997 resultados para separation factor


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High-throughput screening is a promising new approach in analytical chemistry. Within the framework of an extended screening program (The German-Chinese Drug Screening Program), the enantioseparation of 86 drugs was investigated by capillary zone electrophoresis in the presence of the chiral solvating agent (CSA) octakis-(2,3,6-tri-O-methyl)-gamma-cyclodextrin (TM-gamma-CD). By this means, 15 drugs could be separated into enantiomeric pairs. Approximate measures for the degree of interaction (migration retardation factor, R-m) and for the degree of enantiomer recognition (migration separation factors, alpha(m)) revealed intriguing patterns that were compared with those found for native gamma-cyclodextrin (gamma-CD). Although there is a distinct influence of the analyte structure on the electrophoretic data, interpretation remains difficult. Most remarkably, permethylation of gamma-CD leads neither to a higher affinity nor to better chiral recognition, in contrast to the findings with alpha-CD.


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The feasibility of applying the method of factor analysis to X-ray diffraction diagrams of binary blends of polypropylene and ethylene-propylene-diene terpolymer (PP/EPDM) was examined. The result of mathematical treatment was satisfactory. The number of scattering species and their concentrations in six kinds of PP/EPDM blends were determined. The separation of the spectral peaks of each species in the blends, contributing spectral intensities, was carried out.


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With using short capillary column packed with porous and non-porous ODS stationary phases, high speed separation of 6 neutral aromatic compounds within 36 s by capillary electrochromatography (CEC) has been performed. Good reproducibility of the migration times for those solutes in high speed CEC was observed with RSD less than 1%. Both the linear velocity of EOF and the current linearly increases with the applied voltage, which means that the thermal effect by Joule heating was small. However, the capacity factor of solutes was found to decrease with the increase of the applied voltage, which was caused by the fact that about several seconds needed for the increase of voltage from 0 to applied value on a commercial CE instrument made larger contributions to the migration times of the early eluted compounds than those of lately eluted ones during high speed CEC, and voltage effect would increase with the higher applied voltage used. The linear relationship between the logarithm of capacity factor and the number of carbon for homologous compounds was observed, and positive value of slope means that the hydrophobicity of solutes is one of the main contribution factors to retention in high speed CEC packed with ODS stationary phases.


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SAMHD1 has recently been identified as an HIV-1 restriction factor operating in myeloid cells. As a countermeasure, the Vpx accessory protein from HIV-2 and certain lineages of SIV have evolved to antagonize SAMHD1 by inducing its ubiquitin-proteasome-dependent degradation. Here, we show that SAMHD1 experienced strong positive selection episodes during primate evolution that occurred in the Catarrhini ancestral branch prior to the separation between hominoids (gibbons and great apes) and Old World monkeys. The identification of SAMHD1 residues under positive selection led to mapping the Vpx-interaction domain of SAMHD1 to its C-terminal region. Importantly, we found that while SAMHD1 restriction activity toward HIV-1 is evolutionarily maintained, antagonism of SAMHD1 by Vpx is species-specific. The distinct evolutionary signature of SAMHD1 sheds light on the development of its antiviral specificity.


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Chaque année, environ 1 à 1,25 million d’individus subiront une chirurgie cardiaque. [1] Environ 36 000 chirurgies cardiaques sont effectuées au Canada et 8000 procédures au Québec (http://www.ccs.ca). Le vieillissement de la population aura pour conséquence que la chirurgie cardiaque sera offerte à des patients de plus en plus à risque de complications, principalement en raison d’une co-morbidité plus importante, d’un risque de maladie coronarienne plus élevée, [2] d’une réserve physiologique réduite et par conséquent un risque plus élevé de mortalité à la suite d’une chirurgie cardiaque. L’une des complications significatives à la suite d’une chirurgie cardiaque est le sevrage difficile de la circulation extracorporelle. Ce dernier inclut la période au début du sevrage de la circulation extracorporelle et s’étend jusqu’au départ du patient de la salle d’opération. Lorsque le sevrage de la circulation extracorporelle est associé à une défaillance ventriculaire droite, la mortalité sera de 44 % à 86 %. [3-7] Par conséquent le diagnostic, l’identification des facteurs de risque, la compréhension du mécanisme, la prévention et le traitement du sevrage difficile de la circulation extracorporelle seront d’une importance majeure dans la sélection et la prise en charge des patients devant subir une chirurgie cardiaque. Les hypothèses de cette thèse sont les suivantes : 1) le sevrage difficile de la circulation extracorporelle est un facteur indépendant de mortalité et de morbidité, 2) le mécanisme du sevrage difficile de la circulation extracorporelle peut être approché d’une façon systématique, 3) la milrinone administrée par inhalation représente une alternative préventive et thérapeutique chez le patient à risque d’un sevrage difficile de la circulation extracorporelle après la chirurgie cardiaque.


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We know little about the genomic events that led to the advent of a multicellular grade of organization in animals, one of the most dramatic transitions in evolution. Metazoan multicellularity is correlated with the evolution of embryogenesis, which presumably was underpinned by a gene regulatory network reliant on the differential activation of signaling pathways and transcription factors. Many transcription factor genes that play critical roles in bilaterian development largely appear to have evolved before the divergence of cnidarian and bilaterian lineages. In contrast, sponges seem to have a more limited suite of transcription factors, suggesting that the developmental regulatory gene repertoire changed markedly during early metazoan evolution. Using whole- genome information from the sponge Amphimedon queenslandica, a range of eumetazoans, and the choanoflagellate Monosiga brevicollis, we investigate the genesis and expansion of homeobox, Sox, T- box, and Fox transcription factor genes. Comparative analyses reveal that novel transcription factor domains ( such as Paired, POU, and T- box) arose very early in metazoan evolution, prior to the separation of extant metazoan phyla but after the divergence of choanoflagellate and metazoan lineages. Phylogenetic analyses indicate that transcription factor classes then gradually expanded at the base of Metazoa before the bilaterian radiation, with each class following a different evolutionary trajectory. Based on the limited number of transcription factors in the Amphimedon genome, we infer that the genome of the metazoan last common ancestor included fewer gene members in each class than are present in extant eumetazoans. Transcription factor orthologues present in sponge, cnidarian, and bilaterian genomes may represent part of the core metazoan regulatory network underlying the origin of animal development and multicellularity.


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In the literature on achievement goals, performance-approach goals (striving to do better than others) and performance-avoidance goals (striving to avoid doing worse than others) tend to exhibit a moderate to high correlation, raising questions about whether the 2 goals represent distinct constructs. In the current article, we sought to examine the separability of these 2 goals using a broad factor-analytic approach that attended to issues that have been overlooked or underexamined in prior research. Five studies provided strong evidence for the separation of these 2 goal constructs: Separation was observed not only with exploratory factor analysis across different age groups and countries (Studies 1a and 1b) but also with change analysis (Study 2), ipsative factor analysis (Study 3), within-person analysis (Study 4), and behavioral genetics analysis (Study 5). We conclude by discussing the implications of the present research for the achievement goal literature, as well as the psychological literature in general.


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Relationship separation is associated with substantial adult adjustment problems. The Psychological Adjustment to Separation Test (PAST) was developed as a self-report measure of 3 key dimensions of separation adjustment problems: lonely negativity, ex-partner attachment and coparenting conflict. Two independent samples (n = 219 and n = 169, respectively) of recently separated adults, 60% of whom had children, completed the PAST and other measures of general adjustment. Exploratory and confirmatory factor analyses demonstrated a replicable 3-factor structure, with each factor showing satisfactory test–retest and internal reliability and good convergent and discriminant validity. The PAST meets initial criteria for a potentially useful new measure of adult separation adjustment.


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The multidimensional high-performance liquid chromatography separations of the complex sample matrix found in café espresso coffee were completed on the propyl phenyl and butyl phenyl columns that contain 3 and 4 carbon atoms in the spacer chain, respectively. Phenyl type stationary phases are able to undergo unique π–π interactions with aromatic compounds. Previous works have found that there are differences in retention characteristics between these chain lengths and this was explored further here. It was found that when analysing the separations by quadrants, using a geometric approach to factor analysis and by measuring the normalised mean radius, subtle differences in the separations were observed and the butyl phenyl phase was more selective for the high to medium polarity species. However, there was very little difference in separation behaviour for the hydrophobic components within the coffee sample. Overall, the analysis of the entire separation showed very little difference.


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In this manuscript, we investigate the importance that must be placed on the selection of standard compounds when undertaking studies to optimize the performance of 2-D-HPLC separations. A geometric approach to factor analysis and a measure of peak density across the separation space were applied to assess localized measures of component distributions within the 2-D separation plane. The results of this analysis of data showed that the measure of separation quality varied markedly, depending on the elution zone for which the test was undertaken. The study concluded that if standards cannot be obtained that adequately describe the entire sample matrix, the sample itself should be used, and also, the separation should be optimized for regions of interest, not necessarily the separation as a whole.


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Growing self-organizing map (GSOM) has been introduced as an improvement to the self-organizing map (SOM) algorithm in clustering and knowledge discovery. Unlike the traditional SOM, GSOM has a dynamic structure which allows nodes to grow reflecting the knowledge discovered from the input data as learning progresses. The spread factor parameter (SF) in GSOM can be utilized to control the spread of the map, thus giving an analyst a flexibility to examine the clusters at different granularities. Although GSOM has been applied in various areas and has been proven effective in knowledge discovery tasks, no comprehensive study has been done on the effect of the spread factor parameter value to the cluster formation and separation. Therefore, the aim of this paper is to investigate the effect of the spread factor value towards cluster separation in the GSOM. We used simple k-means algorithm as a method to identify clusters in the GSOM. By using Davies–Bouldin index, clusters formed by different values of spread factor are obtained and the resulting clusters are analyzed. In this work, we show that clusters can be more separated when the spread factor value is increased. Hierarchical clusters can then be constructed by mapping the GSOM clusters at different spread factor values.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Nano(bio)science and nano(bio)technology play a growing and tremendous interest both on academic and industrial aspects. They are undergoing rapid developments on many fronts such as genomics, proteomics, system biology, and medical applications. However, the lack of characterization tools for nano(bio)systems is currently considered as a major limiting factor to the final establishment of nano(bio)technologies. Flow Field-Flow Fractionation (FlFFF) is a separation technique that is definitely emerging in the bioanalytical field, and the number of applications on nano(bio)analytes such as high molar-mass proteins and protein complexes, sub-cellular units, viruses, and functionalized nanoparticles is constantly increasing. This can be ascribed to the intrinsic advantages of FlFFF for the separation of nano(bio)analytes. FlFFF is ideally suited to separate particles over a broad size range (1 nm-1 μm) according to their hydrodynamic radius (rh). The fractionation is carried out in an empty channel by a flow stream of a mobile phase of any composition. For these reasons, fractionation is developed without surface interaction of the analyte with packing or gel media, and there is no stationary phase able to induce mechanical or shear stress on nanosized analytes, which are for these reasons kept in their native state. Characterization of nano(bio)analytes is made possible after fractionation by interfacing the FlFFF system with detection techniques for morphological, optical or mass characterization. For instance, FlFFF coupling with multi-angle light scattering (MALS) detection allows for absolute molecular weight and size determination, and mass spectrometry has made FlFFF enter the field of proteomics. Potentialities of FlFFF couplings with multi-detection systems are discussed in the first section of this dissertation. The second and the third sections are dedicated to new methods that have been developed for the analysis and characterization of different samples of interest in the fields of diagnostics, pharmaceutics, and nanomedicine. The second section focuses on biological samples such as protein complexes and protein aggregates. In particular it focuses on FlFFF methods developed to give new insights into: a) chemical composition and morphological features of blood serum lipoprotein classes, b) time-dependent aggregation pattern of the amyloid protein Aβ1-42, and c) aggregation state of antibody therapeutics in their formulation buffers. The third section is dedicated to the analysis and characterization of structured nanoparticles designed for nanomedicine applications. The discussed results indicate that FlFFF with on-line MALS and fluorescence detection (FD) may become the unparallel methodology for the analysis and characterization of new, structured, fluorescent nanomaterials.


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Carbonaceous particles that comprise organic carbon (OC) and elemental carbon (EC) are of increasing interest in climate research because of their influence on the radiation balance of the Earth. The radiocarbon determination of particulate OC and EC extracted from ice cores provides a powerful tool to reconstruct the long-term natural and anthropogenic emissions of carbonaceous particles. However, this C-14-based source apportionment method has not been applied for the firn section, which is the uppermost part of Alpine glaciers with a typical thickness of up to 50 m. In contrast to glacier ice, firn samples are more easily contaminated through drilling and handling operations. In this study, an alternative decontamination method for firn samples consisting of chiselling off the outer parts instead of rinsing them was developed and verified. The obtained procedural blank of 2.8 +/- 0.8 mu g C for OC is a factor of 2 higher compared to the rinsing method used for ice, but still relatively low compared to the typical OC concentration in firn samples from Alpine glaciers. The EC blank of 0.3 +/- 0.1 mu g C is similar for both methods. For separation of OC and EC for subsequent C-14 analysis, a thermal-optical method instead of the purely thermal method was applied for the first time to firn and ice samples, resulting in a reduced uncertainty of both the mass and C-14 determination. OC and EC concentrations as well as their corresponding fraction of modern for firn and ice samples from Fiescherhorn and Jungfraujoch agree well with published results, validating the new method.


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The objective of this study was to clarify the relative roles of medial versus luminal factors in the induction of thickening of the arterial intima after balloon angioplasty injury. Platelet-derived growth factor (PDGF) and thrombin, both associated with thrombosis, and basic fibroblast growth factor (bFGF), stored in the arterial wall, have been implicated in this process. To unequivocally isolate the media from luminally derived factors, we used a 20-μm thick hydrogel barrier that adhered firmly to the arterial wall to block thrombus deposition after balloon-induced injury of the carotid artery of the rat. Thrombosis, bFGF mobilization, medial repopulation, and intimal thickening were measured. Blockade of postinjury arterial contact with blood prevented thrombosis and dramatically inhibited both intimal thickening and endogenous bFGF mobilization. By blocking blood contact on the two time scales of thrombosis and of intimal thickening, and by using local protein release to probe, by reconstitution, the individual roles of PDGF-BB and thrombin, we were able to conclude that a luminally derived factor other than PDGF or thrombin is required for the initiation of cellular events leading to intimal thickening after balloon injury in the rat. We further conclude that a luminally derived factor is required for mobilization of medial bFGF.