928 resultados para seed removal


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Background: TILLING (Targeting Induced Local Lesions IN Genomes) is a reverse genetic method that combines chemical mutagenesis with high-throughput genome-wide screening for point mutation detection in genes of interest. However, this mutation discovery approach faces a particular problem which is how to obtain a mutant population with a sufficiently high mutation density. Furthermore, plant mutagenesis protocols require two successive generations (M1, M2) for mutation fixation to occur before the analysis of the genotype can begin. Results: Here, we describe a new TILLING approach for rice based on ethyl methanesulfonate (EMS) mutagenesis of mature seed-derived calli and direct screening of in vitro regenerated plants. A high mutagenesis rate was obtained (i.e. one mutation in every 451 Kb) when plants were screened for two senescence-related genes. Screening was carried out in 2400 individuals from a mutant population of 6912. Seven sense change mutations out of 15 point mutations were identified. Conclusions: This new strategy represents a significant advantage in terms of time-savings (i.e. more than eight months), greenhouse space and work during the generation of mutant plant populations. Furthermore, this effective chemical mutagenesis protocol ensures high mutagenesis rates thereby saving in waste removal costs and the total amount of mutagen needed thanks to the mutagenesis volume reduction.


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This study aimed to evaluate the effect of Moringa oleifera Lam extract on the removal of total solids (TS), total suspended solids (TSS) and chemical oxygen demand (COD), in different filter media for treating wastewater of dairy cattle breeding (DCW). The moringa seed extract was obtained by grinding 50 g of seeds in one liter of distilled water and, after passing the solution through a quantitative paper filter of 25 microns, 60 mL of the extract were added to wastewater from cattle breeding before the filtration process in organic filters made of thin coal, bamboo leaves, eucalyptus leaves, gliricidia branches and sawdust. This was followed by the completely randomized experimental design, adopting a factorial of 5 x 2. Aliquots of filtered effluent were collected and the total solids (TS) concentrations, total suspended solids (TSS) and chemical oxygen demand (COD) were determined. It was found that the increase in the efficiency of removal of COD and total solids can be attributed to the coagulating power of the moringa seed extract, wherein the filter medium with bamboo leaves presented the best performance, showing potential for use as alternative filter material in the primary treatment of DCW.


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The moisture content of peanut kernel (Arachis hypogaea L.) at digging ranges from 30 to 50% on a wet basis (w.b.). The seed moisture content must be reduced to 10.5% or below before seeds can be graded and marketed. After digging, peanuts are cured on a window sill for two to five days then mechanically separated from the vine. Heated air is used to further dry the peanuts from approximately 18 to 10% moisture content w.b. Drying is required to maintain peanut seed and grain quality. Traditional dryers pass a high temperature and high humidity air stream through the seed mass. The drying time is long because the system is inefficient and the high temperature increases the risk of thermal damage to the kernels. New technology identified as heat pipe technology (HPT) is available and has the unique feature of removing the moisture from the air stream before it is heated and passed through the seed. A study was conducted to evaluate the performance of the HPT system in drying peanut seed. The seeds inside the shells were dried from 17.4 to 7.3% in 14 hours and 11 minutes, with a rate of moisture removal of 0.71% mc per hour. This drying process caused no reduction in seed quality as measured by the standard germination, accelerated ageing and field emergence tests. It was concluded that the HPT system is a promising technology for drying peanut seed when efficiency and maintenance of physiological quality are desired.


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The objective of this study was to characterize morphologically the seed germination and floral biology of Jatropha curcas grown in Viçosa, Minas Gerais state. The floral biology study was made on fresh inflorescences of 20 plants. For the post-seminal development study, the seeds were submitted to laboratory and greenhouse germination test. J. curcas has flowers of both sexes within the same inflorescence, with each inflorescence having an average of 131 flowers, being 120 male and 10.5 female flowers. Low numbers of hermaphrodite flowers were also found, ranging from 0 to 6 flowers per inflorescence. The germination of J. curcas begins on the third day with radicle protrusion in the hilum region. The primary root is cylindrical, thick, glabrous and branches rapidly, with about 4-5 branches three days after protrusion, when the emergence of the secondary roots begins. Seed coat removal occurs around the 8th day, when the endosperm is almost totally degraded and offers no resistance to the cotyledons that expand between the 10th and 12th day. A normal seedling has a long greenish hypocotyl, two cotyledons, a robust primary root and several lateral roots. On the 12th day after sowing, the normal seedling is characterized as phanerocotylar and germination is epigeal.


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Seed is the basic input to crop production. Farmer-based seed production as an alternative agricultural technology transfer is increasingly given especial attention in developing countries where food insecurity is critical. This paper aims to assess the seed production and dissemination strategy among smallholder farmers in eastern Ethiopia that has been introduced by Hararghe Catholic Secretariat (a Non-GovernmentalOrganization). A survey of 160 households in four administrative districts and focus group discussions were used to collect data. While narratives helped understand the process, logistic regressionwas used to identify determinants of land allocation to seed production. Results indicate the crucial role of informal networks and social capital as facilitators of access to production inputs, information and knowledge. The informal seed supply system initiated by the NGO has a huge potential to benefit smallholder farmers by improving their access to higher-yielding varieties of various crops, thereby contributing to an increase in their wellbeing. However, the traditional practice of seed exchange, influenced by social relations, will remain uneconomical to seed producers. Thus, the paper suggests that this potential can be further exploited if some preconditions such as establishment of seed banks, investment in human capital, removal of the underlying constraints and creation of reliable seed markets are given emphasis.


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Polysaccharide natural seed coat from the tree Magonia pubescens, in the form of hydrogel was used to remove metals in aqueous solution. Swelling tests indicate that seed coat presents hydrogel behavior, with maximum water absorption of 292 g water/g. Adsorption experiments performed using Na(+), Mg(2+), K(+), Ca(2+), Cr(3+), Fe(3+) and Zn(2+) demonstrated that the polysaccharide structure has a high capacity to extract these ions from the aqueous solution. Scanning electron microscopy revealed significant morphological changes of the material before and after water contact. Differential scanning calorimetry measurements indicate a signal shift of the water evaporation temperature in the material with adsorbed zinc. X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy analysis combined with theoretical studies by the density functional theory and on Hartree-Fock (HF) level evidence that the metallic ions were adsorbed through coordination with hydroxyl groups of polysaccharide. In the case of Zn(2+) the lowest HF energy was observed for the tetracoordination mode, where Zn(2+) is coordinated by two hydroxyl groups and two water molecules.


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Comparative studies on the reproductive biology of co-occurring related plant species have provided valuable information for the interpretation of ecological and evolutionary phenomena, with direct application in conservation management of plant populations. The aims of this thesis were to identify the causes of pre-dispersal reproductive losses in three Euphorbia species (the Mediterranean E. characias and the narrow endemics E. pedroi and E. welwitschii) and evaluate the variation of their effects in time, space and between individuals and species. Furthermore, we intended to study elaiosomes’ fatty acid profiles for the three Euphorbia and assess the role played by the elaiosome in ant attraction. Finally, we aimed to identify the major seed dispersal agents for each Euphorbia species in each site and study differences in short term seed fate due to differences in ant behaviour. The results indicated that intact seed production differed significantly between the three Euphorbia, mostly due to differences in cyathia production. Losses to pre-dispersal seed predators were proportionately larger for the endemic species which also suffered higher losses resulting in flower, fruit (in E. welwitschii) and seed abortion (in E. pedroi). The elaiosomes of E. pedroi are poor in fatty acids and for this reason seeds of this species were removed in lower proportion by mutualistic dispersers than those of their congeners, being more prone to seed predation. Two larger ant species – Aphaenogaster senilis and Formica subrufa – were responsible for a larger percentage of removals with seeds being transported at larger distances and being discarded in the vicinity of their nests following elaiosome removal. Our results highlight the role of insect-plant interactions as major determinants of seed survival for the three study plants and call for the need to include more information on insect-plant interactions in plant conservation programmes.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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The Livistona rotundifolia species is native to Oceania, and has a high potential for landscaping use and as a pot plant. This work aimed to study the effects of the maturation stage, pulp removal and storage on the germination of L. rotundifolia seeds. The experimental design was entirely randomized in a factorial arrangement 5x2x2 (five storage periods: 15, 30, 45, 60 and 75 days; two maturation stages: green and ripe; and the presence or absence of the pulp - exocarp and mesocarp) with four replications of 25 seeds each. After sorting out the fruits by the maturity stage and removing the pulp out of half of the fruits from each plot, the seeds were placed in closed bottles, which were sealed and stored in a cold chamber at 10 degrees C. The seeds were removed from the cold chamber and left to germinate in plastic boxes (gerbox type) with sphagnum. The boxes were kept at 25-35 degrees C and photoperiod of 12 hours. The germination rate was determined when seed germination was steady. The highest germination rate was found when green fruits had their pulp removed. The germination rate gradually decreased with the increase of the storage period regardless the maturation stage and the presence or absence of the pulp.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Rationale and aim: This paper has the object to present the impact of nuts' and seeds' injuries withdrawing data from the Susy Safe registry, highlighting that as for other foreign bodies the main item efficiently and substantially susceptible to changes to decrease the accidents' rates is the education of adults and children, that can be shared with parents both from pediatricians and general practitioners. Indeed labeling and age related warnings have also a fundamental relevance in prevention. Methods: The present study draws its data from the Susy Safe registry. Details on injuries are entered in the Susy Safe Web-registry through a standardized case report form, that includes information regarding: children age and gender, features of the object, circumstances of injury (presence of parents and activity) and hospitalization's details (lasting, complications and removal details). Cases are prospectively collected using the Susy Safe system from 06/2005; moreover, also information regarding past consecutive cases available in each centre adhering to the project have been entered in the Susy Safe registry. Results: Nuts and seeds are one of the most common food item retrieved in foreign bodies injuries in children. In Susy Safe registry they represent the 38% in food group, and almost the 10% in general cases. Trachea, bronchi and lungs were the main location of FB's retrieval, showing an incidence of 68%. Hospitalization occurred in 83% of cases, showing the major frequency for foreign bodies located in trachea. This location was also the principal site of complications, with a frequency of 68%. There were no significant associations between these outcomes and the age class of the children. The most common complications seen (22.4%) was bronchitis, followed by pneumonia (19.7%). Adult presence was recorded as positive in 71.2% of cases, showing an association (p value 0.009) between the adult supervision and the hospitalization outcome. On the contrary there was a non significant association between adult presence and the occurrence of complications. In 80.7% of cases, the incident happened while the child was eating. Among those cases, 88.6% interested trachea, lungs and bronchi. Conclusions: Food-related aspiration injuries are common events for young children, particularly under 4 years of age, and may lead to severe complication. There is a need to study in more depth specific characteristics of foreign bodies associated with increased hazard, such as size, shape, hardness or firmness, lubricity, pliability and elasticity, in order to better identify risky foods, and more precisely described the pathogenetic pathway. Parents are not adequately conscious and aware toward this risk; therefore, the number and severity of the injuries could be reduced by educating parents and children. Information about food safety should be included in all visits to pediatricians in order to make parents able to understand, select, and identify key characteristics of hazardous foods and better control the hazard level of various foods. Finally, preventive measures including warning labels on high-risk foods could be implemented. (C) 2012 Elsevier Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Samenausbreitung und Regeneration von Bäumen sind wichtig für den langfristigen Bestand von Baum- und Frugivorengemeinschaften in tropischen Regenwäldern. Zunehmende Rohdung und Degradation gefährden den Ablauf dieser mutualistischen Prozesse in diesem Ökosystem. Um den Einfluss von kleinräumiger menschlicher Störung auf die Frugivorengemeinschaft und die zentralen Ökosystemprozesse Samenausbreitung und Regeneration zu erforschen, habe ich 1) die Frugivorengemeinschaft und die Samenausbreitungsrate von Celtis durandii (Ulmaceae) und 2) den Zusammenhang zwischen Baumarten mit fleischigen Früchten, Frugivoren und der Etablierung von Keimlingen dieser Baumarten in unterschiedlich stark gestörten Flächen dreier ostafrikanischer tropischer Regenwälder untersucht. Insgesamt konnte ich 40 frugivore Vogel- und Primatenarten in den drei untersuchten Waldgebieten nachweisen. Auf gering gestörten Flächen wurden mehr Frugivore als auf stark gestörten Flächen aufgenommen. Auch die Beobachtungen an C. durandii ergaben mehr frugivore Besucher in Bäumen auf gering gestörten als auf stark gestörten Flächen. Dies führte zu einer marginal signifikant höheren Samenausbreitungsrate auf den gering gestörten Flächen. Diese Ergebnisse waren auf regionaler Ebene in allen drei untersuchten Wäldern konsistent. Dies zeigt, dass kleinräumige Störung einen umfassenderen negativen Einfluss auf Frugivore und ihre Funktion als Samenausbreiter hat als zuvor angenommen. Bei der Vegetationserfassung nahm ich 131 verschiedene Baumarten mit fleischigen Früchten in den drei Regenwäldern auf. Kleinräumige menschliche Störung erhöhte den Artenreichtum dieser Baumarten marginal signifikant, hatte jedoch keinen direkten Einfluss auf die Frugivorendichte und den Artenreichtum von Keimlingen dieser Baumarten. Der Artenreichtum von Baumarten mit fleischigen Früchten zeigte einen marginal signifikant positiven Einfluss auf die Frugivorendichte, allerdings nicht auf die Keimlinge. Allerdings führte die Dichte der Frugivoren zu signifikant erhöhtem Artenreichtum der Keimlinge. Folglich scheint kleinräumige Störung die Keimlingsetablierung indirekt durch erhöhten Baumartenreichtum und erhöhte Frugivorendichte zu beeinflussen. Die Frugivorendichte hatte einen größeren Einfluss auf die Waldregeneration als kleinräumige Störung und Baumartenreichtum. Demnach scheint kleinräumige menschliche Störung sowohl positive als auch negative Effekte auf Samenausbreitung und Regeneration zu haben. Somit sind weitere Studien notwendig, die den Einfluss von kleinräumiger menschlicher Störung auf Mutualismen tropischer Regenwälder aufklären.


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Many plant species are able to tolerate severe disturbance leading to removal of a substantial portion of the body by resprouting from intact or fragmented organs. Resprouting enables plants to compensate for biomass loss and complete their life cycles. The degree of disturbance tolerance, and hence the ecological advantage of damage tolerance (in contrast to alternative strategies), has been reported to be affected by environmental productivity. In our study, we examined the influence of soil nutrients (as an indicator of environmental productivity) on biomass and stored carbohydrate compensation after removal of aboveground parts in the perennial resprouter Plantago lanceolata. Specifically, we tested and compared the effects of nutrient availability on biomass and carbon storage in damaged and undamaged individuals. Damaged plants of P. lanceolata compensated neither in terms of biomass nor overall carbon storage. However, whereas in the nutrient-poor environment, root total non-structural carbohydrate concentrations (TNC) were similar for damaged and undamaged plants, in the nutrient-rich environment, damaged plants had remarkably higher TNC than undamaged plants. Based on TNC allocation patterns, we conclude that tolerance to disturbance is promoted in more productive environments, where higher photosynthetic efficiency allows for successful replenishment of carbohydrates. Although plants under nutrient-rich conditions did not compensate in terms of biomass or seed production, they entered winter with higher content of carbohydrates, which might result in better performance in the next growing season. This otherwise overlooked compensation mechanism might be responsible for inconsistent results reported from other studies.


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The aim of this study was to determine the germination characteristics of Phillyrea angustifolia L. and P. latifolia L. seeds in order to develop an optimized propagation protocol for Phillyrea species. Seeds of P. angustifolia and P. latifolia were collected from wild plants growing in Cáceres province (CW Spain) and Andalucía (S Spain), respectively. Percentage of water uptake for P. latifolia seeds was calculated. Seeds with and without endocarp were germinated at different constant and alternating temperatures. Seeds without endocarp were soaked in distilled water or gibberellic acid, and then set to germinate. Seeds with endocarp of both species were stratified at 5 ºC for 30 or 90 days and then the endocarp was completely removed from the seeds before they were sowed. Chemical scarification with sulfuric acid and mechanical scarification were tested on P. angustifolia seeds with endocarp. Phillyrea endocarp was permeable to water, since Phillyrea seeds with endocarp imbibed water, but water uptake was faster when the endocarp was removed. Moreover, the encodarp could interfere mechanically in the emergence of the radicle, since seed germination of Phillyrea species was promoted by the complete removal of the lignified endocarp surrounding each seed. Optimal germination temperature for both species was 15 ºC, and lower temperatures produced secondary dormancy. Soaking in distilled water or gibberellic acid did not significantly enhance seed germination. Cold stratification and chemical scarification treatments were detrimental for seed germination. Keywords cold stratification, Phillyrea species, treatments before sowing, seed germination, seed scarification, lignified endocarp.