961 resultados para scientific community


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Folate deficiency has been associated with anemia and other adverse outcomes in pregnancy such as neural tube defects. The current recommendations for prevention of such outcomes are difficult to achieve through diet only, and folic acid supplementation and food fortification are feasible public health strategies. However, it is necessary to determine the usual diet and supplement use among women of reproductive age, including an accurate assessment of other dietary micronutrients. In addition to the beneficial effects observed in randomized clinical trials, health risks to the population have also been widely evaluated and discussed in the scientific community: for a minority to benefit from fortification programs, many are exposed to high folic acid intake levels.


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General objective: to analyse the exercise of essential competencies for midwifery care by nurses and/or midwives in the public health system of Sao Paulo (eastern zone), Brazil. Specific objectives: to develop a profile of the public health institutions and of the nurses and/or midwives who care for women before, during and following child birth; to identify the activities performed in providing such care, as well as their frequency; and to specify the possible obstacles or difficulties encountered by them when exercising their competencies. Design: a descriptive and exploratory research design , using a quantitative approach. Setting: the study was conducted in all public health services of Sao Paulo (eastern zone), Brazil, namely 59 basic health-care units and six hospitals, during the period of October 2006-December 2007. Participants: the study population consisted of 272 nurses and/or midwives who provide care for pregnant women and newborns at the primary health-care units and maternity hospitals of the public health system. Participants comprised 100% of hospital nurse coordinators (n = 6), 61% of hospital maternity nursing and/or midwifery staff (n = 62) and 64% (n = 204) of nursing and/or midwifery staff working at primary health-care units. Methods and findings: the data collection was based on a single form given to the coordinators and two questionnaires, one handed out to antenatal and postnatal nursing and/or midwifery staff and another handed out to labour and birth nursing and/or midwifery staff. The results showed that nurses and/or midwives providing care for women during pregnancy, labour, birth and the postnatal period did not put the essential competencies for midwifery care into practice, because they encountered institutional barriers and personal resistance, and lacked protocols based on best practice and on the exercise of essential competencies needed for effective midwifery care. Key conclusions: the model of care in the public health services of Sao Paulo (eastern zone) is based much more on hierarchical positions than on professional competencies or on there commendations of the scientific community. As a result, health authorities need to review their midwifery policies to improve maternal-infant care by nurses and/or midwives in order to ensure the implementation of best midwifery practice. Practical implications: the results of this study support actions to improve the quality of care delivered to women and their families, while integrating nursing and midwifery care in Sao Paulo, Brazil. (C) 2009 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Catalytic ozonation has been recognized in the scientific community as an efficient technique, reaching elevated rates of recalcitrant organic material mineralization, even at the presence of scavenger species of hydroxyl free radicals. This study presents the most significant factors involving the leachate treatment stabilized by the municipal landfill of the city of Guaratingueta, State of Sao Paulo, Brazil, by using a catalytic ozonation activated by metallic ions Fe(3+), Zn(2+), Mn(2+), Ni(2+) and Cr(3+). The Taguchi L(16) orthogonal array and its associated statistical methods were also used in this study. Among the researched ions, the most notable catalysis was obtained with ferric ion, statistically significant in the reduction of COD with a confidence level of 99.5%.


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In spite of considerable technical advance in MRI techniques, the optical resolution of these methods are still limited. Consequently, the delineation of cytoarchitectonic fields based on probabilistic maps and brain volume changes, as well as small-scale changes seen in MRI scans need to be verified by neuronanatomical/neuropathological diagnostic tools. To attend the current interdisciplinary needs of the scientific community, brain banks have to broaden their scope in order to provide high quality tissue suitable for neuroimaging- neuropathology/anatomy correlation studies. The Brain Bank of the Brazilian Aging Brain Research Group (BBBABSG) of the University of Sao Paulo Medical School (USPMS) collaborates with researchers interested in neuroimaging-neuropathological correlation studies providing brains submitted to postmortem MRI in-situ. In this paper we describe and discuss the parameters established by the BBBABSG to select and to handle brains for fine-scale neuroimaging-neuropathological correlation studies, and to exclude inappropriate/unsuitable autopsy brains. We tried to assess the impact of the postmortem time and storage of the corpse on the quality of the MRI scans and to establish fixation protocols that are the most appropriate to these correlation studies. After investigation of a total of 36 brains, postmortem interval and low body temperature proved to be the main factors determining the quality of routine MRI protocols. Perfusion fixation of the brains after autopsy by mannitol 20% followed by formalin 20% was the best method for preserving the original brain shape and volume, and for allowing further routine and immunohistochemical staining. Taken to together, these parameters offer a methodological progress in screening and processing of human postmortem tissue in order to guarantee high quality material for unbiased correlation studies and to avoid expenditures by post-imaging analyses and histological processing of brain tissue.


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Compared with other specialties, the field of physical and rehabilitation medicine has not received the deserved recognition from clinicians and researchers in the scientific community. One of the reasons is the lack of sound evidence to support the traditional physical and rehabilitation medicine treatments. The best way to change this disadvantage is through a well conducted clinical research, such as standard placebo- or sham-controlled randomized clinical trials. Therefore, having placebo groups in clinical trials is essential to improve the level of evidence-based practice in physical and rehabilitation medicine that ultimately translates to better clinical care. To address the challenges for the use of placebo in physical and rehabilitation medicine and randomized clinical trials and to create useful recommendations, we convened a working group during the inaugural International Symposium in Placebo (February 2009, in Sao Paulo, Brazil) in which the following topics were discussed: (1) current status of randomized clinical trials in physical and rehabilitation medicine, (2) challenges for the use of placebo in physical and rehabilitation medicine, (3) bioethics, (4) use of placebo in acupuncture trials and for the treatment of low-back pain, (5) mechanisms of placebo, and (6) insights from other specialties. The current article represents the consensus report from the working group.


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Mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) population data for forensic purposes are still scarce for some populations, which may limit the evaluation of forensic evidence especially when the rarity of a haplotype needs to be determined in a database search. In order to improve the collection of mtDNA lineages from the Iberian and South American subcontinents, we here report the results of a collaborative study involving nine laboratories from the Spanish and Portuguese Speaking Working Group of the International Society for Forensic Genetics (GHEP-ISFG) and EMPOP. The individual laboratories contributed population data that were generated throughout the past 10 years, but in the majority of cases have not been made available to the scientific community. A total of 1019 haplotypes from Iberia (Basque Country, 2 general Spanish populations, 2 North and 1 Central Portugal populations), and Latin America (3 populations from Sao Paulo) were collected, reviewed and harmonized according to defined EMPOP criteria. The majority of data ambiguities that were found during the reviewing process (41 in total) were transcription errors confirming that the documentation process is still the most error-prone stage in reporting mtDNA population data, especially when performed manually. This GHEP-EMPOP collaboration has significantly improved the quality of the individual mtDNA datasets and adds mtDNA population data as valuable resource to the EMPOP database (www.empop.org). (C) 2010 Elsevier Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Laser heating Ar-40/Ar-39 geochronology provides high analytical precision and accuracy, mum-scale spatial resolution. and statistically significant data sets for the study of geological and planetary processes, A newly commissioned Ar-40/Ar-39 laboratory at CPGeo/USP, Sao Paulo, Brazil, equips the Brazilian scientific community with a new powerful tool applicable to the study of geological and cosmochemical processes. Detailed information about laboratory layout, environmental conditions, and instrumentation provides the necessary parameters for the evaluation of the CPGeo/USp Ar-40/Ar-39 suitability to a diverse range of applications. Details about analytical procedures, including mineral separation, irradiation at the IPEN/CNEN reactor at USP, and mass spectrometric analysis enable potential researchers to design the necessary sampling and sample preparation program suitable to the objectives of their study. Finally, the results of calibration tests using Ca and K salts and glasses, international mineral standards, and in-house mineral standards show that the accuracy and precision obtained at the Ar-40/Ar-39 laboratory at CPGeo/USP are comparable to results obtained in the most respected laboratories internationally. The extensive calibration and standardization procedures under-taken ensure that the results of analytical studies carried out in our laboratories will gain immediate international credibility, enabling Brazilian students and scientists to conduct forefront research in earth and planetary sciences.


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Esta dissertação trata da análise da produção científica e tecnológica internacional e brasileira na área de conhecimento Engenharia Civil, por meio de indicadores bibliométricos. A área Engenharia Civil foi escolhida em razão da sua relevância para o desenvolvimento econômico do país. No entanto, em termos absolutos e relativos, está entre os setores tecnologicamente mais atrasados da economia. A bibliometria é uma disciplina com alcance multidisciplinar que estuda o uso e os aspectos quantitativos da produção científica registrada. Os indicadores de produção científica são objeto de análise de várias áreas do conhecimento, tanto para o planejamento e a execução de políticas públicas de vários setores quanto para maior conhecimento da comunidade científica sobre o sistema em que está inserida. A metodologia utilizada para a elaboração deste estudo descritivo de caráter exploratório foi a análise documental e bibliométrica, baseada em dados das publicações científicas, no período de 1970 a 2012, e tecnológicas, no período de 2001 a 2012, da área Engenharia Civil, indexadas nas bases de dados Science Citattion Index Expanded (SCI); Social Science Citation Index (SSCI); Conference Proceedings Citation Index (CPCI) e da Derwent Innovations Index (DII), que compõem a base de dados multidisciplinar da Web of Sicence (WoS). As informações foram qualificadas e quantificadas com o auxílio do software bibliométrico VantagePoint®. Os resultados obtidos confirmaram o baixo número de publicações científicas e tecnológicas na área de conhecimento Engenharia Civil de autores filiados a instituições de ensino e pesquisa brasileiras quando comparados aos dos países industrializados. Existe um conjunto de fortes condicionantes que ultrapassam o poder de decisão e de influência da academia, dificultando e limitando a disseminação das pesquisas e patentes brasileiras relacionadas a fatores de caráter sistêmico e cultural. A possibilidade de análise de indicadores de produção científica e tecnológica na Engenharia Civil contribui para criar políticas que, se utilizadas por agências de fomento, podem subsidiar investimentos mais fundamentados por parte dos governos e da iniciativa privada, a exemplo do que é feito por outros setores industriais.


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In the last five years, climate change has been established as a central civilizational driver of our time. As a result of this development, the most diversified social processes - as well as the fields of science which study them - have had their dynamics altered. In International Relations, this double challenge could be explained as follows: 1) in empirical terms, climate change imposes a deepening of cooperation levels on the international community, considering the global common character of the atmosphere; and 2) to International Relations as a discipline, climate change demands from the scientific community a conceptual review of the categories designed to approach the development of global climate governance. The goal of this article is to discuss in both conceptual and empirical terms the structure of global climate change governance, through an exploratory research, aiming at identifying the key elements that allow understanding its dynamics. To do so, we rely on the concept of climate powers. This discussion is grounded in the following framework: we now live in an international system under conservative hegemony that is unable to properly respond to the problems of interdependence, among which - and mainly -, the climate issue.


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RESUMO: A morte de um filho às mãos da sua mãe ou de uma mãe às mãos do seu filho, é uma realidade rara que provoca uma reacção colectiva de choque e repulsa. Por seu turno, a comunidade cientifica procura explicações, classificações e formas de prever e evitar novas tragédias. No presente estudo foram objecto de análise cinco casos de filicídio e seis casos de matricídio, tendo-se procedido à avaliação de características de personalidade e enquadramento social e familiar, através da realização de uma entrevista e a aplicação de dois testes de personalidade, um teste de inteligência geral e um teste de impulsividade. Com excepção de 4 casos de matricidas, os restantes sujeitos não apresentaram problemas mentais graves nem marcada perturbação anti-social de personalidade, sendo os factores determinantes mais comuns de natureza social e familiar, que, associados às respectivas características de personalidade e nível de inteligência, conduziram os sujeitos ao acto, levando a concluir pela necessidade do reforço das políticas sociais e de saúde mental, bem como, da necessidade de um maior conhecimento do sujeito que pratica o crime por parte de quem tem a responsabilidade de o julgar e de quem tem o encargo de o reabilitar. ABSTRACT: The death of a child at the hands of its mother or of a mother at the hands of her child is a rare reality that causes a collective reaction of shock and disgust. In turn, the scientific community seeks explanations, classifications and ways of predicting and preventing further tragedies. The current study examined five cases of filicide and six cases of matricide, and personality characteristics and social and family frameworks were assessed, through the application of an interview, two personality tests, a general intelligence test and an impulsivity test. With the exception of 4 cases of matricide, the remaining subjects did not show any serious mental problems or severe anti-social personality disturbance, the most common factors being of social and family nature. These factors, combined with their personality characteristics and intelligence level, led the subjects to the act, thus showing the need to strengthen social and mental health policies, as well as the need for a greater knowledge on the subject who commits the offence, from the part of those who are responsible for judging him and of those who are in charge of rehabilitating him.


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Clean air is a basic requirement of life. The Indoor Air Quality (IAQ) has been the object of several studies due to an increasing concern within the scientific community on the effects of indoor air quality upon health, especially as people tend to spend more time indoors than outdoors. The quality of air inside homes, offices, schools or other private and public buildings is an essential determinant of healthy life and people’s well-being. People can be exposed to contaminants by inhalation, ingestion and dermal contact. In the past, scientists have paid much attention to the study of exposure to outdoor air contaminants, because they have realised the seriousness of outdoor air pollution problems. However, each indoor microenvironment has unique characteristics, determined by the local outdoor air, specific building characteristics and indoor activities. Indeed, hazardous substances are emitted from buildings, construction materials and indoor equipment or due to human activities indoors.


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The effects of the Miocene through Present compression in the Tagus Abyssal Plain are mapped using the most up to date available to scientific community multi-channel seismic reflection and refraction data. Correlation of the rift basin fault pattern with the deep crustal structure is presented along seismic line IAM-5. Four structural domains were recognized. In the oceanic realm mild deformation concentrates in Domain I adjacent to the Tore-Madeira Rise. Domain 2 is characterized by the absence of shortening structures, except near the ocean-continent transition (OCT), implying that Miocene deformation did not propagate into the Abyssal Plain, In Domain 3 we distinguish three sub-domains: Sub-domain 3A which coincides with the OCT, Sub-domain 3B which is a highly deformed adjacent continental segment, and Sub-domain 3C. The Miocene tectonic inversion is mainly accommodated in Domain 3 by oceanwards directed thrusting at the ocean-continent transition and continentwards on the continental slope. Domain 4 corresponds to the non-rifted continental margin where only minor extensional and shortening deformation structures are observed. Finite element numerical models address the response of the various domains to the Miocene compression, emphasizing the long-wavelength differential vertical movements and the role of possible rheologic contrasts. The concentration of the Miocene deformation in the transitional zone (TC), which is the addition of Sub-domain 3A and part of 3B, is a result of two main factors: (1) focusing of compression in an already stressed region due to plate curvature and sediment loading; and (2) theological weakening. We estimate that the frictional strength in the TC is reduced in 30% relative to the surrounding regions. A model of compressive deformation propagation by means of horizontal impingement of the middle continental crust rift wedge and horizontal shearing on serpentinized mantle in the oceanic realm is presented. This model is consistent with both the geological interpretation of seismic data and the results of numerical modelling.


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A obesidade e a diabetes mellitus tipo 2 (DM2) são considerados dois grandes problemas de saúde pública. A má alimentação e a falta de atividade física encontram-se entre os principais desencadeadores de um crescente número de indivíduos obesos, diabéticos e com sensibilidade à insulina diminuída. Este aumento tem motivado a comunidade científica a investigar cada vez mais para o elevado contributo da herança genética associada aos fatores sociais e nutricionais. O gene dos recetores ativados por proliferadores do peroxissoma gama 2 (PPARγ2) desempenha um papel importante no metabolismo lipídico. Uma vez que o PPARγ2 é maioritariamente expresso no tecido adiposo, uma redução moderada da sua atividade tem influência na sensibilidade à insulina, diabetes, e outros parâmetros metabólicos. Vários estudos sugerem que tanto fatores genéticos como fatores ambientais (tais como a dieta), poderão estar envolvidos na formação de padrões associados ao polimorfismo Pro12Ala com a composição corporal em diferentes populações humanas. Os diversos estudos genéticos envolvendo o estudo do polimorfismo Pro12Ala do PPARγ2 na suscetibilidade de possuir risco de diabetes e obesidade em várias populações têm proposto conclusões diversas. Em alguns parece haver mais associações do que outros e, às vezes, não demonstram sequer associação. Desta forma, o presente trabalho teve como objectivo contribuir para a elucidação do impacto do polimorfismo Pro12Ala do PPARγ2 na resistência à insulina associada à DM2 e na obesidade, mediante estudo sistematizado da literatura existente até à data, através de meta análise. Do total de uma pesquisa de 63 publicações, foram incluídos 32 artigos no presente estudo, sendo que destes 25 foram incluídos na síntese qualitativa e 11 incluídos na sintese quantitativa. No presente trabalho pode-se concluir que existe evidência estatística que suporta a hipótese de que o polimorfismo Pro12Ala do PPARγ2 pode ser considerado um fator protetor para a DM2 [p <0,05 e OR (odds ratio) 0,702, com IC (intervalos de confiança) com valores que nunca incluem o 1]. No entanto, e mediante os mesmos pressupostos, o mesmo polimorfismo pode ser considerado um fator de risco ao desenvolvimento de obesidade, pela evidência estatística [p <0,05 e OR de 1,196, com IC com valores que nunca incluem o 1].


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Dissertação apresentada à Escola Superior de Comunicação Social como parte dos requisitos para obtenção de grau de mestre em Audiovisual e Multimédia.


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Jornadas "Ciência nos Açores – que futuro?", Ponta Delgada, 7-8 de Junho de 2013.