42 resultados para sanding
The hardness has an important role in quality control, in research studies and metallurgical and mechanical specification, selection and comparison of various materials. This property is of extreme importance in the oil industry because it is a determining factor to ascertain the safety of the material used in pressure vessels and pipelines. Due to the inability to stop the equipment while checking the hardness, the hardness testers are widely used portable method UCI, its great advantage is the fact that an essay fast, simple realization and not be considered a non-destructive testing with a good relationship money. The objective is to determine if there is significant difference in hardness measurements between 80 and 1200 sandpaper using a portable hardness tester UCI method, the material applied in gas storage spheres composition ASTM 516 Gr 70. After determining the number of homogeneity, we performed the hardness profile to isolate the major factors influencing the hardness part: cold rolling and segregation of impurities. Factors Cooling and sanding were analyzed using the method of design of experiments (DOE), in which it was demonstrated that neither variables nor their interactions, has significant influence on the hardness measurements by portable MIC 10. This fact will lead to reduction in time and cost for surface preparation
In 2010, the Brazilian forest sector is represented by about 30,000 companies producing US$ 21 billion annually and account for approximately 5% of the gross domestic product (GDP) in the country. The sanding process is highly demanded in various stages of industrialization of the wood, when there is a need for a better quality surface finishing. The objective of this work was to analyze the influence of cutting speed and sandpaper granulometry on both the surface finishing of pieces of Eucalyptus grandis processed through tubular sanding and on the sanding efforts (force and power of sanding). Four cutting speeds were used (19.5, 22.7, 26 and 28.1 m/s), one advance speed (16 m/min) and three sets of sandpaper (80-100, 80-120 and 100-120) being one for chipping and another for finishing, respectively. A central data acquisition system was set up to capture the variables (cutting power, acoustic emission and vibration) in real time. The cutting force was obtained indirectly, through a frequency inverter. The roughness of the parts was measured by a roughness meter before and after sanding. The highest cutting speed used (28.1 m/s) consumed more power and generated more acoustic emission among the four speeds tested. Regarding the vibration, the lower cutting speed (19.5 m/ s) generated the highest vibration in the sander machine. It is concluded that the range of 100-120 sandpapers resulted in values of average roughness (Ra) lower than the other sets of sandpaper used, as it resulted in better surface finishing.
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
This study aims to evaluate the corrosion resistance of Ti-30Ta alloy when subjected to different strain rates. Samples of the alloy Ti-30Ta were obtained from the melting of pure elements in the arc furnace in inert atmosphere (argon gas). Then, the samples were subjected to a thermal treatment and to cold worked to obtain bars. After forging, the samples were machined in accordance with ASTME9-09 standard for carried out compression tests. To microstructural characterization, samples were sectioned longitudinal and transversally and embedded in resin. After, the wet sanding and polishing were performed, followed by a chemical attack, in order to study the microstructure under an optical microscope. Microhardness was measured on the samples that were subjected to microstructural characterization by using microhardness tester. Phases were evaluated by x-rays diffraction. Corrosion tests were carried out to evaluate the influence of deformation on the corrosion resistance. Results show that microstructure was not influenced by deformation
This study aims to evaluate the corrosion resistance of Ti-30Ta alloy when subjected to different strain rates. Samples of the alloy Ti-30Ta were obtained from the melting of pure elements in the arc furnace in inert atmosphere (argon gas). Then, the samples were subjected to a thermal treatment and to cold worked to obtain bars. After forging, the samples were machined in accordance with ASTME9-09 standard for carried out compression tests. To microstructural characterization, samples were sectioned longitudinal and transversally and embedded in resin. After, the wet sanding and polishing were performed, followed by a chemical attack, in order to study the microstructure under an optical microscope. Microhardness was measured on the samples that were subjected to microstructural characterization by using microhardness tester. Phases were evaluated by x-rays diffraction. Corrosion tests were carried out to evaluate the influence of deformation on the corrosion resistance. Results show that microstructure was not influenced by deformation
The bonding quality of epoxy glued timber and glass fibre reinforced polymers (GFRP) was evaluated by means of compression loading shear test. Three timber species (Radiata pine, Laricio pine and Oak) and two kinds of GFRP (plates and rods made with polyester resin reinforced with mat and roving glass fibre) were glued and tested using three epoxy formulations. The increase in shear strength with age after the setting of epoxy formulations and the effect of surface roughness on timber and GRP gluing (the planing of the surface of timber and the previous sanding of GRP) were studied. It can be concluded that the mechanical properties of these products make them suitable for use in the reinforcement of deteriorated timber structures, and that a rough timber surface is preferable to a planed one, while the previous sanding of GRP surfaces is not advantageous.
The interest of this study is based on the observation that some manufacturing processes of various vehicles wings, such as unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV), or blades, such as wind turbine blades, or other devices that use aerodynamic profiles, produce imperfections in the leading edge or open trailing edge with bigger thickness than original airfoil, because, for example, they are manufactured in two parts, top surface and bottom surface and subsequently joined. In this last step might appear a sliding between the top surface and the bottom surface having a small step on the leading edge or a small thickness gain can occur on the trailing edge. Normally these imperfections are corrected through a refill and/or sanding processes using many hours of manual labor. Therefore the initial objective of this research is to determine the level of influence in the aerodynamic characteristics at low Reynolds numbers (Lissaman, 1981, Carmichael, 1981, Nagamatsu and Cuche, 1981, Schmitz, 1957, Cebeci, 1989, Mueller and Batill, 1982) of these imperfections in the manufacture, and determine whether there may be a value for which it would not be necessary to correct them
OBJETOS TENACES versa sobre la práctica del adaptive reuse (la “reutilización adaptativa”, la reconversión) explicado a través del fenómeno de ruptura, suspensión y reconfiguración de vínculos que el objeto arquitectónico tiene con respecto a su medio económico, sociocultural, normativo y de utilitas. Se trata de un fenómeno en tres fases, muy próximo al mecanismo empleado por el readymade y por el display, que en arquitectura parte de la crisis que supone un cambio de circunstancias, un desarraigo del objeto respecto de su ámbito anterior. El mecanismo tiene vocación de intervención mínima, desde un posicionamiento actual que comprende el mundo construido como una realidad “ya hecha”, y donde las operaciones de proyecto son acciones de transformación que llevan de una situación de obsolescencia a otra de vigencia renovada, es decir, de una realidad completa a otra igualmente completa. Para ello, la investigación se sirve de tres ejemplos de un mismo entorno geográfico (el área en torno a Meatpacking, en el lado oeste del bajo Manhattan, Nueva York) y temporal (las últimas décadas del siglo XX, en las que los casos se solapan a pesar de tener desarrollos cronológicos diversos). Bell Telephone Laboratories, The West Side Improvement y The National Biscuit Company, reconvertidos a Westbeth, a The High Line y a Chelsea Market, construyen juntos el argumento por suma de conceptos, por adición de fenómenos, estudiando las cualidades y las circunstancias que hacen posible la continuidad de las estructuras, es decir, su supervivencia. El texto forma un corpus que proporciona algunas de las claves del objeto denominado como tenaz a través del análisis sincrónico del antes y el después de su puesta en crisis. A tal efecto, se exponen una serie de figuras razonadas entre las cuales figuran el lijado del barniz, los hilos compartidos, la máscara, la momificación y la vitrina, el puente sobre le desfiladero, el enfriamiento, o las reliquias, incrustaciones y adherencias, todas ellas encaminadas a explicar el proceso de renovación del artefacto como un cambio en el sentido, en el significado, y no tanto en lo material. Entre las consideraciones de la tesis está, por un lado, el carácter relativo del término tenacidad, concepto que define a los objetos que se encuentran y se reconocen en su idoneidad, que tienen capacidad de adaptación, y que precisan finalmente de grandes dosis de pragmatismo para su reconfiguración, siendo todas éstas condiciones necesarias pero sólo suficientes a posteriori. Por otro lado, el texto reflexiona acerca del intangible que comparten todos los objetos así llamados y que consiste en la condición, quizá formidable, de ser reconocibles por parte de los sucesivos intervinientes de su historia, convencidos de que su renovación supone una oportunidad; su desaparición, una pérdida. Finalmente, la investigación apunta hacia el concepto de anacronismo como justificación para los objetos que se demuestran adaptables a épocas sucesivas, y que encajan en el tiempo de forma compleja. ABSTRACT TENACIOUS OBJECTS deals with the practice of the adaptive reuse explained by means of the phenomenon of rupture, suspension and reconfiguration of links that the architectural object has vis-à-vis its economic, socio-cultural and regulatory environment, and its utilitas. It is a phenomenon structured in three stages, very close to the mechanism used by the readymade and by the display, which in architecture arise from the crisis that leads to a change in circumstances, an alienation of the object regarding its previous environment. The mechanism aims to the minimum intervention, from a current positioning which understands the world built as a reality “already made”, and where the operations of the project are transformative actions that take us from a situation of obsolescence to a situation of renewed validity, that is, from a complete reality to one just as complete. For this purpose, the research makes use of three examples in the same geographical area (the Meatpacking Discrict, in the Lower West Side of Manhattan, New York) and the same period (the last decades of the 20th century, in which the cases overlap in spite of their diverse chronological developments). Bell Telephone Laboratories, The West Side Improvement and The National Biscuit Company, reconverted into Westbeth, The High Line and Chelsea Market, make up, together, the argument as a sum of concepts, and addition of phenomena, studying the qualities and circumstances which make the continuity of the structures possible, that is, their survival. The text forms a corpus that provides some of the keys of the so-called tenacious object by means of the synchronic analysis of before and after its crisis. To this end, a series of reasoned figures is presented, including the sanding of varnish, the shared threads, the mask, the mummification and the display cabinet, the bridge over the gorge, cooling, or the relics, incrustations and adherences, all of them aimed at explaining the renovation process of the artifact as a change in the sense and the meaning, rather than the material. The considerations of this dissertation include, on the one hand, the relative nature of the term tenacity, a concept which defines the objects found and recognized in their suitability, that are capable of adapting and which finally require large doses of pragmatism for their reconfiguration, all these conditions being necessary but only sufficient a posteriori. On the other hand, the text reflects on the intangible shared among all the so-called objects, and which consists of the condition, perhaps extraordinary, of being recognized by the subsequent interveners of their history, convinced that their renovation represents an opportunity; their disappearance, a loss. Finally, the dissertation studies the concept of anachronism as a justification for the objects that prove to adapt to subsequent periods, and which fit in time in a complex manner.
Catalogue and invitation card for Exhibition at Eagle Gallery, London. 16 June – 16 July 2016 “My paintings are like ghost schema, assemblages of images and surfaces that generate spectral encounters.” James Fisher’s paintings are carefully calibrated. They explore dualities and employ complex visual palimpsests to construct images that are rich with association. Abstract and figurative motifs are laid on different layers of their surfaces, covered over, and re-discovered through sanding back the paint. As a former British School at Rome Scholar, Fisher’s early work was influenced by the study of fresco painting and he retains an approach that allows for time and chance to enter the process of painting. Fabrication – in the sense both of making things and making things up – produces enigmatic and mysterious results. Many of Fisher’s recent paintings are titled after notable, now forgotten women, or after characters from folklore and comic books. The range of subject matter allows him to conflate biography with fiction, and to borrow from a wide range of visual sources for patterned elements that formally hold in place the more fugitive suggestions of the images. Fisher’s fourth solo exhibition at the Eagle Gallery coincides with the selection of two works in this year’s Royal Academy Summer Exhibition, and his inclusion in Towards Night – a forthcoming exhibition at the Towner, Eastbourne.
La performance d’un produit de finition sur le bois est influencée par la manière dont la surface est préparée. Le ponçage est très utilisé pour préparer les surfaces lors de la finition. Toutefois, ce procédé génère une grande quantité de poussières. Ainsi, les effets des procédés d’usinage sur les propriétés de surface, la performance d’un vernis et l’émission de poussières ont été étudiés dans le but de déterminer les modes de préparation des surfaces les plus adéquats pour le bois de chêne rouge. Dans un premier volet, les propriétés de surface et la performance d’un vernis ont été évaluées sur les surfaces préparées à l’aide du procédé traditionnel de ponçage et de trois procédés alternatifs de rabotage soit la coupe périphérique droite, la coupe hélicoïdale et la coupe oblique. La qualité de surface a été évaluée au moyen des caractéristiques de rugosité, d’endommagement cellulaire et de mouillabilité. Des essais de résistance à l’adhésion d’un vernis d’usage intérieur ont été effectués avant et après un traitement de vieillissement accéléré. Les résultats ont montré que le ponçage a induit une rugosité et un niveau de fibrillation supérieurs à ceux des autres procédés, ainsi qu’une mouillabilité et une adhésion du vernis après vieillissement accéléré élevées. Les surfaces rabotées avec la coupe périphérique droite ont présenté un certain niveau de fibrillation, une rugosité et une mouillabilité intermédiaires. Néanmoins, l’adhésion du vernis après vieillissement a été également inférieure par rapport aux autres procédés. La coupe hélicoïdale a produit une rugosité intermédiaire. D’autre part, la coupe oblique a été le procédé qui a présenté une perte d’adhésion après vieillissement similaire au ponçage. Ce procédé a généré des surfaces lisses avec rugosité et mouillabilité intermédiaires. Sur la base des résultats obtenus, le ponçage à l’aide d’un programme P100-grain et une vitesse d’avance de 7 m/min, la coupe périphérique droite avec un angle d’attaque de 25° et une onde d’usinage de 1,0 mm, la coupe hélicoïdale avec une onde d’usinage de 1,0 mm et la coupe oblique realisé avec un angle oblique de 15° ont permis d’obtenir les meilleures conditions d’usinage pour chaque procédé. Dans un deuxième volet, l’effet de différents paramètres de coupe sur l’émission de poussières et la rugosité de la surface a été étudié lors de la coupe hélicoïdale. Les émissions de poussières ont diminué avec la diminution de laprofondeur de coupe et l’augmentation de l’épaisseur moyenne du copeau. Cependant, les surfaces obtenues avec l’épaisseur moyenne du copeau plus élevée ont présenté une rugosité supérieure. Par contre, si une surface plus lisse est requise, une vitesse d’avance intermédiaire doit être utilisée afin de diminuer la rugosité des surfaces sans exposer les travailleurs à des niveaux élevés de poussière de bois. Par ailleurs, l’émission de poussières pour chaque fraction de particules peut être estimée à travers les modèles développés.
Devido às necessidades da indústria atual é cada vez mais importante a utilização de métodos de união de materiais distintos. A utilização de adesivos no processo de produção de materiais compósitos tem uma grande aplicação, uma vez que permite ligar os diferentes materiais e ainda reduzir significativamente o peso do conjunto. Este trabalho teve como principal objetivo aumentar a resistência à delaminação de materiais compósitos no sentido da espessura, concretamente dos plásticos reforçados com fibras de carbono (CFRP), através da utilização de placas da liga de alumínio 2024-T3. Este conceito é muito semelhante ao utilizado nos laminados por fibras e metal (LFM) para aumentar a sua resistência à delaminação. Pretendeu-se também a identificação da configuração da junta que apresenta melhores resultados, comparativamente à junta de referência composta apenas por CFRP. Inicialmente, produziram-se apenas juntas de CFRP que foram utilizadas como comparação com os laminados de fibras e metal. Com o objetivo de melhorar a adesão entre os CFRP e a liga de alumínio, foram realizados três tratamentos superficiais diferentes, nomeadamente a lixagem, a anodização e o ataque com ácido. Posteriormente, foram produzidas as juntas com as seguintes configurações: CFRP-AL-CFRP, CFRP-AL-CFRP-AL-CFRP e AL-CFRP-AL. A realização deste trabalho permitiu concluir que com a adição de placas de alumínio, se conseguiu um melhoramento da resistência à delaminação das fibras de carbono e ainda um aumento da resistência específica no sentido da sua espessura. A JSS com a configuração AL-CFRP-AL e com comprimento de sobreposição de 50 mm foi a configuração que apresentou uma força de rotura mais elevada, ou seja, uma maior resistência à delaminação, comparativamente à junta de referência e às restantes configurações em estudo. A falha coesiva verificada perto da interface da junta AL-CFRP-AL, pode ser devida ao elevado comprimento de sobreposição e às diferentes elasticidades do alumínio e do CFRP, o que naturalmente levou a elevadas tensões localizadas nas extremidades da junta. Os resultados demostraram que é possível aumentar a resistência transversal do compósito utilizando uma placa de alumínio.
Natural stone has been a popular and reliable building material throughout history appearing in many historic monuments and in more recent buildings. Research into the intrinsic properties of specific stones is important because it gives us a greater understanding of the factors that limit and act on them. This can help prevent serious problems from occurring in our buildings bringing both esthetic benefits and financial savings. To this end, the main objective of this research has been to study the influence of the fabric and the mineral composition of two types of sandstone on their durability. The first is a red continental sandstone from the Buntsandstein Age called “Molinaza Roja”, which is quarried in Montoro (Cordoba). The second is quarried in Ronda (Malaga) and is sold under the trade name of “Arenisca Ronda”. It is a light pink-whitish calcarenite deposited during the Late Tortonian to Late Messinian. We characterized their petrological and petrophysical properties by studying their rock fabrics, porous systems and mechanical properties. In order to obtain a complete vision of the behavior of their rock fabrics, we also carried out two decay tests, the salt crystallization and the freeze–thaw tests. We then measured the effects on the textures of the altered samples during and after the decay tests and we evaluated the changes in the porous system. By comparing the results between intact and altered samples, we found that Arenisca Ronda is less durable because it has a high quantity of expandable clays (smectites) and a high percentage of pores in the 0.1–1 μm range, in which the pressure produced by salt crystallization is strongest. In Molinaza Roja the decay agents caused significant sanding due to loss of cohesion between the clasts, especially during the salt crystallization test. In both stones, the anisotropies (oriented textures) have an important role in their hydric and dynamic behavior and also affect their mechanical properties (especially in the compression resistance). No changes in color were detected.