996 resultados para sexual ethics


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Sex sells. A lot. But who exactly is on the market?

What kinds of bodies are calibrated for traffic and consumption, and how exactly do they get there? When it comes to “sex” trafficking—which comprises a minority percentage of human trafficking, yet dominates the moral imagination as an “especially heinous” crime—the rise in predominantly white, evangelical Christian American interest in the trafficked subject galvanizes an ethical outrage that rarely observes critiques of race, ethnicity, sexuality or class as conditions of possibility. Though a nuanced mandate to fight trafficking is all but cemented in the contemporary American political and moral conscience, Virgin Territory accounts for the ways Christian ideas of purity annex both gender and sexuality inside the legacies of racialized colonial encounter, and foreground the market expansion of the global sex trade as it exists today.

In Part I, I argue that the narratives of virginity tied to Mary’s body simultaneously foregrounded the gendered, sexed Other as sparked disdain for the religious Other, for the Jewish body and for Mary’s Jewish identity. Through this analysis I explore the connections of racial identity to the Christian theological elision of Jewish election. I demonstrate how the questions of sexual ethics materialized at the site of the Virgin Mary, and align the moral attachments of sex and purity in the production of whiteness. These machinations, tied to the emerging European identity of empire, irrupt horrifically into the narrative ontology of dark flesh in Africa, Asia, and the Americas.

In Part II, I highlight the function of these narratives inside of the moments of colonial encounter, demonstrating how the logics of purity and virginity were directly applied to manage dark female flesh. I map the visual iconography of the Black Madonna first through a Dutch painting entitled The Rape of the Negress. I read this image through the social theological imagination instantiating the idea of the reprobate body and white imperial gaze. This analysis foregrounds a theological reading of Sarah Baartman, the “Hottentot Venus,” as the center of a complex sex trafficking investigation, outlining the genealogy of race, as well as the ideologies of the racial, ethnic and national Other, as mitigating factors in the conditions of possibility of a global sex trade. By restoring these narratives and their theological undertones, I reiterate the ways Christian thought is imbricated in the global sex trade, and propose theological strategies for rethinking humanitarian responses to sex trafficking.


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Denna studie har haft som syfte att undersöka hur mäns och kvinnors roller, sexualitet och ideal inom en muslimsk kontext ser ut. Detta gjordes genom en analys av tre olika böcker, vilka hade tre olika perspektiv och var producerade under tre olika tidsperioder. Böckerna var Den doftande trädgården från år 1966, vilket var det orientalistiska perspektivet, The muslim marriage guide från år 1995, vilket var det neo-traditionella perspektivet samt Sexual Ethics and Islam från år 2006, vilket var det feministiska perspektivet. För att kunna undersöka dessa böcker analyserades dem utifrån verktyg från lingvistisk och visuell textanalys samt kategoriserades och komparerades. Resultatet blev att böckerna både hade likheter och skillnader gällande mäns och kvinnors roller, sexualitet och ideal. Kvinnor framställdes genom feminina egenskaper som omsorgsfull, hemmafru, vacker och sexuell tillgänglighet, medan män framställdes genom maskulina egenskaper som ledare, styrka, ansvarsfull och sexuell skicklighet. Män kunde också oftare ses som önskvärda deltagare och utföra fler handlingar än kvinnor. I vissa delar av materialet förekom även orientalistiska framställningar.


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La ricerca si prefigge di indagare sulla donna che commette reato nel corso dell’intera esperienza giuridica romana. Attraverso l’analisi delle fonti, con speciale riferimento a quelle letterarie, vengono analizzati i singoli illeciti in cui la donna stessa poteva assumere la qualifica di soggetto attivo, che danno luogo a un nutrito catalogo di fattispecie attinenti alla sfera sessuale, per quanto non manchino casi di maiestas e, più in generale, di cospirazione contro il principe. Nella presente ricerca si tenta dunque di investigare, proprio a partire dalla peculiare condizione riconosciuta alla donna all’interno della società romana, la sua dimensione ‘pubblica’, che sarebbe stata lesa con la commissione dell’illecito giacché la rea, in questo modo, avrebbe sovente compromesso un valore superindividuale, ossia la pudicitia. È proprio la lesione di siffatto principio, tale da assumere un ruolo centrale nel quadro dell’etica sessuale degli antichi romani, a giustificare la repressione degli illeciti femminili nella forma del crimen: non deve dunque meravigliare che la mulier, venuta meno all’onore familiare, sia sanzionata pubblicamente, potendosi intendere i reati dalla stessa commessi alla stregua di ‘attentati alla res publica’.


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Aquest treball s'estructura en una primera part de fonamentació teòrica. El procediment que s'ha seguit ha estat la recerca bibliogràfica. Es basa en els aspectes tècnics a tenir en compte per la detecció de l' Abusos Sexuals Infantils (ASI), la ubicació dels Serveis Bàsics d'Atenció Social (SBAS) dins el sistema català de serveis socials, el marc jurídic dels drets i de la protecció a la infància i l'adolescència així com de qüestions relatives al tractament de dades, de la confidencialitat de les informacions de què disposem els/les professionals, l'obligació de secret, complementat amb la deontologia professional, que ens pot orientar a l'hora de prendre les decisions més adequades a la nostra praxi. La segona part del treball és empírica. El procediment ha estat portar a terme un grup de reflexió ètica amb professionals del Consorci de Benestar Social del Pla de l'Estany-Banyoles. Partint de casos pràctics de sospita d'ASI, les persones participants han concretat els principals problemes (alguns dels quals relacionats amb l'ètica aplicada) davant els quals s'han trobat a la fase de detecció/intervenció. Les aportacions extretes de les diferents sessions en les quals es van treballar part dels objectius d'aquesta recerca ens permeten concretar la realitat i una primera deliberació sobre quina podria ser la bona pràctica general. La tercera part utilitza la fonamentació teòrica i els material del treball de camp per presentar la reflexió final que pretén donar resposta als objectius plantejats en aquesta recerca


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El grup ha analitzat els problemes existents quant a la salut sexual i reproductiva en l'adolescència i la validesa del consentimentinformat dels menors. Aquesta qüestió requereix un debat social informat, encaminat a assolir el consens suficient per portar a terme les actuacions necessàries -d'acord amb la normativa ja existent per a la majoria dels supòsits- que protegeixin l'interès del menor, considerat en la nostra legislació com sempre preferent.


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El grup ha analitzat els problemes existents quant a la salut sexual i reproductiva en l'adolescència i la validesa del consentimentinformat dels menors. Aquesta qüestió requereix un debat social informat, encaminat a assolir el consens suficient per portar a terme les actuacions necessàries -d'acord amb la normativa ja existent per a la majoria dels supòsits- que protegeixin l'interès del menor, considerat en la nostra legislació com sempre preferent.


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Although some are excited about the possibility of using current scientific research into the biological causes of sexual orientation to ground rights claims, I argue that basing rights claims on this research is unwise because this research, specifically the hormonal, genetic, and structural research, is organized around the inversion assumption, a conceptual scheme within which some aspect of the biology of gay men and lesbians is thought to be inverted along sex lines.While there are many reasons to worry about the use of the inversion assumption, I focus on problems that arise from a further set of claims that must be assumed in order to make the use of the inversion assumption coherent. This further set of assumptions includes the claims (1) that heterosexuality is the standard state and that (2) this standard state is sexually-dimorphic and (3) deterministic. I argue that this set of assumptions is problematic because it results in ideological consequences that are both sexist and heterosexist.


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La Explotación Comercial sexual de los niños, niñas y adolescentes – ESCNNA ha ocasionado graves repercusiones en la sociedad, sometiendo a los menores a situaciones que atentan contra su integridad física y psicológica. Por ello, en el marco internacional y nacional se han adelantado diferentes iniciativas para erradicar dicho fenómeno. La Cooperación Internacional para el desarrollo- CI ha sido una valiosa herramienta en el tratamiento del flagelo dados los diferentes canales de ayuda los cuales han contribuido para su intervención. En este sentido, la CI por medio de la Agencia Canadiense para el desarrollo internacional- ACDI y la Fundación Renacer- ECPAT Internacional (End Child Prostitution, Pornography & Trafficking of Children for Sexual Purposes) hicieron posible junto con otros actores el proyecto de CI en Cartagena llamado: “La Muralla soy yo”, el cual buscó la prevención y futura erradicación de la Explotación Sexual de niños y adolescentes en el turismo- ESNAT en la ciudad. En el presente estudio de caso se pretende identificar cómo la CI incide por medio de la ACDI y la red ECPAT Internacional en instituciones locales de Cartagena para la prevención y posible erradicación del problema de la Explotación comercial sexual infantil en niños, niñas y adolescentes, en el contexto del turismo.


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This work aims to present the foundations of Kantian ethics concerning to moral judgments about sexual practices. It shows that the sexual act, for the philosopher, inevitably degrades individuals who are taking part of it, given its objectifying nature, manifested in the usage of individuals as mere means to obtain pleasure. To solve this quandary of nature since humanity is an end in itself, by the virtue of being bearer of rationality and cannot, therefore, be treated as mere means Kant claims that marriage is morally the appropriate locus for the exercise of sexuality, given the reciprocity forged there, preventing degradation. In marriage, the bond established between the impulse of nature to the conservation of the species achieved through the sexual intercourse opened to procreation and the duty of man in regarding himself as an animal being preserving the species without degrading the person is accomplished in a fully moral way. This text clarifies that the justification for the assumption of this solution is fixed at two developments of the categorical imperative: the formulas of the law of nature and humanity. Despite the fact the first brings significant contributions to human relations through the concept of reciprocity, the second establishes a normative role for the teleological argument of sexuality, becoming an obstacle in kantian's practical philosophy. To overcome that obstacle, we outline a critics which relies on the studies of Michel Foucault about sex and the power techniques related to them, producer of a scientia sexualis in the Western, demonstrating that the moral of the philosopher from Königsberg is also present in this project somehow. Finally, in a foucaultian's reading of kantian Aufklärung, we recognize that, to propose new ethical possibilities of the experience of sexuality, it is necessary to think and create new relational spaces in which the subject takes autonomously the government of self.


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Objective: Sexual harassment is unlawful in all work and educational environments in most nations of the world. The goals of this study were to describe the sexual harassment prevalence and to evaluate the experiences and attitudes of undergraduate students in one dental school in Brazil. Material and Methods: An 18-item questionnaire was administered to 254 dental students with a completion rate of 82% (208). Students were requested to respond to questions about their background and academic level in dental school, their personal experiences with sexual harassment and their observation of someone else being sexually harassed. Bivariate statistical analyses were performed. Results: Fifteen percent of the students reported being sexually harassed by a patient, by a relative of a patient or by a professor. Male students had 3 times higher probability of being sexually harassed than female student [OR = 2.910 (1.113-7.611)]. Additionally, 25.4% of the students reported witnessing sexual harassment at the school environment. The majority of students did not feel professionally prepared to respond to unwanted sexual behaviors. Conclusion: These findings demonstrate that sexual harassment can occur in a dental school setting. There is a need for ongoing sexual harassment education programs for students and university staff. Increased knowledge of sexual harassment during graduation can better prepare dental professionals to respond to sexual harassment during their practice.


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Pós-graduação em Psicologia do Desenvolvimento e Aprendizagem - FC


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This paper developed a reflection about problems related to the establishment of ethical principles that guide the sexual education aiming at emancipation. Our theoretical framework is the Critical Theory of Society, in particular texts by T. W. Adorno on training, prejudice and education. It is understood that numerous difficulties are related to the achievement of an emancipatory education, and such difficulties are even greater when it comes to sex education since it is an issue that still raises irrational fears on educators, and is absent from the training they received. Following Adorno, it is understood that the current formation favors the development of subjects inclined to prejudice, and that an emancipatory sexual education involves a critique to the conditions under which such formation occurs and, at the same time, a continuous reflection about the relations between the desires and the social possibilities of their realization.


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OBJECTIVE: Sexual harassment is unlawful in all work and educational environments in most nations of the world. The goals of this study were to describe the sexual harassment prevalence and to evaluate the experiences and attitudes of undergraduate students in one dental school in Brazil. MATERIAL AND METHODS: An 18-item questionnaire was administered to 254 dental students with a completion rate of 82% (208). Students were requested to respond to questions about their background and academic level in dental school, their personal experiences with sexual harassment and their observation of someone else being sexually harassed. Bivariate statistical analyses were performed. RESULTS: Fifteen percent of the students reported being sexually harassed by a patient, by a relative of a patient or by a professor. Male students had 3 times higher probability of being sexually harassed than female student [OR=2.910 (1.113-7.611)]. Additionally, 25.4% of the students reported witnessing sexual harassment at the school environment. The majority of students did not feel professionally prepared to respond to unwanted sexual behaviors. CONCLUSION: These findings demonstrate that sexual harassment can occur in a dental school setting. There is a need for ongoing sexual harassment education programs for students and university staff. Increased knowledge of sexual harassment during graduation can better prepare dental professionals to respond to sexual harassment during their practice.


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This paper will discuss some aspects of the problem of child sexual abuse, specifically incest, drawing on psychoanalysis and in particular the psychoanalytic proposed by Françoise Dolto allowing their concepts of castration simboligênica, symbolic function, image and body language unconsciously take incest as the object of study to propose a psychoanalytic clinic devoted to listening to the subject, going beyond the legal concerns of policies on reporting and complaints, but not meddle in them, reflecting on the role of the psychologist and psychoanalyst in the clinic for children of sexual abuse.