891 resultados para sampling error
Abstract Background An important challenge for transcript counting methods such as Serial Analysis of Gene Expression (SAGE), "Digital Northern" or Massively Parallel Signature Sequencing (MPSS), is to carry out statistical analyses that account for the within-class variability, i.e., variability due to the intrinsic biological differences among sampled individuals of the same class, and not only variability due to technical sampling error. Results We introduce a Bayesian model that accounts for the within-class variability by means of mixture distribution. We show that the previously available approaches of aggregation in pools ("pseudo-libraries") and the Beta-Binomial model, are particular cases of the mixture model. We illustrate our method with a brain tumor vs. normal comparison using SAGE data from public databases. We show examples of tags regarded as differentially expressed with high significance if the within-class variability is ignored, but clearly not so significant if one accounts for it. Conclusion Using available information about biological replicates, one can transform a list of candidate transcripts showing differential expression to a more reliable one. Our method is freely available, under GPL/GNU copyleft, through a user friendly web-based on-line tool or as R language scripts at supplemental web-site.
SUMMARY Campylobacteriosis has been the most common food-associated notifiable infectious disease in Switzerland since 1995. Contact with and ingestion of raw or undercooked broilers are considered the dominant risk factors for infection. In this study, we investigated the temporal relationship between the disease incidence in humans and the prevalence of Campylobacter in broilers in Switzerland from 2008 to 2012. We use a time-series approach to describe the pattern of the disease by incorporating seasonal effects and autocorrelation. The analysis shows that prevalence of Campylobacter in broilers, with a 2-week lag, has a significant impact on disease incidence in humans. Therefore Campylobacter cases in humans can be partly explained by contagion through broiler meat. We also found a strong autoregressive effect in human illness, and a significant increase of illness during Christmas and New Year's holidays. In a final analysis, we corrected for the sampling error of prevalence in broilers and the results gave similar conclusions.
El propósito de este estudio fue la construcción y validación de un instrumento de medición de barreras a la práctica de la actividad física y deportiva por parte de las personas adultas desde la teoría ecológico social y analizar la presencia de las diferentes barreras así como las innovaciones y alternativas de conciliación a las barreras relacionadas con el empleo, el cuidado de hijos e hijas y las tareas del hogar, identificando las posibles diferencias existentes en función del género y del tipo de demanda en la población adulta de la Comunidad de Madrid. Se ha realizado un estudio cuantitativo, descriptivo y transversal en una muestra representativa de la población residente en la Comunidad de Madrid entre 30 y 64 años. El tipo de muestreo fue probabilístico, de tipo polietápico según tamaño demográfico de municipio y género, con un margen de error del ± 5,27% y un intervalo de confianza del 95,5%. El tamaño de la muestra final fue de 360 personas (50,3% mujeres, 49,7% hombres), quienes completaron un cuestionario estructurado mediante entrevista personal cara a cara en su domicilio entre octubre y diciembre de 2011, que incluía una escala de barreras específica, así como sub-cuestionarios de innovaciones y alternativas de conciliación vinculados a los tres ítems relacionados con el empleo, cuidado de hijos e hijas y hogar de la escala de barreras. La escala de barreras fue completada por las personas practicantes de actividad física y deportiva que deseaban realizar otra actividad, es decir, por la Demanda Establecida, así como por las personas no practicantes pero deseosas de hacerlo o Demanda Latente, y las personas no practicantes no interesadas en practicar o Demanda Ausente (n=246). Las personas que alcanzaron elevadas puntuaciones en los tres ítems de la escala de barreras vinculados al empleo, cuidado de hijos e hijas y hogar, completaron sub-cuestionarios específicos de innovaciones y alternativas de conciliación vinculados a estas barreras. Para el estudio métrico de los ítems y la dimesionalidad de la escala de barreras se llevaron a cabo análisis descriptivos de los ítems, análisis correlacionales y análisis factoriales exploratorios (AFE). Como resultado se obtuvo una escala de barreras constituida por 13 ítems que explicaron el 59,1% de la variabilidad total de los datos, agrupados en cuatro dimensiones denominadas: Barreras Interpersonales (2 ítems), Barreras Individuales (4 ítems), Barreras Comunidad-Institucionales (4 ítems) y Barreras Obligaciones-Tiempo (3 ítems). Los datos de la escala de barreras y los sub-cuestionarios de innovaciones y alternativas de conciliación fueron analizados con el SPSS v. 18. Para la comparación de variables cuantitativas y ordinales se utilizaron ANOVAS de dos factores (género por tipo de demanda), el tamaño del efecto para esta prueba se cuantificó mediante eta cuadrado. Los resultados se expresaron como porcentajes para las variables nominales y como medias y desviaciones típicas para las variables ordinales y cuantitativas. El nivel de riesgo se fijó en 0,05. El instrumento presentó una fiabilidad aceptable (α=0,58) en consonancia con el modelo ecológico social presentando dimensiones que explicaron los niveles de influencia de las diferentes esferas. Los resultados obtenidos permitieron avalar tanto la adecuación de las propiedades psicométricas de los ítems, así como la validez y fiabilidad de la escala de barreras para la práctica de actividad física y deportiva. Los distintos análisis realizados han aportado evidencia de la validez de una estructura de cuatro dimensiones acorde a los planteamientos teóricos previos de los modelos ecológicos sociales. En la dimensión barreras Individuales se identificaron diferencias según el tipo de demanda (F2,237=40,28; p<0,001; η2=0,25) y el género (F1,237=8,72; p<0,01; η2=0,84). En la dimensión barreras Interpersonales se identificaron diferencias de género (F1,239 =14,9; p<0,01; η2=0,06) pero no entre demandas (F2,239=2,35; p>0,05; 1-β=0,47). En la dimensión Barreras Obligaciones-Tiempo se identificaron diferencias en función del tipo de demanda (F2,239=3,88; p<0,05; η2=0,03) sin presentar diferencias entre hombres y mujeres (F1,239=1,06; p>0,05; 1-β=0,18). Por último, en la dimensión Comunidad Institucionales, se identificaron diferencias en función del tipo de demanda (F2,240=5,69; p<0,01; η2=0,045) y no hubo diferencias en función del género (F1,240=0,65; p>0,05; 1-β=0,13). Las innovaciones y alternativas de conciliación relacionadas con el empleo más valoradas fueron la de flexibilidad en los horarios de trabajo y adecuación de horarios; las más valoradas relacionadas con la barrera cuidado de hijos fueron que en la instalación deportiva se ofertaran actividades físicas conjuntas, en las en las que pudiesen participar madres e hijos y que la instalación deportiva ofreciera, en el mismo horario, actividades para ellos y sus hijos, y, por último, las más valoradas en relación con las tareas del hogar, una mayor implicación de la pareja seguida por una mayor implicación de los hijos. ABSTRACT The objectives of this study were to build and validate an instrument to measure the barriers of adult people to the practice of sport and physical activities from the perspective of the social-ecological theory, analyse the presence of the different barriers, as well as the innovations and alternatives regarding conciliation with work and the care of children and home as barriers, identifying the possible differences that exist based on gender and the type of demand of the adult population within the Community of Madrid. For this, a quantitative, descriptive and transversal study was carried out on a representative sample of the resident population of the Community of Madrid, ages ranging from 30 to 64 years old. Given that is an infinite or very large population, and working with an interval of confidence of the 95,5%, and assuming in the population variance, the worst case of p equal to q, the margin of sampling error was ± 5,27. The sample consisted of 360 people (50,3% women, 49,7% men), who completed a questionnaire during face-to-face personal interviews between October and December 2011. The questionnaire included a scale of specific barriers, as well as sub-questionnaires on the innovations and alternatives linked to the three items regarding work, the care of children and home of the barriers scale. The barriers scale was completed by people who practice physical and sport activities and wanted to do other activities, i.e. by the Established Demand; by people who do not practice these activities but would like to do so, i.e. Latent Demand; and by people who do not practice these activities and have no desire to do so, i.e. Absent Demand (n=246). The people who peaked on the three items of the barriers scale regarding work, the care of children and home, then completed specific sub-questionnaires on the innovations and alternatives for conciliation related to these barriers. The metric study of the items and the dimensionality of the barriers scale was carried out through descriptive analyses of the items, as well as correlation analyses and exploratory factor analyses (EFA). This resulted in a barriers scale composed of 13 items that explained 59,1% of the total variability of the data, grouped in four dimensions as follows: Interpersonal Barriers (2 items), Individual Barriers (4 items), Community-Institutional Barriers (4 items) and Obligations-Time Barriers (3 items). The data obtained from the barriers scale and sub-questionnaires on the innovations and alternatives for conciliation were analyzed using software SPSS v. 18. Two-way ANOVA (gender by type of demand) was used for the comparison of quantitative and ordinal variables, and the effect size for this test was quantified with eta squared. The results were expressed as percentages for nominal variables, and as means and standard deviations for quantitative and ordinal variables. The level of risk was set at 0,05. The instrument showed an acceptable reliability (α=0,58) in line with the social-ecological model, providing dimensions that explained the influence levels of the different spheres. The results obtained establish both the adaptation of the psychometric properties of the items, and the validity and reliability of the barriers scale for the practice of physical and sport activities. The different analyses have supported the validity of a four-dimensional structure consistent with the previous theoretical approaches on the social-ecological models, while showing adequate statistical indices. The differences identified in the Individual Barriers dimension were based on the type of demand (F2,237=40,28; p<0,001; η2=0,25) and gender (F1,237=8,72; p<0,01; η2=0,84). The differences identified in the Interpersonal Barriers dimension were based on gender (F1,239 =14,9; p<0,01; η2=0,06) but not on demand (F2,239=2,35; p>0,05; 1-β=0,47). The differences identified for the Obligations-Time Barriers dimension were based on the type of demand (F2,239=3,88; p<0,05; η2=0,03) and did not show differences between men and women (F1,239=1,06; p>0,05; 1-β=0,18). Finally, the differences identified for the Community-Institutional Barriers dimension were based on the type of demand (F2,240=5,69; p<0,01; η2=0,045) and provided no differences based on gender (F1,240=0,65; p>,05; 1-β=0,13). The most valued innovations and alternatives for conciliation regarding work were the adaptation and flexibility of working hours and timetables; the most valued related to the care of children were the offer of joint activities for adults and children in sport centres, as well as separate activities within the same timetable; and, finally, the most valued regarding the home was a higher degree of participation and involvement on the part of the spouse or partner, followed by a higher degree of participation and involvement on the part of the children.
Census data on endangered species are often sparse, error-ridden, and confined to only a segment of the population. Estimating trends and extinction risks using this type of data presents numerous difficulties. In particular, the estimate of the variation in year-to-year transitions in population size (the “process error” caused by stochasticity in survivorship and fecundities) is confounded by the addition of high sampling error variation. In addition, the year-to-year variability in the segment of the population that is sampled may be quite different from the population variability that one is trying to estimate. The combined effect of severe sampling error and age- or stage-specific counts leads to severe biases in estimates of population-level parameters. I present an estimation method that circumvents the problem of age- or stage-specific counts and is markedly robust to severe sampling error. This method allows the estimation of environmental variation and population trends for extinction-risk analyses using corrupted census counts—a common type of data for endangered species that has hitherto been relatively unusable for these analyses.
First principles simulations of the quantum dynamics of interacting Bose gases using the stochastic gauge representation are analysed. In a companion paper, we showed how the positive-P representation can be applied to these problems using stochastic differential equations. That method, however, is limited by increased sampling error as time evolves. Here, we show how the sampling error can be greatly reduced and the simulation time significantly extended using stochastic gauges. In particular, local stochastic gauges (a subset) are investigated. Improvements are confirmed in numerical calculations of single-, double- and multi-mode systems in the weak-mode coupling regime. Convergence issues are investigated, including the recognition of two modes by which stochastic equations produced by phase-space methods in general can diverge: movable singularities and a noise-weight relationship. The example calculated here displays wave-like behaviour in spatial correlation functions propagating in a uniform 1D gas after a sudden change in the coupling constant. This could in principle be tested experimentally using Feshbach resonance methods.
As a new medium for questionnaire delivery, the internet has the potential to revolutionise the survey process. Online (web-based) questionnaires provide several advantages over traditional survey methods in terms of cost, speed, appearance, flexibility, functionality, and usability [1, 2]. For instance, delivery is faster, responses are received more quickly, and data collection can be automated or accelerated [1- 3]. Online-questionnaires can also provide many capabilities not found in traditional paper-based questionnaires: they can include pop-up instructions and error messages; they can incorporate links; and it is possible to encode difficult skip patterns making such patterns virtually invisible to respondents. Like many new technologies, however, online-questionnaires face criticism despite their advantages. Typically, such criticisms focus on the vulnerability of online-questionnaires to the four standard survey error types: namely, coverage, non-response, sampling, and measurement errors. Although, like all survey errors, coverage error (“the result of not allowing all members of the survey population to have an equal or nonzero chance of being sampled for participation in a survey” [2, pg. 9]) also affects traditional survey methods, it is currently exacerbated in online-questionnaires as a result of the digital divide. That said, many developed countries have reported substantial increases in computer and internet access and/or are targeting this as part of their immediate infrastructural development [4, 5]. Indicating that familiarity with information technologies is increasing, these trends suggest that coverage error will rapidly diminish to an acceptable level (for the developed world at least) in the near future, and in so doing, positively reinforce the advantages of online-questionnaire delivery. The second error type – the non-response error – occurs when individuals fail to respond to the invitation to participate in a survey or abandon a questionnaire before it is completed. Given today’s societal trend towards self-administration [2] the former is inevitable, irrespective of delivery mechanism. Conversely, non-response as a consequence of questionnaire abandonment can be relatively easily addressed. Unlike traditional questionnaires, the delivery mechanism for online-questionnaires makes estimation of questionnaire length and time required for completion difficult1, thus increasing the likelihood of abandonment. By incorporating a range of features into the design of an online questionnaire, it is possible to facilitate such estimation – and indeed, to provide respondents with context sensitive assistance during the response process – and thereby reduce abandonment while eliciting feelings of accomplishment [6]. For online-questionnaires, sampling error (“the result of attempting to survey only some, and not all, of the units in the survey population” [2, pg. 9]) can arise when all but a small portion of the anticipated respondent set is alienated (and so fails to respond) as a result of, for example, disregard for varying connection speeds, bandwidth limitations, browser configurations, monitors, hardware, and user requirements during the questionnaire design process. Similarly, measurement errors (“the result of poor question wording or questions being presented in such a way that inaccurate or uninterpretable answers are obtained” [2, pg. 11]) will lead to respondents becoming confused and frustrated. Sampling, measurement, and non-response errors are likely to occur when an online-questionnaire is poorly designed. Individuals will answer questions incorrectly, abandon questionnaires, and may ultimately refuse to participate in future surveys; thus, the benefit of online questionnaire delivery will not be fully realized. To prevent errors of this kind2, and their consequences, it is extremely important that practical, comprehensive guidelines exist for the design of online questionnaires. Many design guidelines exist for paper-based questionnaire design (e.g. [7-14]); the same is not true for the design of online questionnaires [2, 15, 16]. The research presented in this paper is a first attempt to address this discrepancy. Section 2 describes the derivation of a comprehensive set of guidelines for the design of online-questionnaires and briefly (given space restrictions) outlines the essence of the guidelines themselves. Although online-questionnaires reduce traditional delivery costs (e.g. paper, mail out, and data entry), set up costs can be high given the need to either adopt and acquire training in questionnaire development software or secure the services of a web developer. Neither approach, however, guarantees a good questionnaire (often because the person designing the questionnaire lacks relevant knowledge in questionnaire design). Drawing on existing software evaluation techniques [17, 18], we assessed the extent to which current questionnaire development applications support our guidelines; Section 3 describes the framework used for the evaluation, and Section 4 discusses our findings. Finally, Section 5 concludes with a discussion of further work.
We are the first to examine the market reaction to 13 announcement dates related to IFRS 9 for over 5400 European listed firms. We find an overall positive reaction to the introduction of IFRS 9. The regulation is particularly beneficial to shareholders of firms in countries with weaker rule of law and a smaller divergence between local GAAP and IAS 39. Bootstrap simulations rule out the possibility that sampling error or data mining are driving our findings. Our main findings are also robust to confounding events and the extent of the media coverage for each event. These results suggest that investors perceive the new regulation as shareholder-wealth enhancing and support the view that stronger comparability across accounting standards of European firms is beneficial to international investors and outweighs the costs of poorer firm-specific information.
The purpose of this study was to conduct a meta-analysis of the relationship between self-esteem and job performance. Overall, 49 studies were gathered and coded by their sample size, correlation estimate, and the reliability of the two measures being correlated. The data was processed using the interactive meta-analysis program called INTNL, which takes into account interactive effects between the artifacts (i.e., unreliability in the independent and dependent measures as well as sampling error). Analyses of four potential moderators were examined--type of self-esteem, the source of job performance, the type of setting and the type of self-esteem measures. Results indicated that the relationship between self-esteem and job performance is positive. However, there was only a weak support for moderating influences. Procedures to enhance employees' self-esteem are recommended. ^
This study aimed to measure the perception of maturity project management of state boards of Rio Grande do Norte by the perception of its managers. Argues that project management has been highlighted as a critical factor for the success of any organization, because the projects are directly related to the set of activities that result in organizational innovation as products, services and processes and the improvement of project management is directly aligned with the main pillars of the New Public Management. Methodologically, this is a quantitative research of a descriptive nature in which 161 forms were applied with coordinators and subcoordinators of state departments of Rio Grande do Norte, culminating in a sampling error of less than 6% to 95% confidence according to the procedures finite sampling. The process of tabulation and analysis was done using the package Statistical Package for Social Sciences - SPSS 18.0 and worked with techniques such as mean, standard deviation, frequency distributions, cluster analysis and factor analysis. The results indicate that the levels of maturity in project management in state departments of Rio Grande do Norte is below the national average and that behavioral skills are the main problem for improving management in these departments. It was possible to detect the existence of two groups of different perceptions about the management of projects, indicating, according to the managers, there are islands of excellence in project management in some sectors of the state departments. It was also observed that there are eight factors that affect maturity in project management: Planning and Control , Development of Management Skills , Project Management Environment , Acceptance of the Subject Project Management , Stimulus to Performance , Project Evaluation and Learning , Project Management Office and Visibility of Project Managers . It concludes that the project management in state departments of Rio Grande do Norte has no satisfactory levels of maturity in project management, affecting the levels of efficiency and effectiveness of the state apparatus, which shows that some of the assumptions that guide the New Public Management are not getting the levels of excellence nailed by this management model
O Cancro do Colo do Útero (CCU) é uma das principais causas de morte por neoplasia nas mulheres, em todo o mundo. A principal etiologia do CCU é a infeção persistente pelas estirpes oncogénicas do Vírus do Papiloma Humano (HPV) (Ferreira, 2013). Esta temática é de grande interesse para a Saúde Pública por se tratar de uma infeção que na maioria dos casos se apresenta de forma assintomática, afetando ambos os sexos (Leite, Lisboa, & Azevedo, 2011). O presente trabalho tem como objetivos avaliar os conhecimentos dos alunos do Ensino Secundário do Agrupamento de escolas Emidio Garcia, em Bragança, sobre o HPV e CCU e conhecer os dados referentes à cobertura vacinal da população do Concelho de Bragança, relativamente à vacina do HPV no ano de 2014. O estudo efetuado é de tipologia observacional-descritivo e correlacional, de paradigma quantitativo através de um processo sistemático de recolha de dados, num plano transversal. Numa amostra de 196 alunos do ensino secundário do Agrupamento de escolas Emídio Garcia em Bragança, com base num erro amostral de 5%, com um nível de confiança de fidelidade de 95%, classificada como amostra não probabilística, acidental/ocasional. O instrumento de recolha de dados utilizado foi um questionário da autoria de Diana Ramada e Rui Medeiros, validado e devidamente autorizado. As principais conclusões do estudo relativamente aos conhecimentos sobre esta temática por parte dos alunos, revelam que o maior conhecimento reside nos mais jovens com idades compreendidas entre os 15 e 16 anos em relação aos alunos de 18 e 19 anos. São alunos que estão bem informados no que diz respeito às manifestações e aos fatores de risco da infeção por HPV, conscientes de que afeta tanto o sexo feminino com o masculino e que os indivíduos do sexo masculino podem ser portadores assintomáticos. Reconhecem que a infeção pelo vírus do HPV é curável e que a persistência desta infeção pode provocar CCU. Existe uma lacuna relativamente ao HPV ser o agente mais comum das IST, em que 93,4% dos inquiridos respondeu ser o HIV. Revelam desconhecimento relativamente à localização e modos de transmissão deste vírus. Manifestaram interesse por adquirir e aprofundar conhecimentos, assinalando a escola e os profissionais de saúde como centro de informação. Existe, no entanto, um aspeto positivo a concluir, ao se verificar que a vacinação tem uma grande adesão e que é cumprido o esperado pelo Plano Nacional de Vacinação, diminuindo o risco de infeção por HPV e em consequência reduzindo a incidência do CCU, por infeção persistente de HPV.
This study aimed to measure the perception of maturity project management of state boards of Rio Grande do Norte by the perception of its managers. Argues that project management has been highlighted as a critical factor for the success of any organization, because the projects are directly related to the set of activities that result in organizational innovation as products, services and processes and the improvement of project management is directly aligned with the main pillars of the New Public Management. Methodologically, this is a quantitative research of a descriptive nature in which 161 forms were applied with coordinators and subcoordinators of state departments of Rio Grande do Norte, culminating in a sampling error of less than 6% to 95% confidence according to the procedures finite sampling. The process of tabulation and analysis was done using the package Statistical Package for Social Sciences - SPSS 18.0 and worked with techniques such as mean, standard deviation, frequency distributions, cluster analysis and factor analysis. The results indicate that the levels of maturity in project management in state departments of Rio Grande do Norte is below the national average and that behavioral skills are the main problem for improving management in these departments. It was possible to detect the existence of two groups of different perceptions about the management of projects, indicating, according to the managers, there are islands of excellence in project management in some sectors of the state departments. It was also observed that there are eight factors that affect maturity in project management: Planning and Control , Development of Management Skills , Project Management Environment , Acceptance of the Subject Project Management , Stimulus to Performance , Project Evaluation and Learning , Project Management Office and Visibility of Project Managers . It concludes that the project management in state departments of Rio Grande do Norte has no satisfactory levels of maturity in project management, affecting the levels of efficiency and effectiveness of the state apparatus, which shows that some of the assumptions that guide the New Public Management are not getting the levels of excellence nailed by this management model
In a holistic conception of health, youth health is moderated by their self image and the perception that adolescents have of themselves is conditioned by social and cultural pressure, and low selfesteem is often observed, possibly caused by the way they perceive their own body, having as a consequence, an health proile with morbidities. Recognize the level of youth heath assessing Body Image perception and their concern with weight. It is a descriptive, quantitative and transversal study. Based on a sampling error lower than 5% and a conidence level of 95%, the study was carried out on a sample of 600 adolescents aged between 12 and 18. A self-ad-ministered questionnaire validated for adolescents was conducted by Di Pietro (2002). The sample is composed of 44% male and 56% female adolescents, with an age mean of 15.54. 61.2% of the boys and 83.6% of the girls stated to be concerned with their weight. The main reasons given for this concern were health associated with aesthetics (29.1% of boys and 38.5% of girls). The results show that 12.8% of boys and 23.5% of girls are dissatisied with their body image. The study revealed that the variable gender is statistically moderating in relation to the variables: body image perception and concern with weight: female adolescents show a higher dissatisfaction with their body image (0.003) and a bigger concern with weight (0.000). The results point out towards the need for assessment/ intervention in this population as body image represents a paramount issue in adolescence, with the body image self-perception being strongly associated with the biopsychosocial maturing process, which interferes with their level of health and personal and social development.
Background There is a paucity of data describing the prevalence of childhood refractive error in the United Kingdom. The Northern Ireland Childhood Errors of Refraction study, along with its sister study the Aston Eye Study, are the first population-based surveys of children using both random cluster sampling and cycloplegic autorefraction to quantify levels of refractive error in the United Kingdom. Methods Children aged 6–7 years and 12–13 years were recruited from a stratified random sample of primary and post-primary schools, representative of the population of Northern Ireland as a whole. Measurements included assessment of visual acuity, oculomotor balance, ocular biometry and cycloplegic binocular open-field autorefraction. Questionnaires were used to identify putative risk factors for refractive error. Results 399 (57%) of 6–7 years and 669 (60%) of 12–13 years participated. School participation rates did not vary statistically significantly with the size of the school, whether the school is urban or rural, or whether it is in a deprived/non-deprived area. The gender balance, ethnicity and type of schooling of participants are reflective of the Northern Ireland population. Conclusions The study design, sample size and methodology will ensure accurate measures of the prevalence of refractive errors in the target population and will facilitate comparisons with other population-based refractive data.