981 resultados para sexual identity


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Most of the research on career development of sexual minorities focuses on lesbians. Gay men, on the other hand, have received little attention in the literature as it is assumed that they face fewer difficulties in career development because they are men. This paper redresses this gap by presenting an analysis of the impact of sexual identity on the career development of gay men, drawing on both a literature review of the literature on sexual identity, gay organizational studies and career development and the results of a recent interview study. In accord with other literature, the study demonstrates that gay men, like other sexual minorities, are confronted with a conflict between personal and career needs, and have to deal with society's expectations and intolerance towards homosexuality. Suggestions are given for research that will lead to a deeper understanding of the career decisions and attitudes of gay men.


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This chapter analyses contemporary political responses to the perceived academic success of girls as compared with boys, and the motivations behind what they call the 'what about the boys?' lobby. It argues that the growth of this influential lobby group is emblematic of a feminist backlash in western societies. By exposing some of the theoretical problems with the construction of difference upon which the 'boys in education' case is based, the author constructs an alternative relational approach which urges that the school curriculum should encourage all students to deconstruct gender, and particularly the ways in which hegemonic masculinity is formed and shaped in our society


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This thesis covers historical, theoretical, and clinical grounds to re-examine historical and contemporary debates concerning sexual difference from a Lacanian psychoanalytic perspective. A new modality of the hysteric's ancient questioning of sexual identity has emerged from the clinic of transgender patients with crucial implications for our understanding of subjectivity today.


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This chapter is concerned with ways for improving the capacity of school communities to provide queer young people with stimulating educational experiences that productively engage with the realities of their lives and which promote and enhance their wellbeing. By "queer" or "LBGTI" I mean to refer to all of those young people who do not conform to prevailing expectations regarding gender and sexual identity and behaviours, those young people who may be lesbian,gay, bisexual, transgender or intersexual (lGBTI), as well as all of those young people who have an association with gender and sexual diversity (for example, the straight fey boy who gets called a poofta; the teenage girl with lesbian parents, etc.). Methodologically, this chapter draws on a tradition of Foucauldian cultural analysis which acknowledges that gender and sexual identities are not stable or fixed, but that they are generated by influential discourses (e.g. my identity as a "man" in Melbourne today is mediated by contemporary discourses of masculinity, of Australianness, of class and so on) (for example, see Foucault 1984, 1990, 1992 and 1998).

This chapter argues that conventional approaches to school improvement for queer students normally focus on strategies for reducing the victimisation of teenage homosexuals, and that such strategies rely on dominant discourses of safety and bullying. I examine a recent example of this policy approach and use it as a starting point for considering the benefits and the constraints of a victim-based approach to queer youth wellbeing policy. The chapter then moves into a discussion about the recent introduction of human rights legislation in Victoria and how this can assist a move in policy and practice towards a more positive and diffuse engagement with gender and sexual diversity.


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This article will draw on theories of childhood and current sociological debates of shame to explore and understand the formation of sexual identity in children who experience a violent family. Children have limited resources available to them and in violent family situations may turn to their siblings for nurture. Contextualising this type of dependency within the usual processes of childhood sexual development, including exploration and experimentation, may increase the likelihood of sibling incest.


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This article explores how “traditional values” are being used by the Russian government to refute the claim that “LGBT rights are human rights” and justify the introduction of anti-homopropaganda laws, and how members of the Russian LGBT community have sought to contest it. Centrally, it traces the development of a discourse that refutes the essentialization of sexual identity and, in doing so, seeks to challenge the focus on individual identity-based rights of contemporary human rights norms. This discursive shift has meant that opponents of the legislation have had to develop contestation strategies that collectively seek to present an alternative interpretation of “traditional values.” The article concludes by considering the implications of the Russian case for human rights norms and for the notion of universal human rights more widely, arguing that it represents a serious challenge to the viability of identity-based LGBT rights claims as a basis on which to advance observance of fundamental human rights due to their homonormativity.


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Recent research shows that young people list media entertainment as one of the sources where they find information about what they really want to know about sex and what is not taught through the school curriculum – namely, relationships and eroticism. This paper addresses the potential role that may be played by small independent alternative feature films such as 52 Tuesdays in the sexual education of young people. While 52 Tuesdays’ purpose was never explicitly pedagogic, the subject matter – family relationships, sexual experimentation, sexual identity and agency, and transgender experience – situates it firmly within the concerns of contemporary young people.


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À luz do instituído pela Constituição Federal de 1988, os direitos fundamentais passaram a ser vistos sob um novo olhar. Todavia, temas considerados complexos, como o transexualismo, segundo a Classificação Internacional das Doenças (CID 10) considerado “Transtorno de Identidade Sexual”, ainda suscitam maior aprofundamento por parte da sociedade, do poder judiciário e do poderes executivo e legislativo. O Sistema Único de Saúde – SUS passou a permitir a cirurgia de transgenitalização no Brasil, na qual se opera a redesignação de sexo, tendo sido estipulados por lei critérios para a sua realização. Após a cirurgia, surge um problema: o da identidade civil, uma vez que o novo gênero da pessoa operada não se coaduna com o seu registro civil, causando-lhe constrangimento. Não há lei que regule a matéria. A partir desta constatação, o presente estudo se propõe a explorar as decisões judiciais de todos os estados da Federação, por intermédio de pesquisa nos sites dos seus respectivos tribunais, bem como das cortes superiores, buscando os termos “transexual” e “prenome” e utilizando o filtro temporal a partir de 1988, ano da promulgação da Carta Cidadã, até final de 2010. Tendo em vista a falta de lei que normatize a matéria, o escopo primordial consiste na obtenção de uma narrativa de como vêm sendo decididas as demandas na temática ora proposta. A conclusão do trabalho sugere que apesar de não haver um marco normativo estabelecido, o discurso do poder judiciário se utiliza de diversos argumentos de ordem social, psicológica e jurídica, devidamente sistematizados e apreciados, bem como de princípios jurídicos, sendo, nesse caso, o princípio da dignidade da pessoa humana, previsto na Carta Magna, o mais utilizado.


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Este trabalho procura elucidar alguns conceitos teóricos de identidade, como é entendida por diferentes autores, como nós a interpretamos e como o processo educacional influencia o desenvolvimento da identidade dos adolescentes. Para isso recorremos ao fenômeno da identificação, aos conflitos intra-psíquicos, particularmente no período da adolescência, e aos vínculos de integração espacial, temporal e social. Consideramos a identidade estruturada por três níveis fundamentais: pelas estruturas mais desenvolvidas da personalidade, caracterizada pela relação interpessoal, baseada nos mecanismos de projeção e introjeção; pelos mecanismos de identificação projetiva-introjetiva e pela persistência da fusão ou estrutura sincicial primitiva que caracteriza a sociabilidade sincrética. Partimos da concepção de identificação como a forma mais primitiva de ligação afetiva. Tomamos a conquista da identidade corporal e sexual como a base das demais identidades parciais. A formação da identidade como um todo, que pressupõe uma crise na adolescência, baseia-se na problemática mais específica da formação de uma identidade sexual. Enquanto a identificação se opera através de introjeções, a identidade resulta da oposição de identificações anteriores. O processo é dialético. Somos de opinião que a identidade é formada por processos eminentemente sociais. Uma vez formada, é mantida, modificada ou mesmo remodelada pelas relações sociais. Nossa preocupação centralizou-se no processo de formação de identidade, considerado em estreita relação çom a família, a escola e a sociedade e em contínua interaçao professor-aluno, ensino-aprendizagem. Tentamos detectar as influências da educação sistematizadas no processo de formação da identidade e em especial visualizar o papel do professor no referido processo, através de pesquisa de campo. Para isso elaboramos um questionário composto de duas partes. A primeira contendo dados de identificação do aluno, da família e da escola. A segunda, composta de 40 perguntas consideradas, inferencialmente, como indicadores dos vínculos de integração espacial, temporal e social. Os sujeitos de nossa pesquisa constituiram-se de 176 alunos, na faixa etária de 14 anos, masculinos e femininos, de 5ª e 8ª series, do ensino de 1º grau das escolas da rede estadual de Divinopolis, M.G., em 1978. A análise dos dados obtidos evidenciou o desenvolvimento de nossos sujeitos em termos de identificação com os grupos primários, predominando a dependência em nível infantil.


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Issues related to the reality of lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) individuals are being incorporated into institutional and social discourses, and show the challenges that must be overcome towards citizenship. The inclusion of gay rights in the domain of institutions like the United Nations and the Brazilian Secretariat of Human Rights are a response to broader movements that places the gay subject as an important topic of debate in the social-political sphere. In this scenario, some institutions deserve close attention from researchers related to gay issues, the business environment being a good example. In this domain, diversity has become an important topic of debate between scholars, where the question of sexual identity in most cases does not appear. The literature that actually focuses on the theme is explored through approaches that are not able to break with universalisms and a normatized vocabulary. Therefore, this research explores discursive structures related to sexuality and examines the meanings construed throughout these structures as described by gay individuals working in business. Furthermore, it investigates patterns of discursive normative structures and consequential challenges faced by gay people in the working environment, and also complements the current debate both in the socio-political sphere and in academic reality on LGBT challenges. The Foucauldian notions of discourse, knowledge and power, and the main concepts of queer theory are incorporated to the analysis, as well as concepts related to the politics of post-colonial sexuality, subordination, and hegemonic forces, together with role of reflexivity in modernity and its impacts on secularized mental structures. The research design takes a phenomenological approach and bases its knowledge claim on a participatory perspective, where the sample chosen for data collection consisted of gay individuals working in the business environment, aiming at generate categories of meanings through the description of their experiences.


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Esta pesquisa, que teve como população-alvo adolescentes com idade entre 12 e 20 anos, residentes em três municípios do interior Paulista, buscou conhecer as associações entre orientação sexual e ideações e tentativas de suicídio. Corroborando com as pesquisas internacionais, evidenciou-se que os não heterossexuais têm mais chances de pensarem e tentarem suicídio, comparativamente aos heterossexuais. Todavia, encontrou-se que, dentre o grupo de adolescentes que se assumiram não heterossexuais, os que estão mais vulneráveis são aqueles que se autodefiniram bissexuais e outros, os quais constituem o grupo de pessoas menos assumidas, dentre os não heterossexuais. do mesmo modo, constatou-se que os respondentes apresentam diversas opiniões e valores homofóbicos, sexistas e heterocentrados, o que revela ser o espaço escolar, onde se encontram esses jovens não heterossexuais, bastante carregado de posicionamentos discursivos discriminatórios. Conclui-se que a questão do suicídio é uma problemática de saúde pública e que a população de jovens não heterossexuais necessita de abordagens específicas para a prevenção e de atenção relativas a essa conduta.


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Locus of control is a construct that seeks to explain people's perceptions about the source of control of events, if the subject's own - internal - or belonging to some element outside of oneself - external. The location of individual s locus of control will suffer influence of their developmental period. During adolescence, individuals turn to the construction of their identity, and the structuring of sexual identity is a relevant part of this process, since the roles of males and females are the most important from the socio-cultural point of view. One of the roles that adolescents can take is the mother or father. We chose to head the adolescents who are not mothers and fathers, and question them about their concepts of parenthood. It is hypothesized that adolescents with internal locus of control will probably develop concepts of maternity and paternity in which they attach to themselves the responsibility for children. The aim of this study was to relate the locus of control s predominant dimension in adolescence and the way that these young people conceptualize parenthood. This is an exploratory analytical cross-sectional study accomplished with 400 adolescents from the classes of the sixth to ninth grade of high school at public schools in Natal / RN. We used as protocols: structured questionnaire involving sociodemographic questions and questions about the concept of parenthood, and the Multifactorial Scale of Locus of Control. Data were analyzed using descriptive and inferential statistics, with the aid of statistical package SPSS 18.0. The results regarding questions about the concept of maternity and paternity were analyzed using the analysis program often ALCESTE 4.7. The results showed that for boys and girls, maternity and paternity were characterized by the acquisition and assumption of responsibilities of adulthood. This concept is supported by the locus of control s classification of individuals, since most of the subjects of this study was characterized as individuals who tend to take responsibility for their life's events. For young people from lower classes (as the subjects of this research), the project of autonomy and social mobility is realized by the constitution of his own family and the ability to sustain it


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Pós-graduação em Psicologia - FCLAS


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The lesbian and gay movement has organized itself in Brazil with the goal of creating and making its sexual identity stronger, as well as fighting for its rights and against any homophobic act. This paper analyses the homosexual movement and its relation to building its own identity, as a fighting force. We emphasize the relevance of the manifestation events, such as the LGBT pride parade and, in Bauru, the diversity parade, events that not only provide visibility to the topic, with the presence of the media, but also, represent the voice of these people who search for their citizenship rights.


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Pós-graduação em Psicologia - FCLAS