973 resultados para secular morality


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The set of papers in this focal issue draw on sociological and philosophic theory to explore the historical conjuncture and interplay between public moralities and schooling in the increasingly diverse and vexed settings of the 21st century...


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This study examines values education in Japanese schools at the beginning of the millennium. The topic was approached by asking the following three questions concerning the curricular background, the morality conveyed through textbooks and the characterization of moral education from a comparative viewpoint: 1) What role did moral education play in the curriculum revision which was initiated in 1998 and implemented in 2002? 2) What kinds of moral responsibilities and moral autonomy do the moral texts develop? 3) What does Japanese moral education look like in terms of the comparative framework? The research was based on curriculum research. Its primary empirical data consisted of the national curriculum guidelines for primary school, which were taken into use in 2002, and moral texts, Kokoro no nôto, published by the Ministry of Education in the same context. Since moral education was approached in the education reform context, the secondary research material involved some key documents of the revision process from the mid-1990s to 2003. The research material was collected during three fieldwork periods in Japan (in 2002, 2003 and 2005). The text-analysis was conducted as a theory-dependent qualitative content analysis. Japanese moral education was analyzed as a product of its own cultural tradition and societal answer to the current educational challenges. In order to understand better its character, secular moral education was reflected upon from a comparative viewpoint. The theory chosen for the comparative framework, the value realistic theory of education, represented the European rational education tradition as well as the Christian tradition of values education. Moral education, which was the most important school subject at the beginning of modern school, was eliminated from the curriculum for political reasons in a school reform after the Second World War, but has gradually regained a stronger position since then. It was reinforced particularly at the turn of millennium, when a curriculum revision attempted to respond to educational and learning problems by emphasizing qualitative and value aspects. Although the number of moral lessons and their status as a non-official-subject remained unchanged, the Ministry of Education made efforts to improve moral education by new curricular emphases, new teaching material and additional in-service training possibilities for teachers. The content of the moral texts was summarized in terms of moral responsibility in four moral areas (intrapersonal, interpersonal, natural-supranatural and societal) as follows: 1) continuous self-development, 2) caring for others, 3) awe of life and forces beyond human power, and 4) societal contribution. There was a social-societal and emotional emphasis in what was taught. Moral autonomy, which was studied from the perspectives of rational, affective and individuality development, stressed independence in action through self-discipline and responsibility more than rational self-direction. Japanese moral education can be characterized as the education of kokoro (heart) and the development of character, which arises from virtue ethics. It aims to overcome egoistic individualism by reciprocal and interdependent moral responsibility based on responsible interconnectedness.


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Tutkimuksessa analysoin neljää Jeff Lindsayn Dexter -dekkaria kahdesta eri näkökulmasta. Ensimmäinen osa keskittyy päähenkilön sosiopaattisen persoonan aiheuttamiin moraalisiin ristiriitoihin, sillä hän on sekä sarjamurhaaja että työskentelee poliisin laboratoriossa silti noudattaen erittäin tiukkaa moraalista ohjenuoraa, joka määrittää kenet hän saa tappaa. Tutkimuksen toinen osa tarkastelee kirjojen naishahmoja ja heidän ongelmiaan. Käsittelen lyhyesti myös kirjasarjan ja niiden pohjalta tehdyn televisiosarjan eroja. Metodeina käytän lähiluentaa, eettistä analyysiä sekä rikoskirjallisuuden alalajien vertailua. Vaikkei rikoskirjallisuudessa olekaan yleistä, että poliisi tai tutkija olisi siviilissä rikollinen, on Dexter hyvin tyypillinen fiktiivinen sosiopaatti ja sarjamurhaaja. Lindsayn kirjojen juonet ja Dexter päähenkilönä noudattavat paikoin lähes kirjaimellisesti Thomas Harrisin Hannibal Lecterille luomaa kaavaa. Kirjojen moraaliset ristiriidat taas aiheutuvat sekä Dexterin roolista lainvartijana ja -rikkojana että hänen noudattamastaan tiukasta moraalisesta ohjenuorasta, joka määrittää kenet saa tappaa. Sosiopaattina hänen pitäisi olla kaikkien yhteiskunnan asettamien lakien ja rajoitusten tavoittamattomissa, mutta silti hänen päätöksentekonsa perustuu täysin kasvatti-isänsä laatimiin ohjeisiin. Tämä on yksi Dexterin hahmon suurimmista ristiriitaisuuksista, joka vahvistaa Heta Pyrhösen esittämän ajatuksen siitä, ettei rikoskirjallisuus tule toimeen ilman vahvaa moraalista selkärankaa. Dexterin tiukka moraalinen ohjenuora ja lukijoiden samaistuminen päähenkilöön ovat kuitenkin todennäköisin syy hänen selviytymiseensä kirjasta toiseen, ja sarjan myötä Dexter muuttuukin inhimillisemmäksi kuin alussa. Toisaalta naishahmojen ongelmien havaitseminen on vaikeaa, sillä ensivaikutelman perusteella voisi kuvitella, että Lindsayn kuvaama yhteiskunta on jo ratkaissut kaikki tasa-arvo-ongelmansa. Sukupuolten ja kansanryhmien välisestä tasa-arvosta ei kirjoissa keskustella, mutta merkittäviä naishahmoja on silti huomattavan vähän, eikä heistäkään ole rakennettu yhtä johdonmukaisia ja mielenkiintoisia kuin päähenkilöstä esimerkiksi. He jäävät pitkälti Dexterin varjoon. Edes Dexterin sisko Deborah ei pysty säilyttämään osaansa kirjojen naispäähenkilönä, sillä hänen ammattitaitoaan poliisina ja olemustaan naisena kuvataan jatkuvan ristiriitaisesti. Kaksi seuraavaksi tärkeintä naishahmoa ovat Dexterin tyttöystävä Rita, joka toimii äitiyden ruumiillistumana, sekä hänen tyttärensä Astor, joka on veljensä ohella samanlainen sosiopaatti kuin Dexter. Naissarjamurhaajien puute ja naishahmojen epäjohdonmukainen kuvaus ovat yksi Lindsayn kirjojen suurimmista ongelmista. Analyysin keskeisimmät johtopäätökset paljastavat, miten omaperäisyydestään huolimatta Dexter muistuttaa huomattavasti muita tunnettuja fiktiivisiä sarjamurhaajia, ja miten Lindsay pohjaa tekstinsä amerikkalaiseen arvomaailmaan ja rikoskirjallisuuden alalajien konventioihin. Vaikka suurin osa lukijoista pystyykin käsittelemään Dexterin tekojen moraalisia ristiriitoja, voi sarjamurhaajan ihannointi aiheuttaa toisille ongelmia. Toisaalta luomalla monipuolisia ja johdonmukaisia naishahmoja, jotka pystyisivät säilyttämään itsenäisyytensä kaikissa tilanteissa, Lindsayn kirjat olisivat sekä ajankohtaisempia että omaperäisempiä kuin nyt.


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El mundo actual se caracteriza por la diversidad de justificaciones morales, por lo que resulta arriesgado referirse a una única Bioética. Esta diversidad lleva a muchos autores a defender la necesidad de establecer una bioética secular, que ignora el pensamiento religioso y las manifestaciones de la cultura. El artículo analiza los caminos que atraviesa la bioética secular, en el contexto de creciente secularización del mundo actual para, finalmente, hacer referencia a los aportes que puede ofrecer una bioética cristiana.


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EXTRACT (SEE PDF FOR FULL ABSTRACT): Exposed sediments of Late Pleistocene Lake Estancia contain a high resolution record of regional climate variability for the period about 12,000 to 32,000 years. A detailed rock-magnetic study is being performed on this well-dated, well-preserved sedimentary sequence to determine how the magnetic signature of sediments responded to regional climate change.


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Landing data of 21 fisheries from Karnataka (quarterly landings for the period 1956 to 1978 and annual landings for the period 1979 to 1981) were analysed to study the te111poral behaviour of the landings. The relative distribution and secular trends in each of the fisheries are reported. On an average, mackerel and oil sardine together account for about 70% of the annual landings. The fluctuation in the landings in all the fisheries was very high with the coefficient of variation attaining a minimum value of 61.53%. The inverse relationship between the landings of oil sardine and mackerel was found to be statistically significant. It is suggested that fishing effort be further increased in fisheries that have demonstrated a rising trend (about 73% of the total annual landings) as also in the case of the fisheries whose trends appear stagnant (about 21% of the annual landings). However, there seems to be some evidence of a need for regulating fishing in Hemirhamphus and Belone, Caranx and penaeid prawns. Regulations need to be made authentic with the help of sufficient information on not merely the fishery but on the whole population.


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In stable solar systems, planets remain in nearly elliptical orbits around their stars. Over longer timescales, however, their orbital shapes and sizes change due to mutual gravitational perturbations. Orbits of satellites around a planet vary for the same reason. Because of their interactions, the orbits of planets and satellites today are different from what they were earlier. In order to determine their original orbits, which are critical constraints on formation theories, it is crucial to understand how orbits evolve over the age of the Solar System. Depending on their timescale, we classify orbital interactions as either short-term (orbital resonances) or long-term (secular evolution). My work involves examples of both interaction types. Resonant history of the small Neptunian satellites In satellite systems, tidal migration brings satellite orbits in and out of resonances. During a resonance passage, satellite orbits change dramatically in a very short period of time. We investigate the resonant history of the six small Neptunian moons. In this unique system, the exotic orbit of the large captured Triton (with a circular, retrograde, and highly tilted orbit) influences the resonances among the small satellites very strongly. We derive an analytical framework which can be applied to Neptune's satellites and to similar systems. Our numerical simulations explain the current orbital tilts of the small satellites as well as constrain key physical parameters of both Neptune and its moons. Secular orbital interactions during eccentricity damping Long-term periodic changes of orbital shape and orientation occur when two or more planets orbit the same star. The variations of orbital elements are superpositions of the same number of fundamental modes as the number of planets in the system. We investigate how this effect interacts with other perturbations imposed by external disturbances, such as the tides and relativistic effects. Through analytical studies of a system consisting of two planets, we find that an external perturbation exerted on one planet affects the other indirectly. We formulate a general theory for how both orbits evolve in response to an arbitrary externally-imposed slow change in eccentricity.