989 resultados para similarity index


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Renan B. Pitilin, Marcio S. Araujo, and Maria L.T. Buschini (2012) Individual specialization in the hunting-wasp Trypoxylon (Trypargilum) agamemnon Richards (Hymenoptera: Crabronidae). Zoological Studies 51(5): 655-662. Individuals of a population may differ with respect to resource use. This among-individual variation in resource utilization is called 'individual specialization' and may substantially impact the ecological and evolutionary dynamics of a population. The aim of this study was to evaluate whether females of 1 population of the hunting-wasp Trypoxylon agamemnon differed in their preferences for spider size and/or taxa. To observe the behavior of wasps, trap-nests were installed in an araucaria forest fragment in the Parque Municipal das Araucarias, Guarapuava (PR), southern Brazil. The indices within-individual component (WIC)/total niche width of a population (TNW) and average of values of the proportional similarity index (IS) were used to measure the degree of individual specialization. We found evidence of strong, significant individual specialization in T agamemnon in terms of both prey size (WIC/TNW = 0.43) and taxa (IS = 0.45). We hypothesized that individual specialization in this species resulted from cognitive tradeoffs that limit individuals to exploring a small subset of available resources. http://zoolstud.sinica.edu.tw/Journals/51.5/655.pdf


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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No Córrego do Sapateiro, situado no Parque Municipal do Ibirapuera, na cidade de São Paulo, SP, Brasil, amostras de água (50 mL) na profundidade de 10 centímetros foram coletadas em locais antes (local 1) e depois (local 2) da estação de tratamento de flotação, durante os meses da estação chuvosa e quente (janeiro, fevereiro e março) e da estação seca e fria (junho, julho e agosto) de 2008. Além disso, a temperatura, oxigênio dissolvido, condutividade e pH da água foram medidos com um equipamento Horiba U10. Coliformes totais e fecais foram analisados com o kit Aquatest®. A partir de cada amostra de água, alíquotas de 1 mL foram inoculadas em meio batata-dextrose-ágar, totalizando 10 placas de Petri para cada local de coleta. Após incubação por 10 dias a 22 ºC, as colônias fúngicas foram quantificadas, purificadas e identificadas. Os parâmetros abióticos da água não foram limitantes para a presença de geofungos, sendo influenciados pelo tratamento de flotação. Nos dois locais o número de coliformes totais e fecais foi predominantemente superior a 8 NMP dL-1 durante o período estudado. Vinte e sete táxons de fungos foram obtidos, distribuídos em 136 ocorrências. de acordo com o índice de similaridade de Sörensen, a micota dos dois locais coletados foram consideravelmente diferentes, apesar da semelhança entre o número de táxons e ocorrências. Os resultados indicam que o tratamento da água do Córrego do Sapateiro pelo sistema de flotação possivelmente causa modificações na composição taxonômica e na quantidade de UFC de fungos, ao contrário do que ocorreu com os coliformes totais e fecais, cujos resultados apresentaram-se menos conclusivos.


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A biologia floral de Ipomoea cairica, I. grandifolia e I. nil - plantas daninhas da família Convolvulaceae - foi estudada em Botucatu e Jaboticabal, Estado de São Paulo, Brasil. As três espécies são melitófilas, apresentando conjuntos de visitantes florais bastante diversificados, embora haja alguma sobreposição entre eles. Com relação aos visitantes florais, a análise de agrupamento, empregando-se o índice de similaridade de Jaccard, indicou maior similaridade entre diferentes espécies de Ipomoea ocorrentes no mesmo local do que entre populações da mesma espécie em diferentes localidades. O caráter promíscuo e oportunista da adaptação à polinização, presente nessas espécies, foi demonstrado, sendo essa adaptação vantajosa para plantas daninhas, uma vez que em ambientes ruderais a disponibilidade de polinizadores é imprevisível.


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Ten strains of two species in the Drosophila buzzatii cluster (D. serido and D. seriema) were examined as to esterase patterns using polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. The migration rate of esterases, and their substrate specificity to alpha and beta naphthyl acetates, were analysed. Other esterase features such as inhibition behaviour, presence in males and females and location in the head, thorax or abdomen of flies, were also examined. The present data,together with results obtained by others for eight strains of D. koepferae, D. serido, D. seriema and D. buzzatii, show that 69 bands have been detected in the eighteen strains studied. This total number of bands was used for comparison of strains and species by similarity index, analysis of dependence and cluster analysis. The comparisons confirmed the existence of a high degree of similarity among D. seriema strains and among D. koepferae strains, but indicated differentiation among the D. serido strains. Two strains (D69R2 and D69R5) which differed from the others of the latter species, showed closer affinities with D. buzzatii, which indicates the need for further work on those strains classified as D. serido.


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The aim of this study was to verify the influence of the habitat fragmentation on the Ant Fauna in an urban fragment of Semideciduous Seasonal Atlantic Forest located in the municipality of Marilia, São Paulo, Brazil. The studied fragment was divided into three environments in relation to edge: "Edge" (2m), "Transition" (30m) and "Interior" (90m). By using pitfalls traps and attractive baits there were done nine samples between November 2007 and February 2008. There were collected 3.873 individuals distributed into five subfamilies, 19 genera and 33 species. Five species were abundant on three studied environments: Ectatomma sp1, Mycocepurus goeldii, Paratrechina sp1, Pheidole sp2, Trachymyrmex sp1, Wasmannia auropunctata. The edge and transition environments presented the lower Simpsons diversity index and higher species dominance. However, it was observed little variation between these parameters between environments. Faunistic similarity between environments, expressed by Jaccard's similarity index showed high similarity between all studied environments. Because the studied site is an urban fragment, the similarity found between these areas can be related to habitat fragmentation process, an historical of constant anthropic perturbation and low local colonization rates. However, we suggest that a posteriori evaluation should be done with other arthropods groups like spiders and beetles in due to understand the changes that occur in urban fragments and support the choice of conservation and management actions in favor of this important forest remnant localized in urban area of Marilia, São Paulo, Brazil.


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objective of this study was to identify the weed community in areas of pasture. The phyto-sociological survey was conducted during November and December, 2009 in three regions: two located in Tangara da Serra-MT (region A = areas surrounding the town; and region B = areas in the Antonio Conselheiro Settlement and one area in Barra of the Bugres-MT (region C). Five properties were analyzed in each region, each containing 10 plots of 25 m(2). The weed species were counted and identified in the plots. Data were analyzed by calculating density, frequency, abundance, relative density, relative frequency, relative abundance, importance value index (IVI), and similarity index. Thirty-eight weed species were identified, distributed among 18 families, with Asteraceae (7), Fabaceae (6), Arecaceae (3), Euforbiaceae (3) and Poaceae (3) being the most representative in number of species. The species most frequently found were: region A - Sida spp. (IVI: 127.93) and Eragrostis plana (IVI: 42.18); region B - Eragrostis plana (IVI: 54.78), Mimosa wedelliana (IVI: 52.39), and Sida spp. (IVI: 50.30); and region C - Sida spp. (IVI: 73.92), and Mimosa wedelliana (IVI: 26.55). A significant similarity was found between regions A and B (52.63%) and between regions B and C (50.98%).


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In order to study the interactions of green lacewings toxocenosis on natural ecossystems, samplings were carried out in the Parque Ecologic Quedas do Rio Bonito, located in Lavras, Alto Rio Grande region, South of Minas Gerais, Brazil. The species inventory was accomplished in two vegetation types: semi-evergreen forest and open field formations, including areas of montane grassland, rocky montane grassland and "cerrado". Insects were captured with a butterfly net during 2h, walking through each vegetation formation. Sampling resulted in 1,948 specimens belonging to 30 species, of which 14 were Chrysopini and 16 Leucochrysini. Representatives of these tribes were observed both in forest and in open field formations. Species of the genera Ceraeochrysa, Chrysoperla, Chrysopodes, Plesiochrysa and Leucochrysa were found in forests and in open field formations, except for Plesiochrysa. The highest richness and diversity of species were observed in the forest. The similarity index among the communities of green lacewings in the studied areas was 27%.


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Random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) technique was used to examine the genetic variability on an endangered Neotropical fish species, Brycon lundii, collected on two regions with distinct environmental conditions in the São Francisco River (Brazil), downstream from a hydroelectric station. Using decamer oligonucleotides as single primers in Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR), genetic similarity index, mean allele frequency and mean heterozigosity were estimated, revealing variations between samples from the two regions. Moreover, a fragment of about 1200 base pairs was found in 100% of the examined animals collected at the region closer to the hydroelectric dam, while its frequency was much lower (27.3%) within the sample from the second collecting site, 30 km downstream from the dam, indicating a possible correlation between genetic variation and geographical area. A dendogram representing the relationships among genotypes was obtained, demonstrating at least two major clusters of animals. Based on the data, a model of population structuring in Brycon lundii is suggested. The described approach holds great promise for further analyses and gives support to biodiversity maintenance and recovery efforts of B. lundii.


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The zooplankton communities of two lacustrine ecosystems in southwestern Amazonia (Lago Amapá and Lago Pirapora) were studied based on samples collected over an 11-month period. The general aim of the present work was to contribute to the knowledge of the zooplankton fauna in southwestern Amazonia, by studying the occurrence of certain species; and to improve the knowledge of the Rio Acre tributaries. The total number of taxa included 38 species of rotifers, 6 cladocerans and 7 copepods. Most of the species were from the rotifer family Brachionidae. Jaccard's similarity index was similar for the two lakes at 0.6964 The constancy index defined the species Keratella cochlearis, Filinia cf. terminate, Filinia opoliensis, Hexarthra intermedia braziliensis, Ceriodaphnia cornuta, Moina minuta, Diaphanosoma spinulosnm, and immature forms (nauplii and copepodites) as the constant in these lakes. The presence of zooplankton with higher number of species occupying the middle depths, during morning and night periods.


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This paper analyzes land use change in Rio Claro City and its surroundings, located in the southeastern state of Sao Paulo, in the period from 1988 to 1995, using air-borne digital imagery and a cellular automata model. The simulation experiment was carried out in the Dinamica EGO platform and the results revealed a constrained urban sprawl, resulting from both the densification of residential areas implemented in previous years and the economic recession that led to an internal financial crisis in Brazil during the early 1990s. The simulation outputs were validated using a multi-resolution procedure based on a fuzzy similarity index and showed a satisfactory fitness in relation to the historical reference data. © 2013 IEEE.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Recentemente a sociedade está vivendo em meio a um aglomerado de dispositivos móveis com múltiplas interfaces sem fio que permitem que clientes móveis domésticos e corporativos solucionem problemas rotineiros no menor espaço de tempo e em diversas localizações. Por outro lado, a disponibilidade de diversas tecnologias de acesso sem fio como: Wi-Fi (Wireless Fidelity), WiMAX (Worldwide Interoperability for Microwave Access) e LTE (Long Term Evolution), proporcionam um cenário heterogêneo com diversas oportunidades de conectividade para o usuário de dispositivos com múltiplas interfaces. Alguns dos desafios atuais no contexto da concepção da então denominada NGN (Next Generation Networks) são o desenvolvimento de arcabouços e mecanismos que viabilizem tanto o suporte adequado à Qualidade de Serviço (QoS – Quality of Service) e à Qualidade de Experiência (QoE – Quality of Experience) para aplicações multimídia, quanto a garantia de equidade entre vazões de diferentes aplicações em ambiente heterogêneo. Esta dissertação propõe um arcabouço para o aprovisionamento de QoS e QoE em redes sem fio heterogêneas formada por redes WiMAX e Wi-Fi. Especificamente, nossa solução provê mapeamento estático de QoS entre as classes de serviços WiMAX e categorias de acesso Wi-Fi. Além disso, nossa proposta também combina funcionalidades de equidade entre vazões com a solução de mapeamento, a fim de alcançar um bom compromisso tanto para o operador da rede, quanto para o usuário, através de uma nova metodologia de coleta e calculo de vazão agregada e algoritmo de decisão de handover vertical. A avaliação quantitativa da proposta foi realizada através de modelos de simulação no ns-2 (Network Simulator). Os resultados de desempenho demonstram a eficiência da arquitetura em termos de métricas de QoS (vazão, vazão média e atraso) e QoE (PSRN - Peak Signal to Noise Ratio, SSIM - Structural Similarity Index e VQM - Video Quality Metric).