988 resultados para self-produced electricity


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The proposed method to analyze the composition of the cost of electricity is based on the energy conversion processes and the destruction of the exergy through the several thermodynamic processes that comprise a combined cycle power plant. The method uses thermoeconomics to evaluate and allocate the cost of exergy throughout the processes, considering costs related to inputs and investment in equipment. Although the concept may be applied to any combined cycle or cogeneration plant, this work develops only the mathematical modeling for three-pressure heat recovery steam generator (HRSG) configurations and total condensation of the produced steam. It is possible to study any n x 1 plant configuration (n sets of gas turbine and HRSGs associated to one steam turbine generator and condenser) with the developed model, assuming that every train operates identically and in steady state. The presented model was conceived from a complex configuration of a real power plant, over which variations may be applied in order to adapt it to a defined configuration under study [Borelli SJS. Method for the analysis of the composition of electricity costs in combined cycle thermoelectric power plants. Master in Energy Dissertation, Interdisciplinary Program of Energy, Institute of Eletro-technical and Energy, University of Sao Paulo, Sao Paulo, Brazil, 2005 (in Portuguese)]. The variations and adaptations include, for instance, use of reheat, supplementary firing and partial load operation. It is also possible to undertake sensitivity analysis on geometrical equipment parameters. (C) 2007 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Improving the treatment of obesity remains a critical challenge. Several health behaviour change models, often based on a social-cognitive framework, have been used to design weight management interventions (Baranowski et al., 2003). However, most interventions have only produced modest weight reductions (Wadden et al., 2002) and socialcognitive variables have shown limited power to predict weight outcomes (Palmeira et al., 2007). Other predictors, and possibl alte nati e e planatory models, are needed to better understand the mechanisms by which weight loss and other obesity treatment-outcomes are brought about (Baranowski, 2006). Self-esteem is one of these possible mechanisms, because is commonly reported to change during the treatment, although these changes are not necessarily associated with weight loss (Blaine et al., 2007; Maciejewski et al., 2005). This possibility should be more evident if the program integrates regular exercise, as it promotes improvements in subjective well-being (Biddle & Mutrie, 2001), with possible influences on long-term behavioral adherence (e.g. diet, exercise). Following the reciprocal effects model tenets (Marsh & Craven, 2006), we expect that the influences between changes in weight, selfesteem and exercise to be reciprocal and might present one of the mechanisms by which obesity treatments can be improved.


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The study of electricity markets operation has been gaining an increasing importance in last years, as result of the new challenges that the electricity markets restructuring produced. This restructuring increased the competitiveness of the market, but with it its complexity. The growing complexity and unpredictability of the market’s evolution consequently increases the decision making difficulty. Therefore, the intervenient entities are forced to rethink their behaviour and market strategies. Currently, lots of information concerning electricity markets is available. These data, concerning innumerous regards of electricity markets operation, is accessible free of charge, and it is essential for understanding and suitably modelling electricity markets. This paper proposes a tool which is able to handle, store and dynamically update data. The development of the proposed tool is expected to be of great importance to improve the comprehension of electricity markets and the interactions among the involved entities.


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This paper studies the impact of energy and stock markets upon electricity markets using Multidimensional Scaling (MDS). Historical values from major energy, stock and electricity markets are adopted. To analyze the data several graphs produced by MDS are presented and discussed. This method is useful to have a deeper insight into the behavior and the correlation of the markets. The results may also guide the construction models, helping electricity markets agents hedging against Market Clearing Price (MCP) volatility and, simultaneously, to achieve better financial results.


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Self-compacting concrete (SCC) can soon be expected to replace conventional concrete due to its many advantages. Its main characteristics in the fresh state are achieved essentially by a higher volume of mortar (more ultrafine material) and a decrease of the coarse-aggregates. The use of over-large volumes of additions such as fly ash (FA) and/or limestone filler (LF) can substantially affect the concrete's pore structure and consequently its durability. In this context, an experimental programme was conducted to evaluate the effect on the concrete's porosity and microstructure of incorporating FA and LF in binary and ternary mixes of SCC. For this, a total of 11 SIX mixes were produced; 1 with cement only (C); 3 with C + FA in 30%, 60% and 70% substitution (fad); 3 with C + LF in 30%, 60% and 70% fad; 4 with C + FA + LF in combinations of 10-20%, 20-10%, 20-40% and 40-20% f(ad), respectively. The results enabled conclusions to be established regarding the SCC's durability, based on its permeability and the microstructure of its pore structure. The properties studied are strongly affected by the type and quantity of additions. The use of ternary mixes also proves to be extremely favourable, confirming the beneficial effect of the synergy between these additions. (C) 2015 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Abstract Self-compacting concrete (SCC) can soon be expected to replace conventional concrete due to its many advantages. Its main characteristics in the fresh state are achieved essentially by a higher volume of mortar (more ultrafine material) and a decrease of the coarse-aggregates. The use of over-large volumes of additions such as fly ash (FA) and/or limestone filler (LF) can substantially affect the concrete's pore structure and consequently its durability. In this context, an experimental programme was conducted to evaluate the effect on the concrete's porosity and microstructure of incorporating FA and LF in binary and ternary mixes of SCC. For this, a total of 11 SCC mixes were produced: 1 with cement only (C); 3 with C + FA in 30%, 60% and 70% substitution (fad); 3 with C + LF in 30%, 60% and 70% fad; 4 with C + FA + LF in combinations of 10-20%, 20-10%, 20-40% and 40-20% fad, respectively. The results enabled conclusions to be established regarding the SCC's durability, based on its permeability and the microstructure of its pore structure. The properties studied are strongly affected by the type and quantity of additions. The use of ternary mixes also proves to be extremely favourable, confirming the beneficial effect of the synergy between these additions. © 2015 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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This paper presents the results of a study on the behaviour of self-compacting concrete (SCC) in the fresh and hardened states, produced with binary and ternary mixes of fly ash (FA) and limestone filler (LF), using the method proposed by Nepomuceno. His method determines the SCC composition parameters in the mortar phase (self-compacting mortar - SCM) easily and efficiently, whilst guaranteeing the SCC properties in both the fresh and hardened states. For this, 11 SCMs were studied: one with cement (C) only; three with FA at 30%, 60% and 70% C substitution; three with LF at 30%, 60% and 70% C substitution; four with FA + LF in combinations of 10-20%, 20-10%, 20-40% and 40-20% C substitution. Once the composition of these mortars was defined, 18 SCC mixes were produced: 14 binary SCC mixes were produced with the seven binary mortar mixes, and four ternary SCC mixes were produced with the four ternary mortar mixes. In addition to the methodology proposed by Nepomuceno, the combined use of FA and LF in ternary mixtures was tested. The results confirmed that the method could yield SCC with adequate properties in both the fresh and hardened states. It was also possible to determine the SCC composition parameters in the mortar phase (self-compacting mortar - SCM) that will guarantee the SCC properties in both the fresh and hardened states, as confirmed through the optimized behaviour of the SCC in the fresh state and the promising results in the hardened state (compressive strength). The potential demonstrated by the joint use of LF and FA through the synergetic interaction of both additions is emphasized.


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This paper is about a design of an urban area Darrieus VAWT, having self-start ability due to an innovative profile design named EN0005, avoiding the need of extra components or external electricity feed-in. An approach is presented to study the ability of a blade profile to offer self-start ability. Methodologies applied for the blade body and for profile development are reported. Field tests and main conclusions are presented to persuade for the arrangement of this design. (C) 2015 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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This paper is on the self-scheduling problem for a thermal power producer taking part in a pool-based electricity market as a price-taker, having bilateral contracts and emission-constrained. An approach based on stochastic mixed-integer linear programming approach is proposed for solving the self-scheduling problem. Uncertainty regarding electricity price is considered through a set of scenarios computed by simulation and scenario-reduction. Thermal units are modelled by variable costs, start-up costs and technical operating constraints, such as: forbidden operating zones, ramp up/down limits and minimum up/down time limits. A requirement on emission allowances to mitigate carbon footprint is modelled by a stochastic constraint. Supply functions for different emission allowance levels are accessed in order to establish the optimal bidding strategy. A case study is presented to illustrate the usefulness and the proficiency of the proposed approach in supporting biding strategies. (C) 2014 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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The basic objective of this work is to evaluate the durability of self-compacting concrete (SCC) produced in binary and ternary mixes using fly ash (FA) and limestone filler (LF) as partial replacement of cement. The main characteristics that set SCC apart from conventional concrete (fundamentally its fresh state behaviour) essentially depend on the greater or lesser content of various constituents, namely: greater mortar volume (more ultrafine material in the form of cement and mineral additions); proper control of the maximum size of the coarse aggregate; use of admixtures such as superplasticizers. Significant amounts of mineral additions are thus incorporated to partially replace cement, in order to improve the workability of the concrete. These mineral additions necessarily affect the concrete’s microstructure and its durability. Therefore, notwithstanding the many well-documented and acknowledged advantages of SCC, a better understanding its behaviour is still required, in particular when its composition includes significant amounts of mineral additions. An ambitious working plan was devised: first, the SCC’s microstructure was studied and characterized and afterwards the main transport and degradation mechanisms of the SCC produced were studied and characterized by means of SEM image analysis, chloride migration, electrical resistivity, and carbonation tests. It was then possible to draw conclusions about the SCC’s durability. The properties studied are strongly affected by the type and content of the additions. Also, the use of ternary mixes proved to be extremely favourable, confirming the expected beneficial effect of the synergy between LF and FA. © 2015 RILEM.


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The study of electricity markets operation has been gaining an increasing importance in the last years, as result of the new challenges that the restructuring process produced. Currently, lots of information concerning electricity markets is available, as market operators provide, after a period of confidentiality, data regarding market proposals and transactions. These data can be used as source of knowledge to define realistic scenarios, which are essential for understanding and forecast electricity markets behavior. The development of tools able to extract, transform, store and dynamically update data, is of great importance to go a step further into the comprehension of electricity markets and of the behaviour of the involved entities. In this paper an adaptable tool capable of downloading, parsing and storing data from market operators’ websites is presented, assuring constant updating and reliability of the stored data.


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The study of Electricity Markets operation has been gaining an increasing importance in the last years, as result of the new challenges that the restructuring produced. Currently, lots of information concerning Electricity Markets is available, as market operators provide, after a period of confidentiality, data regarding market proposals and transactions. These data can be used as source of knowledge, to define realistic scenarios, essential for understanding and forecast Electricity Markets behaviour. The development of tools able to extract, transform, store and dynamically update data, is of great importance to go a step further into the comprehension of Electricity Markets and the behaviour of the involved entities. In this paper we present an adaptable tool capable of downloading, parsing and storing data from market operators’ websites, assuring actualization and reliability of stored data.


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Advances in technology have produced more and more intricate industrial systems, such as nuclear power plants, chemical centers and petroleum platforms. Such complex plants exhibit multiple interactions among smaller units and human operators, rising potentially disastrous failure, which can propagate across subsystem boundaries. This paper analyzes industrial accident data-series in the perspective of statistical physics and dynamical systems. Global data is collected from the Emergency Events Database (EM-DAT) during the time period from year 1903 up to 2012. The statistical distributions of the number of fatalities caused by industrial accidents reveal Power Law (PL) behavior. We analyze the evolution of the PL parameters over time and observe a remarkable increment in the PL exponent during the last years. PL behavior allows prediction by extrapolation over a wide range of scales. In a complementary line of thought, we compare the data using appropriate indices and use different visualization techniques to correlate and to extract relationships among industrial accident events. This study contributes to better understand the complexity of modern industrial accidents and their ruling principles.


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This paper studies the impact of the energy upon electricity markets using Multidimensional Scaling (MDS). Data from major energy and electricity markets is considered. Several maps produced by MDS are presented and discussed revealing that this method is useful for understanding the correlation between them. Furthermore, the results help electricity markets agents hedging against Market Clearing Price (MCP) volatility.


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Nos últimos anos assistiu-se ao crescente aumento do custo da Energia Elétrica (EE), com grande impacto após o ano 2012 devido à alteração no escalão da taxa de IVA aplicável. Por outro lado tem-se ainda vindo a verificar o aumento do défice tarifário devido a um conjunto de medidas e decisões estratégicas que atualmente estão a ser pagas por todos os consumidores de energia. A introdução dos programas da microprodução seguida da miniprodução, por parte da Direção Geral de Energia e Geologia (DGEG), permitiu aos pequenos e grandes consumidores de EE, efetuar localmente produção de EE por intermedio de fontes renováveis. Contudo, segundo as “limitações” por parte destes programas, apenas era permitido aos novos pequenos produtores injetar toda a eletricidade produzida na rede elétrica, não proporcionando qualquer benefício ao nível do consumo de energia local. Ano após ano, tem-se verificado uma revisão negativa, por parte da DGEG, sobre as tarifas de remuneração da energia produzida por estes sistemas, o que abalou significativamente um setor que até aqui tinha vindo a crescer a passos largos. Tendo em conta esta nova realidade surge a necessidade de procurar alternativas mais viáveis. A alternativa proposta, não é nada mais do que uma “revisão eficiente” dos atuais sistemas em vigor, permitindo assim aos pequenos produtores, atenuar os consumos energéticos e injetar na rede os excedentes de energia. O Autoconsumo revoluciona assim os atuais mecanismos existentes, garantindo deste modo que os consumidores de EE possam reduzir a sua fatura de eletricidade através da geração local de energia.