890 resultados para seasonal emergence
There is a great need of research to assess the behavior of micronutrients in natural forests of southern Brazil. Do to this need, the objective of this work was to study the levels and amounts of micronutrients in forest above ground biomass of the forest, in a comparative way, in two secondary succession stages (SSS) in a Seasonal Deciduous Forest in Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil. The SSS had enjoyed 35 and 55 years of regeneration since the end of agricultural use, respectively for initial secondary forest (ISF) and late secondary forest (LSF). The above-ground biomass was collected and separated into vegetative strata and these in fractions, thereafter chemically analyzed for the levels of B, Fe, Zn, Mn and Cu. Leaf fractions of arboreal, shrubs and herbaceous strata showed the highest levels for most nutrients. Only the levels of iron and manganese were higher in the bark fraction, for both sucession stages. In the LSF, the herbaceous stratum also showed high levels of Fe. The average levels of micronutrients showed differences between the two sucession stages only in relation to Fe and Mn, with higher levels in LSF biomass. The amount of nutrients stored was always higher in LSF, because of the largest biomass and the higher levels of Fe and Mn in the biomass of this SSS. The quantitative order of nutrient storage in biomass was Fe> Mn> Zn> B> Cu.
Specific leaf area (SLA; m(leaf)(2) kg(leaf)(-1)) is a key ecophysiological parameter influencing leaf physiology, photosynthesis, and whole plant carbon gain. Both individual tree-based models and other forest process-based models are generally highly sensitive to this parameter, but information on its temporal or within-stand variability is still scarce. In a 2-4-year-old Eucalyptus plantation in Congo, prone to seasonal drought, the within-stand and seasonal variability in SLA were investigated by means of destructive sampling carried out at 2-month intervals, over a 2-year period. Within-crown vertical gradients of SLA were small. Highly significant relationships were found between tree-average SLA (SLA(t)) and tree size (tree height, H(t), or diameter at breast height, DBH): SLA(t) ranged from about 9 m(2) kg(-1) for dominant trees to about 14-15 m(2) kg(-1) for the smallest trees. The decrease in SLA(t) with increasing tree size was accurately predicted from DBH using power functions. Stand-average SLA varied by about 20% during the year, with lowest values at the end of the 5-month dry season, and highest values about 2-3 months after the onset of the wet season. Variability in leaf water status according to tree size and season is discussed as a possible determinant of both the within-stand and seasonal variations in SM. (C) 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Many tropical tree species produce growth rings in response to seasonal environmental factors that influence the activity of the vascular cambium. We applied the following methods to analyze the annual nature of treering formation of 24 tree species from a seasonal semi-deciduous forest of southeast Brazil: describing wood anatomy and phenology, counting tree rings after cambium markings, and using permanent dendrometer bands. After 7 years of systematic observations and measurements, we found the following: the trees lost their leaves during the dry season and grew new leaves at the end of the same season; trunk increment dynamics corresponded to seasonal changes in precipitation, with higher increment (active period) during the rainy season (October-April) and lower increment (dormant period) during the dry season (May-September); the number of tree rings formed after injuries to the cambium coincided with the number of years since the extraction of the wood samples. As a result of these observations, it was concluded that most study trees formed one growth ring per year. This suggests that tree species from the seasonal semi-deciduous forests of Brazil have an annual cycle of wood formation. Therefore, these trees have potential for use in future studies of tree age and radial growth rates, as well as to infer ecological and regional climatic conditions. These future studies can provide important information for the management and conservation of these endangered forests.
Seasonal variation of peptidase activities in the reproductive tract of Crotalus durissus terrificus
Seasonal quantitative patterns of acid (APA), basic (APB), puromycin-sensitive (APN-PS) and puromycin-insensitive neutral (APN-PI), cystyl (CAP), dipeptidyl IV (DPPIV), type-1 pyroglutamyl (PAP-I) and prolylimino (PIP) aminopeptidases and prolyl oligopeptidase (POP) activities in soluble (SF) and solubilized membrane-bound (MF) fractions from ductus deferens, vagina and uterus were studied to evaluate their relationships with the reproductive cycle and the extensive long-term spermatozoa storage (LTSS) of the Neotropical rattlesnake Crotalus durissus terrificus. APB, PIP and POP were detected only in SF, while other peptidases were detected in SF and MF. APB, APN-PI and APN-PS were predominant in most tissues in all seasons. Peptidase activities had a common pattern of increment during the dry season (winter/autumn), which coincides with the mating period (autumn) and LTSS in the female (winter), as well as the reduction of spermatozoa motility and maintenance of fertilization capacity of spermatozoa. The high CAP activity in the soluble fraction of the vagina during winter, compared to summer (time of parturition) and spring, coincides with the relaxation of this tissue. In the soluble fraction, the low PAP-1 activity of the ductus deferens coincided with its high activity in the vagina during the winter; and the inverse occurred in summer, which is consistent with the physiological process of preserving spermatozoon viability. In conclusion, the studied peptidase activities had seasonal and tissue-specific characteristics, which suggest a relevant role in the reproductive physiology of C. d. terrificus. (C) 2008 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
Brazilian Propolis: Seasonal Variation of the Prenylated p-Coumaric Acids and Antimicrobial Activity
Brazilian green propolis, which is used in food and beverages to improve health and to prevent diseases, demostrates antioxidant, antimutagenic, and antimicrobial activities. Most biological activities are thought to be related to the high levels of drupanin, artepillin C, and baccharin, which are compounds also present in Baccharis dracunculifolia D.C. (Asteraceae). Since propolis chemical composition depends on the region and the period of collection, as well as its plant origin, the effect of seasonal variation on the both content of prenylated p-coumaric acids and in vitro antimicrobial activity of Brazilian propolis from four different sites, was performed. The results showed that MIC values ranged from 100 to 300 mu g/mL against both Staphylococcus aureus and Kocuria rhizophila, while none of the propolis samples was active against Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Escherichia coli, and Candida albicans. HPLC analysis showed that the content of drupanin, artepillin C, and baccharin varied throughout the year, as well as among the different study sites. Also, it is suggested that Baccharis dracunculifolia is the main botanical source of Brazilian propolis in sites I and 2, while in sites 3 and 4, other plant species are also used by bees to produce propolis. All the evaluated propolis samples exhibited similar antibacterial activity, but different contents of prenylated p-coumaric acids throughout the year.
Initially, the seeds of Baccharis dracunculifolia were collected from populations of 10 different regions, and the cultivation experiment was carried out in an experimental area of 1,800 m(2) by cultivating 100 individuals of each population. The essential oil analyses were performed on both GC-FID and GUMS, which allowed the identification of 14 compounds. The oil yield varied from 0.31% to 0.70% among populations and season. The major oxygenated sesquiterpenes in the cultivated experiment were (E)-nerolidol (32%) and spathulenol (17%). The mean concentration in the plant of (E)-nerolidol was five times higher in March (136.53 mg/100 g of plant) than it was in July (25.03 mg/100 g of plant). The mean concentration of spathulenol increased about three fold from July (16.25 mg/100 g of plant) to April (47.50 mg/100 g of plant).
This paper describes the emergence of new functional items in the Mauritian Creole noun phrase, following the collapse of the French determiner system when superstrate and substrate came into contact. The aim of the paper is to show how the new language strived to express the universal semantic contrasts of (in)definiteness and singular vs. plural. The process of grammaticalization of new functional items in the determiner system was accompanied by changes in the syntax from French to creole. An analysis within Chomsky’s Minimalist framework (1995, 2000, 2001) suggests that these changes were driven by the need to map semantic features onto the syntax.
OBJECTIVE: Although little studied in developing countries, multidrug-resistant tuberculosis (MDR-TB) is considered a major threat. We report the molecular epidemiology, clinical features and outcome of an emerging MDR-TB epidemic. METHODS: In 1996 all tuberculosis suspects in the rural Hlabisa district, South Africa, had sputum cultured, and drug susceptibility patterns of mycobacterial isolates were determined. Isolates with MDR-TB (resistant to both isoniazid and rifampicin) were DNA fingerprinted by restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP) using IS6110 and polymorphic guanine-cytosine-rich sequence-based (PGRS) probes. Patients with MDR-TB were traced to determine outcome. Data were compared with results from a survey of drug susceptibility done in 1994. RESULTS: The rate of MDR-TB among smear-positive patients increased six-fold from 0.36% (1/275) in 1994 to 2.3% (13/561) in 1996 (P = 0.04). A further eight smear-negative cases were identified in 1996 from culture, six of whom had not been diagnosed with tuberculosis. MDR disease was clinically suspected in only five of the 21 cases (24%). Prevalence of primary and acquired MDR-TB was 1.8% and 4.1%, respectively. Twelve MDR-TB cases (67%) were in five RFLP-defined clusters. Among 20 traced patients, 10 (50%) had died, five had active disease (25%) and five (25%) were apparently cured. CONCLUSIONS: The rate of MDR-TB has risen rapidly in Hlabisa, apparently due to both reactivation disease and recent transmission. Many patients were not diagnosed with tuberculosis and many were not suspected of drug-resistant disease, and outcome was poor.
This paper presents a personal view of the interaction between the analysis of choice under uncertainty and the analysis of production under uncertainty. Interest in the foundations of the theory of choice under uncertainty was stimulated by applications of expected utility theory such as the Sandmo model of production under uncertainty. This interest led to the development of generalized models including rank-dependent expected utility theory. In turn, the development of generalized expected utility models raised the question of whether such models could be used in the analysis of applied problems such as those involving production under uncertainty. Finally, the revival of the state-contingent approach led to the recognition of a fundamental duality between choice problems and production problems.
Thirst was induced by rapid i.v. infusion of hypertonic saline (0.51 M at 13.4 ml/min). Ten humans were neuroimaged by positron-emission tomography (PET) and four by functional MRI (fMRI). PET images were made 25 min after beginning infusion, when the sensation of thirst began to enter the stream of consciousness. The fMRI images were made when the maximum rate of increase of thirst occurred. The PET results showed regional cerebral blood flow changes similar to those delineated when thirst was maximal. These loci involved the phylogenetically ancient areas of the brain. fMRI showed activation in the anterior wall of the third ventricle, an area that is key in the genesis of thirst but is not an area revealed by PET imaging. Thus, this region plays as major a role in thirst for humans as for animals. Strong activations in the brain with fMRI included the anterior cingulate, parahippocampal gyrus, inferior and middle frontal gyri, insula, and cerebellum. When the subjects drank water to satiation, thirst declined immediately to baseline. A precipitate decline in intensity of activation signal occurred in the anterior cingulate area (Brodmann area 32) putatively related to consciousness of thirst. The intensity of activation in the anterior wall of the third ventricle was essentially unchanged, which is consistent with the fact that a significant time (15-20 min) would be needed before plasma Na concentration changed as a result of water absorption from the gut.
Experiments were performed to determine whether the dormancy release effect of hydrated storage in darkness (dark-stratification) is common amongst annual ryegrass populations and has the potential to occur under field conditions. Dormant seeds from all populations tested (22) became sensitive to light during dark-stratification, enabling them to germinate when subsequently exposed to light. Under controlled temperature (25/15degreesC), light (12-h photoperiod), and hydration (solidified agar-water) conditions, more seeds germinated by 28 days if the first 14 days were in darkness followed by exposure to light for 12 h per day than if they were exposed to light throughout or darkness throughout. Constraint over the conditions imposed during dark-stratification and germination was gradually reduced to investigate whether the dormancy release effect was diminished. Dark-stratification was effective in promoting germination when performed under natural diurnal temperatures, and burial in moist soil provided suitable conditions for dark-stratification to occur. The surface of moist soil, with natural diurnal temperatures and sunlight, was suitable for germination of dark-stratified seeds. Dark-stratification is a quick and effective means to enhance the sensitivity of dormant annual ryegrass seeds to light, enabling the majority of the population to germinate. However, large quantities of light are required to promote germination of dark-stratified seeds, so buried seeds must be moved to the soil surface to allow exposure to adequate light for germination.
Hippolyte obliquimanus is a small, gonochoric shrimp found in algal substrates along the western Atlantic coast of Brazil, particularly in association with seaweed of the genus Sargassum. We studied population features (sexual ratio, reproductive period and temporal distribution) of H. obliquimanus in southeastern Brazil, including its relationships with the seasonality of banks of this alga. Specimens were collected at two-monthly intervals from March 2005 to January 2006, in Ubatuba Bay. The sex of individuals was checked, and the carapace length measured. In total, 668 individuals were collected: 211 males (0.70-2.50 mm carapace length), 341 non-ovigerous females (0.55-2.90 mm), and 116 ovigerous females (1.55-3.20 mm). Hippolyte obliquimanus showed seasonal-continuous reproduction and variable continuous recruitment. The highest number of animals (75%) was collected in fall-winter. The percentages of ovigerous females/total females (fall-winter: 27%; spring-summer: 26%) and the sexual ratio (fall-winter: 31%; spring-summer: 32%) were practically equal in both periods. The sexual ratio showed a predominance of females in almost all size classes, and we detected a new sex ratio pattern for this species. The seasonal variation in the number of individuals can be related to its migration to deeper areas, due to the decrease in the abundance of Sargassum sp. in shallower waters in spring-summer.
Nest orientation in social insects has been intensively studied in warmer and cooler climates, particularly in the northern hemisphere. Previous studies have consistently shown that species subjected to these climatic conditions prefer to select mostly southern locations where the nests can gain direct sunlight. However, very little is known on nest orientation in tropical and subtropical social insects. We studied nest orientations initiated by swarms throughout a year in a Brazilian swarm-founding wasp, Polybia paulista von Ihering (Hymenoptera: Polistinae). Swarms selected various orientations as nest sites, but there was a particular trend in that swarms in the winter period (May-August) preferred to build northward-facing nests. This preference is opposite from that of social wasps observed in the northern hemisphere. Colonies of this species can potentially last for many years with continuous nesting, but nesting activities of colonies during the winter are severely limited due to cool temperature and a shortened day length. Northward-facing nests are warmer through the gain of direct solar heat during the winter period; consequently, choosing northward-facing sites may be advantageous for swarms in terms of a shortened brood development and shortened time needed to increase metabolic rates during warm-up for flight.
Drosophila Fallen, 1823 (Diptera, Drosophilidae) is for long a well-established model organism for genetics and evolutionary research. The ecology of these flies, however, has only recently been better studied. Recent papers show that Drosophila assemblies can be used as bioindicators of forested environment degradation. In this work the bioindicator potential of drosophilids was evaluated in a naturally opened environment, a coastal strand-forest (restinga). Data from nine consecutive seasonal collections revealed strong temporal fluctuation pattern of the majority of Drosophila species groups. Drosophila willistoni group was more abundant at autumns, whereas D. cardini and D. tripunctata groups were, respectively, expressive at winters and springs, and D. repleta group at both seasons. The exotic species D. simulans Sturtevant, 1919 (from D. melanogaster group) and Zaprionus indianus Gupta, 1970 were most abundant at summers. Overall, the assemblage structure did not show the same characteristics of forested or urban environments, but was similar to the forests at winters and to cities at summers. This raises the question that this locality may already been under urbanization impact. Also, this can be interpreted as an easily invaded site for exotic species, what might lead to biotic homogenization and therefore can put in check the usage of drosophilid assemblages as bioindicators at open environments.
The value of a seasonal forecasting system based on phases of the Southern Oscillation was estimated for a representative dryland wheat grower in the vicinity of Goondiwindi. In particular the effects on this estimate of risk attitude and planting conditions were examined. A recursive stochastic programming approach was used to identify the grower's utility-maximising action set in the event of each of the climate patterns over the period 1894-1991 recurring In the imminent season. The approach was repeated with and without use of the forecasts. The choices examined were, at planting, nitrogen application rate and cultivar and, later in the season, choices of proceeding with or abandoning each wheat activity, The value of the forecasting system was estimated as the maximum amount the grower could afford to pay for its use without expected utility being lowered relative to its non use.