591 resultados para seaside sparrow


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Secondary sexual signals are thought to indicate individual quality. In order to understand the evolutionary pressures that give rise to such traits it is important to understand the physiological mechanisms underlying their production. The black bib of the house sparrow Passer domesticus is known to function as a badge of social status in males. Past studies have found that the size of the bib in older males is determined, at least partly, by the androgen testosterone. The immunocompetence handicap hypothesis suggests that testosterone has a key role in maintaining honest signalling – it is both involved in the development or expression of sexual signals and is immunosuppressive. In this paper we test experimentally two hypo theses relating to bib size development, whether 1) testosterone is only immunosuppressive in conditions where the natural feedback loop from the testes has been removed, and 2) testosterone is, in addition to influencing the bib size of older males, responsible for the size of the bib in juvenile sparrows. In the first experiment we found that exogenous testosterone administered to intact males during the winter (when LH and FSH levels are very low and were not artificially increased by castration) caused significant immunosuppression, albeit in interaction with the stress hormone corticosterone. Second, we found that exogenous testosterone administration in castrated fledgling male house sparrows had no effect on subsequent post-juvenile moult bib size relative to controls. Our results suggest that in some circumstances testosterone can be immunosuppressive, but that its role in bib size determination is age-dependent.


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Non-invasive techniques for measuring glucocorticoids (GCs) have become more prevalent, due to the advantage of eliminating the effects of animal disturbance on GC levels and their potential to provide an integrated, historic estimate of circulating GC levels. In the case of birds, corticosterone (CORT) is deposited in feathers, and may reflect a bird's GC status over the period of feather synthesis. This technique thus permits a retrospective view of the average circulating GC levels during the moult period. While it is generally assumed that differences in feather CORT content (CORTf) between individuals reflects their different stress histories during either natural or induced moult, it is not clear how much of this variation is due to extrinsic versus intrinsic factors. We examined this question by determining CORTf in free-living house sparrows (Passer domesticus) from two populations, one urban and the other rural, that were plucked before and after exposure to different plasma CORT levels while held captive. We experimentally manipulated plasma CORT by implanting birds with either a corticosterone-filled, metyrapone-filled, or empty ('sham') silastic capsule as replacement feathers first emerged. The pattern of post-treatment CORTf was consistent with our expectations, based on plasma CORT levels of an experimentally implanted reference group. However, there was no statistically significant difference in CORTf between these treatment groups unless sex, population origin, and CORTf of original feathers for each individual were included in a model. Thus, birds with higher CORTf in feathers removed for this experiment tended to have higher CORTf in post-treatment replacement feathers, irrespective of treatment. In addition, we found that feather fault bar scores were significantly higher in CORT-treated birds than in the other two treatment groups, but did not vary directly with CORTf level. Our study therefore broadly confirms the use of feathers as a non-invasive tool to estimate plasma CORT during moult in birds, but importantly demonstrates the potential for intrinsic differences in stress characteristics between populations and individuals to obscure the effects extrinsic stressors might have on CORTf .


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Spermiogenesis of the domestic sparrow was investigated with the light and electron microscopes and a step by step classification is proposed. Three cell populations corresponding to early, mid and late spermatids were easily divided according to their positions in the seminiferous epithelium. In addition to this initial separation, six steps were recognized, based on nuclear morphology and the degree of chromatin condensation, in association to their acrosomal and flagellar development. Early spermiogenesis is the period previous to chromatin condensation. The first step can be recognized by the extending flagellum and the second by the pro-acrosome development in contact with the nucleus. During the third or intermediate step, chromatin condenses and the cell becomes polarized with the pro-acrosomic vesicle and the tail occupying opposite sides of the nucleus. Late spermiogenesis, including steps IV-VI, is marked by complete chromatin condensation. The final cellular modifications lead to the formation of a spiraled spermatozoon. This shape is due to the twisting of the acrosome and nucleus, as well as the helical arrangement of mitochondria around the axoneme along most of the flagellum, making an exceptionally long middle piece. (C) 2002 Elsevier B.V. Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Seaside is the open source framework of choice for developing sophisticated and dynamic web applications. Seaside uses the power of objects to master the web. With Seaside web applications is as simple as building desktop applications. Seaside lets you build highly dynamic and interactive web applications. Seaside supports agile development through interactive debugging and unit testing. Seaside is based on Smalltalk, a proven and robust language implemented by different vendors. Seaside is now available for all the major Smalltalk including Pharo, Squeak, GNU Smalltalk, Cincom Smalltalk, GemStone Smalltalk, and VA Smalltalk.


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Sperm competition exerts strong selection on males to produce spermatozoa with an optimal morphology that maximizes their fertilization success. Long sperm were first suggested to be favored because they should swim faster. However, studies that investigated the relationship between sperm length and sperm competitive ability or sperm swimming velocity yielded contradictory results. More recently, ratios of the different sections of a spermatozoon (the head, midpiece, and flagellum) were suggested to be more crucial in determining swimming velocity. Additionally, sperm ability to remain and survive in the female storage organs may also influence fertilization success, so that optimal sperm morphology may rather maximize sperm longevity than velocity. In this study, we investigated how sperm morphology is related to sperm velocity and sperm longevity in the house sparrow Passer domesticus. Sperm velocity was found to be correlated with head/flagellum ratio. Sperm with small heads relative to their flagellum showed higher swimming velocity. Additionally, shorter sperm were found to live longer. Finally, we found sperm morphological traits to vary substantially within males and the head/flagellum ratio to be unrelated to total sperm length. We discuss the hypothesis that the substantial within-male variation in sperm morphology reflects a male strategy to produce a diversity of sperm from long, fast-swimming to short, long-living sperm to maximize their fertilization success in a context of sperm competition.


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List also includes one book donated by a Dr. Amory.


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"February 1965."


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Paper prepared for Zoology 400 course at Cornell University.


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Contribution from Bureau of Biological Survey.