745 resultados para shop


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I am a part-time graduate student who works in industry. This study is my narrative about how six workers and I describe shop-floor learning activities, that is learning activities that occur where work is done, outside a classroom. Because this study is narrative inquiry, you wilileam about me, the narrator, more than you would in a more conventional study. This is a common approach in narrative inquiry and it is important because my intentions shape the way that I tell these six workers' stories. I developed a typology of learning activities by synthesizing various theoretical frameworks. This typology categorizes shop-floor learning activities into five types: onthe- job training, participative learning, educational advertising, incidental learning, and self-directed learning. Although learning can occur in each of these activities in isolation, it is often comprised of a mixture of these activities. The literature review contains a number of cases that have been developed from situations described in the literature. These cases are here to make the similarities and differences between the types of learning activities that they represent more understandable to the reader and to ground the typology in practice as well as in theory. The findings are presented as reader's theatre, a dramatic presentation of these workers' narratives. The workers tell us that learning involves "being shown," and if this is not done properly they "learn the hard way." I found that many of their best case lean1ing activities involved on-the-job training, participative learning, incidentalleaming, and self-directed learning. Worst case examples were typically lacking in properly designed and delivered participative learning activities and to a lesser degree lacking carefully planned and delivered on-the-job training activities. Included are two reflective chapters that describe two cases: Learning "Engels" (English), and Learning to Write. In these chapters you will read about how I came to see that my own shop-floor learning-learning to write this thesis-could be enhanced through participative learning activities. I came to see my thesis supervisor as not only my instructor who directed and judged my learning activities, but also as a more experienced researcher who was there to participate in this process with me and to help me begin to enter the research community. Shop-floor learning involves learners and educators participating in multistranded learning activities, which require an organizational factor of careful planning and delivery. As with learning activities, which can be multi-stranded, so too, there can be multiple orientations to learning on the shop floor. In our stories, you will see that these six workers and I didn't exhibit just one orientation to learning in our stories. Our stories demonstrate that we could be behaviorist and cognitivist and humanist and social learners and constructivist in our orientation to learning. Our stories show that learning is complex and involves multiple strands, orientations, and factors. Our stories show that learning narratives capture the essence of learning-the learners, the educators, the learning activities, the organizational factors, and the learning orientations. Learning narratives can help learners and educators make sense of shop-floor learning.


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Assembly job shop scheduling problem (AJSP) is one of the most complicated combinatorial optimization problem that involves simultaneously scheduling the processing and assembly operations of complex structured products. The problem becomes even more complicated if a combination of two or more optimization criteria is considered. This thesis addresses an assembly job shop scheduling problem with multiple objectives. The objectives considered are to simultaneously minimizing makespan and total tardiness. In this thesis, two approaches viz., weighted approach and Pareto approach are used for solving the problem. However, it is quite difficult to achieve an optimal solution to this problem with traditional optimization approaches owing to the high computational complexity. Two metaheuristic techniques namely, genetic algorithm and tabu search are investigated in this thesis for solving the multiobjective assembly job shop scheduling problems. Three algorithms based on the two metaheuristic techniques for weighted approach and Pareto approach are proposed for the multi-objective assembly job shop scheduling problem (MOAJSP). A new pairing mechanism is developed for crossover operation in genetic algorithm which leads to improved solutions and faster convergence. The performances of the proposed algorithms are evaluated through a set of test problems and the results are reported. The results reveal that the proposed algorithms based on weighted approach are feasible and effective for solving MOAJSP instances according to the weight assigned to each objective criterion and the proposed algorithms based on Pareto approach are capable of producing a number of good Pareto optimal scheduling plans for MOAJSP instances.


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We develop an extension to the tactical planning model (TPM) for a job shop by the third author. The TPM is a discrete-time model in which all transitions occur at the start of each time period. The time period must be defined appropriately in order for the model to be meaningful. Each period must be short enough so that a job is unlikely to travel through more than one station in one period. At the same time, the time period needs to be long enough to justify the assumptions of continuous workflow and Markovian job movements. We build an extension to the TPM that overcomes this restriction of period sizing by permitting production control over shorter time intervals. We achieve this by deriving a continuous-time linear control rule for a single station. We then determine the first two moments of the production level and queue length for the workstation.


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This black and white photograph shows students at work benches in part of the carpentry workshop at the New York Trade School. Beyond the benches two students can be seen working on framing in the rear of the classroom.


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The electrical wiring shop at the New York Trade School is shown with students working. In the background, the planning area with draft tables can also be seen. Black and white photograph.


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O presente trabalho visa definir um modelo de alocação dos recursos da produção para centros de trabalho em sistemas baseados em job shop, usando a abordagem heurística para garantir uma boa alocação dos recursos. São levados em conta a complexidade de um ambiente de produção, seus aspectos temporais e os modelos de Job Shop Scheduling atualmente em uso. Com isso são examinados os aspectos conceituais deste ambiente e proposto um modelo de alocação de recursos para auxiliar no planejamento operacional do mesmo. Pode-se definir os recursos como todos os elementos necessários à execução das diversas atividades de um processo produtivo, tais como equipamentos, máquinas, mão-de-obra, etc. Por sua vez, os recursos são limitados por natureza, quanto à quantidade de unidades disponíveis, às suas funcionalidades e à capacidade produtiva. O processo de alocação dos recursos pressupõe a designação dos recursos mais satisfatórios para a execução de cada uma das atividades que fazem parte de um projeto. O modelo proposto é baseado no uso de heurísticas para resolver o escalonamento nos centros de trabalho, também chamados de células de produção, usando restrições e regras entre as ordens de fabricação (peças) e as máquinas, para encontrar uma solução satisfatória ao problema. O resultado final é uma ferramenta de apoio à decisão no processo de manufatura, permitindo a visualização do melhor escalonamento de produção, visando a redução do ciclo e setup de produção no processo, com base nas informações locais do ambiente fabril. O sistema está implementado numa empresa de componentes hidráulicos, inicialmente no centro de trabalho de corte, composto por quatro máquinas que realizam o corte de diversos tipos de matérias-primas.