998 resultados para saturation irradiance


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It is proposed that the wave mediated indirect wave-particle interaction may be responsible for nonlinear saturation of current driven low frequency ion-acoustic turbulence. This process decreases the growth rate and increases the damping rate of the wave. Comparison has been made with some experiments.


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The Earth's ecosystems are protected from the dangerous part of the solar ultraviolet (UV) radiation by stratospheric ozone, which absorbs most of the harmful UV wavelengths. Severe depletion of stratospheric ozone has been observed in the Antarctic region, and to a lesser extent in the Arctic and midlatitudes. Concern about the effects of increasing UV radiation on human beings and the natural environment has led to ground based monitoring of UV radiation. In order to achieve high-quality UV time series for scientific analyses, proper quality control (QC) and quality assurance (QA) procedures have to be followed. In this work, practices of QC and QA are developed for Brewer spectroradiometers and NILU-UV multifilter radiometers, which measure in the Arctic and Antarctic regions, respectively. These practices are applicable to other UV instruments as well. The spectral features and the effect of different factors affecting UV radiation were studied for the spectral UV time series at Sodankylä. The QA of the Finnish Meteorological Institute's (FMI) two Brewer spectroradiometers included daily maintenance, laboratory characterizations, the calculation of long-term spectral responsivity, data processing and quality assessment. New methods for the cosine correction, the temperature correction and the calculation of long-term changes of spectral responsivity were developed. Reconstructed UV irradiances were used as a QA tool for spectroradiometer data. The actual cosine correction factor was found to vary between 1.08-1.12 and 1.08-1.13. The temperature characterization showed a linear temperature dependence between the instrument's internal temperature and the photon counts per cycle. Both Brewers have participated in international spectroradiometer comparisons and have shown good stability. The differences between the Brewers and the portable reference spectroradiometer QASUME have been within 5% during 2002-2010. The features of the spectral UV radiation time series at Sodankylä were analysed for the time period 1990-2001. No statistically significant long-term changes in UV irradiances were found, and the results were strongly dependent on the time period studied. Ozone was the dominant factor affecting UV radiation during the springtime, whereas clouds played a more important role during the summertime. During this work, the Antarctic NILU-UV multifilter radiometer network was established by the Instituto Nacional de Meteorogía (INM) as a joint Spanish-Argentinian-Finnish cooperation project. As part of this work, the QC/QA practices of the network were developed. They included training of the operators, daily maintenance, regular lamp tests and solar comparisons with the travelling reference instrument. Drifts of up to 35% in the sensitivity of the channels of the NILU-UV multifilter radiometers were found during the first four years of operation. This work emphasized the importance of proper QC/QA, including regular lamp tests, for the multifilter radiometers also. The effect of the drifts were corrected by a method scaling the site NILU-UV channels to those of the travelling reference NILU-UV. After correction, the mean ratios of erythemally-weighted UV dose rates measured during solar comparisons between the reference NILU-UV and the site NILU-UVs were 1.007±0.011 and 1.012±0.012 for Ushuaia and Marambio, respectively, when the solar zenith angle varied up to 80°. Solar comparisons between the NILU-UVs and spectroradiometers showed a ±5% difference near local noon time, which can be seen as proof of successful QC/QA procedures and transfer of irradiance scales. This work also showed that UV measurements made in the Arctic and Antarctic can be comparable with each other.


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In this paper we consider an N x N non-blocking, space division ATM switch with input cell queueing. At each input, the cell arrival process comprises geometrically distributed bursts of consecutive cells for the various outputs. Motivated by the fact that some input links may be connected to metropolitan area networks, and others directly to B-ISDN terminals, we study the situation where there are two classes of inputs with different values of mean burst length. We show that when inputs contend for an output, giving priority to an input with smaller expected burst length yields a saturation throughput larger than if the reverse priority is given. Further, giving priority to less bursty traffic can give better throughput than if all the inputs were occupied by this less bursty traffic. We derive the asymptotic (as N --> infinity) saturation throughputs for each priority class.


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We propose a new method for evaluating the adsorbed phase volume during physisorption of several gases on activated carbon specimens. We treat the adsorbed phase as another equilibrium phase which satisfies the Gibbs equation and hence assume that the law of rectilinear diameters is applicable. Since invariably the bulk gas phase densities are known along measured isotherms, the constants of the adsorbed phase volume can be regressed from the experimental data. We take the Dubinin-Astakhov isotherm as the model for verifying our hypothesis since it is one of the few equations that accounts for adsorbed phase volume changes. In addition, the pseudo-saturation pressure in the supercritical region is calculated by letting the index of the temperature term in Dubinin's equation to be temperature dependent. Based on over 50 combinations of activated carbons and adsorbates (nitrogen, oxygen, argon, carbon dioxide, hydrocarbons and halocarbon refrigerants) it is observed that the proposed changes fit experimental data quite well.


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Recent studies show that fast climate response on time scales of less than a month can have important implications for long-term climate change. In this study, we investigate climate response on the time scale of days to weeks to a step-function quadrupling of atmospheric CO2 and contrast this with the response to a 4% increase in solar irradiance. Our simulations show that significant climate effects occur within days of a stepwise increase in both atmospheric CO2 content and solar irradiance. Over ocean, increased atmospheric CO2 warms the lower troposphere more than the surface, increasing atmospheric stability, moistening the boundary layer, and suppressing evaporation and precipitation. In contrast, over ocean, increased solar irradiance warms the lower troposphere to a much lesser extent, causing a much smaller change in evaporation and precipitation. Over land, both increased CO2 and increased solar irradiance cause rapid surface warming that tends to increase both evaporation and precipitation. However, the physiological effect of increased atmospheric CO2 on plant stomata reduces plant transpiration, drying the boundary layer and decreasing precipitation. This effect does not occur with increased solar irradiance. Therefore, differences in climatic effects from CO2 versus solar forcing are manifested within days after the forcing is imposed.


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Two-wheelers (TW) constitute a major proportion of urban traffic in developing countries and therefore their effect on the saturation flow at signalized intersections could be substantial. This paper attempts to study and analyze the effect of two-wheelers on the saturation flow of signalized intersections by collecting data at a few signalized intersections in Bangalore, India. A strong correlation is observed between the measured saturation flow and the proportion of two-wheeler traffic, which suggest that two-wheelers have significant impact and should be considered in the capacity analysis of signalized intersections. In this paper, the effect of two-wheelers on saturation flow rate is incorporated in a previous model by calibrating and introducing a new adjustment factor for two-wheelers. Results show that saturation flow measured using the modified HCM equation is closer to observed saturation flow values.


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A series of resonant column tests have been performed in the torsional mode of vibration to assess the effect of saturation, starting from the near dry state to the fully saturated state, on the damping ratio of sands corresponding to the threshold strain level. Tests were carried out on three different gradations of sand for various combinations of relative density and effective confining pressure. For fine sands, a certain optimum degree of saturation exists at which the damping ratio minimizes; it is known that a decrease in Sr from a fully saturated state leads to a continuous increase in the matric suction. With an increase in the relative density, the optimum degree of saturation for fine sand increases marginally from 1.38 to 1.49%, but does not show any dependency on the effective confining pressure. In contrast, the minimum values of the damping ratio for medium and coarse sands are found to always correspond to the near dry state. The damping ratio decreases continuously with increases in relative density and effective confining pressure. The threshold strain level has been found to decrease continuously with increases in relative density and effective confining pressure. (C) 2013 American Society of Civil Engineers.


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With the development of deep sequencing methodologies, it has become important to construct site saturation mutant (SSM) libraries in which every nucleotide/codon in a gene is individually randomized. We describe methodologies for the rapid, efficient, and economical construction of such libraries using inverse polymerase chain reaction (PCR). We show that if the degenerate codon is in the middle of the mutagenic primer, there is an inherent PCR bias due to the thermodynamic mismatch penalty, which decreases the proportion of unique mutants. Introducing a nucleotide bias in the primer can alleviate the problem. Alternatively, if the degenerate codon is placed at the 5' end, there is no PCR bias, which results in a higher proportion of unique mutants. This also facilitates detection of deletion mutants resulting from errors during primer synthesis. This method can be used to rapidly generate SSM libraries for any gene or nucleotide sequence, which can subsequently be screened and analyzed by deep sequencing. (C) 2013 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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Multiple methods currently exist for rapid construction and screening of single-site saturation mutagenesis (SSM) libraries in which every codon or nucleotide in a DNA fragment is individually randomized. Nucleotide sequences of each library member before and after screening or selection can be obtained through deep sequencing. The relative enrichment of each mutant at each position provides information on its contribution to protein activity or ligand-binding under the conditions of the screen. Such saturation scans have been applied to diverse proteins to delineate hot-spot residues, stability determinants, and for comprehensive fitness estimates. The data have been used to design proteins with enhanced stability, activity and altered specificity relative to wild-type, to test computational predictions of binding affinity, and for protein model discrimination. Future improvements in deep sequencing read lengths and accuracy should allow comprehensive studies of epistatic effects, of combinational variation at multiple sites, and identification of spatially proximate residues.


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Nitrate contamination of groundwater arises from anthropogenic activities, such as, fertilizer and animal manure applications and infiltration of wastewater/leachates. During migration of wastewater and leachates, the vadose zone (zone residing above the groundwater table), is considered to facilitate microbial denitrification. Particle voids in vadose zone are deficient in dissolved oxygen as the voids are partially filled by water and the remainder by air. Discontinuities in liquid phase would also restrict oxygen diffusion and therefore facilitate denitrification in the vadose/unsaturated soil zone. The degree of saturation of soil specimen (S (r)) quantifies the relative volume of voids filled with air and water. Unsaturated specimens have S (r) values ranging between 0 and 100 %. Earlier studies from naturally occurring nitrate losses in groundwater aquifers in Mulbagal town, Kolar District, Karnataka, showed that the sub-surface soils composed of residually derived sandy soil; hence, natural sand was chosen in the laboratory denitrification experiments. With a view to understand the role of vadose zone in denitrification process, experiments are performed with unsaturated sand specimens (S (r) = 73-90 %) whose pore water was spiked with nitrate and ethanol solutions. Experimental results revealed 73 % S (r) specimen facilitates nitrate reduction to 45 mg/L in relatively short durations of 5.5-7.5 h using the available natural organic matter (0.41 % on mass basis of sand); consequently, ethanol addition did not impact rate of denitrification. However, at higher S (r) values of 81 and 90 %, extraneous ethanol addition (C/N = 0.5-3) was needed to accelerate the denitrification rates.


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Densely compacted bentonite or bentonite-sand mixture has been identified as suitable buffer in deep geological repositories as its exceptionally high swelling capacity enables tight contact between the waste canister and surrounding rock. The degree of saturation of the compacted bentonite buffer can increase upon ingress of groundwater from the surrounding rock mass or decrease from evaporation due to high temperature (50-210 degrees C) derived from the waste canister. Available studies indicate that the influence of initial moisture content or degree of saturation on the swell pressure or swell potential of compacted bentonites is unclear. Some studies suggest that initial degree of saturation has an influence, while others suggest that it does not have bearing on the swell pressure of compacted bentonites. This paper examines the influence of initial degree of saturation in montmorillonite voids (termed,S-r,S-MF) on swell pressure of compacted Barmer bentonite-sand mixtures (dry density range: 1.4-2 Mg/m(3)) from micro-structural considerations. The experimental results bring out that, constant dry density specimens that developed similar number of hydration layers upon wetting developed comparable swell pressures and were unaffected by variations in initial S-r,S-MF values. Comparatively, constant dry density specimens that developed dis-similar number of hydration layers upon wetting established different swell pressures and were responsive to variations in initial S-r,S-MF. (C) 2015 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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This paper reveals an early quasi-saturation (QS) effect attributed to the geometrical parameters in shallow trench isolation-type drain-extended MOS (STI-DeMOS) transistors in advanced CMOS technologies. The quasi-saturation effect leads to serious g(m) reduction in STI-DeMOS. This paper investigates the nonlinear resistive behavior of the drain-extended region and its impact on the particular behavior of the STI-DeMOS transistor. In difference to vertical DMOS or lateral DMOS structures, STI-DeMOS exhibits three distinct regions of the drain extension. A complete understanding of the physics in these regions and their impact on the QS behavior are developed in this paper. An optimization strategy is shown for an improved g(m) device in a state-of-the-art 28-nm CMOS technology node.


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Identification of residue-residue contacts from primary sequence can be used to guide protein structure prediction. Using Escherichia coli CcdB as the test case, we describe an experimental method termed saturation-suppressor mutagenesis to acquire residue contact information. In this methodology, for each of five inactive CcdB mutants, exhaustive screens for suppressors were performed. Proximal suppressors were accurately discriminated from distal suppressors based on their phenotypes when present as single mutants. Experimentally identified putative proximal pairs formed spatial constraints to recover >98% of native-like models of CcdB from a decoy dataset. Suppressor methodology was also applied to the integral membrane protein, diacylglycerol kinase A where the structures determined by X-ray crystallography and NMR were significantly different. Suppressor as well as sequence co-variation data clearly point to the Xray structure being the functional one adopted in vivo. The methodology is applicable to any macromolecular system for which a convenient phenotypic assay exists.


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This paper presents a fully anisotropic analysis of strip electric saturation model proposed by Gao et al. (1997) (Gao, H.J., Zhang, T.Y., Tong, P., 1997. Local and global energy release rates for an electrically yielded crack in a piezoelectric ceramic. J. Mech. Phys. Solids, 45, 491-510) for piezoelectric materials. The relationship between the size of the strip saturation zone ahead of a crack tip and the applied electric displacement field is established. It is revealed that the critical fracture stresses for a crack perpendicular to the poling axis is linearly decreased with the increase of the positive applied electric field and increases linearly with the increase of the negative applied electric field. For a crack parallel to the poring axis, the failure stress is not effected by the parallel applied electric field. In order to analyse the existed experimental results, the stress fields ahead of the tip of an elliptic notch in an infinite piezoelectric solid are calculated. The critical maximum stress criterion is adopted for determining the fracture stresses under different remote electric displacement fields. The present analysis indicates that the crack initiation and propagation from the tip of a sharp elliptic notch could be aided or impeded by an electric displacement field depending on the field direction. The fracture stress predicted by the present analysis is consistent with the experimental data given by Park and Sun (1995) (Park, S., Sun, C.T., 1995. Fracture criteria for piezoelectric materials. J. Am. Ceram. Soc 78, 1475-1480).


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A passively mode-locked optically-pumped InGaAs/GaAs quantum well laser with an intracavity semiconductor saturable absorber mirror emits sub-100-fs pulses. Pulse energy declines steeply as pulse duration is reduced below 100 fs due to gain saturation. © 2010 Optical Society of America.