44 resultados para schizotypy
In this study, sustained, selective, divided, and switching attention, and reloading of working memory were investigated in schizophrenia by using a newly developed Visual Attention Battery (VAB). Twenty-four outpatients with schizophrenia and 24 control participants were studied using the VAB. Performance on VAB components was correlated with performance of standard tests. Patients with schizophrenia were significantly impaired on VAB tasks that required switching of attention and reloading of working memory but had normal performance on tasks involving sustained attention or attention to multiple stimulus features. Switching attention and reloading of working memory were highly correlated with Trails (B - A) score for patients. The decline in performance on the switching-attention task in patients with schizophrenia met criteria for a differential deficit in switching attention. Future research should examine the neurophysiological basis of the switching deficit and its sensitivity and specificity to schizophrenia.
When surveyed, many individuals without psychosis report a range of beliefs and experiences that are shared by patients with psychosis. This study aimed to examine quasi-psychotic beliefs and experiences in a sample of well Australians. 303 individuals were recruited from a defined catchment area as part of the Brisbane Psychosis Study. All subjects were screened with a modified SCAN in order to exclude psychoses. The Peters Delusional Inventory (PDI 40 items), items from the Chapmans' Psychosis Proneness Scale (PPS), the Communication Awareness Scale (CAS: a measure of awareness of thought disorder), items related to perceptions and beliefs from various schizotypy questionnaires and the Social Desirability (SD) items from the EPQ were administered. There was a significant negative correlation between age and total score on the PDI. There were significant positive correlations between the PDI, the PPS, the CAS and the items related to perception. There were no significant gender differences on any of the scores apart from SD (females had higher scores). Those with a positive family history of mental illness other than schizophrenia (n = 118) scored significantly higher on the PDI and scores related to perception, however they were no different on SD or the Psychosis Proneness items. There were no group differences on any of these items when those with a positive family history of schizophrenia (n = 27) were compared to the rest of the group. Well individuals who endorse delusional beliefs also tend to endorse items related to abnormal perceptions and awareness of thought disorder. The results of the study support the concept of a 'continuum of beliefs and experiences' in the general community that should inform our neurocognitive models of the symptoms of psychosis. The Stanley Foundation supported this project.
A fundamental trait of the human self is its continuum experience of space and time. Perceptual aberrations of this spatial and temporal continuity is a major characteristic of schizophrenia spectrum disturbances--including schizophrenia, schizotypal personality disorder and schizotypy. We have previously found the classical Perceptual Aberration Scale (PAS) scores, related to body and space, to be positively correlated with both behavior and temporo-parietal activation in healthy participants performing a task involving self-projection in space. However, not much is known about the relationship between temporal perceptual aberration, behavior and brain activity. To this aim, we composed a temporal Perceptual Aberration Scale (tPAS) similar to the traditional PAS. Testing on 170 participants suggested similar performance for PAS and tPAS. We then correlated tPAS and PAS scores to participants' performance and neural activity in a task of self-projection in time. tPAS scores correlated positively with reaction times across task conditions, as did PAS scores. Evoked potential mapping and electrical neuroimaging showed self-projection in time to recruit a network of brain regions at the left anterior temporal cortex, right temporo-parietal junction, and occipito-temporal cortex, and duration of activation in this network positively correlated with tPAS and PAS scores. These data demonstrate that schizotypal perceptual aberrations of both time and space, as reflected by tPAS and PAS scores, are positively correlated with performance and brain activation during self-projection in time in healthy individuals along the schizophrenia spectrum.
Schizotypy in relatives of patients with schizophrenia. Previous studies indicate that relatives of patients with schizophrenia are more likely to present characteristics of schizotypal personality than the general population. Few transcultural studies of schizotypy have been carried out. Most instruments constructed to measure schizotypy have been applied in specific cultures; conceivably, in other populations its components may be distributed in different ways. These cultural differences may affect the relations between schizotypy and schizophrenia. The objective of this study is to obtain data on schizotypy in relatives of patients with schizophrenia and relatives of patients with other disorders in a Latin American rural population. The results suggest that cultural factors must be taken into account in order to establish the relationship between schizotypy and schizophrenia.
This study examined the commonalities and the differences between creativity and the schizophrenia spectrum. The variables measured as potential commonalities and differences were creativity, schizotypy, cognitive inhibition, spatial ability, balancing skills, positive and negative presence, absorption, mystical experiences, childhood abuse, and neuroticism. Three community groups were recruited, consisting of 31 artists, 10 people with schizophrenia, and 31 comparisons matched for gender and age with the artists. A larger student group consisting of 102 students was also recruited in order to examine the correlations among the same variables within a larger, more normative, group. The largest commonality between the artist and the schizophrenic groups, who represented the extreme end of the schizophrenia spectrum, was the propensity to mystical experiences. The greatest differences between the artist and the schizophrenic groups were that the artists were higher in creativity, performed better on spatial abilities, had better balance, had more positive states of presence, and were lower in neuroticism than the schizophrenic group. In the student group, creativity was correlated with spatial ability, positive presence, absorption, and mystical experiences. In addition, creativity was significantly related to two facets of schizotypy, unusual experiences and impulsive nonconformity. In other words, students high in certain facets of schizotypy, who may share certain characteristics with those who have schizophrenia, are higher in creativity, but people who are on the extreme end of the schizophrenia spectrum, who have been diagnosed with schizophrenia, are not. The differences between the artist and schizophrenic groups on spatial ability, balance, sense of presence, and neuroticism may help to determine whether mystical experiences help to integrate creative work or destabilize and disorganize the sense of self. It may be that mystical experiences can be used more positively by the creative individuals than people with schizophrenia, in that artists and people high in creativity were higher in positive traits such as positive presence and lower on negative variables such as neuroticism, and introvertive anhedonia.
Introducció. Actualment, està àmpliament acceptat que l'esquizofrènia posseeix una etiologia multifactorial i que existeix una complexa interacció entre factors genètics i factors ambientals. Amb l'objectiu de coneixerà quins són els mecanismes etiològics i patofisiològics que determinen el trastorn una part de la investigaci6 s 'ha centrat, en els últims anys, en la detecció de marcadors de vulnerabilitat en subjectes amb risc al trastorn. Aquesta vulnerabilitat, denominada 'esquizotipia', es pot identificar en subjectes clínicament no afectats. Objectiu. L'objectiu d'aquesta investigació s'ha dirigit a intentar contestar a alguns interrogants que encara no tenen resposta. Per exemple, per què alguns familiars, essent portadors del genotip esquizofrènic, no han presentat mai la malaltia?, existeixen formes esquizotípiques de menor risc per a la presentació del trastorn?, poden alguns patrons esquizotípics 'ajudar' a que la vulnerabilitat es mantingui latent i no es manifesti en forma de trastorn? En termes generals, l'estudi s'ha centrat en la identificació de marcadors de vulnerabilitat dels trastorns de l'espectre esquizofrènic en pares no afectats de pacients amb esquizofrènia (subjectes d'edats avançades amb poca probabilitat de presentar el trastorn) comparats amb pares normals de subjectes normals. Metodologia. S' han avaluat 26 parelles de pares no afectats de pacients amb esquizofrènia i 26 parelles de pares normals de subjectes normals (n= 104) en variables de personalitat i comportamentals (esquizotipia psicomètrica -O-LIFE-, trastorns de personalitat -Qüestionari d'avaluació IPDE-, psicopatologia general -SCL-90- i lloc de control -MHLC-) i variables neuropsicològiques (dèficit atencional -CPT-IP-, funció executiva -TMT part B- i memòria i aprenentatge verbal -CVLT-). Resultats. Els pares dels pacients esquizofrènics, comparats amb els controls, mostren significativament puntuacions mes altes al factor d'anhedònia introvertida, al trastorn paranoide de la personalitat i al trastorn per evitació de la personalitat, més característiques de psicopatologia general i un major lloc de control intern relacionat amb la salut. També realitzen mes errors d'omissió en la tasca atencional, presenten una major interferència proactiva al test de memòria i aprenentatge verbal i mostren una tendència a dedicar mes temps a completar la tasca executiva. Els resultats mostren que les associacions entre les variables de personalitat i les neuropsicològiques són de poca magnitud i les diferències entre ambdós grups no segueixen un patró clarament determinat. Conclusions. Els pares dels pacients esquizofrènics presenten més trets esquizotípics negatius que els pares del subjectes normals. L'anhedònia introvertida podria considerar-se com una forma de menor risc a l'esquizofrènia ja que s'evidencia en subjectes (pares) d'edats avançades que ja han superat l'edat de risc i amb poca probabilitat de presentar mai el trastorn. Tanmateix, es confirma que el trastorn paranoide de la personalitat forma part dels trastorns de l'espectre esquizofrènic. Els pares dels pacients atribueixen un major pes i la internalització i al poder dels altres en relació a l'estat de salut, i en general, presenten més característiques psicopatològiques que el grup control. Quant a les variables neuropsicològiques, els pares dels pacients realitzen pitjor la tasca atencional, són més lents en l'anticipació, planificació i flexibilitat de les respostes en el test executiu. Els indicadors de memòria i aprenentatge verbal no discriminen a ambdós grups, i únicament els pares dels pacients presenten una major interferència proactiva. Finalment, el patró de personalitat i el neuropsicològic corresponen a dos fenotips diferents relacionats amb l'esquizofrènia que no es troben íntimament units en subjectes amb aquestes característiques.
Introduction There is an increasing body of evidence suggesting an association between early adverse events and an increased prevalence of sub-clinical psychotic phenomena. These 'schizotypal' beliefs and experiences have been associated with a history of trauma, and are also recognised as a risk factor for the transition to psychosis. However, previous studies have not investigated the associations between specific types of adverse event and the distinct dimensions of such phenomena. Methods An internet questionnaire produced three groups of participants who had suffered discrete forms of childhood abuse. Results Individuals who had suffered physical or sexual abuse exhibited higher levels of paranoia/suspiciousness and unusual perceptual experiences, but not magical thinking. Individuals who had suffered emotional abuse did not show higher scores within any of these three measures of schizotypy. Conclusion The results suggest the need for further research to improve the specificity of the identification of individuals who may be at risk of a transition to psychosis.
Background and objectives: Individuals who score high on positive schizotypy personality traits are vulnerable to more frequent trauma-related intrusive memories after a stressful event. This vulnerability may be the product of a low level of contextual integration of non-stressful material combined with a heightened sensitivity to a further reduction in contextual integration during a stressful event. The current study assessed whether high scoring schizotypes are vulnerable to frequent involuntary autobiographical memories (IAMs) of non-stressful material. Methods: A free-association word task was used. Participants completed three recorded trials which were then replayed to allow the identification of any associations where an involuntary autobiographical memory had come to mind. Self-report measures of schizotypy and anxiety were completed. Results: All participants retrieved at least one IAM from the three free-association word trials, with 70% experiencing two or more IAMs. Individuals scoring high in schizotypy reported more IAMs than those who scored low. Over 75% of the memories retrieved were neutral or positive in content. Limitations: The current study is an improvement on previous methodologies used to assess IAMs. However, bias due to retrospective recall remains a possibility. Conclusions: Individuals scoring high in schizotypy are vulnerable to an increased level of neutral intrusive memories which may be associated with a ‘baseline’ level of information-processing which is low in contextual integration.
The experience of earworms, a type of involuntary musical imagery, may reflect a systematic failure in mental control. This study focused on how individual differences in each of two factors, schizotypy, or “openness to experience”, and thought suppression might relate to the appearance of the involuntary musical image (earworm). Schizotypy, was measured by Raine’s schizotypal personality questionnaire (SPQ; Raine, 1991) and thought suppression was measured by the White Bear Suppression Inventory (WBSI; Wegner & Zanakos, 1994). Each was found to contribute independently to the overall experience of involuntary musical imagery. Schizotypy was correlated with the length and disruptiveness of earworms, the difficulty with which they were dismissed and the worry they caused, but was not correlated with the frequency of such intrusive imagery. In turn, schizotypy was predicted by suppression and intrusion components of WBSI. The WBSI is associated with the length, disruptiveness, difficulty dismissing and interference but not with the worry caused or the frequency of earworms. The assumption of “ownership” of earworms was also found to affect the extent to which the earworms were considered worrying. Multiple regression analysis showed that both schizotypy and the WBSI predicted the difficulty with which unwanted musical images were dismissed, but that the WBSI accounted for additional variance on top of that accounted for by schizotypy. Finally we consider how earworm management might relate to wider cognitive processes.
Background and Aims: Bipolar disorder has been associated with a number of personality traits, cognitive styles and affective temperaments. Women who have bipolar disorder are at increased risk of experiencing postpartum psychosis, however no previous research has investigated these traits in relationship to postpartum episodes. Our aim was to establish whether aspects of personality, cognitive style and affective temperament, that have been associated with bipolar disorder, confer vulnerability to postpartum psychosis over and above their known association with bipolar disorder. Methods: Participants were 552 parous women with DSM-IV bipolar I disorder recruited into the Bipolar Disorder Research Network (www.bdrn.org). Postpartum psychosis group: lifetime episode of postpartum psychosis within 6 weeks of delivery (N = 284). Non-postpartum psychosis group: no history of any perinatal mood episodes (N = 268). Bipolar disorder-associated personality traits (neuroticism, extraversion, schizotypy and impulsivity), cognitive styles (low self-esteem and dysfunctional attitudes) and affective temperaments were measured using well validated self-report questionnaire measures. Results: After controlling for key demographic, clinical and pregnancy-related variables, and measures of current mood state, there were no statistically significant differences between the postpartum psychosis group and non-postpartum psychosis group on any of the personality, cognitive style or affective temperament measures. Conclusions: Personality traits, cognitive styles and affective temperaments associated with the bipolar disorder diathesis in general were not associated with the onset of postpartum psychosis specifically. We have found no evidence that these traits should play a key role when evaluating risk of postpartum psychosis in women with bipolar I disorder considering pregnancy.
Background and Aims To determine the expression of autistic and positive schizotypal traits in a large sample of adults with bipolar disorder (BD), and the effect of co-occurring autistic and positive schizotypal traits on global functioning in BD. Methods Autistic and positive schizotypal traits were assessed in 797 individuals with BD recruited by the Bipolar Disorder Research Network (BDRN), using the Autism-Spectrum Quotient and Kings Schizotypy Questionnaire (KSQ), respectively. Differences in global functioning (rated using the Global Assessment Scale) during lifetime worst depressive and manic episodes (GASD and GASM respectively) were calculated in groups with high/low autistic and positive schizotypal traits. Regression analyses assessed the interactive effect of autistic and positive schizotypal traits on global functioning. Results 47.2% (CI = 43.7–50.7%) showed clinically significant levels of autistic traits. Mean of sample on the KSQ-Positive scale was 11.98 (95% CI: 11.33–12.62). In the worst episode of mania, the high autistic, high positive schizotypal group had better global functioning than the low autistic, low positive schizotypal group (mean difference = 3.72, p = 0.004). High levels of co-occurring traits were associated with better global functioning in both mood states in individuals with a history of psychosis (GASM: p < 0.001; GASD: p = 0.055). Conclusions Expression of autistic and schizotypal traits in adults with BD is prevalent, and may be important to predict course of illness, prognosis, and in devising individualised therapies. Future work should focus on replicating these findings in independent samples, and on the biological and/or psychosocial mechanisms underlying better global functioning in those who have high levels of both autistic and positive schizotypal traits.