urban environments, may not be valid for all propagation environments, such as outdoor rural environments, due to the presence of less scatterer densities. Since this is the first time a MU-MIMO-OFDM fixed broadband wireless access solution is deployed in a rural environment, questions from both theoretical and practical standpoints arise; For example, what capacity gains are available for the proposed solution under realistic rural propagation conditions?. Currently, no comprehensive channel measurement and capacity analysis results are available for MU-MIMO-OFDM fixed broadband wireless access systems which employ large scale multiple antennas at the Access Point (AP) and analogue TV frequency spectrum in rural environments. Moreover, according to the literature, no deterministic MU-MIMO channel models exist that define rural wireless channels by accounting for terrain effects. This thesis fills the aforementioned knowledge gaps with channel measurements, channel modeling and comprehensive capacity analysis for MU-MIMO-OFDM fixed wireless broadband access systems in rural environments. For the first time, channel measurements were conducted in a rural farmland near Smithton, Tasmania using CSIRO's broadband wireless access solution. A novel deterministic MU-MIMO-OFDM channel model, which can be used for accurate performance prediction of rural MUMIMO channels with dominant Line-of-Sight (LoS) paths, was developed under this research. Results show that the proposed solution can achieve 43.7 bits/s/Hz at a Signal-to- Noise Ratio (SNR) of 20 dB in rural environments. Based on channel measurement results, this thesis verifies that the deterministic channel model accurately predicts channel capacity in rural environments with a Root Mean Square (RMS) error of 0.18 bits/s/Hz. Moreover, this study presents a comprehensive capacity analysis of rural MU-MIMOOFDM channels using experimental, simulated and theoretical models. Based on the validated deterministic model, further investigations on channel capacity and the eects of capacity variation, with different user distribution angles (θ) around the AP, were analysed. For instance, when SNR = 20dB, the capacity increases from 15.5 bits/s/Hz to 43.7 bits/s/Hz as θ increases from 10° to 360°. Strategies to mitigate these capacity degradation effects are also presented by employing a suitable user grouping method. Outcomes of this thesis have already been used by CSIRO scientists to determine optimum user distribution angles around the AP, and are of great significance for researchers and MU-MUMO-OFDM system developers to understand the advantages and potential capacity gains of MU-MIMO systems in rural environments. Also, results of this study are useful to further improve the performance of MU-MIMO-OFDM systems in rural environments. Ultimately, this knowledge contribution will be useful in delivering efficient, cost-effective high-speed wireless broadband systems that are tailor-made for rural environments, thus, improving the quality of life and economic prosperity of rural populations.