970 resultados para services management


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Research and practice has observed a shift toward service-oriented approaches that depend on input from users and community as co-producers of services. Yet, in delivering public infrastructure the focus is still on assets rather than services. The contribution of external stakeholders in the co-production of public services is still limited. Using the Policy Delphi with a panel of experts, we found that although practitioners understand the need for asset management to follow the service approach, guidelines and policies still lack that service-centric perspective. Findings revealed a range of obstacles to effective service delivery, related to the sub-optimal involvement of stakeholders’, asymmetric levels of power, the lack of accountability, transparency and availability of government, and the lack of genuine consultations between government and stakeholder groups. The paper concludes by offering directions and strategies for asset managers and policymakers to support and reconnect disengaged government-citizen relations for optimal service delivery outcomes in asset management.


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Too often the relationship between client and external consultants is perceived as one of protagonist versus antogonist. Stories on dramatic, failed consultancies abound, as do related anecdotal quips. A contributing factor to many "apparently" failed consultancies is a poor appreciation by both the client and consultant of the client's true goals for the project and how to assess progress toward these goals. This paper presents and analyses a measurement model for assessing client success when engaging an external consultant. Three main areas of assessment are identified: (1) the consultant;s recommendations, (2) client learning, and (3) consultant performance. Engagement success is emperically measured along these dimensions through a series of case studies and a subsequent survey of clients and consultants involved in 85 computer-based information system selection projects. Validation fo the model constructs suggests the existence of six distinct and individually important dimensions of engagement success. both clients and consultants are encouraged to attend to these dimensions in pre-engagement proposal and selection processes, and post-engagement evaluation of outcomes.


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Since the inception of the UN Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) in 1992, little progress has been achieved in terms of involving the business community in protecting biological diversity worldwide. This article assesses the current activities of US Fortune 500 companies with respect to global biodiversity protection and the goals of the CBD. Data and information collected from 500 companies within eight major industrial sectors were further categorized at the company level to assess each company's involvement in global biodiversity protection. Our findings show that although companies' business profiles highly influence their decision-making process regarding the adoption of biodiversity protection policies and measures, their revenue profiles are less influential. We show that despite generating low revenues, companies in the utility sector are more active in the adoption of biodiversity protection policy than those in the financial sector, which generate high revenues. This study also demonstrates that companies must be convinced of the major effects of biodiversity loss on their bottom lines to be motivated to protect biological diversity. Companies' business and business-related risk profiles can also influence the adoption of biodiversity protection policies within the company. The study further demonstrates that a measurable biodiversity impact indicator is necessary for the companies to get seriously involved in the mitigation action. Finally, this study proposes a three-step biodiversity loss mitigation action framework that is drawn upon the assessment of the 500 companies that can contribute to develop an elaborative framework of business sector-specific mitigation plan. © 2013 Copyright Taylor and Francis Group, LLC.


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Primary care in the United States is undergoing many changes. Reliable and valid instruments are needed to assess the effects of these changes. The Primary Care Organizational Questionnaire (PCOQ), a 56-item 5-point Likert scale survey that evaluates interactions among members of the clinic/practice and job-related attributes, was administered to clinicians and staff in 36 primary care practices serving paediatric populations in Connecticut. A priori scales were reliable (Cronbach alpha =0.7). Analysis of variance (ANOVA) showed greater heterogeneity across clinics than within clinics for 13 of 15 a priori scales, which were then included in a principal component factor analysis with varimax rotation. Eigenvalue analysis showed nine significant factors, largely similar to the a priori scales, indicating concurrent construct validity. Further research will ascertain the utility of the PCOQ in predicting the effectiveness of primary care practices in implementing disease management programmes. © 2006 Royal Society of Medicine Press.


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Mestrado em Contabilidade e Finanças Orientado por: Doutora Cláudia Lopes


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A aceleração do ritmo de mudança verificado nas sociedades atuais, tem sido impulsionado pela globalização, fenómeno decorrente da evolução das tecnologias da informação, das telecomunicações, das comunicações e transportes e do desaparecimento de fronteiras. Viver na “aldeia global” ou à escala global como o previu Marshall McLuhan (1964) no livro Understanding Media, é hoje uma realidade inquestionável. As consequências desta transformação foram múltiplas quer do ponto de vista dos benefícios, quer do ponto de vista dos problemas gerados. No plano da segurança, face ao multiculturalismo envolvido e ao aumento crescente do crime transfronteiriço, tornou-se essencial a partilha de informação a nível internacional tendo em vista o seu combate não só olhando a situação dos cidadãos como a defesa dos princípios democráticos. Realça-se que os progressos tecnológicos e as facilidades que criam aos seus utilizadores, neste caso os criminosos, fazem com que as ações por estes praticadas sejam cada vez mais meticulosas, imprevisíveis, sofisticadas e complexas o que impõe uma resposta correspondente e adequada. Por essa razão, as políticas de segurança existentes mostraram-se insuficientes e esgotadas requerendo novas respostas capazes de produzir os efeitos desejáveis para uma efetiva prevenção da criminalidade. Pelas dimensões que tem vindo a tomar, a criminalidade tornou-se uma preocupação que ultrapassou o domínio da segurança interna de cada país para ser encarada a nível internacional ou mesmo mundial. Para o efeito urge concertar processos e procedimentos securitários agregando vontades que convirjam e defendam a unificação dos sistemas dos países a nível mundial. A verificar-se tal intento, daí resultariam significativas melhorias da segurança a todos os níveis (nacional, internacional e mundial). Além disso também resultariam ganhos em termos de tempo, redução de custos, impacto na qualidade dos serviços prestados, na gestão das pessoas e na eficiência das organizações. Realça-se que a democracia ao promover a dignidade do homem densificando os seus direitos, liberdades e garantias, criou indiretamente condições para que fosse gerada instabilidade e o desenvolvimento de comportamentos criminosos. Importa, portanto, face à situação existente e à previsível complexidade do crime no futuro, estudar profundamente a nova realidade neste domínio, para tomar as medidas preventivas tendentes a reporem a estabilidade e a promoverem a paz social. Foi neste contexto que a presente investigação, desenvolvida no âmbito académico, mas também suportado na realidade profissional, pretendeu refletir sobre o estado da segurança global e dar o seu contributo nesta matéria.


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To inspire new ideas in research on pollination ecology, we list the most important unanswered questions in the field. This list was drawn up by contacting 170 scientists from different areas of pollination ecology and asking them to contribute their opinion on the greatest knowledge gaps that need to be addressed. Almost 40% of them took part in our email poll and we received more than 650 questions and comments, which we classified into different categories representing various aspects of pollination research. The original questions were merged and synthesised, and a final vote and ranking led to the resultant list. The categories cover plant sexual reproduction, pollen and stigma biology, abiotic pollination, evolution of animal-mediated pollination, interactions of pollinators and floral antagonists, pollinator behaviour, taxonomy, plant-pollinator assemblages, geographical trends in diversity, drivers of pollinator loss, ecosystem services, management of pollination, and conservation issues such as the implementation of pollinator conservation. We focused on questions that were of a broad scope rather than case-specific; thus, addressing some questions may not be feasible within single research projects but constitute a general guide for future directions. With this compilation we hope to raise awareness of pollination-related topics not only among researchers but also among non-specialists including policy makers, funding agencies and the public at large.


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Insect pollination underpins apple production but the extent to which different pollinator guilds supply this service, particularly across different apple varieties, is unknown. Such information is essential if appropriate orchard management practices are to be targeted and proportional to the potential benefits pollinator species may provide. Here we use a novel combination of pollinator effectiveness assays (floral visit effectiveness), orchard field surveys (flower visitation rate) and pollinator dependence manipulations (pollinator exclusion experiments) to quantify the supply of pollination services provided by four different pollinator guilds to the production of four commercial varieties of apple. We show that not all pollinators are equally effective at pollinating apples, with hoverflies being less effective than solitary bees and bumblebees, and the relative abundance of different pollinator guilds visiting apple flowers of different varieties varies significantly. Based on this, the taxa specific economic benefits to UK apple production have been established. The contribution of insect pollinators to the economic output in all varieties was estimated to be £92.1M across the UK, with contributions varying widely across taxa: solitary bees (£51.4M), honeybees (£21.4M), bumblebees (£18.6M) and hoverflies (£0.7M). This research highlights the differences in the economic benefits of four insect pollinator guilds to four major apple varieties in the UK. This information is essential to underpin appropriate investment in pollination services management and provides a model that can be used in other entomolophilous crops to improve our understanding of crop pollination ecology.


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Objective. To search the literature for circumstances that impede injury and disease prevention and other activities intended to improve the health of the health care worker. Methods. The SciELO database was searched for articles published in 1967-2008. This was supplemented by a PubMed search for the period 1950-2008. The following key words were used to identify articles in English, Portuguese, and Spanish: work, health personnel, occupational, risks, diseases, ergonomics, work ability, quality of life, organization, accidents, work conditions, intervention, and administration. Articles on injury and disease prevention and occupational health in a health care setting in Latin America were selected, along with articles focused on health promotion in the health sector. Results. The following shortcomings were identified: activities lacked a sound theoretical foundation and were not integrated with the health services management; a failure to evaluate the effectiveness of the activity; health surveillance focused solely on a specific disease or injury; management not committed to the proposed activity; miscommunication; inability of workers to participate, or control the work environment; and, programs or efforts that were limited to changing the workers` behaviors. Conclusions. The literature shows that all the barriers identified by this study affect both the health care workers` health as well as their productivity.


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Studies of the construct of service quality have traditionally been undertaken from the perspective of the service receiver. More recently, research has focused on both the service provider's perspective and the service receiver's perspective. In addition, there have also been some triadic network approaches to the study of service quality. However, there has been very little research into sequential service quality in service-encounter chains (that is, consecutive service performances in a series of service encounters). The incorporation of connected service encounters in services management can improve understanding of sequential service quality in service-encounter chains. This paper provides a customized construct of sequential service quality and  highlights the importance of time, context, and performance threshold in service-encounter chains. Furthermore, the paper presents a customized six-dimensional construct of sequential service quality.


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Consumers often report dissatisfaction with technology-based services. This thesis, for the first time, examines consumer complaining behaviour with regard to these services, and identifies the factors that influence it. Complaint management strategies are recommended that benefit both organisations and consumers in this evolving service context.


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The aim of this quantitative study is to undertake empirical research investigating the nature and magnitude of the determinants of re-purchase intentions from the point of view of service performance and post purchase perceptions. A theoretical model linking service quality issues and re-purchase intentions was developed and tested using structural equation modelling of 318 surveyed participants at various day spa locations. The findings of this study confirm that the enhancement of the delivery of high quality service, an accommodating environment and strengthening relationships with customers are more likely to increase re-purchase intentions. The major values of this study are the establishment of the role of service quality on re-purchase intentions and the mediating role of customer relationship strength. The major limitation of this research is the study was undertaken in a single service industry.