959 resultados para sedentary lifestyles


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It has been estimated that one in four adults have sedentary lifestyles. In addition there appears to be an increase in obesity across the life span. It is of great importance to the health of this nation to understand how to promote more active lifestyles through the identification of lifestyle behaviors of active individuals and potential predictors of physical activity (PA). Seven hundred and seventy-seven college students were surveyed to investigate the relationship between nutrition related variables (i.e., dietary restraint, nutrition knowledge, food choice and body weight concerns) and PA. In this study, over half of the students reported doing 30 minutes of moderate intensity PA daily. Vigorously active males and females chose low fat foods more often than the less active group. Exercisers and non-exercisers had similar nutrition knowledge. The results of this study suggest that students who are more active are more conscience about making healthier food choices.


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Introdução: O aumento da gordura abdominal e o sedentarismo contribuem para o risco de doença cardiovascular. A utilização de corrente elétrica de baixa intensidade (microcorrente) na região abdominal, associado ao exercício físico, parece ser um método inovador no aumento da taxa lipolítica dos adipócitos abdominais. Objetivos: Analisar os efeitos da utilização da microcorrente associada a um programa de exercícios em indivíduos saudáveis e com doença arterial coronária na gordura abdominal, e ainda, analisar os efeitos de um programa de exercício físico específico realizado no domicílio em indivíduos com doença arterial coronária, na fase de manutenção da reabilitação cardiovascular, na capacidade cardiorrespiratória. Métodos: Foram conduzidos três estudos: Estudo 1, em indivíduos saudáveis, durante 5 semanas (n=42), distribuídos aleatoriamente por quatro grupos experimentais (realizavam microcorrente e exercício físico: grupo 1- frequência 25 a 10Hz, elétrodos transcutâneos, exercício físico após; grupo 2- frequência 25 a 50Hz, elétrodos trancutâneos, exercício físico após; grupo 3- frequência 25 a 10Hz, elétrodos percutâneos e exercício físico após; grupo 4- frequência 25 a 10Hz, elétrodos transcutâneos e exercício físico realizado em simultâneo) e placebo (realizavam apenas exercício físico), onde foram avaliadas medidas de gordura abdominal; Estudo 2, em indivíduos saudáveis, durante uma sessão de microcorrente e exercício físico (n=83), distribuídos aleatoriamente por grupo experimental (realizavam microcorrente e exercício físico) e grupo placebo (realizavam exercício físico), onde foram avaliadas a atividade lipolítica (níveis de glicerol) e a oxidação de ácidos gordos (estimada pelo VO2 e VCO2); Estudo 3, em indivíduos após um ano de evento de síndrome coronária aguda (n=44), distribuídos aleatoriamente em dois grupos experimentais (grupo 1- exercício físico no domicílio; grupo 2- microcorrente e exercício físico no domicílio) e um grupo controlo (cuidados habituais), durante 8 semanas, sendo avaliados a gordura abdominal, o colesterol, a capacidade cardiorrespiratória, os hábitos de atividade física e alimentares e a qualidade de vida. Resultados: No estudo 1, após 5 semanas de intervenção de microcorrente e exercício físico, verificou-se uma redução das medidas de gordura abdominal (p<0,05); No estudo 2 observou-se que uma sessão de microcorrente associada ao exercício físico aumentou a taxa lipolítica, através da medição de glicerol (p<0,05), sem alterações significativas na oxidação de ácidos gordos, durante o exercício. No estudo 3, após as 8 semanas de aplicação de microcorrente associada a um programa de exercícios específicos no domicílio ocorreu uma diminuição significativa na gordura subcutânea (p<0,05). O programa de exercício físico de reabilitação cardiovascular no domicílio, per se, aumentou a capacidade cardiorrespiratória, na fase de manutenção (p<0,05). Não se verificaram alterações do colesterol total, dos hábitos alimentares, da atividade física e da qualidade de vida entre os três grupos. Conclusão: A utilização da microcorrente associada ao exercício físico parece ser um meio coadjuvante ao programa de exercícios, na redução do tecido adiposo abdominal em indivíduos saudáveis e em indivíduos após 1 ano de enfarte agudo do miocárdio. O programa de Reabilitação Cardiovascular no domicílio, em fase de manutenção, demonstrou melhoria da capacidade cardiorrespiratória.


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A prática regular de atividade física constitui um elemento essencial à promoção da saúde e prevenção de algumas doenças que acometem indivíduos e grupos populacionais. Apesar dos jovens serem a parcela mais ativa da população, os indicadores de sedentarismo crescente têm alertado os profissionais de saúde pública. Para diminuir o sedentarismo, estudos destacam a necessidade dos indivíduos modificarem seus estilos de vida, adquirindo e mantendo ações de promoção da saúde e prevenção de doenças durante todo o curso de vida. Nesse sentido, a atividade física praticada regularmente, pelo menos desde a adolescência, proporciona benefícios físicos e psicológicos considerados preditores da condição de saúde para a vida adulta. Conforme mencionado, os índices de sedentarismo têm constituído uma grande preocupação da saúde pública mundial. Isto pode ser causado, entre outros fatores, pela falta de esclarecimento adequado sobre os efeitos decorrentes da prática de atividade física regular. Sendo assim, o objetivo geral deste ensaio é sintetizar e analisar as informações disponíveis sobre a importância da prática da atividade física para a saúde de crianças e adolescentes, indicando possíveis limitações dos estudos e necessidades de pesquisas futuras. Espera-se que estas informações forneçam subsídios para o desenvolvimento de programas de promoção da atividade física para crianças e adolescentes e incentivem os próprios jovens a buscarem estilos de vida mais saudáveis e ativos. A atividade física deve ser disponibilizada e praticada por todos os jovens, em virtude dos benefícios, a curto e longo prazo, que proporciona à saúde. _______________________________________________________________________________ ABSTRACT


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Whilst health science, epidemiology and public health developments have forged enormous progress in understanding, prevention and cure in the health care area we still appear to lack the motivation to tackle the fundamental antecedents of many of our emerging population-based community health problems; the prevention of chronic illness being a prime example.

In spite of much progress in the area of health science, the social, economic and evolutionary forces that cast our physical being in the world still remain poorly understood or accepted in the health care arena. However, if our health care systems are to be manageable and sustainable in the future, these wider antecedents of our health status and wellbeing must be factored more fundamentally in to our management models with more effort being put into preventing lifestyle related chronic illnesses than is currently the case.

As in the past where public health infrastructure innovations such as running water and efficient waste disposal systems served to add greatly to the wellbeing of individuals and communities, we now need to make similar efforts to control preventable illnesses such as metabolic syndrome, type 2 diabetes and lifestyle related cardio-vascular disease at their source rather than waiting until the manifestation of these conditions require major medical and chemical intervention and management before we act. Our young people are at risk of early onset chronic conditions as a result of their emerging sedentary lifestyles, un-healthy dietary habits and health related behaviours, yet we continue to concentrate our health management effort on managing those with existing chronic conditions while leaving younger generations with lifestyle practices and behaviours that pre-dispose individuals to developing chronic illness earlier and earlier in their lives.

It is time we took notice of these emerging trends and began expending more effort to prevent what are essentially lifestyle related illnesses that can be eliminated before they become endemic. By concentrating more upon the social and environmental factors affecting our illness profiles as well as upon dealing more effectively with those who are already suffering from chronic illness we will reduce the need for major end-stage interventions and alleviate the impact and cost of early onset chronic disease. To achieve this new population health vision in Australia at least, we will not only need to utilize the new government funding structures more effectively; those structures that support coordination and more effective management of care, but also take a much broader, environmental and social view of cause and effect in relation to the health of populations.


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This thesis studied technology’s role in promoting and supporting active lifestyles through behavioural strategies to reduce sedentary time and increase physical activity. The five studies included (1) development of a self-report instrument quantifying daily sedentary behaviour and light-intensity physical activity; (2) establishment of instrument validity and reliability; (3) use of an online personal activity monitor to successfully reduce sedentary time and increase physical activity; (4) identification of positive differences in total wellness as related to high/low levels of sitting time combined with insufficient/sufficient physical activity; and (5) improvement of total wellness through positive changes in sedentary behaviour and physical activity.


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Objectives Given increasing trends of obesity being noted from early in life and that active lifestyles track across time, it is important that children at a very young age be active to combat a foundation of unhealthy behaviours forming. This study investigated, within a theory of planned behaviour (TPB) framework, factors which influence mothers’ decisions about their child’s 1) adequate physical activity (PA) and 2) limited screen time behaviours. Methods Mothers (N = 162) completed a main questionnaire, via on-line or paper-based administration, which comprised standard TPB items in addition to measures of planning and background demographic variables. One week later, consenting mothers completed a follow-up telephone questionnaire which assessed the decisions they had made regarding their child’s PA and screen time behaviours during the previous week. Results Hierarchical multiple regression analyses revealed support for the predictive model, explaining an overall 73% and 78% of the variance in mothers’ intention and 38% and 53% of the variance in mothers’ decisions to ensure their child engages in adequate PA and limited screen time, respectively. Attitude and subjective norms predicted intention in both target behaviours, as did intentions with behaviour. Contrary to predictions, perceived behavioural control (PBC) in PA behaviour and planning in screen time behaviour were not significant predictors of intention, neither was PBC a predictor of either behaviour. Conclusions The findings illustrate the various roles that psycho-social factors play in mothers’ decisions to ensure their child engages in active lifestyle behaviours which can help to inform future intervention programs aimed at combating very young children’s inactivity.


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Objective: to explore maternal energy balance, incorporating free living physical activity and sedentary behaviour, in uncomplicated pregnancies at risk of macrosomia.

Methods: a parallel-group cross-sectional analysis was conducted in healthy pregnant women predicted to deliver infants weighing Z4000 g (study group) or o4000 g (control group). Women were recruited in a 1:1 ratio from antenatal clinics in Northern Ireland. Women wore a SenseWears Body Media Pro3 physical activity armband and completed a food diary for four consecutive days in the third trimester. Physical activity was measured in Metabolic Equivalent of Tasks (METs) where 1 MET¼1 kcal per kilogram of body weight per hour. Analysis of covariance (ANCOVA) was employed using the General Linear Model to adjust for potential confounders.

Findings: of the 112 women recruited, 100 complete datasets were available for analysis. There was no significant difference in energy balance between the two groups. Intensity of free living physical activity (average METs) of women predicted to deliver macrosomic infants (n¼50) was significantly lower than that of women in the control group (n¼50) (1.3 (0.2) METs (mean, standard deviation) versus 1.2 (0.2) METs; difference in means 0.1 METs (95% confidence interval: 0.19, 0.01); p¼0.021). Women predicted to deliver macrosomic infants also spent significantly more time in sedentary behaviour (r1 MET) than the control group (16.1 (2.8) hours versus 13.8 (4.3) hours; 2.0 hours (0.3, 3.7), p¼0.020).

Key conclusions and implications for practice: although there was no association between predicted fetal macrosomia and energy balance, those women predicted to deliver a macrosomic infant exhibited increased sedentary behaviour and reduced physical activity in the third trimester of pregnancy. Professionals caring for women during pregnancy have an important role in promoting and supporting more active lifestyles amongst women who are predicted to deliver a macrosomic infant given the known associated risks.


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Nutritionists, physical and health educators and the medical profession have all expressed concern about the eating habits and sedentary lifestyle of Australian children and the short and long term consequences if we do not change our ways, states the author. Can schools solve the problem? The author examines the effort to strengthen physical education in Australian schools and considers why the subject remains marginal in the curriculum.


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Background Physically inactive lifestyles and sedentary behaviors (SB) are key contributors to ill health. Although the association between SB (e.g., watching TV/using the computer) and physical health has been well documented, increasing research has focused on the possible link between SB and mental health (e.g., depression).

This review aims to investigate the effect of SB on the risk of depression in adults.

Method A systematic search for original research articles investigating associations between SB and depression in adults was performed using the several electronic data bases.

Results A total of seven observational and four intervention studies were included in this review. All observational studies found positive associations between SB and risk of depression, while intervention studies showed contradictory results.

Evidence for the relationship between SB and risk of depression in adults is limited by methodological weaknesses. However, on balance, this review suggests that SB is associated with an increased risk of depression. Further studies are needed assessing different types of SB and depression; the interrelationship between physical activity, SB, and depression; causal links between SB and depression; and intervention strategies aimed at reducing SB and their effects on risk of depression.


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 Participation in both physical activity and sedentary behaviours follow a social gradient, such that those who are more advantaged are more likely to be regularly physically active, less likely to be sedentary, and less likely to experience the adverse health outcomes associated with inactive lifestyles than their less advantaged peers. The aim of this paper is to provide, in a format that will support policymakers and practitioners, an overview of the current evidence base and highlight promising approaches for promoting physical activity and reducing sedentary behaviours equitably at each level of ‘Fair Foundations: The VicHealth framework for health equity’. A rapid review was undertaken in February–April 2014. Electronic databases (Medline, PsychINFO, SportsDISCUS, CINAHL, Scopus, Web of Science, Cochrane Library, Global Health and Embase) were searched using a pre-defined search strategy and grey literature searches of websites of key relevant organizations were undertaken. The majority of included studies focussed on approaches targeting behaviour change at the individual level, with fewer focussing on daily living conditions or broader socioeconomic, political and cultural contexts. While many gaps in the evidence base remain, particularly in relation to reducing sedentary behaviour, promising approaches for promoting physical activity equitably across the three levels of the Fair Foundations framework include: community-wide approaches; support for local and state governments to develop policies and practices; neighbourhood designs (including parks) that are conducive to physical activity; investment in early childhood interventions; school programmes; peer- or group-based programmes; and targeted motivational, cognitive-behavioural, and/or mediated individual-level approaches.


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The paper presents the results of a study on cultural trends in the abandonment of sports and physical activity among the Spanish youth. The study, that is being conducted due to a grant awarded by the Superior Sports Council (CSD) (Ref. 007/UPB10/12), examines how the adoption of this new lifestyle (sedentary) that is gradually taking root among the Spanish youth can influence one way or another the self-perceived health and well-being among this population.


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The obesity epidemic is a global trend and is of particular concern in children. Recent reports have highlighted the severity of obesity in children by suggesting: “today's generation of children will be the first for over a century for whom life expectancy falls.” This review assesses the evidence that identifies the important role of physical activity in the growth, development and physical health of young people, owing to its numerous physical and psychological health benefits. Key issues, such as “does a sedentary lifestyle automatically lead to obesity” and “are levels of physical activity in today's children less than physical activity levels in children from previous generations?”, are also discussed. Today's environment enforces an inactive lifestyle that is likely to contribute to a positive energy balance and childhood obesity. Whether a child or adolescent, the evidence is conclusive that physical activity is conducive to a healthy lifestyle and prevention of disease. Habitual physical activity established during the early years may provide the greatest likelihood of impact on mortality and longevity. It is evident that environmental factors need to change if physical activity strategies are to have a significant impact on increasing habitual physical activity levels in children and adolescents. There is also a need for more evidence-based physical activity guidelines for children of all ages. Efforts should be concentrated on facilitating an active lifestyle for children in an attempt to put a stop to the increasing prevalence of obese children


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This chapter reports on research work that aims to overcome some limitations of conventional community engagement for urban planning. Adaptive and human-centred design approaches that are well established in human-computer interaction (such as personas and design scenarios) as well as creative writing and dramatic character development methods (such as the Stanislavsky System and the Meisner Technique) are yet largely unexplored in the rather conservative and long-term design context of urban planning. Based on these approaches, we have been trialling a set of performance based workshop activities to gain insights into participants’ desires and requirements that may inform the future design of apartments and apartment buildings in inner city Brisbane. The focus of these workshops is to analyse the behaviour and lifestyle of apartment dwellers and generate residential personas that become boundary objects in the cross-disciplinary discussions of urban design and planning teams. Dramatisation and embodied interaction of use cases form part of the strategies we employed to engage participants and elicit community feedback.